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Pilar High School

Kisolon, Sumilao Bukidnon

8701, Philippines
Final Midterm Examination
Community Engagement, Solidarity, and Citizenship

Name: _____________________________________________Date: __________________

Section: ______________________________________


Encircle the letter of your answer. (1pt. each)
1. People went through a process of analyzing the issue and may have similar take on the issue.
a. Common context b. Common experience c. Common analysis d. Common understanding of
an issue
2. People live in a similar setting and/or locality.
a. Common context b. Common experience c. Common analysis d. Common understanding of an
3. People encounter a comparable experience individually or collectively.
a. Common context b. Common experience c. Common analysis d. Acceptable standard
4. People have more or less the same view of the issue at hand.
a. Common understanding of an issue b. Common context c. Common analysis d. Common
5. People usually reach a minimum standard in undertaking an action together.
a. Common context c. An action that is acceptable to the community
b. An acceptable standard d. Common understanding of an issue
6. People discuss and agree on what action to take, who will take the lead, who will do the supporting roles
and who will do other tasks.
a. An acceptable standard c. Common Experience
b. Common analysis d. An action that is acceptable to the community
7. It is a manifestation of a collective grasp and ownership of a situation, a situation that generally has an
effect on them.
a. Community Development c. Community Action
b. Community Plan d. Community Guide
8. A _____________ of people who are experiencing the same situation tend to connect with each other
and pursue a common goal and action.
a. Group b. Set c. Community d. Collection
9. This is the “bolt-in” phase where all the resources, material or non-material, process or product, soft or
hard technology and physical and spiritual are mapped out and consolidated.
a. Mobilization of Community c. Organization
b. On education d. Issue identification, analysis, and dissemination
10. It is in this phase where the work is systematized and the people are organized.
a. Mobilization of Community c. Organization
b. On education d. Issue identification, analysis, and dissemination
11. This is a prerequisite for the commencement of duties and responsibilities as members and officers of
the community organization.
a. Mobilization of Community c. Organization
b. On education d. Issue identification, analysis and dissemination
12. This will provide a picture of the strengths and weaknesses of the people who are involved and what
resources they have.
a. Trace Connections c. Identify and get to know the players
b. Know the community issue d. identify community power actors.
13. It denotes interaction, sharing, and relationships at different levels.
a. Community b. Engagement c. Assignation c. Development
14. It denotes membership of a citizen in a political society.
a. Citizen b. Social Justice c. Solidarity d. Citizenship
15. It is a building a community that empowers everyone to attain their full potential through each of us
respecting each other’s dignity, rights, and responsibilities.
a. Citizen b. Social Justice c. Solidarity c. Citizenship
16. It refers to a member of a democratic community who enjoys full civil and political rights and is
accorded protection inside and outside the territory of the state.
a. Citizen b. Social Justice c. Solidarity d. Citizenship
17. It deals with environmental problems, political uncertainties, and crime rates.
a. Ecological b. Political c. Social d. Economic
18. This section consists of natural resources of the country.
a. Economic b. Ecological c. Political d. Social
19. This section consists of corruption, nepotism, patron-client relations, cronyism, and political conflicts
a. Economic b. Ecological c. Political d. Social
20. The _____________ sector still faces massive challenges in terms of access to basic social services
despite the gains in health, education, and nutritional status.
a. Economic b. Ecological c. Political d. Social
21. It serves as the institutional bases for the myths and symbols of society.
a. Economic b. Political c. Cultural d. Sociocultural
22. This model portrays a lower class-higher class relationship.
a. Class Conflict Model b. Interest Group Model c. Traditional Structure d. Dependence
23. In this model, society is composed of a variety of groups and organizations coming from the lower
a. Class Conflict Model b. Interest Group Model c. Traditional Structure d. Dependence
24. Changes in human interactions and relationships that transform cultural and social institutions.
a. Social Change b. Social Interaction c. Social Development c. Social Justice


Direction: Write T if the statement is correct but if it’s false change the underlined word/words with the correct
term to make the statement true. (1pt.each)
___________________1. Citizenship denotes membership of a citizen in a political society.
___________________2. A Community refers to a member of a democratic community who enjoys full civil
and political rights.
___________________3. Every citizen in the community has no right to life.
___________________4. The principle of citizenship recognizes that people have a moral responsibility to self,
others, and community.
___________________5. The rightful and acceptable basis of all power is the citizenry, the collective body of
___________________6. Solidarity is about regarding our fellow human beings justly and respecting who they
are as a person.
___________________7. Poverty is widespread.
___________________8. Ecological talks about the homemade resources of the country.
___________________9. Religion is an example of Beliefs-Conceptual.
__________________10. Cellphones, Vehicles, and other human inventions are all examples of Technological.
__________________11. A community is a group of people who share something in common.
__________________12. Family is a societal structure that provides reproduction and protection of children
therefore it is an example of Social Science Perspective.
__________________13. A child’s development influenced by the environment is an example of Ecological
__________________14. Community based perspective is about requiring the people in the community to
__________________15. Law Enforcement, health, education and government are all examples of Sectoral
__________________16. Civil Society Perspective is the service provider in the community.


Direction: Complete the table below by figuring out the things belong to each aspect.


Inflation biosphere


Supply and Demand


Sunk Cost lakes

TEST IV. Matching Type

Direction: Match Column A to Column B. Write the letter of your answer on the space provided.

Column A Column B
____________1. A belief in god/gods a. provide value and relevance
____________2. Resources of Production b. Community
____________3. An official elected as political head c. Beliefs-Conceptual
____________4. “Conserve natural resources d. Economic
____________5. Group of people e. active number of community
____________6. How will you measure the effectiveness of community f. Technological
____________7. How do you overcome community engagement challenges g. Aesthetic Values
____________8. Why is it important to maintain sustainable community h. Political
____________9. How does sustainability affect our daily lives i. improves the quality of life
j. better quality of life

Test V. Essay
Answer the following questions. (10pts)

1. In your own perspective, what is the importance of Community Action?(5pts)


2. How solidarity affects the community? (5pts)



Direction: Create functions of the following aspects in the community.



1. C
2. A
3. B
4. A
5. B
6. D
7. C
8. C
9. C
10. A
11. B
12. A
13. B
14. D
15. C
16. A
17. D
18. B
19. C
20. D
21. C
22. A
23. B
24. A
1. True
2. Citizen
3. Has right to life
4. True
5. True
6. True
7. True
8. Natural

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