Sea of Souls Volume V (Extra Content)
Sea of Souls Volume V (Extra Content)
Sea of Souls Volume V (Extra Content)
Volume V
Class Variant – Humanity Companions (Shadows) .......................................................................... 3
Class Variant – Tensei (Beacons)......................................................................................................... 5
Feats ........................................................................................................................................................ 13
Icon Shadows .........................................................................................................................................14
Nyx.......................................................................................................................................................... 27
Shadows................................................................................................................................................. 34
Shadow Hordes .................................................................................................................................... 36
Tyrant Sheet ......................................................................................................................................... 50
Welcome to the Sea of Souls! This document compiles the second 2023 batch of official add-ons released for the
Grimoire of Heart starting from the 4.8.1 update.
This content was written and balanced to be on-par with the core Grimoire content, but can be more mechanically
advanced than core content. Make sure your Narrator allows Sea of Souls content before using it.
If you somehow have this document and not the core Grimoire release, you can download it here.
As always, a big thank-you to everyone in our Discord server for contributing concepts and feedback for the Sea of
Updated 2023-06-08
Class Variant – Humanity Companions (Shadows)
What would you like me to become?"
The Metaverse can be a dangerous, deadly place, full of untold secrets and potentially endless power.
Exploring it without risking human lives has long been the goal of many scientists, as evidenced by
Suppressors and similar advancements in cognitive technology. However, some take a different approach:
Creating beings that are half-soul, half-data, programmable and malleable, fully equipped to explore the
depths of the human heart and assist humans to achieve their full potential. These are the rare, but notorious,
Humanity Companions.
Mechanically, Humanity Companions are treated as Shadow Users, but with the following class
features instead of the Shadows’:
❖ Digital Form: Humanity Companions do not have access to Shadow Users’ distinct forms, but their
digital nature allows them to inhabit computers and similar devices for some time. Once per Scene,
Humanity Companions can dispel their physical form and inhabit one device they can physically touch.
This device must be unlocked, meaning it cannot be secured by any physical locks or passwords before
being inhabited. Once inside the device, Companions can remain there indefinitely, inhabiting an
idealized space that supplies all their basic needs. The Companion can communicate with the outside
world with any outputs in the device, such as screens or speakers, and can opt to leave the device at any
time, even if the device becomes locked or damaged.
❖ Cognitive Processor: Companions have a separate spell deck, independent from their Personae’s.
These decks start empty and can be used even if the User can’t currently manifest their Personae.
Additionally, Companions start the game with 3 Virtual Spell Points, explained below.
❖ Upgrade: When a Companion gains a new Character Level, they gain 2 Virtual
Spell Points. Companions can use Virtual Spell Points to copy spells from the decks
of any other consenting User, and add it to their separate spell
decks, ignoring Type restrictions. Companion deck spells
can be refunded under the same rules as normal spells,
for Virtual SP.
❖ Interface: The mixed digital-cognitive nature of
Companions grants them certain control over their
powers: You can Repress 1 Active spell use in either
of your decks to apply the effect described on the
table in the next page. Unlike other spell-related
features, this can be used in and out of the Metaverse.
Type Effect
Choose one object or structure: You can carve or damage solid materials, while carefully controlling the
Physical degree of damage. However, causing structural damage that threatens the object’s stability is still
You can increase the temperature around you, which is generally enough to warm up a small room to an
uncomfortable degree, singe flammable objects or overheat electronics.
You can decrease the temperature around you, which is generally enough to cool down a small room to
Ice an uncomfortable degree, freeze small patches of liquid matter or cover small sections of the floor in
slippery frost.
You can control the direction and intensity of the wind, even if you are indoors, and gently influence the
weather. Controlling the direction of the wind can also be used to muffle sounds or soften a hard fall.
You can temporarily jolt electronic devices into jamming, give batteries some extra charge or drain
batteries dry.
Nuclear You can see through unshielded materials, such as wooden walls or non-reinforced concrete.
You can perform slight tricks on people and animals, such as drawing their attention to a specific spot,
distracting them from their current task, or even scaring them off.
You can intensify light sources to the point of being blinding or temporarily alter someone’s perception
of brightness and color.
Dark You can dim light sources to the point of penumbra and mask your position against possible trackers.
You can repair objects (as long as most parts of them are still present in some capacity), mend clothes,
reinforce simple structures or stabilize wounded people.
Class Variant – Tensei (Beacons)
“Ah, young master! I'm so glad to be able to serve you again! I, Yamaoka, will defeat
anyone who would stand in your way!”
Those with the Potential can come back from grievous injury and certain doom, but
Death isn’t the end even for those with strong enough wills, regardless of
Potential. The urge to protect and remain at a loved one’s side can push
one’s soul to linger in the real world, becoming a guardian angel or a powerful
ally. Those who wield these guardians as Personae are known as Tensei, the
Mechanically, Tensei are treated as Beacons, but with the following class features
instead of the Beacons’:
❖ I Will Protect You: Your Starter Persona takes the approximate form of
someone you share a strong bond with who’s already departed. This can include
non-human forms. Each even Character Level you gain, starting at level 2, your
Persona subtly grows, gaining new features. Choose a non-Tyrant, non-
Ultimate Shadow from the bestiary whose Level is lower than or equal to
your Character Level, then your Starter Persona gains SP equal to the Level
of Shadow you chose. Once you do that, choose one of the following features:
❖ Choose one Type from the Persona you chose, and add it to the Type list of your Persona. If
this would make it so your Persona has more than 4 Types, remove one of your Persona’s Types
before adding a new one. You still keep spells of that Type;
❖ Choose one Type interaction of that Shadow, except Neutral: Add that interaction to your
Starter, then choose another Type and change your Persona’s interaction to this second Type
to Weak;
❖ Warding Wings: When creating a Tensei, create an Accessory named <Starter Persona’s> Protection
that only you can equip. Choose one effect below and grant it to your Accessory. You can add extra
effects to this Accessory when you reach CLv. 5, 10, 15 and 20. Each effect can only be chosen once,
and all effects stack.
❖ Final Threshold: When you start your turn in Death’s Door, you can spend 1 Death’s Door counter:
Until the end of your turn, you cannot be revived, but you can perform a default action normally.
