Real or Fake
Credits Special Thanks
Written By: Peter Vulic Kirra-lee Huber (original playtest team and
Developed By: Peter Vulic supportive partner, without who, none of this
Edited By: Peter Vulic would have been possible)
Mike Minford (editorial assistance)
Riot Of The Blood Cast (critical feedback)
Brad Hardwick (critical feedback & advice)
2019 White Wolf Entertainment AB. All rights reserved.
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Storytelling System™, and Storytellers Vault™ are
trademarks and/or registered trademarks of White Wolf
Entertainment AB. All rights reserved.
For additional information on White Wolf and the World
of Darkness, please, visit: www.white-wolf.com,
www.worldofdarkness.com and www.storytellersvault.com.
Tag: All abilities are given a tag. A tag
How to use this Document? describes what sort of medium the power uses.
The document should be read just like any other Only those capable of perceiving reality under that
World of Darkness book. You will need the core V5 tag can pick up on its use and even then, it might be
rulebook to understand most of its rules but on the beyond their scope to do so. If a creature is resilient,
following pages you will find rules for an expanded to a single tag the power possesses, but not the
Chimerstry discipline. This includes a re-write of its other then it can still be affected as per normal. A
old powers as well as special and optional rules to single power usually will have more than one tag:
improve your gameplay experience. ▪ Physical: uses and functions through sound,
The powers have been written in a way that is sight, smell, taste, and/or touch.
hopefully clearer than what the main rulebook ▪ Mental: uses and functions through the use of
provides. telepathy or simply in the mind of the creature.
▪ Spiritual: uses the connection through the
Please read the segments on the current and Umbra (or spiritual energy) to function.
following page for a better understanding of how to
use the document. Range & Targets: Describes the range of the
power and how many individuals it impacts. This
The Breakdown will not always be a physically determined range but
can be categorized as Vocal, Visual or Scent range,
Each power is broken up into the following meaning the range extends to how far a character
segments: can see, smell or how many people can hear him.
Description: a quick summary of the power, Conditions: Describes what conditions must be
including some additional information for how it met for the power to work.
functions, impacts the user and what its
effects actually are. The description is generally Risk: Advises primarily how easily another
broken down into italicized text and normal text. individual can perceive the use of this power and
The italicized text is meant more as an how likely it is. This is primarily meant to give the
in-story description of the power or its origins while player an understanding of the risks involved when
the normal text actually advises you on its effects. using this power in public.
Type: All powers have a type attributed to them. Cost: Tells the player what cost must be paid for
These are: the power’s activation.
▪ Abilities: requires the user to actively Test: Advises what test a player must pass for the
deviate that they are using this power. power to activate. The test difficulty will always be a
▪ Reflexive: the ability only becomes number in a bracket ( ). As long as the result is
available if the right circumstance presents equalled or exceeded the power activates. In
themselves during which point a player may circumstances where no test or value is provided the
declare that they are activating the power. power activates automatically.
▪ Upgrade: these powers augment or
permanently enhance the user. They have no Resistance Roll: Describes what values the target
cost and are always active. uses in order to attempt to resist the powers effects
▪ Ritual: these powers require a character's (if any). The difficulty for the Resistance Roll is
attention, ingredients and, usually, a either a pre-determined value ( ) or is simply made
prolonged period of time to perform properly
against the users test result.
but their effects are generally, long lasting and
powerful. Duration: Advises how long the power
remains active for or rather how long its effects
remain active.
The last two will be new for most players as these
Values additions do not feature in the main rulebook.
Many of the powers written here will provide you A discipline Bonus is granted to any user of the
with a distance and duration which is slightly ability and generally grows more powerful the more
different from the main book which uses a more dots the player invests in that discipline. The Bonus
open system of play. Treat these more as guidelines is generally a passive one or it augments the powers
to give you a better understanding of the extent of in the Discipline further.
each power and its effects.
