Evil Avatar
Evil Avatar
Evil Avatar
Shadow Finally, at 10th level, you do not choose a hybrid element via your
Villainous Elemental Affinity Hybrid Elements feature. Instead, you may select a second ele-
mental affinity to be a shadow element for you.
Before there was light, there was darkness—crushing, all encom-
passing, and malevolent. All other elements stand in defiance of DARK PUPPET
this truth, deluding those who seek their power. Shadow elemen-
talists know better. They have seen the darkness and learned its You can manipulate other creatures’ shadows and even cause them
mysterious ways. The element of shadow is unlike all others— to attack their source. As an action you can target a creature you
oppressive as the oceans’ depths and as dangerous as an angry can see within your area of elemental influence and take control of
dragon. To be its master you must become as shadow, learning to its shadow until the start of your next turn. The shadow remains
mimic others with unearthly precision. This imitation is no form attached to the creature but otherwise does your will, making ges-
of flattery. The shadowy reflections you create are but a twisted tures and moving as you see fit.
mockery of the originals, made all the more dangerous by your
elemental power. Other elementalists are nothing before the shad- When you take control of a creature’s shadow you can cause the
ow and are fools to think they have chosen the superior element. shadow to attack the target. When you do so, the shadow makes a
melee spell attack using your spell attack bonus against the target.
SHADOWY REFLECTION On a successful hit the target takes 1d10 necrotic or psychic dam-
age (your choice). This damage increases by 1d10 when you reach
Starting at 1st level, you must choose an element you can special- 6th level (2d10), 10th level (3d10), 14th level (4d10), and 18th
ize in mimicking with your elemental shadow. You must choose level (5d10).
either air, earth, fire, or water, which is considered a shadow ele-
ment for you. You can learn elemental shapes as though you were NIGHTBRINGER
a member of that elemental affinity (for example, if you choose air
as your shadow element, you can learn elemental shapes exclusive At 6th level you are at home in the darkness and can even cast the
to air elementalists). land around you into shadow. You have darkvision out to the range
of your area of elemental influence and can see in magical darkness.
When you create an elemental shape, you must use one your shad- Additionally, as an action you can expend 5 primal power to fill your
ow elements as that shape’s elemental affinity. When you do so, the area of elemental influence with magical darkness for 1 minute.
shape becomes a warped and shadowy echo of that element. Any
damage that would be dealt by the elemental shape is necrotic or UMBRAL POWER
psychic damage (your choice) instead of its normal damage type.
Additionally, if a creature attempts a saving throw other than a At 10th level your elemental shapes can snuff out the light. When
Wisdom saving throw against one of your elemental shapes, it in- you create an elemental shape that affects an area, you can choose
stead attempts a Wisdom saving throw (the DC remains the same). for any nonmagical sources of light in the area to be immediately
extinguished. Magical sources of light in the area that are not day-
New Epic Ritual: The Great Hunt
light are instead suppressed for 1 minute. Epic enchantment ritual
Additionally, as a bonus action you expend 9 primal power to be- Primary Caster Restrictions: 26th level or higher,
come invisible for 1 hour. This invisibility ends early if you attack, 1 or more Epic levels in the slayer Epic prestige class
cast a spell, or create an elemental shape. Power DC: 60
Preparation Time: 1 day
CUNNING OF THE SHADOWS Components: V, S, M (a drop of blood from each target
of the ritual), L (Honor’s End in Nexus)
By 14th level the element of shadow has integrated into your mind Duration: 1 year
and body, granting you extraordinary skill. You gain proficiency in
Deception and Stealth. If you are already proficient in either skill, This ritual is performed by the huntmasters to begin a Great
you instead double your proficiency when you make any ability Hunt, binding a small army of rangers and hunters to a code of
check using that skill. conduct that polices the behavior of those who participate in it.
Additionally, the ritual designates a target for the hunters to pur-
MASTER SHADOW sue over the course of the ritual’s duration.
Preparation: When you begin casting this ritual you can designate
At 18th level you have mastered the element of shadow, allowing any number of creatures you can see to be a part of the Great Hunt.
you to crush your enemies with its overwhelming power. You have You must provide enough food and drink for the targets to feast
advantage on attack rolls against creatures in darkness, and crea- on over the next 24 hours. If a target leaves your sight or is unable
tures in darkness have disadvantage on saving throws against your to find food or drink over the course of the ritual’s preparation, the
elemental shapes. ritual ends for that target. Over the course of the ritual’s preparation
you must regale the targets with stories of survival, songs to be sung
Honor’s End while alone in the wilds, and tales of battle with legendary foes. At
Few places in Nexus are wilder than Honor’s End. This once the end of the ritual you must propose a toast to which all targets of
humble lodge has been expanded into a great hunting hall capa- the ritual must drink, or the ritual ends for that target.
ble of seating three hundred rugged rangers. Its walls are titanic
logs from ironbark trees while its roof is thatched with the bones Effect: The targets of the ritual are bound by a hunter’s creed: a
of colossal beasts. The interior overflows with hunting trophies of code of conduct outlining the ethics by which each hunter is ex-
all shapes and sizes, leaving just enough room for four gigantic pected to abide over the course of the Great Hunt. The code can be
tables, at the head of which sit huntmasters, one per table. These up to ten tenants of your design, none of which can be longer than
grizzled veterans are slayers9 of unparalleled skill. At the start a few short sentences. For example, you can decree that the targets
of each new year, the huntmasters declare a new Great Hunt to cannot kill their quarry or cannot interfere in each other’s hunts. If
thousands of aspirants from across dimensions. Each hunt has a participant violates this creed, you and all participants know the
unique rules and restrictions for its participants, and the three violator’s name, which tenant(s) they violated, and their exact loca-
hundred most successful hunters are allowed to feast, drink, and tion for the duration of the ritual. Additionally, when you cast the
share stories within Honor’s End until the end of the next year. ritual you can declare a single creature or species of creature to be
Few are talented enough to keep a seat for more than a single the target of the Great Hunt, which all participants view as their
season, with consecutive seat-holders regarded as some of the quarry. The tenants of the Great Hunt only apply when hunting in
most skilled in existence. pursuit of this chosen quarry.
For more information on the slayer Epic prestige class, see the Epic Legacy Core
Garden Conflux of
Elemental Power