DLP Arts 7 Del Pilar q1 Wk2 Day2
DLP Arts 7 Del Pilar q1 Wk2 Day2
DLP Arts 7 Del Pilar q1 Wk2 Day2
A. Content Standards 1. Art elements and processes by synthesizing and applying prior
knowledge and skills
2. The salient features of the arts of Luzon (highlands and lowlands) by
showing the relationship of the elements of art and processes among
culturally diverse communities in the country
3. The Philippines as having a rich artistic and cultural tradition from
precolonial to present times
B. Performance Standards 1. Create artworks showing the characteristic elements of the arts of Luzon
(highlands and lowlands)
2. Exhibit completed artworks for appreciation and critiquing
C. Learning 7. create crafts that can be locally assembled with local materials, guided
Competencies/Objectives by local traditional techniques (e.g., habi, lilip, etc).
Write the LC Code for each A7PR-Ic-e-1
8. derive elements from traditions/history of a community for one’s
9. shows the relationship of the development of crafts in specific areas of
the country, according to functionality, traditional specialized expertise,
and availability of resources (e.g. pottery, weaving, jewelry, baskets)
II. CONTENT Arts and Crafts of Luzon (Highlands and Lowlands)
II. Principles of Art
12.Rhythm, Movement
13. Balance
14. Emphasis
15.Harmony, Unity, Variety
III. Process
17.Drawing and Painting
18.Sculpture and Assemblage
19.Mounting an exhibit: 19.1 Concept 19.2 Content / labels
19.3 Physical layout
A. References QUARTER 1 – MODULE 7
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Curriculum Guide for Grade VII-ARTS p.56
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from Music Q1, Teachers Guide
Learning Resource Portal
B. Other Learning Resources Charts, Pictures, Video, Actual object, Guidebook, Internet, PPT
A. Reviewing previous lesson or recall the
presenting the new lesson different musical elements that you have learned in your previous music
recall the
different musical elements that you have learned in your previous music
recall the
different musical elements that you have learned in your previous music
recall the
different musical elements that you have learned in your previous music
Present the materials used in the different architectures such as houses,
churches, and other historical landmarks in Highlands and Lowlands of
Luzon. In the next parts of the module, you will discover how these
materials have something to do with the cultural and geographical
background of the place and how it can be localized to modify its distinct
B. Establishing a purpose for the Determine the similarities and differences of the architectures based on the
lesson elements of art used.
C. Presenting examples/instances PPT presentation of Creation of Arts and Crafts of Luzon (Highlands and
of the new lesson Lowlands) Architectures
D. Discussing New concepts Discuss the Creation of Arts and Crafts of Luzon (Highlands and
Lowlands) Architectures
There are different kinds of materials which can be used in building a
house but there are also things to consider especially the location where we
will build it. Let’s see the wonder of the architectures of highlands and
lowlands of Luzon.
E. Discussing New concepts and Describe the following pictures based on how the elements and principles
practicing new skills #2 of arts were used in the architectural designs. Explain how the elements
and principles of arts reflect the functionality, tradition, expertise, and
availability of resources.
F. Developing mastery (leads to To analyze it further, what are the similarities and differences of the
Formative Assessment 3) architectures based on the principles of arts used?
G. Finding practical applications Individual Activity
of concepts and skills in daily In this activity, you will be able to enhance your illustration skills and
living creative imagination in making architectural designs. Let’s start from
planning your simple dream house. List down or label the materials which
will be used in building your house. Identify also your preferred house
location. Draw your design on a separate sheet of paper. Refer to the
H. Making generalizations and Why do you think these elements/ principles are important? Explain.
abstractions about the lesson
I. Evaluating learning Reflection Paper
Video Presentation
(using Rubrics)
J. Additional activities for Reporting
application or remediation
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation