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Drow Compendium

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The Drow Compendium

row. This text offers up homebrew elements to
flesh out and individualize drow characters and Darksong
campaigns that include drow. The Drow At 14th level, the bae’qeshel has taught you the epitome of
Compendium covers: their talents: the Darksong. As an action, while you sing on
your turn, a darkness spell is cast that you can see through
that has a radius of 10 feet and a range of 60 feet. You may
Class Archetypes: Class archetypes unique to the drow. select a number of creatures that you can see to see through
Deities & Prestige Class: The Drow Pantheon is as old as the darkness spell with you equal to your Charisma modifier.
the drow themselves, but many things have changed. Each Each round that you maintain the sphere of darkness makes
deity has a prestige class that only the highest ranking of its radius extend 10 more feet at the end of your turn you
their followers may attain. maintain it, which requires concentration and a bonus action
Monsters & Templates: There are many monsters that each turn. You may maintain the Darksong ability for up to 1
inhabit the Underdark, but a few are related directly to drow minute before it dissipates, or you may, as an action, dissipate
affairs and concerns. it yourself. At that point, roll your Song of Rest die and
Equipment: The drow are known for their magical multiply that result by your Charisma modifier and heal all
weapons and equipment, some of which are detailed here. creatures that amount within the radius of the darkness. If
your concentration is broken the effect immediately ends and
no one is healed.
Bard Colleges Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you
finish a short or long rest.
College of Bae'qeshel
The College of Bae’qeshel is an old, secretive order. They are
known as the “dark minstrels”. They practice the arcane arts
and twist magic into song and music, most known for their
healing songs. Most bae’qeshel practitioners are females,
with only one or two males ever trained in the art. Bae’qeshel
bards twist the arcane arts to mimic that of the divine to the
point some confuse them for clerics.

Bonus Proficiencies
When you join the College of Bae’qeshel at 3rd level, you gain
proficiency with one skill of your choice, medium armor, and
martial weapons.

Healing Song
Also at 3rd level, your ability to twist your music in battle
reaches new heights. Whenever you take the Attack action or
cast a spell, you may, as a bonus action, simultaneously sing
and expend one use of your Bardic Inspiration to heal
yourself or a creature an amount equal to your Bardic
Inspiration die + your Charisma modifier that you can see
and is within 60 feet. The creature must be conscious and
currently have at least 1 hit point to receive healing in this
way. Constructs and undead cannot be healed in this way.
Additionally, you may use your voice as a spellcasting focus
and the verbal component to cast bard spells and cantrips
you know, but you must sing when doing so.

Charismatic Aura
At 6th level, you gain the ability to become strikingly alluring
and difficult to attack when you perform. As a bonus action or
part of an attack or casting of a spell in which you are singing
or performing, your song innately ripples over you a
charismatic aura. Up until the end of your next turn or as
long as you continuously use the Attack action, cast a spell, or
use a bonus action, you gain an armor class equal to 11 +
your Charisma modifier + your Dexterity modifier. Creatures
that are immune to being charmed ignore this new armor


Channel Divinity: Expel the Meager
Class Archetypes: Divine Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to
weaken the moral and mental fortitude of those around you.
Domains When you make an attack roll you may call upon your
divine authority as a follower of Lolth. If you have her favor,
Spider Queen Domain every creature that is hostile towards you within 30 feet of
Followers of the Spider Queen who fully, utterly embrace her you feels a quake in their heart. They must make a Wisdom
fiendish, vile dogma often embrace the Spider Queen savings throw. If they fail, they have disadvantage on all
Domain. The epitome of Lolth’s dogma is followed through attacks directed at you until the end of your next turn.
with this domain. Additionally, if the foe you targeted to attack failed at their
Wisdom savings throw, you roll your attack at advantage and
Spider Queen Domain Spells all subsequent attacks until the beginning of your next turn.
Cleric Level Spells
1st command, wrathful smite Channel Divinity: Spider Swarm
Starting at 6th level, you may use your Channel Divinity to
3rd hold person, spiritual weapon summon forth a swarm of tiny, biting spiders at the feet of a
5th clairvoyance, dispel magic foe.
As an action, target one creature within 30 feet of you that
7th giant insect (spiders only), staggering smite
you can see. That target must make a Dexterity saving throw
9th flame strike, insect plague (spiders only) or suffer 2d10 + your level in cleric piercing damage as they
are quickly overcome by a swarm of biting spiders. If the
Knowledge of the Yathrin target succeeds the saving throw, they only avoid taking
At 1st level, you have access to greater, older knowledge of damage if they use their reaction to move five feet in any
the dark elves. You gain proficiency in two martial weapons of direction, as the swarm quickly encompasses the entire spot.
your choice (usually a dagger, mace, or whip). Additionally, If the target takes damage, at the beginning of their next turn
whenever you are targetted by a magic effect or spell and they must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be
require a saving throw, you may use your reaction to tap into poisoned for one round. If the target is poisoned by this
the deepest and oldest part of drow's innate magical affinity feature, then at the beginning of their following turn they
and gain advantage on that saving throw. Once you do so, you must succeed on an additional Constitution saving throw or
may not do so again until you finish a long rest. be stunned for 1 minute.
As an action, you may maintain the spider swarm for up to
Furious Blows 1 minute with concentration. As a bonus action, you may
Also at 1st level, Lolth bestows upon you a rage difficult to move the swarm 10 feet, but a new foe for them to devour
abate. When you use the Attack action, you can make one must be within that movement otherwise the swarm
weapon attack as a bonus action. You can use this feature a disappears. Any creature who begins their turn with the
number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (a minimum swarm in their location begins the cycle of damage and
of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long saving throw anew. If a target saves in their Constitution
rest. saving throw that staves off being stunned, they are immune
to that part of this feature for 24 hours. They may still take
damage and be poisoned, however. If the swarm deals no
damage in a complete round by the beginning of your turn, it
disappears as the tower of spiders meld into the ground like
the wax of a burnt candle.

Divine Strike
At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your weapon strikes
with divine energy. Once on each of your turns when you hit a
creature with a weapon attack, you can cause the attack to
deal an extra 1d8 damage of the same type dealt by the
weapon to the target. When you reach 14th level the extra
damage increases to 2d8.

Favor of the Spider Queen

At 17th level, if you have the favor of the Spider Queen, you
gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
damage from nonmagical weapons and one more damage
type of your choice.


Battle Dance. You pray for Eilistraee to offer you part of
Class Archetypes: her grace as you engage in battle and dance your way to
victory. When you do so, you may take the Dodge and
Sacred Oaths Disengage action as bonus actions. Battle Dance does not
take effect if you are wearing armor that imposes a
Oath of the Darksong Knight disadvantage to stealth. Finally, once per turn you may add
The Church of Eilistraee has long guarded its halls with the your Charisma modifier to a melee weapon attack roll. If this
might and prowess of the demon-fighting Darksong Knights. attack hits, you deal additional damage equal to your
They are the warriors and knights of the Dark Maiden, Charisma modifier. You can decide to apply the bonus to
infusing their blade and armor with the wrath of the moon attack after you roll, but not before knowing the result. Battle
and the dignity of their goddess, the Lady of the Dance. Dance lasts for 1 minute.

Tenets of the Darksong Knight Singing Spells

The tenets of the Oath of the Darksong Knight are well Starting at 7th level, your singing and magical knowledge are
preserved and known through Eilistraee’s faith. While most of becoming one in the same. You may use your singing voice as
the religion of the Dark Maiden is carried by notions of hope, a spellcasting focus as well as the verbal component of spells.
charity, and goodness, the Darksong Knights beholds Additionally, you may quickly utilize magical energies
themselves to this and more. through your effortless singing. Whenever you cast a spell
Spread the Lady’s Message. Eilistraee’s message to the that requires a bonus action that you cast while singing as
drow caught in the web of Lolth must be heard by all either the spellcasting focus or the verbal component, you
ensnared. Save them. may roll a Charisma (Performance) check against a DC equal
Find Joy. The fate of the drow is not lost in darkness. Find to 10 + the spell’s level. If you succeed, the casting of the spell
joy in the light as well as the dark. takes no action as opposed to a bonus action. If you fail, the
By Song or Sword. Offer the ensnared drow hope and the casting requires a bonus action to cast as normal. Regardless,
song of Eilistraee, but love them if they cannot hear your you the spell is still treated as casting a bonus action spell for
song. Offer them the sword if only you must. purposes of determining the amount of spells you can cast in
No More Fiends. Fiends are the end of goodness. Destroy a round.

