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Year 4 C3 L45 Reading LP

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Subject: English

Year: 4 Dahlia

Date/Day: 13th May 2022

Time: 10.30am - 11.00am (60 Minutes)

Theme: World of Knowledge

Topic: In the Past

Module: Reading

Integrated Skill: Speaking

Proficiency level: Low Proficiency

Previous Knowledge: 1. Pupils have learnt about past simple statements and
2. Pupils have understood the importance of appreciating
the history.
Content Standards: 3.2
Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital
texts by using appropriate reading strategies

Communicate appropriately to a small or large group
Learning Standards: 3.2.2
Understand specific information and details of simple texts of
one or two paragraphs

Narrate short basic stories
Learning Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
1. read the dialogues in the story entitled “The Honest
Woodcutter” with the correct intonation.
2. role play the story entitled “The Honest Woodcutter”
Language Content: i. Vocabulary: honest, woodcutter, axe, gold, silver, poor,
Educational Emphases:  Moral Values: Be honest
 Thinking Skills: Application, creation
 Multiple Intelligences: Visual spatial, verbal linguistic,
interpersonal, constructivism

Resources/ Big book, script, heart sign

Teaching aids:
Stage/Time Content Teaching-learning Activity Remarks
Set Introuction i. Teacher introduce Preparation Phase
Induction the short story (Setting the tone of
(5 minutes) Example of entitled “The Honest lesson)
Questions Woodcutter”
i. Have you
read this ii. Teacher asks pupils -To arouse pupils’
story several questions to interest
before? get pupils’ -To grab their attention
ii. Is it responses. -To introduce the topic
important to
be honest? iii. Teacher relates Teaching aid:
pupils’ responses
-Big Book
Expected with the activity for
Answers the day.
i. Yes/No
ii. Yes. iv. Teacher introduces
the moral value of
the lesson.
Presentation The Honest i. Teacher and pupils Imagination Phase
(15 minutes) Woodcutter read a story entitled (Exploring, generating,
“The Honest probing and
Vocabulary: Woodcutter”.
synthesising ideas)
i. woodcutter ii. Teacher introduces
ii. honest new vocabularies.
iii. Teacher asks -To generate pupils’
iii. poor
iv. axe questions to test thinking skills.
v. silver pupils’
vi. gold understanding. -To help pupils widen
vii. river iv. Pupils answer their vocabulary.
questions given by
v. Teacher corrects Teaching Aid:
pupils and give -Big book
Practice “Voice Acting” i. Teacher demonstrates Development Phase
(15 minutes) how to voice act. (Guided practice)
ii. Pupils volunteer to
voice act.
-To let the pupils’
iii. Teacher corrects pupils
and gives feedback. practice what they have
been taught during

Assessment for
learning objective

Teaching Aid:
-Big Book

Production “Role Play” i. Pupils volunteer to role Action Phase

(20 minutes) play the story entitled (Independent practice)
“The Honest
Woodcutter” -To encourage pupils to
ii. Teacher distributes collect more information
scripts to the volunteers
iii. Teacher distributes -To promote creativity
props and costumes to among pupils.
the volunteers.
iv. Pupils role play the -To incorporate multiple
story entitled “The intelligences
Honest Woodcutter”
v. Pupils raise heart sign if Assessment for
they like the learning objective
performance. (no.2)
i. Teacher corrects pupils
and give feedback. Teaching Aid:
-Heart Sign
i. Teacher recaps the Closure phase
Closure lesson. (Summary and
(5 minutes) reinforcement)
ii. Teacher explains
the purpose of the
activity. -To recall and sum up
the lesson of the day.

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