A discipline Bane is the inherent danger which
Distance and weight will always be provided in comes from using the discipline. These can vary but
metric followed by imperial measurements in the one rule they all share is that a discipline Bane
brackets. Both are rounded up or down to the only affects those users and clans who do not
closest round number for ease of gameplay. naturally have access to the Discipline to begin with
Duration is always provided in normal time and as part of their Clan (or bloodline) inherent abilities.
game time. Normal time being hours, days, weeks For example, Dominate is a discipline which several
etc. and game time being provided in Actions, clans have access to. So Ventrue and Tremere
Rounds, Scenes and Sessions. Normal time will characters will outright ignore the discipline bane
always be provided in brackets next to Game time. for Dominate. However, a Gangrel who gained
Just like distances these are meant to provide a access to Dominate (by either being taught or as
guideline more than an actual hard rule and are part of their Predator Type) will always be impacted
meant for ease of gameplay. by the discipline Bane as it is not a power his Clan is
naturally accustomed to.
Enhanced Mortals
In either event discipline Banes & Bonuses are
You might often encounter the phrase Enhanced optional rules and most powers work just as easily
Mortal. This is simply a tag given to all creatures without their implementation. So, if you feel like
who are mostly human (or a normal animal) but had they would slow your game feel free to disregard
been altered by scientific or supernatural means to them.
be stronger, faster or more resilient than general
mortals. Ghouls, Flesh Creations, Zombies, Thin- Clan Signature Disciplines
Bloods, Kinfolk etc. can all be considered Enhanced
Mortals. In the current version for V5 most clan signature
disciplines had not made the transition to the new
LARP Friendly rule set. Those that did had been altered or
appropriated by several clans.
Some abilities can be somewhat difficult to
represent in a Live Action Role Play For the purposes of the custom rules found here
(LARP) setting. Due to this the author had Signature Clan Disciplines should only be available
added a symbol of an ankh (such as the to the clan listed below.
one on the right) to all powers which he You can however still mix and match the powers as
personally considers to NOT be LARP friendly. you want as they are still considered optional in
This is simply the authors personal preference and if nature.
you feel like a power can enrich your gaming
experience than by all means use it.
Clans With Access to
Banes & Bonuses Chimerstry
Before you get into the full explanation of each
power there will be a page which explains the nature
of the discipline at length, how it works, its bonuses
and its banes.
Kindred can never generate a visual element for his
CHIMERSTRY illusions.
Ghost sounds, spectres, phantom pains and more, There are 2 ways illusions can be manifested:
Chimerstry is the supernatural ability to cast Apparitions: These are your basic illusions which
illusions. are manifested out of thin air and are not made to
Its origins are lost in myths and half-truths, but it is disguise an existing object or individual.
assumed to have been originally developed by the Overlaying: These illusions are usually cast over
Ravnos Antediluvian. existing objects to create disguises or mislead its
victims. Overlaying illusions is complex and requires
The clan had used the discipline to great effect a specific power (Mirror Masking) from Chimerstry
during the centuries and it, in turn, had contributed to be taken in order to perform.
greatly to the perception of its users being tricksters
or con artists. There is no Resistance Roll which can be made
against Chimerstry as nothing can prevent the
Sadly, since the Week of Nightmares, the clan had manifestation of its illusions. However, the power
been gutted and there are very few Ravnos around of illusions themselves can be negated as they are an
these nights who can use the discipline in its full imitation of reality and rarely ever full proof. They
grandeur. generally lack some form realism to them. This
means characters can perform an Awareness or
However, those that remain can shape reality
Investigation roll to try and see past illusions. The
around them with very few contenders capable of
difficulty of these rolls should always be equal to the
stopping them.