Oath Spells Dance of the Goddess

Starting at 15th level, you may engage in the ritualistic dance
You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed of your faith under the light of the moon for your goddess’
Oath of the Darksong Knight Spells enjoyment. For 10 minutes you must do nothing but dance
Paladin Level Spells naked under the moon wielding nothing but your sword.
When the dance is complete, make a Charisma
3rd protection from evil and good, shield of faith (Performance) roll. You gain spell slots in an alternative
5th misty step, moonbeam magical reservoir from your normal paladin class spell slots.
For every five of your result, you gain an additional level of
9th blinding smite, haste spell slot, up to a level you can currently cast. For example, if
13th banishment, freedom of movement you are a 15th level Paladin and roll a 28, you gain a 4th level
17th banishing smite, dispel evil and good spell slot. You retain this spell slot until you cast a spell using
it or dance again to receive a new result. You may also use
this spell slot for your divine smite ability.
Channel Divinity You may only dance once per evening and receive a new
When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following spell slot. When you receive a new spell slot when you
two Channel Divinity options. already have an existing one, replace it.
Demonbane. Fiends are the enemy of the Darksong
Knight. As a bonus action, you raise your holy symbol up and Divine Grace
infuse your weapon with white, burning moonfire that does At 20th level, you embody the divine grace of your goddess.
not harm you. Your weapon now deals 1d8 radiant on a Your Dexterity and Charisma scores increase by 4. Your
successful melee weapon attack. Instead of dealing this maximum for those scores is now 24.
additional damage, if the target creature is a fiend, you can
instead make them succeed on a Constitution saving throw
or be stunned until the end of their next turn. You must Drow Racial Variant: Surface Drow
concentrate to maintain this effect for up to 1 minute. If your Not all drow hail from the Underdark. In fact, some
weapon falls from your hands or your grip, this effect are quite used to living in the World Above, more
immediately ends. accustomed to exposure to the sun and the
surface. Apply these changes to surface drow:
Darkvision. Your darkvision only extends to 60
feet, instead of 120 feet.
Sunlight Sensitivity. You lose this racial feature.


Tamed Fury
Class Archetypes At 14th level, you understand the ability to withhold your
rages when you desire. Whenever you end your rage on your
Primal Paths turn as a bonus action and you still have rounds remaining
Few drow are barbarians, although some find themselves beyond the round in which you end the rage, you may add
drawn to the rage and fury of battle. Some overly sadistic those rounds to the 10 the next time you rage before taking a
drow females enter into a rage that becomes difficult to long rest. You can only add a number of rounds to your next
abate; Drizzt Do’Urden was well known to be overcome by rage in this way equal to your Intelligence and Wisdom
his rage, dubbed the Hunter. modifiers combined. Thus, if you have 14 Intelligence and 12
Wisdom, you may only add a maximum of 3 rounds of a rage
Path of the Tamed Fury to the next rage you use before you take a long rest. Many
warriors prepare themselves for future battles by entering
For some barbarians, recklessness and abandonment are the into a rage, abating it, and using that hinge of fury in the
key to their rage. For others, they struggle with their rage. upcoming battle to prolong its effect.
Always trying to balance their fury and what it brings, those When you rage with an extended rage as per this feature,
who follow this path train in harnessing their own rage to the you do not have to take damage or deal damage within a
point where one might never know just how much anger was round to maintain the rage.
raging within them.

Furious Finesse
Starting when you choose this path at 3rd level, you have
honed your rage enough to handle a number of weapons that
have the finesse feature to use with your rage. Select a
number of weapons that you are proficient in equal to your
Intelligence modifier (a minimum of 1). While raging, you may
apply your barbarian rage damage to its attacks. Should your
Intelligence increase, you may train one week to gain new
weapons to use in this way and as detailed below.
At 5th level, whenever you enter into a rage you may
instead opt to gain advantage on Dexterity checks and
Dexterity saving throws instead of Strength checks and
Strength saving throws. You cannot change this until you
enter into a new rage.
At 9th level, whenever you use the Reckless Attack class
feature, you may use your selected weapon that has finesse
and thus gain advantage on a melee weapon attack roll that
uses Dexterity.

At 6th level you learn how to utilize your rage to push yourself
to your physical limits. When you rage you may choose to
enter into a fury. When you do so, for the duration of your
rage you can make a single melee weapon attack as a bonus
action on each of your turns after this one. When your rage
ends, you suffer one level of exhaustion.

Furious Movmenet
At 10th level, whenever you opt to take the fury class feature
during a rage, you may use the Dash action as a bonus action
so long as you aren’t wearing heavy armor.


Deities & Prestige Class
The Drow Pantheon consist of: Eilistraee, Kiaransalee,
The Sword Dancer
Ghaunadaur, Lolth, Selvetarm, and Vhaeraun. Their dogma Proficiency Spell
and current events are outlined here as well as a prestige Level Bonus Features Level
class that resembles one who fully embraces their worship. 1st +2 Spellcasting, Sword Song 5th
2nd +2 Battle Dance 5th
3rd +2 Moonlights, Lesser Spellsong 6th
The Lady of the Dance, The Dark maiden
4th +2 Battle Dance Improvement, 6th
Dogma Ability Score Improvement
Be always kind, except in battle with evil. Encourage 5th +3 Sword Dance 7th
happiness everywhere. Learn and teach new songs, dances,
and the flowing dance of skilled swordwork. Promote 6th +3 Quickness 7th
harmony between the races. Befriend strangers, shelter those 7th +3 Spellsong 8th
without homes, and feed the hungry. Repay rudeness with 8th +3 Sword Shield, Ability Score 8th
kindness. Repay violence with swift violence so that those Improvement
who cause it are quickly dealt with. Aid drow in distress and
give them the Lady's message: "A rightful place awaits you in 9th +4 Greater Spellsong (1) 9th
the Realms Above, in the Land of the Great Light. Come in 10th +4 Greater Spellsong (2) 9th
peace and live beneath the sun again where trees and flowers

Current Events
Eilistraee is the daughter of Lolth and brother of Vhaeraun.
She self-exiled herself from Arvandar to be among her kin to Prerequisites
serve as a beacon of hope and goodness from the drow, trying In order to advance into and as a sword dancer, you must
to aid them in their escape of the Spider Queen’s web. meet the following prerequisites (in addition to the
Recently, it was believed she slew her brother, Vhaeraun in multiclassing prerequisites for your existing class):
combat, absorbing his portfolio and becoming the Masked Dexterity 15. Sword dancers need to be agile, graceful,
Lady. In this new form, she adopted many new worshippers and fluid in their precise movements.
and battled the Spider Queen herself for sole divine Charisma 15. To rise to such a leadership in the faith of
dominion over the drow. Eilistraee requires a charismatic persona.
Eilistraee failed. She was slain in the Material World, which Gender female. All sword dancers are female.
caused enough damage to temporarily strip her of her divine Patron Deity: Eilistraee
strength, descending her into nothing but an aspect of her At least 5 levels between bard, cleric, or paladin.
former self. Soon, however, with an alliance with Mystra, who Eilistraee choses only the most powerful and worthy of her
was also believed to be dead at the time, Eilistraee ascended priestesses for this role and the art of the sword dance feeds
to divinity again. She was seen dancing above Waterdeep, off divine magic. Many sword dancers are also bards,
calling to her faith to return to their dance. paladins, and fighters.
Having a new alliance with her also re-materialized Complete a special task. To discover whether one is
brother, Vhaeraun, Lolth’s children are fully united in their worthy or not, you must do one of two things. You can locate
new offense against the Spider Queen and her cruel web of a singing sword and dance with it, seeing if Eilistraee choses
deceit and subjugation of the dark elven race. to imbue you with the understanding of all it takes to be one
of her sword dancers. Otherwise, you must dance naked
under the moonlight each night for 30 days consecutively. If
Prestige Class: you are worthy, you will slowly feel the presence of another
dancing with you whom you believe to be the Dark Maiden
The Sword Dancer herself. At this point, you may advance as a sword dancer.
Eilistraee’s elite order of priestesses are known as the sword
dancers. They are the graceful, battle-ready females who are
often known to carry the ancient swords of Eilistraee’s faith: Divine Domain Variant: Moon
the singing swords. Sword dancers are expected to lead the Domain
fight in bringing drow and other creatures with good intent The Light Domain is clearly designed for the more
into the World Above. They nurture beauty, music, and are sun-oriented light abilities. Eilistraeeans, instead,
always ready for a hunt or helping others. Most sword change the effects created as that of moonlight.
dancers are drow or half-drow, although some surface elves Additionally, all spells cast through this domain
deal half fire and half radiant damage, instead of
and half-elves have been known to take up a singing sword
just fire damage, if they don't already.
and have become sword dancers if they are worthy. Spell Swap. Exchange flaming sphere for moon


