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Sorcerous Origin - Fiend-Blooded - GM Binder

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Sorcerous Origin

Choose one of the plane your most aligned with: The Nine
Fiend-Blooded Hells, Hades, or the Abyss. You learn an additional spell
based on that affinity, as shown below. It can be used a
Your blood is corrupted by the touch of fiends. Whether you number of times equal to your charisma modifier per day and
were born of the union of a fiend and a mortal race, your
doesn't expend a spell slot. The spell counts as a sorcerer
lineage traces back to one, or your blood was corrupted by
spell for you, but it doesn’t count against the number of
fiendish magic - you've gain malignant and inhuman abilities.
sorcerer spells you know. These spells can’t be replaced when
Mortals with fiendish blood, while not always tieflings, are you gain a level in this class.
always marked by darkness. Fiend-blooded mortals, however, Affinity Spell
are not inherently evil. Other mortals will always be wary of
sorcerers imbued with the power of the lower planes viewing The Nine Hells command
them as agents or artificers of evil machinations and Hades ray of sickness
The Abyss chaos bolt
Fiend-Blooded Features
Sorcerer Mark of Darkness
Level Feature Starting at 1st level, you have an infernal mark upon your
Fiendish Magic, Hellish Affinity, Mark of body. Whether it's a searing tattoo, devilish horns, claws made
Darkness of ash - no matter what it is, it radiates with dark energy and
empowers you. You add half of your proficiency bonus,
Chains of the Damned, Diabolic
6th rounded down, to your Charisma (Intimidation) and Charisma
(Persuasion) checks when you present your mark.
14th Wicked Transformation
Additionally as a bonus action, you can choose to spend 2
18th Stygian Escape
sorcery points to gain temporary hit points equal to your
Charisma modifier + your Sorcerer level. These temporary hit
Fiendish Magic points are vulnerable to radiant damage.

Starting at 1st level, your fiendish blood imbues you with

arcane power. You learn additional spells when you reach
Chains of the Damned
certain levels in this class, as shown on the Fiendish Magic Beginning at 6th level, you gain the ability to summon infernal
Spells table. The spell counts as a sorcerer spell for you, but it chains from the ground to bind an enemy. As a bonus action,
doesn’t count against the number of sorcerer spells you know. you can spend 3 sorcery points to chain one creature you can
These spells can’t be replaced when you gain a level in this see within 40 feet of you. The creature must succeed on a
class. Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC or be
affected by these chains for the duration of the effect. On a
Fiendish Magic Spells failure four chains lock around the creature.
Sorcerer Level Spells While bound by the chains, a creature is restrained and
1st cause fear, hellish rebuke cannot restore hit points through any means including magic.
On its turn, it can use either an action or a bonus action, not
3rd flame blade, scorching ray both. Regardless of the creature’s abilities or magic items, it
5th Melf's minute meteors, tongues can’t make more than one melee or ranged attack during its
turn. A creature affected by these chains may make a another
7th fire shield, shadow of moil
wisdom saving throw at the end of each of its turns. On a
9th dispel evil and good, mislead successful save, the effect ends for it.
The chains disappears if its target is reduced to 0 Hit

Hellish Affinity Points, succeeds the saving throw, or after 3 minutes.

At 1st level, you discover your affinity to one of the lower

planes of existence. Whenever you deal cold, fire, or necrotic
damage, you can change the damage type to cold, fire, or
necrotic. Until you finish a short or long rest, all damage of
that type will act as though it is the converted damage type
(i.e fire will freeze, cold will burn, and necrotic will decay).

Diabolic Awakening Stygian Escape
At 6th level, your body and mind becomes more fiendish. Your At 18th level, you can use an action to summon an echo of
creature type is fiend, replacing your original creature type. the River Styx and traverse across it. You call forth a ghostly
Choose one of the following damage types: cold, fire, or echo of the River Styx beneath you that stretches out 40 feet
necrotic damage. You gain resistance to it. in width, 30 feet in depth, and goes 10 miles in any direction
of your choice, the river takes the clearest path. The river has
In addition, as a reaction when you take damage from the a slow moving current of 3 miles per hour. The river lasts until
chosen damage, you can spend 3 sorcery points to gain you die, you dismiss it as an action, or it fades after 3 hours.
immunity to it until the start of your next turn. After the river fades, it leaves no debris, residue, or damaged
Wicked Transformation Creatures in the path of the river when it is summoned must
Starting at 14th level, you can transform into an infernal being make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or fall in the waters. Any
that reflects the fiendish blood within you. As an action, your creatures who touch the water take 3d6 cold damage and 3d6
appearance becomes infernal and you magically radiate a psychic damage. Any creatures who start their turn in the river
transparent, 20-foot-radius aura for 1 minute. It may appear only take 2d6 cold damage and 1d6 psychic damage.
as a torrent of souls, a whirlwind chaotic energies, a burning
inferno, or some other horrific aura. Other creatures treat the When you summon the river, a spectral skiff appears beneath
aura as difficult terrain, and when they start their turn in it, you, considers you its crew and responses to your
they take 2d4 necrotic damage. Creatures damaged by this commands. The statblock of the skiff is at the end of this
effect have their hit point maximum reduced by an amount subclass. The skiff fades away along with the river after 3
equal to the necrotic damage taken, and you regain hit points hours.
equal to that amount. A creature dies if this effect reduces its
hit point maximum to 0. While this aura active, you are Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you
vulnerable to radiant damage and silvered weapons. finish a long rest.
As a bonus action, you can end the aura early. If you do so,
creatures within the aura must roll a Dexterity saving throw
against your spell save DC. A creature takes 4d6 force
damage on a failed save, or takes half as much damage on a
successful one. When a creature takes damage from this
effect, they must succeed a Wisdom saving throw against
your spell save DC, or be frightened for 1 minute.
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you
finish a long rest.

Infernal Form
When you transform and begin to radiate hellish
energy, your appearance will reflect your Hellish
Affinity. If you chose the realm of Hades, you
might become a skeletal monstrosity; or if you
aligned with the Abyss, you might take on a
twisted, bestial nature like a the form of a hyena-
like demon.

Spectral Skiff
The spectral skiff is an exceptional large skiff with tattered
sails. The affinity you chose for your Hellish Affinity feature
determines the appearance of the spectral skiff: An iron
machine wrapped with chains (the Nine Hells), a skeletal ship
covered in fog (Hades), or an oozing, fleshy abomination (the

Spectral Skiff
Huge vehicle (20 ft. by 10ft.)

Creature Capacity 1 crew, 7 passengers

Cargo Capacity 0.75 tons
Travel Pace 3 miles per hour (24 miles per day)


9 (-1) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 0 0 0

Damage Immunities poison, psychic

Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened,
exhaustion, frightened, incapacitated, paralyzed,
petrified, poisoned, prone, stunned, unconscious

Move. The skiff can move using its infernal engine.

Action Stations
Helm (Requires 1 Crew). Drive and steer the spectral

Armor Class 11
Hit Points 50

Control: Helm
Armor Class 12
Hit Points 25
Move up to the speed of its infernal engine, with
one 90-degree turn. If the engine is destroyed, the
skiff can’t move or turn.

Movement: Infernal Engine

Armor Class 12
Hit Points 75; -5 speed per 25 damage taken
Speed (water) 15 ft. If the engine is destroyed, the
ship immediately stops moving.

Dive. The spectral skiff dives beneath the waves,
protecting it's crew and passengers. It gains three-
quarters cover.
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