Cosmic Spells
Cosmic spells are Nuclear Type spells, deal Nuclear damage and are considered Nuclear spells for
features that specify spell Types. If an effect or feature affects Nuclear spells, it also affects Cosmic spells.
However, effects that specifically denote “Cosmic Category spells” do not affect Nuclear spells that lack
this Category.
Most Cosmic spells are centered around a resource called Stars. Stars are treated as Counters for
features that generically reference Counters. You start each combat with zero Stars and lose unspent Stars
when combat ends. Stars are visually represented by small constellations that orbit around the User.
Tier I
Name Categories Reach Effect Description
Cosmic, Star A twinkling light appears
Gather Caster
(A) Gain 1 Star. around you, connecting to others
the Stars
Time: Default Duration: Instant by a thin glimmering line.
Mono, Nuclear, 1 target within 8 A glowing orb emerges from
Cosmic (A) meters Hit: MAGd6 Nuclear damage.
Candra your Persona and fires towards
Spend 1 Star: +1 HDC
Time: Default Duration: Instant the target.
Multi, Nuclear, Up to 3 targets
Cosmic (A) within 7 meters Hit: MAGd4 Nuclear damage. A void opens over the arena and
Hacandra Spend 1 Star to Burst: 2MAG large glowing spheres rain onto
Time: Default Duration: Instant Nuclear damage. the field.
One target within 7
Area, Nuclear, An array of golden stars rotate
meters and all Hit: MAGd4-4 Nuclear damage.
Cosmic (A) around you before shooting
Macandra adjacent units. Spend 1 Star: Increase the area of
outwards, chasing down the
damage by 1 meter.
Time: Default Duration: Instant targets.
Tier II
Name Categories Reach Effect Description
Nuclear damage. meteors rain onto the
Time: Default Duration: Instant arena.
Tier III
Name Categories Reach Effect Description
Cosmic, Star
Caster Grant your next Cosmic Spell You and your Persona are
Heavens (A)
Critical Margin +1 this turn. If that surrounded by a twinkling
Time: Quick Duration: Instant spell is a Critical hit, gain 1 Star. aura.
1 target within 8 An angular celestial body
Nuclear, Hit: MAGd10+2 Nuclear damage.
meters breaks through the
Candryne Cosmic (A) Spend 1 Star: This spell treats Null,
atmosphere, slowly
Drain and Reflect as Resist.
Time: Default Duration: Instant crashing against the target
Multi, Hit: MAGd8 Nuclear damage. Spend A dark cloud surrounds
Up to 3 targets
Hacandryne Nuclear, 1 Star to Burst: MAGd6 Nuclear the targets. From it,
within 7 meters
Cosmic (A) damage. countless rays of light
pour fourth.
Time: Default Duration: Instant
Tier V
Name Categories Reach Effect Description
Mono, Nuclear, 1 target within 8 Hit: MAGd12 Nuclear damage. You are enveloped in a burning
Cosmic (A) meters If this spell’s damage exceeds red aura, as your enemy is
Supernova the target’s HP, spend 1 Star: surrounded by glowing particles
Recover HP equal to the that collapse violently onto
Time: Default Duration: Instant
exceeding damage. themselves.
Occult Spells
Occult spells are PSY Type spells, deal PSY damage and are considered PSY spells for features
that specify spell Types. If an effect or feature affects PSY spells, it also affects Occult spells. However,
effects that specifically denote “Occult Category spells” do not affect PSY spells that lack this Category.
Most Occult spells either place or require Ofuda as part of their effects. Ofuda are considered
Counters that can be placed on Shadows and stacked indefinitely. Ofuda pools are “public”, meaning that
any player can spend Ofuda placed by any User to trigger effects that require Ofuda. Ofuda take the form
of spectral paper tags with writing on them, meant to ward off evil spirits, but can take on different forms
to better suit a Persona’s visuals.
Some Occult spells interact with “Soul” conditions, such as Wild Soul. These conditions last until
removed, or until the end of combat, and can only be removed by effects that specifically remove them.
Tier I
Name Categories Reach Effect Description
Mono, Occult, 1 target within 6 A long white arrow
Ofuda (A) meters Place 1 Ofuda on the target before
fires skyward then
Harae rolling to hit.
down, pinning an
Time: Default Duration: Instant Hit: MAGd6 PSY damage.
Ofuda to the target.
Your Persona
Multi, Occult, Up to 3 targets produces a wand
Ofuda (A) within 6 meters Hit: MAGd4+1 PSY damage. Deals decorated with paper
Haharae 1d4 extra PSY damage (no check) to streamers and waves it
targets with at least 1 Ofuda on them. towards the targets,
Time: Default Duration: Instant creating a wave of
radiant energy.
Any number of
Total, Occult, A wave of cherry
targets within 6 Hit: MAGd4-1 PSY damage. Each
Ofuda (A) blossom petals scatters
Maharae meters target with Ofuda placed on them takes
around you, piercing
+1 extra PSY damage for each Ofuda.
Time: Default Duration: Instant the targets.
Occult, Mitama, Remove 1 Ofuda from one target you A small red
Caster can see. Grant yourself the “Wild magatama, a comma-
Ofuda (A)
Aramitama Soul” condition. While under Wild shaped jewel, orbits
Time: Default Duration: Instant Soul, you gain +1 to all hit and dodge you while bobbing up
checks. and down.
Tier II
Name Categories Reach Effect Description
Mono, Occult, 1 target within 6 Place 1 Ofuda on the target before
A large arrow,
Ofuda (A) meters rolling to hit.
decorated with paper
Haraera Hit: MAGd8+1 PSY damage. If the
streamers of all colors,
target is Weak to PSY, place 1 Ofuda
Time: Default Duration: Instant pieces the target.
on the target after damage calculation.
Any number of Hit: MAGd4+2 PSY damage. Has +1 Roots sprout from the
Total, Occult,
targets within 6 HDC if at least one target has an ground around the
Ofuda (A)
meters Ofuda placed on them. Deals 1d2 extra targets, producing a
PSY damage for each Ofuda placed on stream of pale pink
Time: Default Duration: Instant the targets, calculated individually for petals that burst on
each target. contact.
