DPP Vseprt
DPP Vseprt
DPP Vseprt
1. In BrF3 molecule, the lone pairs occupy equatorial 7. Which is not true according to VBT-
positions to minimize: 1. A covalent bond is formed by the overlapping of
1. Lone pair-bond pair repulsion. orbitals with unpaired electrons of opposite spins.
2. A covalent bond is formed by the overlapping of
2. Bond pair-bond pair repulsion.
orbitals with unpaired electrons of same spin.
Lone pair-lone pair repulsion and lone pair-bond
3. 3. The greater the extent of overlapping the stronger is
pair repulsion.
the bond.
4. Lone pair-lone pair repulsion. 4. Overlapping takes place only in the direction of
maximum electron density of the orbital.
2. The correct order of the increasing bond angles in 8. The pair of electron in the given carbanion,
the following triatomic species is : CH3C≡C–, is present in which orbital?
1. NO− 2 < NO +
2 < NO 2
1. sp3
2. NO− < NO < NO +
2 2 2 2. sp2
3. NO+ 2 < NO 2 < NO −
2 3. sp
+ − 4. 2p
4. NO2 < NO2 < NO2
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Target DPP Test Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718
12. Among the following molecules, the one with the 17. Among the following, the correct statements about
largest bond angle at the central atom is CO2−3
1. CO2 a. The hybridisation of the central atom is sp3
2. POCl3
Its resonance structure has one C-O single bond and
3. BCl3 b.
two C=O double bonds
4. SO3 The average formal charge on each oxygen atom is
0.67 units
13. Which of the following species has tetrahedral d. All C-O bond lengths are equal
1. BH−4 Choose the correct option
2. NH−2 1. (a), (b)
3. CO2−
2. (b), (c)
4. H3 O + 3. (c), (d)
4. (b), (d)
14. A molecule having the smallest bond angle among
the following is :
1. SO2
18. Among the following, the incorrect statements are-
2. H2 O
3. H2 S NaCl being an ionic compound is a good conductor
4. NH3 of electricity in the solid-state
In canonical structure, there is a difference in the
15. A molecule or ion that has an unequal bond length arrangement of atoms
is: Hybrid orbitals form stronger bonds than pure
1. SF4 orbitals
2. SiF4 VSEPR theory can explain the square planar
3. XeF4 4.
geometry of XeF4
4. BF−4
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Target DPP Test Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718
20. Which one of the following compounds has the 25. Match List-I with List-II :
smallest bond angle in its molecule ? List-I List-II
1. SO2 (Molecules) (Shape)
2. H2O (a) NH3 (i) Square pyramidal
3. H2S (b) ClF3 (ii) Trigonal bipyramidal
4. NH3
(c) PCl5 (iii) Trigonal pyramidal
(d) BrF5 (iv) T-shape
21. In which of the following molecule is the bond
angle maximum? Choose the correct answer from the options given
1. NF3 below:
2. NH3 (a) (b) (c) (d)
3. P H3 1. (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
4. H2 O 2. (iii) (iv) (ii) (i)
3. (iv) (iii) (i) (ii)
22. Amongst the following, which one will have
4. (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
maximum 'lone pair - lone pair' electron repulsions?
1. XeF2
2. CIF3
3. IF5 26. The correct statement regarding CH4, NH3, and
4. SF4 H2O is:
1. The H-C-H bond angle in CH4, the H-N-H bond
23. Match the example in Column I with the name of angle in NH3, and H-O-H bond angle in H2O are all
the reaction in Column II. less than 90°
Column I Column II 2. The H-O-H bond angle in H2O is more than the H-
(i) BF3 (a) T-shape C-H bond angle in CH4
(ii) SF4 (b) Square planar 3. The H-O-H bond angle in H2O is less than the H-N-
(iii) XeF4 (c) See-saw H bond angle in NH3
(iv) ClF3 (d) Trigonal planar 4. The H-C-H bond angle in CH4 is less than the H-N-
H bond angle NH3
27. Select the correct option for the shape acquired by
1. d c b a
the following ions
2. a b c d
BH4− ; CO2− − −
3 ; ClO3 ; ClO4 respectively:
3. d a c d
4. b c d a 1. Tetrahedral; Planar; Pyramidal; Tetrahedral
2. Tetrahedral; Planar; Tetrahedral; Tetrahedral
3. Pyramidal; Planar; Tetrahedral; Tetrahedral
24. Among the following compounds, how many
contain two lone pairs on central atom? 4. Tetrahedral; Planar; Pyramidal; Pyramidal
XeF4, H2O, SF4, CF4
1. 4
2. 1
3. 2
4. 0
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Target DPP Test Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718
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