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Arts g7 Third Quarter

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School: Grade Level: 7

K to 12
Teacher: Learning Area: ARTS
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates: Quarter 3rd

A. Content Standards The learner…
1. art elements and processes by synthesizing and applying prior knowledge and skills

2. the salient features of the arts of Mindanao by showing the relationship of the elements of art and processes among culturally diverse communities in the

3. the Philippines as having a rich artistic and cultural tradition from precolonial to present times

B. Performance The learner…

Standards 1. create artworks showing the characteristic elements of the arts of Mindanao

2. exhibit completed artworks for appreciation and critiquing

C. Learning The learner… 2. identify characteristics of 3. reflect on and derive the 5. trace the external (foreign) 6. incorporate the design,
Competencies/ 1. analyze elements and arts and crafts in specific areas mood, idea, or message and internal (indigenous) form, and spirit of artifacts
Objectives principles of art in the in Mindanao (e.g., maritime emanating from selected influences that are reflected and objects from Mindanao
production one’s arts and vessel [balanghay] from artifacts and art objects in the design of an artwork to one’s creation
crafts inspired by the arts of Butuan, vinta from A7PL-IIIh-1 and in the making of a craft A7PL-IIIh-3
Mindanao for appreciation Zamboanga; 4. appreciate the artifacts and or artifact 7. create crafts that can be
and critiquing Maranao’smalong, brasswares, art objects in terms of its A7PL-IIIh-4 locally assembled with
A7EL-IIIb-1 okir, panolong, torogan, and utilization and their distinct local materials, guided by
sarimanok; Yakan’s fabric and use of art elements and local traditional techniques
face makeup and body principles (e.g., habi, lilip, etc).
ornamentation; T’boli’stinalak A7PL-IIIh-2 A7PR-IIIc-e-1
and accessories; Tawi-
tawi’sPangalaydance, etc.

II. CONTENT Arts and Crafts of Mindanao

1. Attire, Fabrics and Tapestries
2. Crafts and Accessories, and Body Ornamentation
3. Architectures
4. Sculptures (gods/rituals)
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5. Everyday objects
I. Elements of Art
6. Line
7. Shape and Form
8. Value
9. Color
10. Texture
11. Space

II. Principles of Art

12. Rhythm, Movement
13. Balance
14. Emphasis
15. Harmony, Unity, Variety
16. Proportion

III. Process
17. Drawing and Painting
18. Sculpture and Assemblage
19. Mounting an exhibit:
19.1 Concept
19.2 Content / labels
19.3 Physical layout