Class Features Of Song and Dance
As a sword dancer, you gain the following class features. Sword dancers may utilize their voice and dance in
spellcasting. You may treat singing as a spellcasting focus as
Hit Points well as a verbal component when casting a spell. You may
Hit Dice: 1d10 per sword dancer level. also treat your dancing as a somatic component when casting
a spell.
Tools: None Preparing and Casting Spells
Saving Throws: None
The Sword Dancer table shows what level of spells from the
Skills: None
sword dancer spell list you may cast and at what level.
Equipment You prepare the list of sword dancer spells that are
The sword dancer prestige class does not grant any available for you to cast, choosing from the sword dancer
equipment. spell list. When you do so, choose a number of sword dancer
spells equal to your Charisma modifier + half your levels in
Spellcasting sword dancer (rounded down) to prepare. The spells must be
of a level for which you have spell slots.
Treat your sword dancer levels as a full-spellcaster for
multiclassing purposes. Thus a character with 10 bard levels
and 2 levels in sword dancer is treated as 12th level for Spellcasting Ability
multiclassing purposes in determining her available spell Charisma is your spellcasting ability for your sword dancer
slots. This means you may not be able to cast sword dancer spells. The power of your spells comes from your devotion to
spells for a few levels, depending upon when you take the your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Charisma
class. modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a sword
dancer spell you cast and when making an attack roll with

Ritual Casting
You can cast a sword dancer spell as a ritual if that spell has
the ritual tag and you have the spell prepared, but you must
dance during the ritual to cast a spell with the ritual tag as a

Sword Song
At 1st level, you may attune yourself to a particular sword
(magical or not), a process that takes ten days. During this
time, you must be wearing or holding the sword for at least 8
hours each day, and if you are interrupted you must start over.
You may be attuned to only one sword in this way at a time.
Beginning the process of attuning another sword negates the
ability of the previously attuned sword. Attuning a sword in
this way takes up a magical item attunement slot.
Once attuned with this sword as described above,
whenever you wield the blade it sings to you heroic songs
when you are in battle. If not already, the sword becomes a +1
magical sword. In battle, as a bonus action, you may activate
its singing abilities. When activated, you and all allies within
30 feet of you, or the sword if it is dancing, gain advantage to
resisting Charmed and Frightened conditions as the singing
blade counters these effects, inspiring you. Additionally, as a
bonus action, you may give a Bardic Inspiration (1d8) die to
you or an ally as per the Bardic Inspiration ability so long as
the sword is within 30 feet of you. Once you decide to do so,
roll a 1d6. You may give another Bardic Inspiration (1d8) die
in that many turns. As a bonus action, you may silence the
blade from singing. Your sword can sing only a certain
number of turns before exhausting its magical energies,
which is up to 1 minute or 10 rounds (not counting the turn
you silence it). After a long rest, regains all used rounds to
sing again.


Battle Dance Quickness
At 2nd level, you gain the ability to utilize your ability to dance At 6th level, you gain a supernatural speed imparted to you by
with a sword in hand during battle. You gain an armor class your study of battle movement and the dance. Your speed
equal to 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Charisma increases by 10 feet when you aren’t wearing heavy armor or
modifier, so long as you are wielding a sword and not wearing armor that imposes a disadvantage to stealth.
any armor or a shield. A creature that is immune to being
Charmed gains advantage to attacks against you if you are Spellsong
using this armor class.
At 7th level, you have unlocked further mysteries of magic.
At 4th level, you may exhaust yourself in battle by utilizing
Add two spells from the bard, cleric, or paladin spell list that
extreme feats of agility. So long as you are not wearing armor
are 7th level or lower to your sword dancer spell list.
which imposes a disadvantage to stealth, you are not wielding
a shield, and you are wielding a sword, you may use the Dash,
Disengage, or Dodge actions as bonus actions a number of Sword Shield
times equal to your Charisma modifier. You regain all uses of At 8th level, you better understand how to utilize a dancing
this ability when you complete a short or long rest. sword in combat. Whenever you are within 5 feet of a sword
that is currently dancing under your control, as per the
Moonlights dancing sword magical property, you may use a bonus action
At 3rd level, you gain the ability to effortless create tiny orbs so that all melee attacks against you are made with
of dancing light. You may, at will, cast the dancing lights spell disadvantage as the sword dances, parries, and protects you.
that does not require any spell components or casting time.
Instead, the orbs simply appear around you, effortlessly. You Greater Spellsong
may only do this a number of times equal to your Charisma At 9th level, Eilistraee has unlocked greater mysteries of
modifier. You regain all uses of this ability when you complete magic to you, opening your eyes to how to help the world
a short rest or long rest. become closer to the Dark Maiden’s vision. Add one spell
from the bard, cleric, or paladin spell list that is 9th level or
Lesser Spellsong lower to your sword dancer spell list. At 10th level, add one
Also at 3rd level, you have acquired the ability to tap into
divine magic, becoming an important priestess of your faith.
Add two spells from the bard, cleric, or paladin spell list that Sword Dancer Spell List
are 4th level or lower to your sword dancer spell list. Thus, 5th Level
you may prepare new spells from your sword dancer spell list Banishing Smite
that are lower than 5th level spells. Commune
Dispel Evil and Good
Ability Score Improvement Greater Restoration
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th level, you can Hallow
increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can Hold Monster
increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you Raise Dead
can't increase any ability score above 20 using this feature.
6th Level
Find the Path
Sword Dance Forbiddance
At 5th level, you gain the ability to imbue another sword (or True Seeing
the same one) as described above in the Sword Song class Word of Recall
feature. Using the same attunement process above, you grant
a sword the dancing sword property (page 161 of the DMG). 7th Level
You may only have one sword imbued with this property at a Divine Word
time, and it may be the same sword as attuned with the Etherealness
sword song class feature or a different sword. Using a sword Plane Shift
with this feature requires attunment. Symbol
The dancing sword acts the same way as the dancing
sword property described in the Dungeon Master’s Guide, 8th Level
except once it returns to you after dancing, a use of this Antimagic Field
feature is counted. You may only use this feature a number of Holy Aura
times equal to your Charisma modifier. You regain all uses of
9th Level
this feature when you take a long rest.
Astral Projection


Lady of the Dead, The Vengeful Banshee, The Revenancer The Yathrinshee
Dogma Level Bonus Features
Death comes to all and cruel vengeance will be exacted on
those who waste their lives on the petty concerns of this 1st +2 Spellcasting (+1), Necromantic
existence. True power comes only from the unquestioning Boon
servitude of the once-dead, mastery over death, and the 2nd +2 Threnody
eventual earned stature of one of the ever-living in death.
3rd +2 Spellcasting (+1)
Hunt, slay and animate those who scorn the Revenancer's
power, and answer any slight a thousandfold, so that all may 4th +2 Death Ward, Ability Score
know the coming power of Kiaransalee Improvement
5th +3 Spellcasting (+1), Curse of the
Current Events Revenancer
Kiaransalee was a powerful female lichdrow who, in her once 6th +3 Spellcasting (+1)
mortal life, desired to ascend to the divine world. Battling
over the domain of Orcus, Kiaransalee eventually seized her 7th +3 Zone of Desecration
moment during the Silence of Lolth. As clerics flocked to her, 8th +3 Spellcasting (+1), Ability Score
abandoning the silent Spider Queen, Kiaransalee ascended Improvement
to a goddess. During the battle between Eilistraee and Lolth,
9th +4 Spellcasting (+1)
Kiaransalee fell victim to a powerful High Magic spell which
erased her name from the world, thus obliterating her being 10th +4 Keening
as she faded from existence. After the Sundering, however, it
became quite clear that the Vengeful Banshee was slowly
returning, with her keen vengeance set upon all those who
had wronged her, for when her name was destroyed, her
divinity was broken. Her phylactery from her lichdrow time,
however, remained quite safe. Slowly, Kiarnasalee has risen
again from a lichdrow to a deity, as she consumed hordes of
magical items to do so. Albeit a much weaker goddess than
In order to advance into and as a yathrishnee, you must meet
her former ascension, Kiaransalee is still quite set on her
the following prerequisites (in addition to the multiclassing
plans of vindication. Her followers now simply refer to her by
prerequisites for your existing class):
her titles, since her name feels familiar, yet unattainable to
Patron Deity: Kiaransalee
Cleric of 4th level or greater. You must to have begun to
understand the necromantic opportunities presented by
Prestige Class: divine magic and be a cleric of Kiarinsalee to even be
considered one of her yathrishnee.
Yathrinshee Bard, Sorcerer, or Wizard of 4th level or greater in
which at least 4 necromancy spells are known or can be
Because she is a goddess of undeath, Kiarnsalee favors prepared. You must also have some knowledge of
servants who combine their clerical mastery of the undead necromancy in the arcane arts.
with arcane research into negative energy and necromancy. Complete a special task. You must vengefully murder a
Yathrinshees, the elite ranks of Kiaransalee’s priests, are creature who has significantly wronged you in some way and
powerful masters of necromantic magic, both arcane and animate their corpse to serve you in their undeath. Only once
divine. you have done this are you worthy in the eyes of the Vengeful
Yathrinshees are the leaders of Kiaransalee’s secretive Banshee.
church wherever it is found. They lead Kiaransalee’s followers
in worship and also in pursuing the church’s goals – plotting
revenge against the enemies of their goddess, killing her foes, Class Features
and animating them as undead.
As a yathrinshee, you gain the following class features.
Many yathrinshees lost their lives, or sanity, during the
Lady of the Dead’s absence when her name was removed
from history. Recently, Kiaransalee has been selecting more
Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d6 per yathrinshee level.
and more as her chosen yathrinshee.
Tools: None
Saving Throws: None
Skills: None


Equipment Threnody
The yathrinshee prestige class does not grant any equipment.
At 2nd level, you have learned how to twist a lamentable song
of death to torment your foes and enchant your undead
Spellcasting minions. As an action, you sing your cruel song and any
Yathrinshees have unique spellcasting capabilities, in that undead within 30 feet of you gain an unnerving gaze attack
they may understand both the arcane magic of their casting that they may then use once within the next minute. Use of
class from bard, sorcerer, or wizard as well as their cleric the gaze attack requires an action against a target that they
casting class. can see and that can see them that is within 60 feet. The
When you gain a spellcasting feature on the Yathrishnee target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be
table, you treat yourself as gaining a level in two classes for frightened until the end of its turn, as the undead’s image
sake of what spells they can know and/or prepare. Thus, a slowly blurs to that of one of the creature’s departed loved
character with 4 levels of bard and 4 levels of cleric gaining ones or bitter enemies in a horrific visage of torment. If the
their first level in yathrishnee acts as if they had 5 levels of undead strays more than 30 feet of you then they lose their
bard and 5 levels in cleric for purposes of determining what ability to use their gaze attack.
spells they know, can prepare, and the highest level spells If the undead creature actually is the animated corpse of a
that they know and can prepare. In this example, the friend or companion of the undead’s target, then the target
yathrishnee may now prepare up to 3rd level cleric spells in has disadvantage on their saving throw.
the amount of 5 + her Wisdom modifier. This does not permit
you to gain additional class features. Additionally, treat your Death Ward
levels in the yathrishnee class as a full-caster in determining
At 4th level, the yathrishnee have fully understood the art of
spell slots for multiclassing.
death and dying and the magic behind it. You are always
You gain additional level to add to your casting classes as
under the effect of a death ward spell. Should you die or be
detailed above at 3rd, 5th, 6th, 8th, and 9th level.
the target of a magical effect as described in the spell’s
description, you may reapply the effect of the deathward spell
Necromantic Boon in this way as an action on your turn.
At 1st level, you are already rather adept at necromantic
magic, but slowly grow in your prowess of it. Whenever you Curse of the Revenancer
cast a necromancy spell of 1st level or higher, you gain
temporary hit points equal to your levels in yathrishnee + At 6th level, you have become so imbued with necromantic
either your Charisma, Intelligence, or Wisdom modifier, magic that even slaying a foe forces negative energy into the
whichever is highest. void where once positive energy lied. When you reduce a
creature to 0 hit points, and thus kill it, it immediately rises
as a zombie under your control unless you wish it not to.

Zone of Desecration
At 7th level, yathrishnees are constantly surrounded by an
aura of negative energy. You have a 60 foot radius aura that
surrounds you, making all creatures feel a sense of
uneasiness or frustration while within it. Your aura also
bolsters your undead allies and minions. Any undead within
your aura gains 1 temporary hit point per hit dice. They must
remain within your aura to retain these temporary hit points.
As an action, you may reimpose your aura, thus having
undead regain the temporary hit points from this effect,
should they have lost any. Additionally, all undead have
advantage when resisting being turned while within your

At 10th level, you have unlocked the ultimate ability of the
yathrishnee: the wail of the banshee. As an action, you may
unleash a tormenting, cruel, malevolently enchanted magical
keen in which all creatures that are not undead within 30 feet
of you, excluding yourself and other yathrinshees, must
succeed at a Constitution saving throw or immediately drop
to 0 hit points as their soul is severed from their body.
Creatures that succeed their saving throw take 4d6 necrotic
damage as the dark, magical energies still tear through them.
Once you use this feature you may not do so again until you
finish a long rest.


Evil Alignment. In order to have the cruel nature of
Ghaunadaur dominance and sacrifice, a slime lord must be truly evil and
That Which Lurks, The Elder Eye, God of Outcasts willing to commit acts of vileness.
Deformity. To appease That Which Lurks, a potential
Dogma slime lord must willing deform their body. This may consist of
All creatures have their place, and all are fit to wield power. burns, cuts, scars, etc. The deformity must be significant,
Those who hunt weed out the weak and strengthen the stock ritualistic, and frightful to set eyes upon, such as a series of
of all. Those who rebel or who walk apart find new ways and lines from cuts along each cheek and forehead.
try new things and do most to advance their races. Creatures Complete a specific task. The Eye grants his slime lords
of power best house the energy of life, which Ghaunadaur their powers by testing their self-sacrifice. When you are
reveres and represents. Make sacrifices to the Eye, persuade ready, find an ooze creature and walk into it, ritualistically
others to sacrifice themselves to Ghaunadaur or in service of sacrificing yourself. Should Ghaunadaur see you worthy, the
the Eye, further knowledge and fear of Ghaunadaur, and in ooze will, at the brink of your death, implode within you,
the end give yourself to Ghaunadaur in unresisting self- infusing you with its essence of slime and you will emerge
sacrifice. Convert all beings to the worship of Ghaunadaur. very much alive and a slime lord… this of course assumes the
Slay all clergy of other faiths, plundering their temples and Eye found you worthy.
holdings for wealth to better your own lot and to further the
worship of Ghaunadaur.
Class Features
Current Events As a slime lord, you gain the following class features
Ghaunadaur is the enigmatic deity of unknown history. Lolth
describes him as being “old even before Ao’s time”. He is Hit Points
worshipped by slimes and oozes and is viewed as the epitome Hit Dice: 1d10 per slime lord level
of destruction and oblivion. For some time, he has resided in
the Drow Pantheon, given many defectors, primarily male, Proficiencies
fled the web of the Spider Queen to him. Before the Armor: None
Sundering, the Elder Eye abandoned his station as that of a Weapons: None
member of the Dark Seldarine and the Drow Pantheon and Tools: None
instead made a home in the Deep Caverns. Drow still
Saving Throws: Constitution
worship him to this day, as well as many aberrations.
Skills: None
Prestige Class: You gain no additional equipment for gaining a level in the
slime lord prestige class.
Slime Lord
Ghaunadaur may have resided on the Drow Pantheon for
some time, he in fact not at all drow. He is a primordial deity
The Slime Lord
and one of oozes and slimes. Slime lords, the most favored of
Ghaunadaur’s servants, are not clerics; they are spies and Proficiency
infiltrators who can change their shapes in order to move Level Bonus Features
unnoticed among members of various factions and races. 1st +2 Pseudopods (1d6)
Though most slime lords begin their lives as humanoids, it
isn’t long before they are twisted into aberrant servants of 2nd +2 Charming Gaze
Ghaunadaur. 3rd +2 Ooze Form (Gray Ooze)
Most slime lords are drow, though they can come from any
4th +2 Dominate Ooze, Pseudopods (1d8),
race. As servants of the god of outcasts, they are outcasts in Ability Score Improvement
any society – drow, surface elf, or other. In the Underdark,
slime lords lead small cults of Ghaunadaur’s followers, 5th +3 Spiderclimb, Extra Attack
usually in rebellion against the rule of Lolth’s clergy in drow 6th +3 Ooze Form (Gelatinous Cube, Ochre
cities. Jelly)
7th +3 Dominate Ooze Improvement,
Prerequisites Pseudopods (1d10)
8th +3 Ooze Form (Black Pudding), Ability
In order to advance into and as a slime lord, you must meet Score Improvement
the following prerequisites (in addition to the multiclassing
prerequisites for your existing class): 9th +4 Corrosive Form
Patron Deity: Ghaunadaur 10th +4 Amorphous Body, Psuedopods (1d12)
Charisma 15. To lead, one most possess extreme charisma
and persona. The slime lord is expected to be duplicitous,
manipulative and a master of subterfuge.
Level 5 or higher. That Which Lurks demands
experienced, powerful creatures to become his slime lords.


You may use this feature twice before you must take a long
Pseudopods rest to regain all expended uses.
At 1st level, you have given the gift of your pseudopods, which At 6th level, you may now transform into a gelatinous cube
is your ability to transform your arms into slimey oozes. As a or ochre jelly using this feature. Additionally, your entire body
bonus action, you may transform your hands and (if you’d has become a sensory organ. You gain blindsight out to 30
like) your forearms into ooze-like slime, which are still feet, even when you are not in your ooze form(s).
capable of being used as functional hands. You can continue At 8th level, you may transform into a black pudding using
to hold or grip any item you could normally. Your pseudopods this feature.
can attack with the attack action and they deal 1d6
bludgeoning damage on a successful hit, using either your Dominate Ooze
Strength or Dexterity to hit and deal damage. When you hit a
creature with your pseudopods, they must make a At 4th level, you can use your action to take control over the
Constitution saving throw (DC is equal to 10 + your sentience of oozes using the corruptible knowledge you have
Constitution modifier + half your level in slime lord (rounded gained over them. As an action, you may dominate a creature
down). If the target fails this saving throw, they are paralyzed of the ooze type that you can see within 120 feet of you that
until the end of their next turn. A target that saves against then must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC equals 10 +
your pseudopod paralysis twice is immune to it for 24 hours. your Charisma modifier + half your level’s in slime lord
You may also slide your pseudopod slime up any weapon that rounded down). If the creature fails, they are dominated as
you are holding, treating the weapon normally, except that on per the dominate monster spell, but the duration lasts 24
a successful hit the struck creature must roll for the hours. You may have a number of oozes dominated in this
pseudopod paralysis. Your pseudopods last for 1 minute or way at a time equal to half your level in slime lord (rounded
you may dismiss them as a bonus action. down). As an action that does not count as another use of this
You may use this feature a number of times equal to your feature, you may reapply your domination to an ooze and it
Constitution modifier. You regain all uses of this feature when automatically fails its saving throw. When you dominate a
you take a long rest. new ooze, you may choose which existing dominate ooze
At 4th level, the damage of your pseudopods increases to effect you wish to terminate. Whenever you leave a plane of
1d8. Additionally, you now regain all uses of this feature after existence where an ooze has been dominated by you, they are
a short or long rest. instantly freed. Any oozes split by an ooze under your
At 7th level, the damage of your pseudopods increases to domination act as they are dominated by you, unless you
1d10. cannot dominate any more (see above), in which the ooze may
At 10th level, the damage of your pseudopods increases to act freely on its turn. You may use this feature a number of
1d12. times equal to your Charisma modifier. You regain all
expended uses when you take a long rest.
At 7th level, you can dominate more oozes, fully realizing
Charming Gaze the title of a slime lord. You may dominate a number of oozes
At 2nd level, you have been bestowed a sinisterly charming in this way equal to your levels in slime lord.
gaze attack in which the target views you as their companion
and ally. As an action, and when you are not in your ooze Spider Climb
form, your eyes dully fade from their color. Choose one
humanoid or ooze that you can see and that can see you. That A 5th level, you are capable of using your pseudopods to
creature must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 10 + your climb walls. So long as you have one pseudopod free and
Charisma modifier + half your level’s in slime lord (rounded have that feature activated, you have a climb speed equal to
down) or become Charmed by you for 1 hour, as per the 10 feet.
charmed person spell. You may use your charming gaze a
number of times equal to your levels in slime lord. You regain
all uses of this feature when you take a long rest.

Ooze Form
At 3rd level, you have discovered That Which Lurks has
bestowed you the ability to burn away your form like wax and
become an ooze. As an action, you may turn into a gray ooze.
You can stay in your ooze forms for a number of hours equal
to half your level in slime lord (rounded down). As a bonus
action, you can revert to your normal form. You automatically
revert if you fall unconscious, drop to 0 hit points, or die.
While you are transformed, follow the same rules that apply
to the druid’s wild shape class feature (page 67 of the Player’s
Handbook). If you revert back to your normal form for
whatever reason, all split oozes remain behind and act as
though they are Charmed by you for 1 minute. Afterwards,
they behave normally and will likely attack you or the nearest


Extra Attack Amorphous Body
At 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever At 10th level, you are more an ooze than you are a humanoid.
you take the Attack action on your turn. By spending an action, you can infuse yourself and your gear,
partially, with that of the form of an ooze, but retain your
Corrosive Form humanoid abilities and the abilities of your gear. In this form,
you are an oozing, wax-like figure of your former self. You can
At 9th level, you adopt some innate form of oozes at all times.
easily move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide
Your skin exudes the same corrosive elements of that of a
without squeezing. Additionally, you gain resistance to acid,
gray ooze. Any nomagical weapon made of metal that hits you
cold, lightning, and slashing damage. When you are in this
corrodes. After being damaged by a nomagical weapon made
form, you may use either a bonus action or reaction to absorb
of metal, the weapon that struck you takes a -1 penalty to
oozes to heal yourself and recover. Any ooze that is at least
future damage rolls. When the penalty drops to -5, the
size small and within 5 feet of you may be absorbed. You
weapon corrodes and is destroyed and unusable. Nonmagical
regain hit points equal to 10 x its size, whereas small equals
ammunition made of metal that hits you is destroyed after
1, medium equals 2, and large equals 3. If you are healed
dealing damage.
beyond your maximum hit points, you gain that number of
By spending an action, you can eat through 2-inch-thick,
temporary hit points. This form lasts for 1 minute.
nonmagical metal.
After you have used this feature you may do so again after
completing a short or long rest.


The Spider Queen, The Dark mother The Test of Lolth
Lolth is a fickle, demanding goddess. She is also
Dogma unusually involved in the affairs of her followers. In
Fear is as strong as steel, while love and respect are soft and particular, many drow undergo a test as they grow
useless. Convert or destroy nonbeliever drow. Weed out the in strength. Failure of this test, it is believed,
weak and the rebellious. Destroy impugners of the faith. dooms the drow to become a drider in a horrible
Sacrifice males, slaves, and those of other races who ignore ritual that is either performed by a High Priestess
the commands of Lolth or her clerics. Raise children to of Lolth or it just happens by the will of Lolth
praise and fear Lolth, each family should produce at least one herself as she directly transforms her failed
worshipper. In the very least, when a character is
cleric to serve her. Questioning Lolth’s motives or wisdom is a
tested by Lolth and passes, they should gain
sin, as is aiding nondrow against the drow, or ignoring Lolth’s Inspiration.
commands for the sake of a lover. Revere arachnids of all High Priestess of Lolth: The most powerful and
kinds; those who kill or mistreat a spider must die. chosen female drow clerics of Lolth are given the
ability to transform drow into driders. Usually,
Current Events priestesses interpret life events as tests themselves
Lolth, the mother of Eilistraee and Vhaeraun, the and punish those they deem to lose favor of Lolth,
grandmother of Selvetarm, and the enemy of all good, lawful, believing their ill-fortune is the will of Lolth herself.
kind, joyful creatures that exist. As a reveler of chaos and If Lolth wished, high priestesses believe, she would
trickery, the Queen of the Demonweb Pits has gone through a not permit the drider conversion ritual to take
great deal of changes. place and thus it is, ultimately, her will enacted.
After the Silence of Lolth, where she cocooned herself up The Will of Lolth: This is far more rare of an
in the Abyss, denying her clerics spells, she emerged more occurance. While Lolth is indeed highly involved in
powerful and stronger than ever, ascending higher up in her the affairs of her drow, particularly in the ancient
city of Menzoberranzan, to directly test and
divine rank. Afterwards, during the Spellplague and
transform a "failed" drow into a drider is a unique
Sundering, she made moves to forge a Demon Weave in the phenomena. Driders who come to exist in this way
supposed absence of Mystra. When this failed, she sowed are particularly shamed, harassed, and ostraciszed
chaos on the Material Plane by, through subterfuge of her by other Spider Queen followers, as they embody
followers, sending many Demon Lords of the Abyss to ther the very weakness Lolth demands to despise.
Underdark to wreak havoc. In their absence, she hopes to
better claim parts of the Abyss for herself.
Lolth is conniving and cruel. She demands absolute
obedience and despises any drow that would dare follow the
dogma of another diety. Covetous of her precious dark elves,
Lolth has made a goal out of eliminating the drow pantheon. In order to advance as a high priestess of lolth, you must
Before the Spellplague she was successful, yet the Sundering meet the following prerequisites (in addition to the
returned the pantheon and altered the divine landscape. multiclassing prerequisities of your existing class):
Currently, Lolth seeks to harness the volatility of the Demon Race must be drow, half-drow, drider, or half-draegloth.
Lords on the Material Plane, and the voids of power in the Lolth rarely, if ever, even grants spells to inferior races, let
Abyss that this brings, to her advantage. Her plans are often alone permit them to the esteem of being a high priestess.
spoiled, or at least they appear to be so, yet none can deny her Half-drow with particularly drow-present features have been
cunning and foresight to continue to spread chaos in the known to rise to this status, although it is rare. Driders and
affairs of her worshippers and others on the Material Plane. half-draegloths may attain this status, but usually outside
matriarchal cities of dark elves.
Gender female. Drow society is matriarchal and only
Prestige Class: females may be given this title and pursue this power.
8 levels in cleric or higher. Lolth demands only the
High Priestess of Lolth strongest and most devout to become high priestesses.
Lolth requires absolute subservience. Those who attain the Pass the Test of Lolth. At some point, Lolth has always
highest accaldes of the Spider Queen's religious order tested a potential high priestess. She might not even know it.
become high priestesses of the Dark Mother. High Driders who believe they previously failed and were
priestesses of Lolth are devout and exceptionally powerful at transformed by another high priestess may pass a test by the
understanding the dark, cruel rituals of the Spider Queen. Will of Lolth (see note above) and become a high priestess.
They also, depending upon their level within the faith, wield Driders who fail a test by the Will of Lolth may not become a
the deadly Whip of Fangs, a terrible, often multi-headed high priestess of Lolth.
snake-whip with paralyzing poison dripping from the
serpant's fangs.


