Lesson Plan 30-6-2019
Lesson Plan 30-6-2019
Lesson Plan 30-6-2019
Year : 5 Thenthamizh
Enrolment : 24 pupils
Topic : Labelling
Previous Knowledge : Pupils have seen labels on the food or things they buy
from shops.
a) labels
b) non-linear texts
Learning Objectives : By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
2) Pictures
3) Template
Stages/Time Teaching and Learning
Content Remarks
Teaching Aids: Picture of a
1) Have you been to
the place?
2) What is this
3) What are the
steps which you
follow before
buying things
from here?
1. Teacher projects a PPT Imagination phase
‘Learning Time’
Presentation slide which contains the Generating ideas
To give input
(± 10 minutes) information in food labels. Synthesising idea
about the topic.
2. Teacher explains the use
To elicit verbal
of the information in the Educational Emphases
responses from
label and ask questions Thinking skills:
the pupils about
regarding his explanations Make predictions, Make
the topic.
to know pupils’ level of decisions, Visualizing,
To ensure pupils
understanding. Generalise ideas
can write their very
3. Students will be asked to
own label.
give more examples based Multiple Intelligences:
on their experience. Verbal linguistic,
Powerpoint slides
Teaching Aids:
PPT slides
- Date Marking
- Nutrition information
- Usage Instructions
Sample Answer:
- Product name.
Teaching Aids: