Year 4 C3 L45 Reading LP
Year 4 C3 L45 Reading LP
Year 4 C3 L45 Reading LP
Year: 4 Dahlia
Module: Reading
Previous Knowledge: 1. Pupils have learnt about past simple statements and
2. Pupils have understood the importance of appreciating
the history.
Content Standards: 3.2
Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital
texts by using appropriate reading strategies
Communicate appropriately to a small or large group
Learning Standards: 3.2.2
Understand specific information and details of simple texts of
one or two paragraphs
Narrate short basic stories
Learning Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
1. read the dialogues in the story entitled “The Honest
Woodcutter” with the correct intonation.
2. role play the story entitled “The Honest Woodcutter”
Language Content: i. Vocabulary: honest, woodcutter, axe, gold, silver, poor,
Educational Emphases: Moral Values: Be honest
Thinking Skills: Application, creation
Multiple Intelligences: Visual spatial, verbal linguistic,
interpersonal, constructivism
Assessment for
learning objective
Teaching Aid:
-Big Book