The High Priestess of Lolth
Spellcasting Class Features
Level Level Features As a high priestess of Lolth, you gain the following class
1st +1 Spider Affinity, Whip of Fangs (1 head) features
2nd +2 Webspinner
Hit Points
3rd +3 Whip of Fangs (2 heads) Hit Dice: 1d8 per high priestess of Lolth level
4th +4 Ritual (Summon Yochlol), Ability Score
Improvement Proficiencies
Armor: None
5th +5 Whip of Fangs (3 heads) Weapons: None
6th +6 Ritual (Zin-carla) Tools: None
7th +7 Whip of Fangs (4 heads) Saving Throws: None
8th +8 Ritual (Drider Conversion), Ability Skills: None
Score Improvement Equipment
9th +9 Ritual (Demonmate) See the Whip of Fangs class feature for your starting weapon.
10th +10 Whip of Fangs (5 heads)
Spellcasting Level
A High Priestess of Lolth is, essentially, a powerful and
specialized cleric of Lolth. This clerical knowledge does not
stop when you take a level in high priestess of Lolth. Instead,
it continues.
Count each level in high priestess of Lolth as though you
gained a level in cleric for determining spells available to
prepare and spell slots available (as though you were
multiclassing with a fullcasting class). You do not gain any
other class features on the cleric class table or your divine

Spider Affinity
At 1st level, all high priestess of Lolth have an affinity with
spiders and spider-like creatures. You are immune to all
venom and poisons from spiders and spider-like creatures,
unless Lolth wills otherwise. Additionally, you may
communicate telepathically with arachnids and spiderlike
creatures of all kinds so long as the creature has an
intelligence score of at least 1. Normal spiders never attack or
harm you unless magically controlled.

Whip of Fangs
Also at 1st level, you gain a whip of fangs, also known as the
snake-whip. This weapon is a whip that has the head of a
viper, or somtimes the head of more than one depending
upon the strength of the high priestess. How you attain this
weapon can differ. Choose one option below as your method
of attaining your whip of fangs and let your DM know.
Gift. You are given a snake-whip by a fellow priestess,
usually another high priestess or one that belonged to a fallen
cleric of Lolth. Should this gifted whip of fangs have more
than one head, all heads fall off but one as you attune yourself
to it. It shoudl be noted, however, that gifts from drow are
never given freely and come with a price.
Ritual. You create your own whip of fangs through a
magical ritual that requires eight days of constant, strenuous
prayer in which you sacrifice an intelligent creature for seven
days and then prostrate yourself to the Spider Queen on the
eighth day. If you are worthy, she gifts you with the whip and
you are automatically attuned to it.


At 1st level, your whip of fangs has only one head. As you
level, your whip gains heads so long as, after you gain the
apporpriate level, you sacrifice an intelligent creature to Lolth
ritualistically. At the end of the ritual sacrifice, a current viper
head falls off and two regrow in its place.
For further details on this weaponn, see the Equipment
section of this text.

At 2nd level, you are highly attuned to magical and natural
webbing. You ignore all difficult terrain effects from natural
and magically created webbing. Additionally, you may cast the
web spell as an action. Once you cast the web spell in this
way, you may not do so again until you finish a short or long

At 4th level, you start to develop more prowess with the dark
rituals of the Spider Queen. As you level, you gain access to
more rituals. See each ritual description for their details.
Regardless, each ritual requires either 500gp in material
costs and the sacrifice of an intelligent creature of a
Challenge Rating of at least 4.
You may only perform a ritual once before you must wait After the ritual, you maintain telepathic communication with
eight days to try again. Thus, if you attempt to summon a the zin-carla so long as you two are on the same plane of
yochlol, you must wait eight days before you can attempt a existence. After the ritual and then once after each dawn, you
drider conversion ritual. must make a Concentration check against the creatures
Wisdom saving throw. If you succeed, the creature is under
Summon Yochlol your control as per the dominate monster spell. Control over
At 4th level, you gain your first ritual. You can summon a the zin-carla is severed should either of you travel to a
handmaiden of Lolth herself. You may use this ritual to gain different plane.
insights into Lolth's will, request the aid of one of her If control over the zin-carla is ever lost, either by planar
handmaidens (a dangerous request), or whatever scheme you travel or by the creature succeeding its saving throw, the
may be devising. Yochlols are signs of Lolth's favor and the telepathic link is destroyed and the creature becomes a free-
capability of summoning one successfully is usually a willed undead with the sole purpose of seeking vengeance
boastful moment for drows and drow houses. against you. It gains the supernatural ability to know your
Time. This ritual takes 10 minutes to cast. exact location and how to get to there from where it currently
Religion Check. At the end of the 10 minutes, roll a is. Should the zin-carla kill you, it crumbles to dust. Should
Religion skill check. If you roll below an eight, you take 2d10 you die before it can kill you as it is seeking vengeance, it
necrotic damage as the ritual's magic eats away at your flesh becomes a free-willed undead.
and soul. Lolth is disappointed by you. If you roll a nine or Time. This ritual takes 8 hours to complete.
above, the ritual succeeds. If your check was above 25, the Sacrifice. You must use the creature sacrificed for the cost
yochlol regards you respectfully. of the ritual as the creature you are applying the zin-carla
Result. If your check succeeds, a yochlol is summoned template to.
before you. It may attack you, aid you, offer you advice, or any Autonomy. Although the zin-carla creature is dominated
other reaction it desires. Usually, yochlols regard high and subject to your will, it is still an independent creature. It
priestesses of Lolth with a modicom of respect, although this can act, think, and talk anyway it would like that otherwise
is usually dependent on the whims of Lolth herself. Yochlols does not disobey your commands through its domination.
are not favorable to freely offering combat aid, usually,
although its possible to persuade them. Drider Conversion
At 8th level, you gain your third ritual: the ability to convert
Zin-carla drow and half-drow into driders. You choose a creature to
At 6th level, you gain your second ritual. You can create a sacrifice (see below) and apply the drider template to them.
special form of undead, called the zin-carla, which means This is an agonizing, painful ritual in which a creature is
"spirit-wraith". This applies the zin-carla template (see the utterly destroyed and maimed in dark, cruel energies and
Monsters and Templates section of this text) to a creature contortion of their old body.
that you ritualistically murder with a dagger that is blessed by Time. This ritual takes 8 hours to complete.
a cleric of Lolth, usually done by the high priestess Sacrifice. You must use the creature sacrificed for the cost
performing the ritual. of the ritual as the creature you are applyign the drider
template to. The creature must either be a drow or half-drow
of Challenge Rating 4 or a character of 6th level.


At 9th level, you gain your final ritual: the summoning of a
powerful demon to mate with in the hopes of siring a
draegloth. When the ritual is complete, you summon a
Driders: A Different View
glabrezu who you make a pact with. You must pay some price
it asks that you will only have to pay should you actually sire a Driders are traditionally viewed by Lolthites as
results of failure to pass tests of Lolth. A recent
draegloth as you ritualistically mate with it. Often times,
shift of perception, though, may change this. Drow
several glabrezu are summoned as an orgy of the most of House Melarn and some other factions have
powerful female clerics of the house attempt to show the recently begun to view the driders as vestiges of
height of favor by discovering they are with a demon-child the will of Lolth, for good or ill. Some go as far as
weeks after this event. to view driders as blessings of Lolth, since the
Giving birth to a draegloth is a painful and difficult event, Spider Queen herself has been seen in the form of
requiring magical healing constantly. Additionally, it is a a drider by mortals.
symbol of Lolth's favor and a signfiicant moment for an entire Regardless, this is an important distinction to
drow house, let alone the female who may claim it their child. make, but one that is often best left unresolved.
Time. This ritual takes 10 minutes to summon the The religious conflict that this differing "truth"
demon(s). After the transaction is complete, the glabrezu is invites likely delights Lolth, as her followers bitterly
magically returned to the Abyss. fued over interpretations of her will. One thing is
Demon Spawn. The DM decides whether or not this ritual for sure, though, a drider is a formidable beast.
succeeds. If it does, it must mean that you have done or will Some high priestesses, particularly of the new
House Melarn, have begun converting an army of
do something to earn the favor of Lolth. You discover you are
worthy drow into driders so that they are a force to
pregnant and endure a particularly painful pregnancy over be reckoned with.
the next 9 months in which a baby draegloth is born. It grows
quickly, fully maturing within 8 hours. This draegloth treats
you as though it is constantly Charmed by you, smitten and
overcome by you as its creator. See the Monster and
Templates section of this text about the details of draegloths.


