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The publisher is releasing additional subclasses, domains, and spells for players and GMs to use for free in their games and is looking for feedback on the content.

Additional subclasses, domains, and spells are being released for subscribers to use in their games for free over time as the document is updated.

The publisher is looking for any feedback on the content as it is currently in development and some feedback may be incorporated into future published works.

Edition - 8/15

This PDF is licensed to Joseph Kehoe. Email address: jpkehoe113@gmail.com. © 2021 Jetpack7 Publishing.
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Jetpack7 Arsenal
Hello players and GMs!
We have decided to begin releasing content for Channel Divinity: Radiant Defense
all of our subscribers to enjoy and bring to the As an Action, channel blessed energy into allies
table, free of charge! Over time, this document around you. Any number of allies you can see
will be updated with additional content and/or within 30 ft. gain Temporary Hit Points equal to
edits and readily available for download. 1d4 + your Wisdom modifier for 1 minute. This
amount of d4s rolled increases to 2d4 at 7th
Please note that any content on this document is level, 3d4 at 11th, and 4d4 at 15th level.
currently in development and is in no way
finalized material. Any feedback is greatly Healing Barrier
appreciated, as some of it may find its way into a Starting at 6th level, your healing grants your
book. Join our Discord to participate in the target additional protection against further
discussion! Thank you for your support and we damage. Once on each of your turns when you
hope you enjoy The Arsenal. :) heal a target with a spell, they gain Temporary
Hit Points equal to half your cleric level rounded
-Jetpack7 down for 1 minute. If the spell heals multiple
targets, pick one to gain the temporary Hit
*Highlights mean: Points.
*New this edition
Divine Strike
*Changed since last edition
At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your
weapon strikes with divine energy. Once on
Subclasses each of your turns when you hit a creature with a
weapon Attack, you can cause the Attack to deal
Shelter Domain Cleric an extra 1d8 radiant damage to the target. When
you reach 14th level, the extra damage
Domain Spells increases to 2d8.
1st - Shield of Faith, Sanctuary
3rd - Aid, Protection from Poison Holy Bastion
5th - Protection from Energy, Magic Circle At 17th level, Temporary Hit Points you grant
7th - Guardian of Faith, Death Ward may be added to existing Temporary Hit Points,
9th - Hallow, Dispel Evil and Good and last until the target finishes a Long Rest. In
addition, granting Temporary Hit Points to a
Bonus Proficiency creature that is at 0 Hit Points restores that
When you choose this Domain at 3rd level, you creature to 1 Hit Point.
gain proficiency with Heavy Armor.

Shield of Conviction
Also at 3rd level, you may protect your allies
from incoming attacks. When a creature you can
see within 30 ft. is hit by an attack, you may use
your reaction to expend a spell slot and increase
their AC by 5 until the beginning of their next

This PDF is licensed to Joseph Kehoe. Email address: jpkehoe113@gmail.com. © 2021 Jetpack7 Publishing.
Edition - 8/15

Oath of the Night Paladin In addition, you don’t confer any disadvantages
normally given by sunlight while in this sphere of
Tenets of the Night
The sphere lasts for 1 minute or until you
dismiss it as a bonus action.
Shadow​ Gifts given are weakened by the light.
Your true strength lies in the dark.
Feast of Blood
As an action, you may draw the life from another
Feed​ Those who defile your god are not fit to
creature into your being. Make a melee spell
live. Feed upon them to continue living in service
attack against an adjacent creature. On a hit,
to your deity.
you deal damage equal to twice your paladin
level to the creature and regain that many hit
Efficacy​ No cost to too great for a grander
points. On a critical hit, this damage becomes
purpose. The life of a few is nothing against the
three times your paladin level and you heal for
life of many.
that amount.
A creature without blood takes no damage from
Risk​ If the reward is great, the risk doesn’t
this attack.
matter. Pursue power at every turn.
A Price for Power
Resilience​ No darkness is too horrifying for a
While in darkness, your powers reach their
follower of the night. If something frightens you,
zenith. However, just as darkness gives you
undermine or destroy it with extreme prejudice.
strength, light takes it away. You can see
normally in darkness, both magical and non
Oath Spells
magical, to a distance of 120 feet. Your
You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed
movement speed increases by 5 feet in dim light
in the Oath of the Night Spells table. See the
or darkness as well.
Sacred Oath class feature for how oath spells
While standing in direct sunlight, you cannot
regain hit points, magically or otherwise. In
addition, you have disadvantage on attacks
Oath of the Night Spells
against creatures in direct sunlight and
3rd Hex, Charm Person
disadvantage on perception checks while in
5th Darkness, Blur
sunlight or looking for something that’s in
9th Vampiric Touch, Fly
13th Blight, Death Ward
17th Dream, Dominate Person
Exsanguinating Aura
Starting at 7th level, your vampiric curses extend
Channel Divinity
to those around you. Whenever you or your
When you take this oath at 3rd level, you learn
allies deal slashing or piercing damage to
the following two Channel Divinity options:
creatures within 10 feet of you, the attacker
regains hit points equal to your charisma
As a bonus action, you can present your holy
symbol and blot out light’s harmful rays in a
At 18th level, this aura extends to 30 feet.
limited area. A sphere of shadow appears in a
15 foot radius sphere in an area you can see
This aura gives no benefits while you’re in direct
within 30 feet. The sphere spreads around
corners. Bright light is regarded as dim light in
this area and dim light is considered darkness.

