Isd2360 Brochure
Isd2360 Brochure
Isd2360 Brochure
Single Chip
Record/ Play- A voice/audio re-producer – Used in many
back Devices applications as Audio/voice feedback
6 sec to 64 min A highly integrated voice/audio SOC – Complete Exploring Nuvoton Digital ChipCorder ISD2360
Audio storage
Capacity . single chip solution with integrated analog com- Solutions For the The ISD2360 is a 3-channel digital ChipCorder providing single-chip stor-
ponents such as Mic pre- amps and Speaker driv- Emerging of age and playback of high quality audio. The device features digital de-
ers. Time-To-Market and Best BOM cost Touch Button In-
compression, comprehensive memory management, flash storage, inte-
Non-volatile storage A cost-effective
grated audio signal path with up to 3 channel concurrent playback and
way to add sound Class D speaker driver capable of delivering power of
clips used as au- 1W. This family utilizes flash memory to provide non-volatile audio play-
dio-grade alerts back with duration up to 64 seconds (based on 8 kHz/4bit ADPCM com-
or corporate pression) for a single-chip audio playback solution.
logo to any touch The ISD2360 can be controlled and programmed through an SPI serial
sensing systems interface or operated stand-alone by triggers applied to the device’s six
GPIO pins.
The ISD2360 requires no external clock sources or components except a
Applications Support : speaker to deliver quality audio prompts or sound effects to enhance us-
Advantages er interfaces.
Single-chip factory APPLICATIONS
Development tools and field recordable
ISD2360-DMK Audio storage Industrial/Medical Consumer
Immediate re- Portable personal medical meters Downloadable audio photo frames
sponse with ex- Security keypad panels Toys
White Goods Greeting Cards
tremely low Instrumentations
standby current Automotive
Simple GPIO in- Metro bus announcement
terface to any
touch sense con-
Audio clips
activated by
Ideal for real time ISD2360 Voice/Audio Digital ChipCorder® featuring Multi Channel Mixing delivers highly integrated single
downloadable chip solution ideal for wide range of voice/audio applications in industrial and consumer markets
sound files for, fac-
tory products, cor-
porate sound logo, ChipCorder - Audio Interface
audio feedback in
touch sensing sys-