The Spider that Waits, Lolth's Champion

War is the ultimate expression of individual power, and only
through battle and death can you realize the respect of your
comrades. Hone your fighting skills constantly and teach
those who will follow into the fray. Never give or receive
quarter, and hope to die amid the bloodlust of battle against
overwhelming odds.

Current Events
Selvetarm is the loyal grandson of Lolth, son of Vhaeraun
and Zandilar the Dancer. Long ago Selvetarm was tricked by
Lolth into battling Zanassu, a demon lord who claimed
dominion over spiders. In his battle with Zanassu, Selvetarm
absorbed his demonic energy, becoming much like him and
simultaneously became bound to Lolth's service.
Selvetarm battled his father during the Silence of Lolth
when the Masked Lord attacked his mother in her weakend
state. The battle was a stalemate.
Before the Spellplague, a Darksong Knight, named
Cavatina Xarann, entered the Abyss and battled Selvetarm,
slaying him with the ancient artifact known as the Crescent
Blade. He was believed to be dead for some time, until after
the Sundering the vestige of his divine energies was re-
created. Some believe it to be the will of Lolth, others think it
other matters entirely.
Regardless, Selvetarm serves as the one who gifts male
drows who serve Lolth with divine spells. Should any male
cleric of Lolth think she is giving him spells he is actually
recieving them from Selvetarm.

Prestige Class:
A mortal imbued with fiendish cruelty, the drow judicator is a
knight most foul. This unholy warrior is steeped in the divine
energy of Selvetarm, the Spider That Waits, self-appointed
Champion of Lolth. Consort of demons and demonic
arachnids, the drow judicator is hated and feared by all,
especially other male drow who are jealous of the heights of
power to which he has risen.
Drow judicators must make an unholy pledge to Selvetarm
and then survive the rites of entry to adopt the prestige class.
At least a little schooling in spellcasting is required, but only
the toughest and meanest sorcerers and wizards can survive
the entry requirements. Clerics often attempt to take on the
drow judicator's mantle as well, as do fighters, rangers, and
rogues who have taken levels in spellcasting classes.
Typically, an NPC drow judicator serves a higher-ranking
cleric of Lolth, although he chafes to be the sole authority.
Drow judicators and assassins usually fill out the ranks of a
high priestess's hand-picked murder team.


Prerequisites Spellcasting Level
At 1st level, you gain further knowledge of your previous
In order to advance as a judicator, you must meet the
spellcasting class. On the Judicator Class table, add the
following prerequisites (in addition to the multiclassing
number of spellcasting level to one of your previous classes
prerequisities of your existing class):
that was a spellcasting class. For spellcasting purposes, treat
Race must be drow, half-drow, drider, or half-draegloth.
yourself as gaining a level in that class for figuring spells
Judicators embody war and are the archetypical drow.
known or that you can prepare and available spell slots.
Gender male. Selvetarm only chooses males as his elite
Character level 5. One must possess strength in order to War Strike
channel the strength of Selvetarm. At 1st level, you are trained in striking your foe in a
Cast 2nd level spells or higher. A knowledge of magic debilitating way. As part of a melee weapon attack where you
and spellcasting is required to fully embrace the dogma of successfully hit an opponent, you may declare, as a bonus
Lolth's Champion. action, your war strike. The target creature must roll a
Complete a special task. A potential judicator must make Constitution saving throw (DC 10 + your Charisma modifier
an unholy pledge to Selvetarm: You must commit to obeying + half your level in Judicator rounded down). On a failure, the
his will, respecting the church and hierarchies of Lolth, and target takes 2d4 damage against their Constitution ability
seek to either be victorious or die in battle against score. This ability score damage applies before they recieve
overwhelming odds. damage; thus the target's maximum hit points are reduced
and then they recieve damage from your attack.
The Judicator At 3rd and 6th level you gain an additional use of this
Spellcasting ability. You regain all uses of this feature when you take a
Level Level Features long rest.
1st +1 War Strike (1)
2nd +1 Command Spiders, Selvetarm's Command Spiders
Blessing At 2nd level, you have the ability to mentally command
3rd +2 War Strike (2) spiders, spider-like creatures, or arachnids. Treat this ability
like the command spell but it lasts for 1 minute and the DC is
4th +2 Selvetarm's Wrath (1), Ability Score
Improvement equal to 10 + your Charisma modidier + half your levels in
judicator rounded down.
5th +2 Spider Steed You can use this feature a number of times equal to your
6th +3 War Strike (3) levels in judicator. You regain all uses of this ability after
taking a long rest.
7th +3 Spider's Grace
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 Selvetarm's Wrath (2)
10th +4 Judgement

Class Features
As a judicator, you gain the following class features

Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d10 per judicator level
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constituion
modifier per judicator level after 1st
Armor: None
Weapons: None
Tools: None
Saving Throws: None
Skills: None
You gain no additional equipment for joining the judicator
prestige class.


Selvetarm's Blessing
At 2nd level, you receive a blessing from Selvetarm that
makes you effecient in any battle situation. In any saving
throw in which you are not proficient in, you apply half of
your proficiency bonus, rounded down. This effect only
applies while you are conscious.

Selvetarm's Wrath
At 4th level, you gain the ability to enter into a wrathful state
where you can endure a long, strenuous battle against
overwhelming odds. As a bonus action, you declare your
wrathful state. Once you do, you add your judicator level as
bonus damage to any damage roll you make from melee
weapon attacks. Additionally, you may use bonus actions to
make one additional melee attack. This wrathful state lasts
for five rounds or a number of rounds equal to your
Constitution modifier, whichever is higher. Once you use this
feature you may not do so again until you finish a long rest.
At 9th level, you may use this feature twice. You regain all
expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Spider Steed
At 5th level, you can summon forth a fiendish giant spider to
serve as a mount. If you cannot already, you can cast a special
version of the find steed spell. When you cast this spell in this
way, you summon a giant spider that is also a fiend.
When you cast this spell in this way you may not do so
again until you finish a long rest.

Spider's Grace
Starting at 7th level, you can take on some aspects of a spider. Vhaeraun
As a reaction to having to roll a Dexterity saving throw or as a The Masked Lord, The Shadow
bonus action, you activate your spider's grace. You gain a
climb speed equal to half your regular speed. Additionally, you Dogma
gain advantage on any Acrobatics or Athletics checks, as well The shadows of the Masked Lord must cast off the tyranny of
as any Dexterity saving throws. This effect lasts for 1 minute. the Spider Queen and forcibly reclaim their birthright and
You may use this abilty twice. You regain all expended uses rightful place in the Night Above. The existing drow
when you finish a long rest. matriarchies must be smashed, and the warring practices of
twisted Lolth done away with so that the drow are welded
Judgement into a united people, not a squabbling gaggle of rival Houses,
clans, and aims. Vhaeraun will lead his followers into a
At 10th level, you earn the ability to judge others harshly and
society where the Ilythiiri once again reign supreme over the
by divine right. As an action, choose up to 8 creatures you can
other, lesser races, and there is equality between males and
see within 100 feet of you. Each creature must make a
Wisdom saving throw (DC equals 15 + your Charisma
modifier) or take 1d8 necrotic damage as their body reels
from divine judgement. A successful save only halves the
Current Events
Vhaeraun has had a great deal happen recently. For centuries
he fueded with all the Dark Seldarine, trying to save drow
You may choose to expend a spell slot when you use this
from the useless and wasteful snares set by their Dark
ability to increase the damage by 1d8 per spell slot expended,
Mother, Lolth. Eventually, this led to a battle between him and
up to 5th level. Thus if you expend a 5th level spell slot, each
his sister, Eilistraee, in which Vhaeraun was destroyed and
selected creature takes 6d8 necrotic damage.
the Dark Maiden absorbed some of his portfolio, even
Once you use this feature you may not do so again until you
becoming a new form of herself: the Masked Lady.
finish a long rest.
It was believed Vhaeraun was deceased. However, after the
Sundering when Eilistraee returned, Vhaeraun did as well.
Him and his sister, who returned his portfolio to him as an
act of treaty, became partners against their mother. Now,
while ideologically vastly different, the churches of Eilistraee
and Vhaeraun work towards a common goal: save the drow
from Lolth.