This PDF is licensed to Joseph Kehoe. Email address: jpkehoe113@gmail.com. © 2021 Jetpack7 Publishing.
Edition - 8/15

A Taste of Undeath Pact of the Blood Keeper

Beginning at 15th level, your body learns how to
escape fatal blows by shifting forms at the last
A Warlock Archetype
moment. When you drop to 0 hit points, your
form becomes mist and you may move up to 50 Expanded Spell List
feet in any direction without provoking attacks of 1st Inflict Wounds, Bane
opportunity. While in this form, you gain 3rd Calm Emotions, Gentle Repose
immunity to all non magical damage and are 5th Animate Dead, Feign Death
immune to the restrained, paralyzed, and prone 7th Greater Invisibility, See Invisibility
conditions. If you’ve taken no damage at the 9th Modify Memory, Telepathic Bond
start of your next turn, you reform into your
normal self wherever you are with 1 hit point. Beguiling Subjugation
Once you use this feature, you cannot do so Beginning at 1st level, you’ve learned how to
again until you finish a long rest. seduce the minds of your foes with the gifts
given by your patron. As an action, you may
Lord of Shadow attempt to force a creature within 30 feet of you
When you reach 20th level in this class, you’ve to make a charisma saving throw against your
gained access to the full might of a vampire. As spell DC. If the creature fails, they are charmed
an action, you can take on the aspect of a Lord by you for 1 hour. The charmed creature regards
of Shadow for 1 minute and gain the following you as an ally, will obey your commands, and
benefits: protect you to the best of its abilities unless
given a command that would cause it to
-Magical darkness emanates from you in a 20 intentionally harm or kill itself. A creature that is
foot radius sphere. Only magical light from spells hostile to you has advantage on this saving
of 5th level or higher can pierce this darkness. throw. If you or one of your allies harms the
-You gain a fly speed (hover) of 50 feet. creature while charmed this way, it may repeat
-Each of your weapon attacks deals an the saving throw. When the charm effect ends,
additional 2d6 necrotic damage. You regain hit the creature becomes hostile toward you.
points equal to this damage. Once you use this ability, you cannot do so
again until you finish a long rest.

*A note for this class* Vitality Syphon

Having vampiric powers creates a very powerful At 6th level, while a creature is charmed by you,
player character. If the benefits granted by this you may steal some of its vitality to restore your
class are proving difficult to DM, try own. As an action, you may touch a creature
implementing a quota for the player that sees charmed by you and roll up to your charisma
them having to drain life from living creatures at modifier (minimum 1) of the charmed creature’s
a regular interval using the Feast of Blood hit die as if they had just completed a short rest.
Channel Divinity option, Exsanguinating Aura You regain HP equal to the total rolled in this
feature, Vampiric Touch spell, etc. way. This ability fails if used on undead or
Otherwise, you could come up with an constructs.
interesting role play opportunity for your player Once you use this ability, you cannot do so
as well. again until you finish a long rest.

Perverse Reconstitution
Starting at 10th level, your body has been
granted the unnatural ability to mend the most
grievous of wounds. While you are above 0 hit

This PDF is licensed to Joseph Kehoe. Email address: jpkehoe113@gmail.com. © 2021 Jetpack7 Publishing.
Edition - 8/15

points but below half of your hit point maximum

(rounded down), you regain 1 hit point at the
New Spells
start of each of your turns. If you sustain radiant
damage, this ability ceases to function until the Reversal of Fate
end of your next turn. 2nd level evocation

Loyal Thrall Casting time: ​1 action

When you reach 14th level in this class, your Range: ​30 ft.
ability to beguile the minds of others has grown Components: ​V S M (a piece of soft fabric)
in power and effectiveness. Any creature Duration:​ Concentration, up to 1 minute
charmed by your Beguiling Subjugation is now Classes: ​Bard, Cleric, Druid, Paladin
charmed until the end of your next long rest. You
may continue to exert your will over the charmed A creature within range is enchanted with your
creature by reusing Beguiling Subjugation on the protective magic. The next time that creature
creature at the end of the long rest. Any creature takes damage, they regain Hit Points equal to
who is charmed consecutively like this regains 1d6 + your spellcasting modifier and the spell
no hit die from the long rest. ends.