rating of the Chimerstry user, who cast the illusions
+ 2. Auspex users in particular, who can perceive
Key Test reality through different spectrums, are especially
skilled at seeing past apparitions and should be
Chimerstry + Wits
granted a bonus. On the other hand if a player or
NPC notices an illusions lacks a specific form of
Chimerstry Explained realism (fire which does not produce heat for
instance) then they would normally not need to
Chimersty is a highly flexible discipline and can be
make any roll as they stumbled upon a fault in the
used in a number of creative ways. The discipline
illusion itself. Regardless of how it came about, once
has a unique Level 0 ability called Cast Illusion. This
an illusions is seen for what it is, it will still remain
ability is automatically granted to any Chimerstry
manifested but will cease to have any effect on
user the moment they gain their first dot in the
those who saw past it. Their line of sight will not be
discipline. The basic Level 0 ability does not take up
blocked, they will not be distracted by it and so on.
a power slot however. This means its user can have
Read Smoke & Mirrors on page (16) for a more in
1 power per dot in Chimerstry while still possessing
depth look into illusions.
Cast Illusion. Meaning that a 5-dot user in
Chimerstry will have 6 powers in total (the 5 they
chose as per normal + cast illusion).
Discipline Bonus
The Kindred can automatically see past illusions
To properly utilize Chimerstry, the vampire must from users whose rating in Chimerstry (or its
experience the illusion he creates, deceiving, even equivalent) is lower than theirs.
himself for an instant about the substance of his
creation (which can lead to Rötschreck if the Discipline Bane
vampire summons the illusion of fire). This means a
If a 1 is rolled on a Rouse Check for a Chimerstry
user of this discipline can only create illusions which
power, then the Kindred himself believes the
affected those senses he can perceive. So, a deaf
illusion he cast is real and loses control over it.
vampire can only cast silent illusions, while a blind
Level 0 Level 1
Cast Illusion Ignis Fatuss
The Kindred creates an illusion. The power of Chimerstry grows more potent
allowing the Kindred to empower its illusions with
The Kindred creates a static illusion within Visual
Range. The illusion only affects the Visual Senses
and behaves in a way predetermined by the The Kindred’s illusions now produce sound with
Kindred. certain limitations.
Fata Amria Truth’s Essenes
The illusions produced by the Kindred now feel Trained to know what to look for, the Kindred attempts to
solid. break the hold the illusion has on him.
The Kindreds illusions now feel solid to If successful, the Kindred will automatically be able
one’s touch, they can imitate any texture and even to tell illusions from reality or see through them
simulate the sensation of temperature variations completely. This power provides the chance for
(hot/cold). even the weakest Chimerstry users to see through
illusions created by masters.
❖ Type: Upgrade
❖ Tag: Physical ❖ Type: Ability
❖ Range & Targets: Targets any illusions made ❖ Tag: Mental
by the Kindred. ❖ Range & Targets: Targets a single perceived
❖ Cost: The illusions produced are imitating illusion within Visual Range and the Kindred
reality. While they feel solid any focused himself.
exertion of force on such objects will reveal ❖ Cost: None
their falsehood (for example, a hand heavily ❖ Conditions: None
pressed on a fake wall will simply go through ❖ Risk: None. Be wary however as not
it). Additionally, even though they feel solid, everything is always an illusion.
such illusions can never bring physical harm
to anyone. ❖ Test: Chimerstry + Wits (3)
❖ Conditions: None ❖ Resistance Roll: None
❖ Risk: Minor. This upgrade augments the ❖ Duration: 1 Action (a few seconds) for the
disciplines’ basic ability. effects to take hold, after which the targeted
illusion losses its effect on the user (Horrid
❖ Test: None Reality, Shared Nightmare and Visions Of
❖ Resistance Roll: None The Asura are not affected).
❖ Duration: Permanent
Illusionary Aroma
The illusions produced by the Kindred start imitate
The Kindreds illusions now produce a pre-
determined scent (specified by the user) which can
be smelled by anyone in visual view of the illusions.
❖ Type: Upgrade
❖ Tag: Physical
❖ Range & Targets: Targets any illusions made
by the Kindred.
❖ Cost: The illusionary smell only imitates
reality and cannot obscure pre-existing smells.
❖ Conditions: None
❖ Risk: Minor. This upgrade augments the
disciplines’ basic ability.