If the target is slain with at least one
One chime rings as a
One target within 7 Ofuda placed on them before the end
Occult, Mitama, large spectral nail
meters with an Ofuda of this spell’s duration, choose one of
Ofuda (A) appears over the
placed on them its Damage Types, and declare a basic
target. When the target
attack with your equipped weapon
Hell of is slain, the nail
dealing that Damage Type against one
Revival pierces its body and
target in range. For this attack, double
pins it to the ground as
Duration: Until the your weapon’s maximum range. If the
the target’s soul is
Time: Quick start of your next target has no valid Damage Types,
drained into your
turn damage dealt by this attack is
considered Almighty.
Tier III
Name Categories Reach Effect Description
Place 1 Ofuda on the target before
Mono, Occult, 1 target within 6 rolling to hit. A rain of white arrows
Ofuda (A) meters Hit: MAGd10+1 PSY damage. Spend decorated with
Haraedyne 1 Energy: For each dice rolled to wooden plaques and
calculate damage for this spell that paper streamers rain
Time: Default Duration: Instant landed on a 10, add one more Ofuda onto the target.
on the target.
A red torii gate
Multi, Occult, Up to 3 targets Hit: MAGd8+3 PSY damage. Spend
appears behind you.
Ofuda (A) within 6 meters 1 Energy: Remove up to 1d4+1 Ofuda
From it, thousands of
from any targets that took damage
Haharaedyne specters, Ofuda and
from this spell and redistribute those
throwing weapons
Time: Default Duration: Instant Ofuda amongst any targets within 6
emerge, tearing the
targets to ribbons.
A massive cherry
Any number of
Total, Occult, blossom tree emerges,
targets within 6 Hit: MAGd6 PSY damage. If any
Ofuda (A) briefly lifting you in
meters target that took damage from this spell
its branches as a
Maharaedyne is Weak against PSY, place 1 Ofuda
maelstrom of
on each target that took damage from
explosive petals and
Time: Default Duration: Instant this spell.
energy beams rain
down onto the arena.
Remove 1 Ofuda from one target you
Occult, Mitama, A silver magatama
Caster can see. Grant yourself the “Wise
Ofuda (A) orbits around your
Soul” condition. While under Wise
head, stopping
Kushimitama Soul, as a Free Action, you can spend
between your eyes
1 Aspect Point: Reveal the Resistance
when you active its
Time: Default Duration: Instant of one target you can see to any one
The Ofuda sacrificed
Occult, Ofuda, One target within 5 Remove up to 4 Ofuda from the target
for this effect glow
Nine Debuff (A) meters and choose between STR, MAG, TEC
white-hot and sink
Symbolic or AGI. For each Ofuda removed this
into the target,
Cuts way, apply a -1 Debuff to the chosen
Time: Default Duration: 3 rounds hindering its
Skill for 3 rounds.
Five chimes ring
Occult, Ofuda, Targets within 6 Remove 3 Ofuda from one target or
across the arena as a
Damage (A) meters remove 5 Ofuda from up to two
rift opens under the
Hell of Great targets and choose one of those
target, producing
Screaming targets: Decrease the target’s PSY
massive dark claws
interaction by 1 step (Drain - Reflect -
Time: Default Duration: 2 rounds that grasp the target
Null - Resist - Neutral - Weak)
for the duration.
Tier V
Name Categories Reach Effect Description
Mono, Occult, 1 target within 6 Place 1 Ofuda on the target before Seven chimes ring out
Ofuda (A) meters rolling to hit. as countless dark
Hell of
Hit: MAGd12+3 PSY damage. swords appear around
Time: Default Duration: Instant Repress: Double the amount of Ofuda the target, piercing
on the target after damage calculation. them from all angles.
Palace’s If you Reflect or Drain damage due to the effects of a Defense spell, that spell deals Can only be chosen
Ward 30% more damage for the purposes of Reflecting and Draining. once.
Can only be chosen
Maiden’s If a target with at least two Ofuda placed on them is slain, you can spend your once. Your Persona
Voyage into Interrupt action for this round to place half of the Ofuda on that target, rounded down, must have the PSY
Yomi onto another target within 5 meters. Type to activate
this Feat.
When you perform Fusion using one of your Starters, you can sacrifice 2 SP the Uninvited Class,
resulting Persona would get: Replace the resulting Persona’s Natural Skill with one of can only be chosen
its components’ Natural Skills. once
Icon Shadows
A relatively new phenomenon in the Metaverse, Icon Shadows are said to be an “echo” of the
Personae of Users from another world or another time, manifesting as powerful Shadows not too dissimilar
to Alpha Shadows. Icon Shadows are treated as normal Shadows, but with the following features:
❖ Icon Shadows usually have double the standard health of an equally-leveled Shadow. In the
same vein, defeating an Icon Shadow rewards twice the normal amount of Experience;
❖ Icon Shadows can only be obtained by Fusion after being defeated in combat. Those of the
World Arcana can be obtained by Fusion by fusing two Personae of the same Arcana, wherein
the player can choose between a World Arcana Persona and an Element Persona;
❖ Icon Shadows are immune to negotiation during battle. If battle against an Icon Shadow ends
with at least one conscious User and does not end with the Users fleeing, the Icon Shadow
manifests after the combat in a tamed state and makes itself available for negotiation. From this
point onwards, negotiation rules apply as normal. Note that only one User may negotiate with
this Shadow;
❖ Every party can only carry one copy of each Icon Shadow. If the party already has an Icon
Shadow, another copy of it cannot be obtained by Fusion, negotiation or any other means;
❖ Icon Shadows’ Natural Skills denote 1 or more Types after their name. To choose or activate
this Natural Skill, your Persona must have all of the listed Types, even if you choose this Skill
for your Starter;
Icon Shadow
XXI – The World
Level 1 Types
Hit Points 150
Spell Card: Agi (T1 Fire)
Natural Skill: Memories of Midnight (Fire, Debuff) – If you take Dark Type damage,
or whenever you enter Death's Door, you can spend your Interrupt action for that round
to deal X*MAG Fire damage against one target within 5 meters, where X is equal to
the number of Combat Skills under the effects of Debuff on that target, no dodge check.
1 5 5 1 5 2
Icon Shadow
XXI – The World
Level 1 Dispositions:
Hit Points 115
Spell Card: Zio (T1 Thunder)
Natural Skill: Nation of Gods (Physical, Thunder) – Basic attacks you declare
deal +1 Thunder damage for each Persona in your stock. This damage is dealt
even if the attack misses.
4 1 4 4 4 2
Rob Roy
Icon Shadow
I – Magician
Level 2 Dispositions:
Hit Points 140 Friendly
Spell Card: Ha Magna (T1 Earth, Sea of Souls III)
Natural Skill: Guardian of the Land (Fire, Heal) – When you cast a Heal Type
spell, you can spend 1 use of any Physical or Fire (including Earth) Type spell to
use your STR instead of MAG for that Heal spell, for no action cost.
4 1 4 3 5 2
Angel's Mercy (P): Users who take damage from Rob Roy have all their Buff effects removed. Shadows who
are healed by Rob Roy have all their Debuff effects removed.
Resist Flaming Tongue: Up to three targets within 5 meters. On hit: 4d4 (10) Fire damage and heal one Shadow
Rob Roy can see for 10% of its maximum HP for each target that took damage from this attack.
Hope Beam: Any number of targets between Rob Roy and a point within 2TEC (8) meters. +1 HDC. On hit:
Weak 4d4 (10) Fire damage. All Shadows in this spell's area of effect recover 20% of their maximum HP, no check.
A Persona from a story yet to be told. A respected cattleman who was branded a criminal, which led the honorable Rob Roy
into a bloody but righteous conflict.
Icon Shadow
X – Fortune
Level 9 Dispositions: Types
Hit Points 520 Insane, Aggressive
Spell Card: Magnadyne (T2 Earth, Sea of
Souls III)
Skill Bonus: +2 STR, +1 VIT
Natural Skill: The Labyrinth's Beast (Fire, Buff) – Once per combat, you can target your Duel target: As long as it remains
your Duel target, you gain +1 DDC against it until the start of your next turn. During your turn, you can spend 1 Aspect Point
to extend this effect for another turn, as a Quick action.
STR MAG TEC AGI VIT LCK A Persona from another story. A man
6 1 6 1 10 2 cursed to be born half-bull, Asterius was
cast down into the Labyrinth of Minos by
his own father, made to guard it until he
Null Resist Resist was slain by Theseus.
Auto-Matarukaja (P): At the start of combat, all Shadows gain +1 STR, +1 MAG for 3 rounds.
Brutal Arm (P): Every time Asterius casts Titanomachia or Primal Force, there's a 40% chance Asterius can cast
Gigantomachia as a Quick action this turn.
Fury Order: The next attack Asterius casts deals half the rolled damage, but Asterius can cast it two more times this turn as
Free Actions. Additionally, Gigantomachia is considered a Free action this turn and its chance to be cast is calculated
individually for each spell cast this turn.
Primal Force: One target within 8 meters. On hit: 6d10 (33) Fire damage.
Titanomachia: Any number of targets. On hit: 6d4 (15) Physical damage.
Gigantomachia: All Users in combat. This spell cannot be cast outside of the effect of Brutal Arm. Does not check to dodge.
Deals 15 Physical damage.
Icon Shadow
V – Hierophant
Level 12 Types
Hit Points 480
Spell Card: Tempest (T3 Wind)
Skill Bonus: 2 STR, +2 LCK
Natural Skill: Cramoisie Papillon (Ice, Wind) – If you cast a Multi Category
Ice or Wind spell, you can choose one target within range twice.
7 1 7 1 8 6
Poison Arrow: One enemy within 3 meters. On hit: 7d10 (38) Physical damage and 45% Poisoned chance. On Critical:
Increase the Poisoned chance to 90%.
Irresistible Advance: One enemy Psyche can see. HDC +1. On hit: Psyche moves to a position adjacent to the target and
deals 7d10 (38) Wind damage.
Solitary Blizzard: All units within 4 meters of Psyche. On hit: 7d6 (24) Ice damage. If there are no Shadows within the
range of this spell besides Psyche, this spell deals a guaranteed Critical hit without spending Luck Charges.
A Persona from another story. Psyche was a beautiful and beloved princess from Sicily, so irresistible that even Eros,
ordered by Aphrodite to curse Psyche with an arrow, fell in love with her and asked Zeus to make her a goddess.
Decisive Defense (P): When combat starts, Johanna and all Shadows in combat gain the effects of Rakukajamon (Fortify
Physical and Elements +8) for 3 rounds, and Johanna removes all Buff effects from Users in combat. This triggers after all other
automatic effects in this combat.
Atomize: One target within 6 meters. On hit: AGId12 (45) Nuclear damage.
Mafreila: Any number of targets. On hit: 7d6 (24) Nuclear damage.
Sacred Rally: One target within 6 meters. Restore HP to that target equal to 20% (72) of Johanna's max HP. If this healing
exceeds the target's max HP, it gains +2 TEC, +2 AGI for 3 rounds. This is a Buff effect that stacks with Decisive Defense, but
not other Buff effects.
A Persona from another story. A female pope whose ascension to power was struck from the official records and changed the
Vatican’s rituals forever.
Hades Types
Icon Shadow
XIII – Death
Level 13 Dispositions:
Hit Points: 500 Insane
Spell Card: Zai Aku Tou Ten (T3 Dark)
Skill Bonus: +2 MAG, +2 VIT
Natural Skill: Wailing Depths (Ice, Dark) – Once per combat, as a Quick action, you can forget an Imbue effect you have
memorized and target one enemy within TEC meters: If that target's HP is below 20%, that target is immediately slain. This
is considered a Death Category effect.
1 9 9 1 8 1 Null Null Null Weak
Valjean Types Dispositions:
Icon Shadow
V – Hierophant
Skill Bonus: +2 STR, +2 TEC
Level 14
Natural Skill: Shattered Chains of Law (Physical, Almighty):
Hit Points 640
When you cast an Almighty spell, you can choose to Repress it
Spell Card: Death Chain (T3 Physical)
to calculate damage for that spell with STR instead of MAG.
9 1 9 1 9 1
Punished Soul (P): Valjean cannot roll to dodge attacks, but takes half damage from all instances of damage.
Triple Down: Up to three targets within 5 meters. On hit: 9d8 (40) Physical damage. If two targets were chosen, this spell
deals 50% more damage. If one target was chosen, this spell deals 100% more damage.
Meteor Shower: One target within 9 meters. On hit: 9d10 (49) Almighty damage. If this spell deals damage, spawn one Star-
borne Bullet adjacent to Valjean. This is a cognitive object. Whenever Meteor Shower is cast, all Star-borne Bullets in combat
can move up to TEC (9) meters in any direction and deal 2STR (18) Almighty damage to any number of units it becomes
adjacent to, no check.
A Persona from an unusual story. The protagonist of Lés Misérables, a famous novel about a man who seeks to live a kind
and generous life following a harsh and unjust prison sentence.
Icon Shadow
XII – Hanged Man
Level 14 Types
Hit Points 200
Spell Card: Analysis Pulse (T3 Intel)
Skill Bonus: +2 TEC, +2 AGI
Natural Skill: The Grand Journey (Wind, Intel): You can grant one attack or spell you declare -1 HDC to also grant it +1
SKL during damage calculation, as a free action. This is not a Buff effect.
1 6 10 8 3 2 Null Null Weak
Ninety-Nine Needles (P): At the start of each round, all Users must roll
to dodge against Odysseus's TECd6. On failing, they take 6d6 (21) Intel
Type damage and suffer the Tactical Asset Condition until the end of this
round. On a success, they take half damage and do not suffer the
Condition. Targets whose Interaction with Intel is not Weak or Neutral
do not suffer this Condition regardless of their roll.
Illuzone: One target within TEC (10) meters who's under the Tactical
Asset Condition. Remove the Condition from that target, and that target
suffers -1 HDC. This is considered a Debuff effect, and lasts for a number
of rounds equal to the number of Tactical Assets remaining in combat
after this spell was cast.
Maha Garu: Up to three targets in combat. +1 HDC. On hit: 6d8 (27)
Wind damage. If this spell deals damage to a Tactical Asset, Odysseus
can use a Quick action to cast Maha Garu against Tactical Assets again
this round.
War Efforts: One target within 6 meters must roll on a Courage (8) check
that cannot be boosted by Luck Charges. On failing, Odysseus can use
one non-Special consumable from the target's inventory. This item is
removed from the target's inventory. On a success, nothing happens. If
the target is a Tactical Asset, this check's difficulty increases to 10.
Yamato Sumeragi
Icon Shadow
X – Fortune
Level 17 Dispositions:
Hit Points 340 Snobbish
Spell Card: Eternal Punishment (T5 Dark)
Skill Bonus: +3 TEC, +2 MAG
Natural Skill: Detective's Insight (Light, Dark) – Once per combat, when you deal damage to a target using a Light or Dark
Type spell, you can use your Quick action to reveal that target's interaction to Light or Dark, your choice.
1 7 9 8 5 2 Reflect Reflect
Divine Bloodline (P): Whenever Yamato Sumeragi casts Hamaon or Megidolaon, A Persona from another story. The
it can change those spells' damage Types to Fire or Wind, as a Quick action. term Yamato Sumeragi, or
Shield of Justice (P): When Yamato Sumeragi is slain, all surviving Shadows in Yamatosumeramikoto, are used to
combat gain Null <All> for the next instance of damage they take. This is not refer to the Emperors of Japan, and
considered a Buff effect. represents their divine heritage.
Hamaon: One target Yamato Sumeragi can see loses 23+3TEC (50%) of its current HP as Light damage.
Mudoon: One target Yamato Sumeragi whose HP is equal to or below 50% is instantly slain. This is a Death effect.
Megidolaon: One target and all units within 3 meters of that target. On hit: 7d6 (24) Almighty damage.
Types Aggressive
Icon Shadow
VIII – Justice
Level 19
Hit Points 532
Spell Card: Debilitate (T5 Debuff) Null Resist
Skill Bonus: +3 STR, +2 TEC, +4 Courage
Natural Skill: Blade Runners (Physical, Debuff) – When an ally deals damage
to a Knocked Down target, you can spend your Interrupt action to declare a basic
attack or cast a Tier I Mono Category Physical spell against that target.
10 1 8 6 7 2
Auto-Debilitate (P): At the start of combat, Hereward chooses one target: That
target is afflicted with -3 STR, -3 MAG, -3 TEC, -3 AGI, Fortify Physical &
Elements -8 for 3 rounds. This is a Debuff effect.
Rebellion Blade: One target within 8 meters. On hit: 10d12 (65) Physical
damage and 30% Knockdown chance. If this spell triggers Knocked Down,
Hereward can use Auto-Debilitate again for no action cost.
Riot Gun: Any number of targets. On hit: 10d8 (45) Physical damage. This
spell treats Null and Reflect Physical as Resist.
A Persona from another story. A nobleman and
leader of a resistance force, it’s rumored that his
tales of heroism either mutated into or inspired the 22
stories of Robin Hood.
Unknown Arcana
Level 17 Types
Hit Points: 850
Host of the Festival – As long as Zen is in an adjacent spot to Rei, both Zen and Rei gain +1 DDC against all attacks.
9 1 8 4 7 2
Bane Slice: One target within 7 meters. On hit: 9d12 (58) Physical damage and, at the start of the target's next turn, they
take 2STR (18) Dark damage, no check.
Frozen Spear: One target within 6 meters. On hit: 9d12 (58) Ice damage. Regardless of this spell hitting or missing, Zen
chooses a second target within 4 meters of the original target: That target takes 2STR (18) Ice damage, no check.
Knight Card: Attacks Rei declare cannot miss until the end of her next turn. This is a Buff effect that stacks with Buffs
applied by Rei.
A quiet and mysterious boy from another story. Zen is fiercely protective of Rei, claiming both of them are “taking a break”
from some sort of school festival, but won’t elaborate further.
Unknown Arcana
Level 17 Types
Hit Points: 850
Gourmand of the Festival – As long as Rei is in an adjacent spot to Rei, both Zen and Rei gain +1 HDC for all attacks.
1 8 4 9 7 2
Platinum Coin: Remove all Status effects from combat, and all units gain Resist Status for the next 3 rounds. This is a Buff
effect that stacks with other Buff effects.
Prize Ticket: Up to 3 targets within 6 meters. On hit: 1 PSY damage and place one Festival Ticket on each target that took
damage from this spell.
Cashing Out: Remove all Festival Tickets from combat. Zen and Rei each gain Critical Margin +X, where X is the number
of Festival Tickets removed by this effect. This is a Buff effect that stacks with other Buff effects.
