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Curses and Hexes

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Curses and Hexes

N THE SHADOWED CORNERS OF THE WORLD, WHERE Each curse within this collection is presented with
whispers carry the weight of power and fear, thorough descriptions of its effects, both immediate
lies the ancient and formidable art of cursing. and long-term, as well as its ingredients, casting
Within this section, you will uncover a process, range, duration, and methods of removal.
collection of curses, powerful afflictions Despite this, these curses are detailed without
possessed by dark entities. strict mechanical guidelines tied to their effects.
Traditionally, the power to curse has been the This is an intended choice, made to ensure that
domain of specialized spellcasters - hags, witches, Game Masters have the flexibility to adapt them to
and practitioners of dark arts who have delved deep their specific campaign needs. Unlike traditional
into the mysteries of forbidden knowledge. Their spells or abilities that come with precise rules for
expertise allows them to weave complex spells and play, curses should be considered more as a
inflict their will upon the world, often requiring narrative tool. This approach allows for ease of
nothing more than a well-chosen word and a potent scaling their impact, depending on the power of
artifact or symbol of their intended victim. both the caster and the recipient, as well as the
However, under the right circumstances and with intended level of adversity associated with a certain
sufficient dedication, even those not versed in curse. Additionally, the effect of a curse can
spellcasting can learn to cast minor curses through significantly be adapted across different types of
rigorous training and significant downtime, always games, ranging from those that emphasize gritty
at the Game Master’s discretion. realism to those set in worlds of epic heroism. By
The mechanics of cursing are unique, governed by providing a descriptive foundation rather than a
several key factors that dictate their effectiveness, rigid set of rules, Game Masters are encouraged to
range, and permanence. find the right balance and effect that fits the casting
Firstly, the range of a curse can vary greatly; some of any specific curse.
require a personal item or component linked to the
target, enabling the caster to reach across vast
distances, while others may necessitate a direct
line of sight, proximity, or physical presence.
The components range from common ingredients
for minor hexes to rare and unique items for the
most powerful of afflictions. Personal items related
to the target, such as hair or blood, are particularly
potent, anchoring the curse to its victim with
terrifying efficiency - but may, in return, result more
difficult to obtain.
The duration of a curse can last from mere days to
an entire lifetime, with most dark enchantments
designed to linger until specific, often arduous
conditions are met for their removal.
This leads us to the method of removal, which is
unique to each curse. While all curses can be lifted
with simple spells (like lesser restoration, remove
curse, or greater restoration), you may decide that
others require complex rituals, the creation and
consumption of rare antidotes, or even more
esoteric means. In this light, gathering the
components or discovering the specific process
required to lift a curse could prove as compelling
story hooks for your campaign. For this purpose,
each entry comes with a section detailing a specific
ritual or antidote needed to lift the affliction.

Curses in Gameplay Curse of the Withering Silence
When used on player characters, curses should be
This curse is favored by hags seeking to silence
designed to challenge the player both mechanically
their enemies or those who betray them. It
and narratively, without completely hindering their
gradually strips the victim of their voice, eventually
ability to participate and enjoy the game (especially
leading to their physical weakening.
during the first stages of an affliction). For instance,
the curse could manifest as a series of escalating Ingredients: A lock of hair from the target, a black
misfortunes or challenges that the player must candle made from beeswax, and a silence-blessed
overcome, blending both roleplay and gameplay feather.
elements and possibly affecting their interactions Casting Process: The caster forms a circle with the
with others. The key is to balance the curse’s secondary components around the lock of hair,
impact with the opportunity for the player to chanting incantations at midnight.
perform a task to lift the curse, turning it into a Immediate Effects: The target’s voice becomes
compelling story arc rather than just a punitive raspy and weak.
measure. Long-Term Effects: Over the course of a month, the
When cursed, a character - but, at the Game victim loses their ability to speak, followed by a
Master’s discretion, this could also apply to NPCs - gradual loss of strength.
should always have an opportunity to resist the Range: No visual or physical presence of the target
curse’s effects through a Wisdom saving throw. To is needed, but the curse is stronger if cast under the
maintain the element of surprise of a curse, the same moon phase as when the target’s hair was
Game Master might roll this saving throw in obtained.
secrecy, as the character or NPC should not be Duration: Until removed.
aware that a curse is being cast upon them. The DC Removal: A potion made from the tears of a mute
for this saving throw is equal to the spell save DC of creature and the song of a siren, consumed under a
its caster (if any). For non-spellcasters creatures full moon, can lift the curse.
unleashing curses (though such cases are
uncommon), the DC should be calculated Curse of the Shadowed Heart
according to the following formula: This curse is often used by dark sorcerers or
vengeful spirits to turn a person’s own shadow
Curse save DC: 8 + proficiency bonus + Charisma
against them, fostering mistrust and isolation.
Ingredients: A piece of the target’s shadow
A creature that fails its saving throw against a curse captured at dusk, heartwood from a tree struck by
is considered to be affected by <cursed= condition lightning, and a drop of the caster’s blood.
(as outlined in Appendix A of the manual) for the Casting Process: The ingredients are combined in
duration. For this reason, removing a curse could a darkened room, with the caster reciting a curse
be as simple as casting a remove curse or greater that binds the shadow to the heartwood. The ritual
restoration on the target. However, unique method
must be completed as the sun sets.
of removal are listed for each curse, possibly acting
Immediate Effects: The target feels a deep chill and
as alternative ways to lift a simple hex, or as the
unease, noticing their shadow moving slightly out
only method (except for a casting of wish) to free a
of sync with their actions.
creature from the most potent afflictions. Long-Term Effects: The target’s shadow begins to
act independently when in darkness or dim light,
sometimes whispering malicious thoughts or
attempting to scare those around the target.
Range: The curse can be cast from any distance,
but proximity with the target strengthens its effect.
Duration: Indefinite, growing stronger during the
night and waning by day.
Removal: To lift the curse, the heartwood must be
found and burned in a ceremonial fire lit by the
light of the full moon.