❖ Test: None
❖ Resistance Roll: None
❖ Duration: Permanent
Level 2
Dweomer Mirror Masking
Wise to the powers of supernatural sight the Kindreds now The Kindred learns to efficiently overlay his
imbues his illusions to appear real even to those with illusions over existing items and individuals.
supernatural eyesight. The Kindred can now overlay his illusions
Cast Illusions gains the spiritual tag. These illusions over existing items or individuals. He can use this to
now imitate spiritual reality as well. Spectres have create temporary disguises, help items blend into
false auras, objects have made up resonance and so their surroundings or even make individuals appear
on. In simple game terms, Auspex users no longer as monsters, angels etc.
benefit from any bonuses when trying to see past ❖ Type: Upgrade
illusions using their abilities, they are just as real to
❖ Tag: Physical
them as any other victim.
❖ Range & Targets: Targets the Kindred
❖ Type: Upgrade himself.
❖ Tag: Physical ❖ Cost: None
❖ Range & Targets: Targets any illusions made ❖ Conditions: The illusionary effect will only
by the Kindred. last as long as the target does not perform
❖ Cost: None supernatural maneuvers (Celerity), real
changes to their body (Protean), mental tricks
❖ Conditions: Must have at least 1 dot in which obscure them (Obfuscate) or similar as
Auspex. This ability can never be used to hide the user can only stretch his ability so far.
or obscure existing auras.
❖ Risk: Minor. This upgrade augments the
❖ Risk: None disciplines’ basic ability but greatly depends on
❖ Test: None how you use it.
❖ Resistance Roll: None ❖ Test: None
❖ Duration: Permanent ❖ Resistance Roll: None
Apparition ❖ Duration: Permanent
❖ Type: Upgrade
❖ Tag: Physical
❖ Range & Targets: Targets any illusions made
by the Kindred.
❖ Cost: None
❖ Conditions: None
❖ Risk: Moderate. This upgrade augments the
disciplines’ basic ability. Illusions which move
can be more noticeable.
❖ Test: None
❖ Resistance Roll: None
❖ Duration: Permanent
Suspension Of Disbelief Fata Morgana
The Kindred enchants an area to empower any illusions he The Kindred conjures illusions miles away from
casts. Making any attempt to see through his manifestations their location.
extremely difficulty.
To cast this ritual the Kindred must have
To cast this ritual the kindred must spill some of his spilled some of their own blood in the targeted
blood into a bowl of water. As the effects take hold location within the last week.
and the water turns into mist any illusions cast If successful, the Kindred can use Cast Illusion
within 100 meters (300 feet) of the site of the ritual within 10 meters (30 feet) of the area of the spilt
are empowered. Such empowered illusions do not blood (with all its upgrades affecting it).
require any test to be made in order to manifest (the Unlike normal the illusion does not have to be
user counts as having automatically passed the test) experienced by the Kindred to manifest itself,
and the general difficulty for seeing through such however the Kindred can only cast one such
illusions is increased from the users Chimerstry instance of the illusion at a time and enters a torpor
rating +2 to instead be double the users Chimerstry like state while the illusion remains active.
rating (Chimerstry x2). Do note that the Kindred is creating the illusion
without being physically there and so the effects
❖ Type: Ritual might be unpredictable. The Kindred can still advise
❖ Tag: Physical the storyteller as to what he wants the illusion to do
❖ Range & Targets: An area within 100 meters but whether it has the desired effect is up to the
(300 feet) of the site of the ritual. The size of discretion of the storyteller.
the area can be modified to be a building for
ease of gameplay. ❖ Type: Ritual
❖ Cost: 1 Scene + 1 Rouse Check ❖ Tag: Physical
❖ Conditions: None ❖ Range & Targets: Any area within 100
❖ Risk: Moderate. While illusions feel more real, kilometers (60 miles) of the Kindred, where
but the effect of the ritual is contained to a the Vampire’s blood had been spilt in the last
relatively small area. week.
❖ Test: Chimerstry + Wits (2) The Kindred can manifest illusions within 10
❖ Resistance Roll: None meters (30 feet) of the location of the spilt
❖ Duration: 1 Scene (1 Hour) to cast the ritual,
after which the ritual remains active for the ❖ Cost: 1 Scene + 1 Rouse Check
next 12 hours. ❖ Conditions: None
❖ Risk: High. With no way of knowing the
situation of the location, you are manifesting
the ability blind.
❖ Test: Chimerstry + Wits (the size of the
illusion + 1)
❖ Resistance Roll: None
❖ Duration: 1 Scene (1 Hour) or as long as the
Kindred remains in his torpor like trance (the
trance is broken automatically if he is attacked,
however the illusion can remain active even
after this if the Kindred possesses
Illusionary Rituals
Usually, illusions require the user to be within
Visual range of the location where the illusion is
to manifest. In case of its rituals such limitations
are lifted.
Level 3
Permanency Fatuss Weaponry
Illusions become more solid and can now last for hours even The user can cast illusionary weapons which are so believable
when their creator had long since moved on. that they can block incoming blows and wound targets.
The Kindreds illusions can last up to 1 hour per dot The Kindred can manifest weapons of any
in Chimerstry the Kindred possesses, even if the description, although the less believable the weapon,
Kindred is no longer present in the area. the less likely it is to cause harm.
The weapons themselves can harm a target in the
❖ Type: Upgrade same way a normal melee weapon can but have to
❖ Tag: Physical be seen being wielded by their intended target. Such
❖ Range & Targets: Targets any illusions made weapons can never be used to perform sneak
by the Kindred. attacks as they depend on the target seeing and
❖ Cost: None believing they can be hurt by them to have any real
❖ Conditions: None effect. Sadly, the weapons are never as durable as
❖ Risk: High. This upgrade augments the the real thing and after one or two hits will dissipate
disciplines’ basic ability. The heightened risk into nothing.
from this ability comes mainly from the The same limitations which apply to melee weapons
Kindred forgetting to end the illusions once created by this ability apply to firearms as well with
they are no longer needed. the added limitation that they can only be fired a
❖ Test: None couple of times before dissipating (left to the
❖ Resistance Roll: None discretion of the Storyteller).
❖ Duration: Permanent
❖ Type: Ability
❖ Tag: Physical
Phantasmal Death ❖ Range & Targets: Targets the Kindred
Perhaps a protective measure developed by those who delved himself.
too deep into the art of Chimerstry or a jealous response to the ❖ Cost: None
creations of others, this power is the death of Illusions. ❖ Conditions: The weapon only has any effect
if the target can see the weapon being used
If successful, then all illusions within 100 meters against it and it knows it is not an illusion.
(300 feet) of the Kindred immediately end. To manifest melee weapons the user needs to
possess the Fata Amria power.
❖ Type: Ability To manifest firearms the user needs to
❖ Tag: Mental, Physical & Spiritual possess the Fata Amria and the Ignis Fatus
❖ Range & Targets: Targets any illusions powers.
within 100 meters (300 feet) of the Kindred. ❖ Risk: Minor. You are conjuring a weapon
❖ Cost: 1 Rouse Check seemingly out of thin air.
❖ Conditions: None ❖ Test: Chimerstry + Wits (3)
❖ Risk: None ❖ Resistance Roll: None
❖ Test: Chimerstry + Wits (3) ❖ Duration: 1 Scene (10 minutes), until the
❖ Resistance Roll: None illusion fails, or the user voluntarily ends the
❖ Duration: 1 Action (a few seconds) for the ability.
effects to take hold, after which all illusions in
range end immediately.
Taste Of Bliss Aid Of The Gandharvas
The Kindred can overlay existing tastes with completely new With this ritual the Kindred changes the appearance of a
ones, tricking even the most adept connoisseur. building into one of grandeur and opulence.
