Date Time Class Number of Pupils Level of Proficiency Subject Theme Topic Focused Skills Integrated Skills Content Standard
Date Time Class Number of Pupils Level of Proficiency Subject Theme Topic Focused Skills Integrated Skills Content Standard
Date Time Class Number of Pupils Level of Proficiency Subject Theme Topic Focused Skills Integrated Skills Content Standard
Class 4H
Number of pupils 23
Subject English
Content standard 3.2 By the end of the 6 year primary schooling, pupils will
be able to write using appropriate language form and
style for a range of purposes.
1.1 By the end of the 6 year primary schooling, pupils will
be able to pronounce words and speak confidently
with the correct stress, rhythm and intonation.
2.2 By the end of the 6 year primary schooling, pupils will
be able to demonstrate understanding of variety of
linear and non-linear texts in the form of print and
non-print materials using a range of strategies to
construct meaning.
Rationale: To
grab students’
attention and to
give them a
prior insight of
what they are
going to do
Question: 1. Teacher asks a Teaching
CLOSURE question. Method:
(5 minutes) Are you willing to use 2. Teacher comments Reflection
your money to help the pupil’s answer.
others? CCE:
3. Teacher tells pupils Thinking Skills
Pupils freely answer that we all should (Evaluation)
spend our money Multiple
wisely but also we Intelligence:
should use those Verbal
money to help the Linguistics
others if we are
able to do so. Values:
Help those in
Ways to