"Your turn, Zen!": Zen gains a second turn this round, immediately after Rei's.
A cheerful and innocent girl from another story. She is extremely fond of Zen, and claims to be “taking a break” from a
local festival to look for different types of snacks and delicacies… Whatever that means.
Messiah (Tyrant)
Icon Shadow
XX – Judgement
Level 20 Types
Hit Points 684
Reward: Divine Pillar (Special Accessory, Sea of Souls III)
Skill Bonus: +3 MAG, +2 TEC, +1 VIT Cannot be acquired by Fusion, will not respond to
Natural Skill: The Realm of Possibility (Any two Types) - Once negotiation. This overrides the post-battle effect of
Icon Shadows. Messiah is granted to Users after
per session, you can spend 4 Aspect Points: You regain the use of
being defeated using the same rules as Ultimate
one Arcana Spread spent during this session, for no action cost.
1 15 9 5 6 2
Newfound Power: Can only be cast through the effect of The Card Within One's Dream. Does not check to hit. Deals MAG
(15) Fire or Almighty damage (Narrator's choice)
The New Beginning: One target Messiah can see. On hit: MAGd12+MAG (112) Fire damage and grant Messiah one Link
The Absolute End: One target Messiah can see. +1 HDC. On hit: MAGd12 (97) Almighty damage.
Messiah can cast one Hetelic Action per round.
The Power of the Universe: (Quick) Until the end of Messiah's next turn, all attacks it declares deal 50% more damage,
including Almighty attacks.
That Which Cannot Be Defeated: When a User activates an Arcana Spread, Messiah gains an extra turn immediately after
that Arcana Spread resolves.
A Persona from another story. Its name is the general term for a savior of mankind who appears to save humanity in times
of great disaster. Somehow, this Persona’s striking appearance seems to awaken memories of a school you’ve never visited.
Nyx (Tyrant)
All Is Revealed – Nyx's power is split between 14 different forms. Nyx starts with Arcana 0 - The Fool. Each time it's
reduced to 0 HP, it progresses to the next Arcana, being healed to full HP and changing moves accordingly. This also
removes all Status, Counters and Debuff from Nyx, as well as all conditions it might be under.
Nyx always has two turns per round and uses its MAG value for both STR and MAG checks.
1 (13) 13 10 9 6 2
Almighty Attack: One target Nyx can see. On hit: 13d6 (45) Almighty damage. This replaces Nyx's basic attack and can be
used under all Arcana except Fool.
The personification of death and harbinger of The Fall, an apocalyptic event that would lead to the ceasing of life across the
entire planet.
0 – The Fool
“The moment man devoured the fruit of knowledge, he sealed his fate...
Entrusting his future to the cards, man clings to a dim hope.”
Hit Points: 500
I – The Magician
"Attaining one's dream requires a stern will and unfailing determination."
II – The Priestess
"The silent voice within one's heart whispers the most profound wisdom."
III – The Empress
"Celebrate life's grandeur... Its brilliance... its magnificence..."
IV – The Emperor
"Only courage in the face of doubt can lead one to the answer..."
V – Hierophant
"It is indeed a precious gift to understand the forces that guide oneself..."
VI – Lovers
"There is both joy and wonder in coming to understand another..."
VII – Chariot
"One of life's greatest blessings is the freedom to pursue one's goals."
VIII – Justice
"To find the one true path, one must seek guidance amidst uncertainty..."
Hamaon: One target Nyx can see loses 40% of its current HP (Light damage)
Mahama: Any number of targets lose 20% of their current HP (Light damage)
IX – Hermit
"It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path..."
X – Fortune
"Alongside time exists fate, the bearer of cruelty."
XI – Strength
"Only with strength can one endure suffering and torment."
XIII – Death
The moment man devoured the fruit of knowledge, he sealed his fate...
Entrusting his future to the cards, man clings to a dim hope.
Yet, the Arcana is the means by which all is revealed...
Beyond the beaten path lies the absolute end.
When Nyx's HP reaches 500 or less, it immediately casts Night Queen as its Interrupt Action.
Hit Points: 1000
Element Break: One target Nyx can see has its interaction to Fire, Ice, Wind or Thunder reduced to Neutral for 3 rounds.
This is not a Debuff effect.
Mind Charge: The next Fire, Ice, Wind, Thunder or Almighty spell Nyx casts deals 2x damage.
Dekaja: Removes all Buff effects from combat.
Dekunda: Removes all Debuff effects from Nyx.
Marakundyne: Any number of targets suffers Fortify All -24 for 3 rounds.
Moonless Gown: Nyx changes all its Type interactions to Reflect and gains Reflect Almighty for 3 rounds.
This is not a Buff effect.
XV – The Devil
Level 1 Types
Hit Points: 56
Spell Card: Cleave (T1 Physical)
Rumor Skill: We All Float – You can fall from great heights and land softly
and without lasting damage.
4 1 5 2 4 4
A Shadow said to be a powerful alien entity
who can embody whatever form terrifies
Resist Weak Weak Weak
humans most at any given time.
Bite: One target within 6 meters. On hit: Nickelwise moves to a position adjacent to the target and deals 4d4-3 (7) Physical
damage. Until the end of Nickelwise's next turn, the target cannot move from its current position and suffers -1 DDC.
Drag Away: One adjacent target. Nickelwise performs its full movement action while casting this spell, while dragging the
target along with it. The target takes 1 Wind damage for each meter moved this way.
III – The Empress
Level 2 Types
Hit Points: 42
Spell Card: Kouga (T1 Light)
Natural Skill: Spiral – Once per day, activate the following effect: At the start
of each of your turns, gain one Grudge Counter. As a Quick action, you can
spend all your Grudge Counters to gain Critical Margin +1 for each Counter
spent this way for the next attack you declare this round.
1 3 6 4 3 2
Noble, Friendly
XIII – Death
Level 9 Types
Hit Points 182
Spell Card: Hell of Revival (T2 Occult)
Skill Bonus: +1 STR, +1 TEC, +1 VIT
Natural Skill: Flag of Salvation – At the end of combat, you can target X Users
you can see and spend X Energy: Restore 1 Energy to each User targeted.