The user can now layer tastes over existing food and The Kindred spills some of their blood onto a
drink changing their original taste to something golden coin in a building they wish to affect in order
completely new. Unlike other illusions this ability to cast the ritual.
overrules reality fully and so its victims can be If successful the Kindred can transform the
tricked into eating rotten meat while thinking it’s a appearance of the building (both inside and out)
5-star steak, drinking blood and thinking its water into that of an opulent palace, mansion or similar.
and so on. The illusion is incredibly detailed and will change
The only real limitation of the upgrade is that the items in the interior as well. Cracked cups become
target must be ingesting something normally edible crystal glasses, the broken-down car in the garage
for it to have an effect. Due to their limited pallet becomes a luxury limo and so on. These changes
Kindred are less likely to be tricked as most food never actually extend to functionality however so a
will always taste like ashes to them. leaking cup will still leak even if it looks like a crystal
glass, while the new luxury limo will not run.
❖ Type: Upgrade Furthermore, any item taken out of the house
❖ Tag: Physical instantly loses its illusionary effects.
❖ Range & Targets: Targets any illusions made
by the Kindred. ❖ Type: Ritual
❖ Cost: None ❖ Tag: Physical
❖ Conditions: Target must be eating something ❖ Range & Targets: Targets a building (the
edible. The user must possess Mirror Masking size of the building should be limited to a
to use this upgrade. large house before penalties are applied by the
❖ Risk: Minor. This upgrade augments the Storyteller).
disciplines’ basic ability and taste is normally ❖ Cost: 1 Scene + 1 Rouse Check
subjective. ❖ Conditions: Must target the building the
❖ Test: None ritual takes place in.
❖ Resistance Roll: None The user must possess the Mirror Masking
❖ Duration: Permanent power to use this ritual.
❖ Risk: Moderate. You are significantly altering
a large structure, but it can still be made to
blend in.
❖ Test: Chimerstry + Wits (3)
❖ Resistance Roll: None
❖ Duration: 1 Session (6 Hours)
Level 4
False Reality Shared Nightmare
This ability allows the user to create illusions The Kindred turns an area into a horrible realm
without the need for them to affect sight. on walking nightmares. The ritual is especially
powerful against large groups of assailants as it
When manifesting Cast Illusion, the uses the fears of each intruder to augment the
Kindred can substitute the visual part of the illusion number and type of apparitions cast.
for something else (smell, taste, touch or sound). In
essence this power allows the Kindred to create The Kindred spills some of their blood into a
ghost sounds, phantom touch sensations, smells burning fire (they must test for fear frenzy before
with no source and similar. Due to this such performing the ritual).
illusions can be extremely hard to tell from reality. If successful, the area surrounding the ritual will
become cursed. Anyone other than the Kindred or
❖ Type: Upgrade those of their blood (including ghouls and blood
❖ Tag: Physical bound servants) will become affected automatically.
❖ Range & Targets: Targets any illusions made For each intruder a spectre that embodies the
by the Kindred. victims worse fear will manifest. These are not
❖ Cost: None supernatural fears like fire for vampires (although
❖ Conditions: None the storyteller can make them such) but rather deep
❖ Risk: Moderate. As this ability gives its user a personal horror. The spectres also have a mind of
lot of flexibility it mainly depends on how it is their own and each intruder’s individual spectre
used. does not need to haunt them itself.
❖ Test: None In game terms the area becomes chaotically
❖ Resistance Roll: None haunted, and all enemies suffer a 2 dice penalty to
all their rolls while the effects last (although the
❖ Duration: Permanent
storyteller is welcome to introduce other affects as
Fatuss Mastery ❖ Type: Ritual
The Kindred becomes a master illusionist with few equals. ❖ Tag: Physical
❖ Range & Targets: An area within 100 meters
The Kindred does not need to make Rouse Checks (300 feet) of the site of the ritual. The size of
when using Cast Illusion. the area can be modified to be a building for
ease of gameplay.
❖ Type: Upgrade ❖ Cost: 1 Scene + 1 Rouse Check
❖ Tag: Physical ❖ Conditions: Must target the building the
❖ Range & Targets: Targets any illusions made ritual takes place in. If the fire at the center of
by the Kindred. the Ritual is extinguished the ritual and its
❖ Cost: None effects end immediately.