Monsters & Templates

onsters of the drow, the creatures who
are often involved in the affairs of dark
elves, are often formidable foes and
terrible to encounter. This section of
the text has two aspects: monsters and

Large fiend, any evil alignment

Armor Class 17 (natural armor)

Hit Points 90 (9d10 + 36)
Speed 40ft.


18 (+4) 15 (+2) 19 (+4) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 16 (+3)

Saving Throws Con +7, Dex +5

Skills Perception +5
Damage Resistances fire, lightning, poison;
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from
nonmagical weapons
Condition Immunities poisoned
Senses passive Perception 15
Languages Abyssal, Drow, Undercommon
Challenge 5 (1800 XP)

Innate Spellcasting. The draegloth's spellcasting

ability is Charisma (spell save DC 14). The draegloth
can innately cast the following spells, requiring no
material components:
At will: darkness, detect magic
Magic Resistance. The draegloth has advantage on
saving throws against spells and other magical
Actions Draegloths are created by the unholy union between an
Multiattack The draegloth makes four attacks out of ascending high priestess of the drow goddess Lolth and a
the following options: two with its long arms, two glabrezu. They are about ten feet tall and have four arms, the
with its short arms, and/or one with its bite. upper arms being much larger than the lower ones. They
have large claws on the upper arms and they use them for
Long Arm Claw Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, hand-to-hand combat, for they usually prefer the feeling of
reach 10ft., one target. Hit 8 (1d8 + 4) slashing tearing flesh and sinew under their claws and fangs. Their
damage. face is stretched so it resembles that of a dog. Their flesh is
Short Arm Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, as dark as a drow's, and they are covered in a fine coat of fur;
reach 5ft., one target. Hit 6 (1d4 + 4) slashing they also have a white mane. They are sacred creatures to the
damage. Lolthites and are usually treated with respect.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5ft., Sacred Union. Draegloths are sired in the dark ritual
one target. Hit 11 (2d6 + 4) piercing damage. where a female high priestess of lolth mates with a glabrezu
demon. This union usually comes with a price that either the
draegloth pays in its later life or the high priestess herself.
Regardless, this union and creation is a sacrament in the eyes
of Lolth and a prestigious symbol of Lolth's favor.


Drider Template The Test of Lolth
Although rare, promising drow who are directly tested by
This template is applied in two scenarios: a high priestess of
Lolth and then fail are indeed turned into a drider. They
Lolth performs a drider conversion ritual or Lolth herself
become pariahs and are ostracized from drow communities
curses (or blesses) a drow by transforming them, rather
who obey the will of the Spider Queen. Although they are not
painfully, into a drider.
exiled, driders who failed the test of Lolth may be permitted
Driders are strong, thicker skinned, and excell at climbing
to exist within drow cities. Dark elves keep driders around as
and manuevering through dark, slippery caverns. Those who
reminders of what happens when one fails to pass any test
become driders are much like they were before, but twisted,
the Dark Mother demands of her children.
crueler, and far more beastial. While driders may not be
mindless demons, they certainly are closer to fiend and
monster than they are to their former selves.

Drider Template
Creatures that wish to adopt the drider template
must be either drow or half-drow. When they gain
this template, the following changes occur:
Type. Your type becomes monstrosity.
Hit Dice. All hit dice you had that were less than
d10s now become d10s.
Ability Score Improvements. Choose two ability
scores between Strength, Dexterity, or
Constitution. Two of these scores increase by 2,
but not above 20.
Speed. You gain a climb speed equal to your
normal speed.
Size. Your size increases to large.
Spider Climb. You can climb difficult durfaces,
icnluding upside down on ceilings, without
needing to make an ability check.
Web Walker. You ignore movement restrictions
caused by webbing, magical or otherwise.
Natural Armor. You have a natural armor equal to
16 + your Dexterity modifier.
Skills. You gain proficiency in Stealth.
Bite. Your mouth enlarges slightly as your teeth
and maw drip with venom. You gain a bite attack
that may use Strength or Dexterity when
determining your melee attack roll and damage. It
deals 1d4 piecing damage and 2d8 poison
damage. If you can attack more than once during
an Attack action, you may only use your bite attack


Zin-carla Template
High priestesses of Lolth are known, at times, to cast a dark
ritual in which they murder a creature and it immediately
rises as a spirit wraith, or zin-carla in undercommon, under
her dominance. In a cruel twist of vengeance, the zin-carla is
forced to do perhaps what it refused to do in life. Its only
hope is to regain dominance by trying to subvert the will of
the priestess each day and take back its will. Other than the
telepathic, magical commands of the zin-carla's creator, a Zin-carla Template
spirit wraith is fully in command of itself. It may think, act,
Creatures that adopt the zin-carla template can be
and do as it would normally. Should the zin-carla ever fully
of any humanoid. Some other creatures may be
abate the dominance of the priestess, however, they are able to become zin-carla's, but it is largely
magically compelled to find her and slay her in an act of unknown of what happens when celestials, fiends,
vindication. fey, or other types of creatures become a spirit
wraith. When this template is gained, the following
changes occur:
Type. Your type changes to undead.
Undead Nature. Because you are undead, you do
not require air, food, drink, or sleep. For purposes
of abilities and features, however, you still must
take short or long rests to recover.
Undead Fortitude. If damage reduces you to 0 hit
points, you can make a constitution saving throw
with a DC of 5 + the damage taken that would
reduce you to 0, unless the damage is radiant or
from a critical hit. On a success, you drop to 1 hit
point instead.
Damage Immunities. Poison.
Condition Immunities. Poisoned.
Zin-carla Curse. Because you were created in a
dark ritual, you are under the dominance of your
creator. After each dawn, you must make a Wisdom
saving throw opposed to your creator's
Concentration check. If you succeed, you break
dominance and gain a supernatural ability to know
your creator's exact location. You are compelled to
seek them and take their life. You know how to find
her and the easiest route to get there. Should you
succeed in slaying her, you crumble to dust. Should
the priestess die before you kill her, you become a
free-willed undead. Be aware that while you are
dominated, the priestess can communicate with
you telepathically over any distance. Dominance is
also broken should you, or the priestess, ever travel
to a different plane. You must still seek vengeance
if dominance is broken in this way.
Mindfulness. Unlike most undead, you are
mindful. You are aware of yourself, your past, your
current life, and may still retain aspirations towards
the future. You are even aware that your actions
from being dominated are only done because of
that dominance. Thus, you may cognitively despise
the actions your creator forces you to perform.



he drow are known for their magical gear.
Even common patrols throughout drow cities
and through the Underdark carry magical
items the empower them. There are, however,
some unique magical items that the drow are
notorious for possessing.

Whip of Fangs
Weapon (whip), uncommon (1 head), rare (2-3 heads), very
rare (4 heads), legendary (5 heads) (requires attunement)

The whip of fangs is a powerful magical whip, also known as

a snake-whip, that is wielded by priestesses of Lolth. They are
often status symbols of clerical rank; the more heads, the
more prestige and power a priestess possesses. Treat a whip
of fangs as a whip. Whenever a creature is hit by the whip,
they must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 13 + the
number of heads on the whip) or be poisoned for 1 round. At
the beginning of their next turn, they must make another
Constituion saving throw or be stunned for 1 minute.
Creatures who resist being poisoned are immune to being
stunned for 24 hours. The second snake head increases the
damage die of the whip to a 1d6 from a 1d4. The third snake
head increases the damage die of the whip to a 1d8. The
fourth snake head increases the damage die of the whip to a
1d10. The fifth snake head increases the damage die of the
whip to a 1d12.
If you wish, you may use your melee spell attack roll
instead of melee weapon attack roll when using the whip of
fangs. Singing Sword
Weapon (longsword), legendary (requires attunement)

There were only 20 created singing swords, long ago when

the Church of Eilistraee was founded. Most have been lost.
Should any be found, they are powerful, deadly weapons for
any warrior.
As you unsheath and fight with this sword, it sings a loud,
inspiring song. You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage
rolls made with this magic weapon. Additionally, you have 5
uses of Bardic Inspiration (1d8) that you may apply to
yourself or an ally within 30 feet of you that you can see as a
bonus action (as per the Bardic Inspiration class feature).
After a long rest, you regain all 5 uses of the sword's Bardic

Let it be noted, I do not take any creative credit for
the artwork here. I bastardized the beautiful work
found on the internet to model it after the D&D 5e
paint splash style of their work.
Thank you to to artists in the world and to The
Homebrewery for your amazing web-based
creation tool that was used to create this



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