Icon Shadow
V - Hierophant
Level 16 Dispositions: Types
Hit Points 408 Chaotic, Noble
Spell Card: Fire Amp (T3 Fire)
Skill Bonus: +3 MAG, +1 TEC, +1 AGI
Natural Skill: The Gates of Hell (Fire and any other Damage Type) – Multi Category spells have +2 Critical Margin. Total
Category spells have +1 Critical Margin.
1 9 9 5 6 4 Drain Resist Resist
“Pascal Is Here” (P): At the end of combat, a player who has Cerberus in their Persona stock can choose to automatically
succeed in negotiation against Pascal. If they do, and Cerberus is not their Starter Persona, their Cerberus' name, Types,
Natural Skill and Interactions are replaced with Pascal's.
Lucky Dog (P): All attacks Pascal declares gain Critical Margin +1. For every target that dodges an attack declared by
Pascal, Pascal gains 1 Luck Charge. If Pascal deals a Critical hit, the triggering chance for that spell's Status effect, if any, is
Venom Bite: 1 target within 8 meters. Pascal becomes adjacent to that target while casting this spell. On hit: 9d12 (58) Fire
damage and 5TEC% (45%) Poisoned chance.
Stone Bite: 1 target within 8 meters. Pascal becomes adjacent to that target while casting this spell. On hit: 9d12 (58) Fire
damage and 5TEC% (45%) Stunned chance.
Charm Bite: 1 target within 8 meters. Pascal becomes adjacent to that target while casting this spell. On hit: 9d12 (58) Fire
damage and 3TEC% (27%) Charmed chance.
A demon from another story. Pascal seems to have once been a normal dog that somehow became a demon, but his affinity
with humans and easygoing personality makes him a steadfast ally.
Queen of Hearts (Tyrant)
Unknown Arcana
Level 1
Hit Points 112 Types
Reward: Each User gains 300 Experience Points
(Added to the default reward for this battle)
Cannot be obtained by Fusion, does not respond to negotiation.
3 3 4 1 4 2 Resist
Elemental Decree: Up to three targets within 6 meters. On hit: 3d4 (7) damage of Fire, Ice, or Wind damage (Narrator's
choice, chosen once for all targets).
Royal Bash: One target within 8 meters. On hit: 3d4+3 (10) Physical damage.
Queen of Hearts can cast one Hetelic Action per round.
Off With Their Heads! Whenever there are no Card Soldiers in battle, Queen of Hearts can summon 1d4 Card Soldiers
into battle as an Interrupt action. If Queen of Heart's HP is below 60, she summons 1d2 Card Soldiers instead. Card Soldiers
always act immediately after Queen of Hearts in the initiative queue, in any order. This is a Default action.
Graceful Stride: After casting Elemental Decree, Queen of Hearts can change all her Type interactions to Neutral, then
gain Resist against the damage Type dealt by Elemental Decree. This is not a Buff effect, is treated as an Interrupt action,
and remains until Queen of Hearts casts this action again.
A Shadow found in the depths of a fairytale labyrinth. It’s said the Queen of Hearts represents the affinity a young girl had
for storybooks. This girl cherished every book she read, and was fascinated with the idea of a “Wonderland”.
Card Soldier
Unknown Arcana
Level 1
Hit Points 28
Cannot be obtained by Fusion, does not respond to negotiation.
Safeguard – Whenever Queen of Hearts would take damage from a spell or
basic attack, Card Soldier can use its Interrupt action to change the target from
Queen of Hearts from itself. This can happen even if the Card Soldier was also
targeted for this attack.
2 2 4 1 2 2
Disarming Order: One target within 6 meters suffers -1 STR, -1 MAG for 3
rounds (Debuff)
Poke: One target within 5 meters. On hit: 2d4 (5) Physical damage.
Merciful Clergyman (Tyrant)
Unknown Arcana
Level 5 Types
Hit Points 252
Reward: All Users gain 7 Charm points.
Silent Song –Every time Merciful Clergyman deals damage of a Type the target is Weak to, he can choose to apply the
effects of Tarundamon, Rakundamon, or Sukundamon to the target, after damage calculation, as a Free action.
Mapsio: Any number of targets within 7 meters. On hit: 6d4 (15) PSY damage.
Freila: One target within 8 meters. On hit: 6d6 (21) Nuclear damage. If this spell hits, it deals half the rolled damage to all
adjacent units to the target, no dodge check.
Merciful Clergyman can cast one Hetelic Action per round, as a Quick Action.
Peaceful Vow: If any User declares a basic attack or casts a damage-dealing spell while this effect is active, Merciful
Clergyman can cast Holy Wrath as an Interrupt action immediately, without spending its Interrupt action for this round, against
that User. This vow lasts until the start of Merciful Clergyman's next turn.
Chaste Vow: If any User casts a Heal, Buff, Defense or Intel spell while this effect is active, Merciful Clergyman can cast
Holy Wrath as an Interrupt action immediately, without spending its Interrupt action for this round, against that User. This
vow lasts until the start of Merciful Clergyman's next turn.
Frugal Vow: If any User uses an item while this effect is active, Merciful Clergyman can cast Holy Wrath as an Interrupt
action immediately, without spending its Interrupt action for this round, against that User. This vow lasts until the start of
Merciful Clergyman's next turn.
Just Vow: If any User casts a Status or Debuff spell while this effect is active, Merciful Clergyman can cast Holy Wrath as
an Interrupt action immediately, without spending its Interrupt action for this round, against that User. This vow lasts until
the start of Merciful Clergyman's next turn.
A Shadow found in the depths of a romantic labyrinth. The young girl ached for acceptance, and fell ever deeper into
despair and isolation, able to see the life of others unfold, but kept from her own.
Kind Doctor (Tyrant)
Unknown Arcana
Level: 8 Types
Hit Points: 264
Reward: All Users gain +1 Empathy Tier
Preoperative Care – At the start of combat, Kind Doctor summons one Calm Nurse and one Caring Nurse into battle. After
the three Shadows roll for initiative, Kind Doctor takes the highest initiative of the three and copies it as his own.
Cannot be obtained by Fusion, does not respond to negotiation.