❖ Conditions: None ❖ Risk: Very High. The specters have a mind of
❖ Risk: Minor. This ability simply makes the act their own and the ability indiscriminately
of casting illusions easier for the user. targets all but the user and his closest allies
❖ Test: None (those who possess its blood).
❖ Resistance Roll: None ❖ Test: Chimerstry + Wits (4)
❖ Duration: Permanent ❖ Resistance Roll: None
❖ Duration: 1 Session (6 Hours) or until the fire
that was used to cast the ritual is extinguished.
Level 5
Horrid Reality Visions Of The Asura
Spectres become all too real, illusionary weapons A single victim or a group of enemies are cursed by
turn sharp and ghost sounds turn to screams that the Kindred to be haunted by nightmarish
make ears bleed. illusions. This gift bears a terrible echo of the week
of nightmares.
This is a variation of Cast Illusion and benefits from
all its upgrades. The illusions created by this ability The Kindred spills the vitae of one or more
feel all too real. Fire feels hot, although it does not Kindred into a bowl. The vitae does not need to be
burn, screams can leave a ringing in one’s ear but do fresh and can even be substituted by a body part
not deafen the individual and so on. from the intended victim(s) (fingers, nails, hair will
In game terms unlike normal illusions, which cease all do).
to have an effect on a target once they are identified If successful, illusions of the targets worse fears will
as such, illusions cast by this ability cannot be begin to materialise near them. Always within line of
ignored even if the target knows the illusions are sight but never close enough to be identified for
not real. The illusions cast by this ability are also what they are.
more solid and can inflict physical damage, although In game terms targeted individuals suffer a 1 dice
this is strictly limited to Superficial Damage at most penalty to all their rolls and cannot use Willpower to
(even if a Kindred is being targeted by illusionary re-roll dice (although the storyteller can apply other
flames, although it goes without saying that the penalties in addition to this).
sensation of pain will make the experience more ❖ Type: Ritual
believable). The only way to end illusions cast by
❖ Tag: Physical
this ability is by targeting them with Phantasmal
Death (or a similar ability) or waiting for the power
❖ Range & Targets: Up to five individuals
within 100 kilometers (60 miles) of the ritual.
to run its course.
❖ Cost: 1 Scene + 2 Rouse Check
❖ Type: Ability ❖ Conditions: Must have vitae or a body part
❖ Tag: Mental, Physical & Spiritual belonging to the target(s) to use in the ritual.
❖ Range & Targets: Targets a single location ❖ Risk: High. The illusions appear at random
within Visual Range and within 10 meters (30 near the victims and can be seen by others.
feet) of the Kindred. ❖ Test: Chimerstry + Wits (5)
❖ Cost: 2 Rouse Checks ❖ Resistance Roll: None
❖ Conditions: None ❖ Duration: 3 sessions (1 week)
❖ Risk: High. The illusions which the Kindred
summons have a mind of their own and are
not subservient to their creator. They will act
independently once manifested. Although Illusionary Nightmares
sadistic in nature they will never target their
creator unless provoked. Their actions are Generally, illusions lose their power as they are
best left to the discretion of the Storyteller. noticed for what they are. However, when it
❖ Test: Chimerstry + Wits (5) comes to rituals such as Shared Nightmare or
❖ Resistance Roll: None Visions Of The Asura the Kindred is casting an
❖ Duration: 1 Scene (10 minutes) illusion that feeds on the mind of its victims
causing the targeted individuals to shape the
otherwise blank spectres. Due to this, illusions
cast by Shared Nightmare or Visions Of The
Asura never lose their effect as they feed on the
fears of their victims.
Chimerstry is a highly flexible discipline, but it requires a firm understanding of its limitations in order to be
used effectively. This section will provide you with some further rule clarifications on how to use its abilities
both as a player and as the storyteller.
This Document is part of the Shadowfall expanded universe.