A. References
1. Teacher’s Music and Arts TG
Guides P 228-245
2. Learner’s
Material pages Music and Arts LM 217-234
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional
Reference from
B. Other Learning www.slideshare.net
Resources Mapeh in Action 7 MAPEH in Action 7
A. Reviewing Pre-assessment Review the elements and Review arts and crafts of Arts and crafts of Mindanao Mindanao played a great
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previous lesson or P217 LM Music and Arts principles of art. Mindanao. are divided into five groups. role not only in our history
presenting the new Let us learn the influences but mostly in the rich
lesson that can be recognized from culture and arts we have.
their artworks.
B. Establishing a Group Activity: As a student, you must
purpose for the Each group will list the learn to value the rich
lesson Show the Mindanao’s arts foreign and local influences environment you have.
Rumble the name of the group and crafts. they can observe from the Group Activity:
What do you think are the
of people in Mindanao. Let the -What have you observed artworks to be presented by Lists some
impacts of artworks to you as
students arrange them back about their artworks? the teacher. After this, they artworks/artifacts you have
an individual?
correctly. -How will you appreciate will compare their work by in your community that
their artworks as students? group. uses local materials and
compare it with other
C. Presenting Like for example, we usually
examples/instances perceive food to be delicious
of the new lesson through its looks, color and
Group activity
plating. Group Activity:
Group activity: Present a local The teacher will show an
-It is the same as how we Each group will list some
Each group will lists all the artwork/artifacts. Analyze if artwork that will be
analyze a bag, shoes, or dress featured arts and crafts of
arts and crafts of Mindanao. there is/are the trace of identified by each group if
before we buy. Mindanao and identify the
After listing, each group will foreign and indigenous there is/are influences from
We are going to study the importance of arts elements
compare their works. influences. arts and crafts of
arts and crafts of Mindanao. and principles.
We need to analyze the
elements and principles used
in their crafts.
D. Discussing new -Discuss the Attire, Textiles
concepts and Discuss the elements and and Tapestries of Mindanao.
Group Activity: Discuss the procedures on
practicing new skill principles of arts. Activity: “T’nalak Design” Derive the message and idea
Each group will make an the next activity.
#1 Activity: coming from the artworks of
artwork inspired by the -Creating crafts inspired by
Drawing of Native baskets -Discuss the Crafts, Mindanao.
combination of foreign and the arts of Mindanao, using
applying the art elements and Accessories, and Body (Process the answer of the
indigenous influences. local materials and guided
principles. Ornaments of Mindanao students.)
Present it to the class. by local technique.
LM Mapeh in Action p104 Activity: Sarimanok Paper
Layering Art
E. Discussing new Group Activity: -Discuss Architecture of
concepts and The task of each group is to Mindanao Individual Activity:
Designing a Backpack
practicing new skill discuss the importance of Activity: Your Own Panolong Creating Tribal Accessories
LM Mapeh in Action p105
#2 selected art elements and -Discuss Sculptures and LM Mapeh in Action p105
principles to artworks of Functional Art of Mindanao
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Mindanao. Activity: Create a Vinta
F. Developing Essay
mastery (Leads to Group Activity
Group Activity:
Formative -What is the importance of
Each group will enumerate
Assessment) incorporating the design of
the distinct use of art
Quizz arts and crafts of Mindanao
Quizz elements and principles to
(Identification/Matching Type) in one’s creation?
the selected artworks from
-Why do we need to value
Mindanao and report it in
local materials and
techniques in creating your
own artworks?
G. Finding practical The different ethno-linguistic
We must value little things
applications of groups of Mindanao have
that we have in our
concepts and skills distinct cultures and traditions
Why do we need to reflect surrounding. We can create
in daily living as displayed in their arts and
How can we identify art on the mood, message and something out of those What are the essence of
crafts. Their art forms signifies
elements and principles used ideas emanating from materials either foreign or using local materials in an
that they really value
in an artworks? selected artifacts of local. The outcomes still artworks?
everything they have from
Mindanao? depends on us, the passion
their environment. The
and dedication in making our
patience and passion to their
H. Making Even large structures in Artworks may vary from
generalizations different places display the shapes, designs and in the
Why do we need to know
and abstractions richness of their history, materials used, but the most
the materials used in an
about the lesson culture, and traditions and can important thing to remember
also reflect their religious is the efforts and passion
belief and devotion through exerted by the people behind
their artworks and designs. it.
I. Evaluating
learning Group Activity: DIY
Make a research on the
Makeover Make crafts using local
characteristics of the arts and
Choose a representative among materials and local designs.
Identify elements and crafts in Muslim Mindanao
your group to apply a Make sure to consider the
principles used to the or in the areas of the cultural
makeover applying art local traditional techniques
following artworks groups or the LUmads.
elements and principles so as reflect the form,
presented.(Arts and Crafts of Include the characteristics of
inspired by Mindanao arts and spirit, and design of the
Mmaropa) their art forms where
crafts. The rest of the group authentic artworks of
message, mood, and ideas
will help to dress up and Mindanao
are conveyed.
accessorize him or her for a
new look with limited time and
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J. Additional
activities for
application or
A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
on the formative
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.
of learners who
have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized
materials did I
which I wish to
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share with other

School: Grade Level: 7

K to 12
Teacher: Learning Area: ARTS (cont.)
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates: Quarter/Week: 3rd

D. Content Standards The learner…
1. art elements and processes by synthesizing and applying prior knowledge and skills

2. the salient features of the arts of Mindanao by showing the relationship of the elements of art and processes among culturally diverse communities in the

3. the Philippines as having a rich artistic and cultural tradition from precolonial to present times

E. Performance The learner…

Standards 1. create artworks showing the characteristic elements of the arts of Mindanao

