This document is an invoice from VE Commercial Vehicles Limited for the sale of a Eicher Pro 2049 B truck to Rahul Mohan Tiwari. The truck is priced at Rs. 707,924 plus applicable central GST of 14% and state GST of 14%. The total amount due on the invoice is Rs. 906,143. The invoice provides details of the truck including the chassis number, engine number, and CMVR certification details.
This document is an invoice from VE Commercial Vehicles Limited for the sale of a Eicher Pro 2049 B truck to Rahul Mohan Tiwari. The truck is priced at Rs. 707,924 plus applicable central GST of 14% and state GST of 14%. The total amount due on the invoice is Rs. 906,143. The invoice provides details of the truck including the chassis number, engine number, and CMVR certification details.
This document is an invoice from VE Commercial Vehicles Limited for the sale of a Eicher Pro 2049 B truck to Rahul Mohan Tiwari. The truck is priced at Rs. 707,924 plus applicable central GST of 14% and state GST of 14%. The total amount due on the invoice is Rs. 906,143. The invoice provides details of the truck including the chassis number, engine number, and CMVR certification details.
This document is an invoice from VE Commercial Vehicles Limited for the sale of a Eicher Pro 2049 B truck to Rahul Mohan Tiwari. The truck is priced at Rs. 707,924 plus applicable central GST of 14% and state GST of 14%. The total amount due on the invoice is Rs. 906,143. The invoice provides details of the truck including the chassis number, engine number, and CMVR certification details.
Invoice No.:C007011902255 SAP Doc.No : 7011198157 Date: 29.02.2020 Bill To RAHUL MOHAN TIWARI Bill Ref No :8010228514 Party B-207,Floor 2,Plot 1293,B wing, Ship To Party : Address Om,Chintamani CHS,Khed Gully, B-207,Floor 2,Plot 1293,B wing, Om Prabhadevi,PRABHADEVI,MUMBAI,MUMBAI,MUMB Chintamani CHS,Khed Gully, Prabhadevi AI,400025,Maharashtra PRABHADEVI MUMBAI MUMBAI MUMBAI 400025
Receiver GST Reg No:
Place of supply : Maharashtra Hirer/Hypothecation : CHOLAMANDALAM INVESTMENT & FINANCE Co. Ltd. S.No Description Quantity Amount(Rs) 1 Pro 2049 B HSD NAC RHD BSIV HB MS LG 1 707,924.00 HSN Code : 87042290 Model: 91100570 Color or Colors of body: LIGHT GREY Type of Body: HIGH SIDE DECK Wheel Base: 2580 MM Front Tyre Descriptions: 225/75 R16LT Rear Tyre Descriptions: 225/75 R16LT Chassis No. : MC2EABRC0LA458553 Engine No. : E414CDLA313851 URN Unique Reference Number : AT2049B2F2B4 URN Description : EICHER PRO 2049 B CAB & HSD CMVR Certificate Number (ARAI) : AANN 0317 F02 CMVR Certificate Decription : EICHER PRO 2049
Supplier's GST Reg No. 27AABCE9378F1ZC Net Total 707,924.28
Central GST @ 14.00 % 99,109.36 State GST @ 14.00 % 99,109.36
Subtotal 906,143.00
Customer PAN: ALAPT8906F GRAND TOTAL: 906,143.00
Amt in Words : Nine lakh six thousand one hundred forty three rupees only Terms & Conditions Authorised Signatory 1. If any objection is to be made regarding this invoice, it should reach us within ____days from the date of issue otherwise this invoice will be considered accepted. 2. All disputes subject to the jurisdiction of THANE only. 3. Vehicle once sold will not be taken back.
Registered Office : 96, Institutional Area, Sector 32 Near Punj