At higher levels: ​When you cast this spell using

a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the Healing
increases by an additional 1d6 for each spell slot
above the 2nd.
New Items
Weapon of Mending Shelter
Weapon, Rare, Requires Attunement 3rd level abjuration
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls
with this magic weapon. If you score a critical hit Casting time: ​1 action
while wielding a Weapon of Mending, you regain Range: ​60 ft.
2d6 hit points. Components: ​V S M (a shard of a turtle shell)
Duration: ​concentration, up to 1 minute
Classes: ​Bard, Cleric, Druid, Paladin, Wizard
New Feats
You grant a creature within range a barrier
Mana Burn against harm. For the duration, all damage taken
(Requisite: Spellcasting or Pact Magic) by the target is reduced by 2.
You may exert your control of the weave beyond
your natural capacity. If you have no remaining At higher levels: ​When you cast this spell using
spell slots, you may cast a spell you have a spell slot of 4th or higher, the amount of
prepared. When you cast a spell using Mana damage reduced is increased by 1 for each spell
Burn, you gain one point of exhaustion per level slot above the 3rd.
of spell you cast. For example, if you cast a 1st
level spell and then a 2nd level spell using Mana
Burn, you will accrue 3 total points of
Exhaustion. Normal rules for removing points of
Exhaustion apply for Exhaustion gained through
Mana Burn.

This PDF is licensed to Joseph Kehoe. Email address: jpkehoe113@gmail.com. © 2021 Jetpack7 Publishing.
Edition - 8/15

Quicksand If the attack hits, it deals an additional 3d6 fire

1st level transmutation

At Higher levels: ​When you cast this spell

Casting time: ​1 action
using a 5th level spell slot or higher, the amount
Range: ​30 ft.
of fire damage of both the line and the attack
Components: ​V S M (a pinch of sand)
increase by 1d6 per spell slot above the 4th.
Duration:​ 1 round
Classes: ​Bard, Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock,

You create a 5-foot patch of extremely malleable

earth underneath a creature within range. Until
the beginning of your next turn, if that creature
willingly attempts to move from that location,
they must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw
against your Spell Save DC or be restrained. If
the creature has a spell or an ability that allows
them to teleport from this space to another, they
do not have to make the save to leave the
space. The creature may use an action to free
themselves by making an Athletics check
against your Spell Save DC. Otherwise, the
restraint ends at the beginning of your next turn.

At Higher Levels: ​When you cast this spell

using a 2nd level spell slot or higher, you may
affect an additional 5-foot area within range for
each spell slot above 1st.

Ember Wake
4th level evocation

Casting time: ​1 action

Range: ​Self
Components: ​V S
Duration:​ Instantaneous
Classes: ​Bard, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard

You dash forward in a straight line to a point

within 30 ft., leaving behind you a 5-ft. wide line
of fiery destruction. You do not incur attacks of
opportunity, and you may move through the
spaces of other creatures. Any creature caught
in the line must make a Dexterity saving throw.
On a failure, they take 6d6 fire damage, or half
on a success. In addition, at the end of the dash
you may make one attack with a melee weapon.

This PDF is licensed to Joseph Kehoe. Email address: jpkehoe113@gmail.com. © 2021 Jetpack7 Publishing.
Edition - 8/15

7/25​ - Added: Reversal of Fate, Shelter, Oath of
the Night Paladin
Changed: Shield of the Faithful -> Shield of
Radiant Defense die size from d8 -> d4
Removed 2/day limit and “long rest ONLY” from
Mana Burn

8-1 ​- Added: Quicksand, Ember Wake

Changed: Shelter domain spell from Shield ->
Sanctuary, Wall of Force -> Dispel Evil and
Shield of Conviction now Shield-esque ​effect

8-15​ - Added: Warlock Archetype - Pact of the

Blood Keeper

This PDF is licensed to Joseph Kehoe. Email address: jpkehoe113@gmail.com. © 2021 Jetpack7 Publishing.
Edition - 8/15

This PDF is licensed to Joseph Kehoe. Email address: jpkehoe113@gmail.com. © 2021 Jetpack7 Publishing.
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Permission to copy, modify and distribute the and is Copyright 2000 ​Wizards of the Coast​, Inc
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This PDF is licensed to Joseph Kehoe. Email address: jpkehoe113@gmail.com. © 2021 Jetpack7 Publishing.
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This PDF is licensed to Joseph Kehoe. Email address: jpkehoe113@gmail.com. © 2021 Jetpack7 Publishing.
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System Reference Document 5.1 Copyright 2016,
Wizards of the Coast​, LLC.; Authors Mike
Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, Rodney
Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J.
Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell, Chris Sims, and Steve
Townshend, based on original material by E.
Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson

This PDF is licensed to Joseph Kehoe. Email address: jpkehoe113@gmail.com. © 2021 Jetpack7 Publishing.
Edition - 8/15

This PDF is licensed to Joseph Kehoe. Email address: jpkehoe113@gmail.com. © 2021 Jetpack7 Publishing.

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