2. exhibit completed artworks for appreciation and critiquing

F. Learning 8. derive elements from 10. show the relationship of 11. mount exhibit using
Competencies/ traditions/history of a Mindanao’s arts and crafts to completed Mindanao-
Objectives community for one’s artwork Philippine culture, traditions, inspired arts and crafts in an
A7PR-IIIf-2 and history, particularly with organized manner
Islamic influences and A7PR-IIIg-5
9. show the relationship of indigenous (Lumad) practices
the development of crafts in A7PR-IIIh-4
specific areas of the country,
according to functionality,
traditional specialized
expertise, and availability of
resources (e.g., pottery,
weaving, jewelry, and

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II. CONTENT Arts and Crafts of Mindanao
1. Attire, Fabrics and Tapestries
2. Crafts and Accessories, and Body Ornamentation
3. Architectures
4. Sculptures (gods/rituals)
5. Everyday objects
I. Elements of Art
6. Line
7. Shape and Form
8. Value
9. Color
10. Texture
11. Space

II. Principles of Art

12. Rhythm, Movement
13. Balance
14. Emphasis
15. Harmony, Unity, Variety
16. Proportion

III. Process
17. Drawing and Painting
18. Sculpture and Assemblage
19. Mounting an exhibit:
19.1 Concept
19.2 Content / labels
19.3 Physical layout

C. References
5. Teacher’s
6. Learner’s
Material pages
7. Textbook Pages LM p237 -239
8. Additional
Reference from
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D. Other Learning 21st Century Learner Mapeh in
Resources 21st Century Learner Mapeh Action 7
in Action 7 www.slideshare.net
K. Reviewing Review some arts and crafts
previous lesson or of Mindanao.
Review all the arts and crafts
presenting the new -Identify elements from
Review the Lumads practices. of Mindanao together with
lesson traditions/history that can be
the provinces.
observed in their arts and
L. Establishing a Group Activity:
purpose for the Each group will list some
Why is it important to know
lesson arts and crafts from your What is/are the purpose of
the relationship of arts and
locality and identify the artists exhibiting their
crafts of Mindanao to
importance and contributions artworks?
Philippine culture, history and
to the development of your

M. Presenting (Suggested activity)

(Suggested Activity)
examples/instances Students will identify artworks Fashion Shows are made all
Present an artwork from your
of the new lesson from your locality or province over the world to showcase
locality. Let the students
that they think shows the creativity and talents of
identify the functions of this
relationship to Philippines fashion designers.
artwork to your community.
N. Discussing new (Suggested activity)
(Suggested activity)
concepts and Activity#1:
Activity #1: Discuss the Culminating
practicing new skill What are the elements
Identify the Lumads activity.
#1 derived from traditions and
practices/influences that can be LM Music and Arts p 237-
history that are used in
found in Mindanao’s art and 240
Mindanao’s arts and crafts?
O. Discussing new (Suggested activity)
concepts and (Suggested activity) Activity #2:
practicing new skill Activity #2: What are the Identify Mindanao’s art and
Discuss the Rubrics for the
#2 contributions of these crafts showing the relationship
artworks to the development to Philippines culture,
LM Music and Arts p 241
of Mindanao provinces traditions and history
especially with Islamic and
Lumads influences.
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P. Developing
mastery (Leads to
Q. Finding practical How can we identify the
applications of relationship of Mindanao’s
History serves as our guide
concepts and skills artworks in Philippine culture,
for today. What happens
in daily living history and traditions?
from the past, good or bad, it
Why do we need to give
only depends on us now, if
importance to the
we are going to repeat it or
contributions/influences of
learn from it.
Mindanao’s artworks to the
R. Making Traditions and history are not
generalizations only preserve for the future
and abstractions but also used as an
about the lesson inspiration to create unique
S. Evaluating Students will create an
learning exhibit and showcase their
artworks (Mindanao based
Make a research on the
crafts), on the assigned
characteristics on the arts and
region from the teacher or
crafts in Muslim Mindanao or
Essay: from their own choosing and
in the areas of the cultural
Why is it important to relate will provide the necessary
groups or the Lumads. Include
arts and crafts to our history? and appropriate costumes,
the characteristics of their art
props, music
forms where message, mood,
accompaniment, dance or
and the ideas are conveyed.
performance choreography
and health information and
T. Additional
activities for
application or
H. No. of learners
who earned 80%
Page 9 of 11
on the formative
I. No. of learners
who require
activities for
J. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.
of learners who
have caught up
with the lesson
K. No. of learners
who continue to
L. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
M. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
N. What innovation
or localized
materials did I
which I wish to
share with other

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