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DLL Cesc Q1 W5

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GRADES 1 to 12 Learning
Teaching Dates and Time: March 13-17, 2023 (WEEK 5) Quarter: THIRD


(DAY 1) (DAY 2) (DAY 3) (DAY 4)
A. Content Standards Demonstrate an understanding of the integration of social science perspective and community action initiatives
B. Performance Standards Synthesize the integrative experience of implementing community-action initiatives applying social sciences’ ideas and methods

C. Learning Acknowledge interrelationship of self and community in undertaking community action

Competencies/Objectives (HUMSS_CSC12-II-d-g-8)
Write for the LC code for each
II. CONTENT B. Community Action (Overview)
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources  Community Tool Box (2016). Sirico, R. A. (2010). Solidarity: • PowerPoint Presentation Making a Difference: How to
Section 7. Involving People The Fundamental Social Virtue. • Rubrics Become and Remain Active in
Most Affected by the Problem. Religion and Liberty, 11(5). Retrieved Your Community. Retrieved from
Retrieved 10 May 2017 from from https://acton.org/pub/religion http://www.state.sc.us/dmh/
http://ctb.ku.edu/en/tableof liberty/volume11-numbe5/solidarity- client_affairs/volunteer_guide.pdf
contents/participation/encouragi fundamentalsocial virtue • PowerPoint Presentation
ng • PowerPoint Presentation • Survey Questionnaire
-involvement/involvethose • Rubrics • Rubrics
affected/main • Activity Template
• PowerPoint Presentation
• Graphic Organizer
• Rubrics
A. Review previous lesson or Motivational activity: Can you give ways on how Can you give ways on how to Review of the previous lesson
presenting the new lesson Using the Triple Venn Diagram, to be involved in community promote solidarity in community
ask the students to determine engagement? action?
the similarities and differences
of community engagement,
solidarity and citizenship on the
B. Establishing a purpose for The learners will be able to Picture Analysis- 3 mins. A citizen is a member of a political Music Video Clip
the lesson recognize words of wisdom from The teacher will present community who enjoys full social, (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=
Muhammad Ali, Albert Einstein pictures/images with one political economic and cultural rights. elLpWbvBBqg)
and Gordon B. Hinley. commonality/one message. The teacher individually asks for the
The students should be able to learners about their participation in Instruction: Kindly observe the role of
identify the main message of the following community activities. “I”, “U”, and “Us” in the community.
the presented pictures/images Examples:
by the teacher. A. Sangguniang Kabataan Election
B. Tree Planting
C. Cleanliness of the Community
C. Presenting What do the said quotations talk Video Clip Presentation about Process Questions: - Processing Questions:
examples/instances of the new about one’s engagement in the Unity/Solidarity : 1. What activity do you participate 1. What the video is all about? What
lesson community? (See Video Clip at in? does it say in the community?
https://www.youtube.com/watc 2. Why you participated in that 2. What is the role of “I” in the
h?v=R NNOYQoFB1I) – 1:37 particular activity? community?
minutes Processing Questions: 3. How do you find it? 3.What is the role of “You” in the
1. What is the video clip all community?
about? 4.What is the role of “Us” in the
2. Based on the video, how is community?
unity/solidarity important to
each individual and to a
3. What is the fruit of solidarity
based on the video clip?
D. Discussing new concepts Group Activity (Tableau): - 10 Discuss the characteristics of In 2 group presentations, the Group Activity:
and practicing new skills #1 mins. solidarity. students should be able to discuss 1. The class will be divided into 3
1. The class will be divided the roles of the students as citizens groups.
into 2 groups. in engaging in the community action. 2. Each group will be provided with a
Topic: Self-Involvement Topic: Citizen’s Social Participation survey form to have an initial
to Community Engagement in the Community. assessment on their readiness for a
2. The output will be presented In each presentation, the teacher community action.
in 5 minutes. will analyze and/or clarify some of 3. The leader will consolidate the
3. Analysis and critiquing follow the aspects of the presentation. answer of the members and will fill up
after each presentation. The the final tally sheet of ratings.
teacher presents additional 4. Each group will present their
inputs consolidated ideas based on the survey
questionnaire. The teacher will add
inputs on the presentations.
E. Discussing new concepts
and practicing new skills #2
F. Developing mastery Situational Analysis: - 25 mins. Group Activity: - 25 mins. Group Activity: Individual Activity: Graffiti Wall The
In each group, the students will 1.The class will be grouped In an infomercial, each group will be teacher will ask volunteers to write
be asked to analyze at least one into 3. 2.Each group will do a asked to show ways on promoting on the Graffiti Wall their pledges to
activity that shows community to-do-list on how students the involve themselves with the realization
engagement using the SWOT involve themselves in the roles of citizens in community action. of community action
Analysis. The teacher will solidarity with the community.
provide the template.
G. Finding practical Ask: As a student, how can you Group Activity: - 25 mins. The learners will give instances Ask: Why there is a need to deeply
applications of concepts and show active community 1.The class will be grouped proving that in every right, there involve ourselves with community
skills in daily living engagement? How will you do into 3. 2.Each group will do a must be a corresponding duty. action? How will you benefit from that?
that? How will you benefit from to-do-list on how students Moreover, the learners should be
that? involve themselves in the able to identify the obligations of a
solidarity with the community. citizen in a given situation. Ask: How
will you benefit from that?
H. Making generalizations and Students will be asked to Students will be asked to give As a Filipino citizen, the individual Make students narrate the various
abstractions about the lesson identify their roles in self- the characteristics of solidarity. person is a member of the basic ways of involving oneself in
involvement to community institutions (Family, Church, School, community action
engagement. and Government). Being Senior High
School Students, they critically
analyze the community action in
terms of structures and processes in
implications for global citizenship
I. Evaluating learning Photo Essay: - 6 mins. Paper and Pencil Test - 6 Essay: Quotation Interpretation: In
In 2 sentences, using the given mins. Identification Test. How In 5 sentences, how can you as a 3 sentences, explain the quotation
picture, how can you involve does solidarity express in: citizen be actively involved in “With Great Power Comes Great
yourself to community A. Family community action? Responsibility” given by Spider-Man.
engagement? B. School Relate it to your role and
C. Church responsibility in community action
D. Community
J. Additional activities for The teacher will give pointers to The teacher will give pointers The teacher will give pointers to The teacher will give pointers to review
application or remediation review or concepts that will be to review or concepts that will review or concepts that will be or concepts that will be tackled on the
tackled on the next lesson. be tackled on the next lesson. tackled on the next lesson. next lesson.
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use./discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?
Prepared by:
JHEZZIEL A. CABACUNGAN Recommending Approval: Approved by:
School Assistant Principal II Principal III

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