Sweeping Incision: One target and all units within 3 meters of that target. On hit: 8d6 (28) Physical damage. At the start of
the turn of each of the units that took damage from this attack, that unit loses 10% of their maximum HP as Almighty
Drastic Measures: This spell treats all Physical interactions besides Neutral and Weakness as Resist. This spell declares
five separate attacks. Each of these attacks deals 8d8 (36) Physical damage. If a User is targeted by this attack more than
once during the same round, subsequent damage taken from this spell is halved.
A Shadow who lurks at the lowest levels of a haunted labyrinth. The young girl's hatred for her own life, devoid of warmth
and normalcy, burned a hole through her heart, fiercer than even her illness. At the end, not even a skilled medical team
could rescue her.
Best Friend (Tyrant)
Unknown Arcana
Level: 12
Hit Points: 360 Types
Reward: Each User gains 1 Character Level
(Added to the default reward for this battle)
Curiouser and Curiouser – Best Friend has two turns per round, and does not roll for initiative. Rather, Best Friend's first
turn is the first in the initiative queue, and the second turn is last in the queue. Best Friend's position in the initiative queue
cannot be changed by any effects.
Gore: One target. On hit: 9d10 (49) Physical damage. If this puts a target in Death's Door, Best Friend can cast this spell
again as a Free action.
Ravage: All units within 4 meters of Best Friend. On hit: 9d6 (31) Fire damage. If the target is suffering from a Status
effect, this spell deals double damage, applied separately from Critical calculation.
Shred: One target within 4 meters. Best Friend becomes adjacent to this target when casting this spell. On hit: 9d4 (22) Intel
Type damage. If this spell hits, all the target's Type interactions become Neutral. This is considered a Condition and can
only be removed when combat ends or the User enters Death's Door.
Best Friend can cast one Hetelic Action per round, as Interrupt actions.
Rabbit's Foot: All units in combat except Best Friend. HDC -1. On hit: STR/2 (4) Almighty damage. Each time this spell is
cast, increase the damage of this spell by STR/2 (4).
Deafening Roar: All units in combat except Best Friend. 5TEC+10% (50%) Knockdown chance.
Clockwork God (Tyrant)
Unknown Arcana
Cannot be obtained by Fusion, does Level 17 Types
not respond to negotiation. Hit Points 425
The Bearer of Time – At the start of combat, apply 4 Countdown Counters on one User. At the end of each of that User's
turns, they lose one Countdown Counter. Targeting the User with a spell or consumable that restores HP, except Imbue
effects, adds 1 Countdown Counter to that User, up to a maximum of 4. If a User loses all Countdown Counters, they enter
Death's Door. This is an Almighty Type, Death Category effect.
1 9 6 9 5 2
1.3 billion Volts: All units in combat, except Clockwork God. On hit: 9d6 (31) Thunder damage and 100% Shocked chance.
The Sun Extinguished: One target Clockwork God can see. On hit: Target loses 50% of their current HP as Dark damage.
At the start of the target's turn, they lose 50% of their current HP as Dark damage.
Time Set in Motion: Up to three targets Clockwork God can see. HDC +1. On hit: 9d10 (40) Nuclear damage. If this spell
dealt damage to all chosen targets, Clockwork God regains 30% (127) HP.
Gears of Time (Default): Place 4 Countdown Counters on a User who has no Countdown Counters
Time Warp (Interrupt): One User with Countdown Counters placed on them loses 1d2 Countdown Counters.
Time Reversal (Interrupt): When a User with Countdown Counters deals damage to Clockwork God: That User loses 1
Countdown Counter, and reduce the damage dealt by that User in half.
Time Shift (Quick): The duration of all Debuff effects placed on Clockwork God are reduced by 1d4 rounds. Then, reduce
the duration of any Buffs placed on all Users by that same amount.
The God of time within the story of the labyrinths, who bears the souls of mortals to the afterlife. One part of the Clockwork
God felt pity for a fleeting human soul, crafting in the festival an intricate falsehood to protect her, caring not about the
consequences of tearing away from his duties.
Shadow Hordes
Hordes function similarly to regular Shadows, with a few key differences:
❖ Hordes always ignore negotiation and cannot be obtained by Fusion;
❖ Hordes are treated as one unit in the initiative queue that can attack a number of times based on their
current HP: At 100% HP, they can perform four attacks per turn, losing 1 attack for each 25% HP they
lose. Horde HP thresholds are marked in parenthesis next to their max HP;
❖ Hordes occupy four adjacent spaces in the map, in any configuration, and always move as one unit.
Similar to their attack allowance, Hordes occupy one space less for every 25% HP lost;
❖ Casting a Multi spell allows you to select a single Horde as the target two times, while Total spells
allow you to select a Horde as the target up to three times. Area spells deal damage to Hordes two
times: Once for the main damage, then once for the “adjacent target” damage;
❖ Hordes reward 4x the normal Experience Points for their level;
Spirit Horde
Shadow Horde
Level 2
Hit Points 280 (210/140/70)
Rush of the Phantasms: One target within 6 meters. On hit: 2d4+TEC (11) Fire damage.
A group of evil ghosts said to have all drowned in the same pond. If the rumors are true or if these Shadows were created by
the faith surrounding the rumor is still unclear.
Element Horde
Shadow Horde
Level 4
Hit Points: 432 (324/216/108)
A group of mindless elemental constructs guided by a wise Mercurius. It’s said that, if left to their own devices, this Horde
could acquire enough power to create an extremely powerful breed of Element.
Shadow Horde
Level 8
Hit Points: 528 (396/264/132)
Panic Caster: Demonstrators deal 20% more damage for 3 rounds but cannot move from their current position. This is a
Buff effect. At the end of each round under this effect, if Demonstrators did not cast one of their spells this round, they lose
50 HP (no check).
Barrage: Any number of targets within 6 meters. On hit: 7d4 (17) Physical damage.
Riot Response: One target within 4 meters. On hit: 7d8 (31) Thunder damage and 5TEC% (30%) Shocked chance.
The Boot: One Shocked target. Does not check for dodge. Critical Margin +2. On hit: 7d10 (38) Physical damage.
A gathering that strikes fear in the hearts of people. They appear when the economy is on the decline or when a major
incident occurs. Since the beginning of humanity, creatures of this sort have been too abundant to be worth mentioning.
They gather and yell out their doctrines and assertions, confusing people, but in the end, they just want to make noise.
Tyrant Sheet
10% / 20%