Curse of Endless Hunger Curse of the Forgotten Name
Bestowed by entities that feed on despair, this A sinister curse that erases the victim’s name from
curse causes an insatiable hunger that no food can memory and records, as if they never existed, used
quell, leading to desperation and madness. by those seeking to erase someone from history.

Ingredients: A bone from a starved animal, grains Ingredients: A quill from a raven that has
blessed by a famine spirit, and a vial of the target’s witnessed death, ink made from the tears of a
saliva collected during a meal. forgotten hero, and a parchment bearing the
Casting Process: The ingredients are buried under target’s name written by their own hand.
the target’s doorstep or a place they frequently Casting Process: The parchment is burned with the
pass. The caster chants an invocation to the spirits raven quill in a brazier, while the caster recites the
of hunger and famine as the moon reaches its target’s name backwards, mixing the ashes with
zenith. the tear ink to create a potent symbol of forgetting.
Immediate Effects: The target experiences sudden Immediate Effects: The target notices people
pangs of hunger, finding no satisfaction in their struggling to recall their name, and written records
usual meals. of their name begin to fade or disappear.
Long-Term Effects: Food turns to ash in the victim’s Long-Term Effects: The victim becomes a non-
mouth, and they are plagued by constant hunger. entity to society, their name forgotten by even their
This relentless need can drive them to extreme closest friends, and any attempt to reintroduce
actions, straining their moral compass and themselves is met with confusion and disbelief.
relationships. Range: The curse’s reach extends to anyone who
Range: The curse is most effective when cast in has known the target, regardless of distance.
proximity to the target’s living quarters. Duration: Until removes, its effects deepening over
Duration: Until removed. time as the victim’s existence becomes completely
Removal: A feast prepared by loved ones, infused obscured from collective memory.
with spells of purification and shared in goodwill, Removal: Reversing this curse requires a ritual of
can gradually restore the victim’s ability to derive remembrance, where those who once knew the
sustenance from food, breaking the curse. victim must gather under a full moon and share
tales of the victim.
Curse of the Leaden Limbs
Employed by those who wish to incapacitate their
foes, this curse gradually robs the victim of their
mobility, as if their limbs were made of lead.

Ingredients: A statuette carved in the target’s

likeness, lead shavings, and the feather of a bird
that has never flown.
Casting Process: The statuette is coated with lead
shavings and placed in a dark box along with the
feather. The caster then buries the box at a
crossroads during a new moon.
Immediate Effects: The target feels a heaviness in
their limbs, making movement sluggish.
Long-Term Effects: Over time, the victim’s
movements become more restricted, as if moving
through thick mud. At its peak, the curse can
render the victim almost entirely immobile.
Range: Any, but casting the spell closer to the
target’s home or lair enhances the curse’s potency.
Duration: Until removed.
Removal: To lift the curse, the statuette must be
recovered and melted down in a temple blessed by
a deity of freedom or travel.

Curse of Fading Steps Curse of the Shattered Mirror
This curse causes the victim’s footsteps to appear A curse that distorts the victim’s reflection,
in locations they’ve never visited, often leading to showing them aged, disfigured, or in a state of
false accusations or suspicion. decay, affecting their social interactions and self-
Ingredients: A tear shed by a creature that was
falsely accused of a crime, the shadow of a fleeing Ingredients: A broken mirror that has reflected
creature, and the victim’s boot print. betrayal, a crow’s feather taken at midnight, and a
Casting Process: The caster must place the tear of the afflicted.
ingredients at a location significant to the victim, Casting Process: Under the cover of darkness, the
such as their home or workplace. As the sun rises, caster arranges the ingredients around a
the caster recites an incantation that binds the representation of the victim. Whispering words of
essence of the victim’s movements to the shadow falsehood and deception, they shatter a small
and echo, misleading those who follow. mirror, symbolically linking the act to the victim’s
Immediate Effects: The victim’s footsteps starts fate.
misteriously appearing in places they’ve never Immediate Effects: The victim notices a disturbing
been, causing confusion and doubt among their change in their reflection across all mirrored
acquaintances. surfaces, causing distress and anxiety.
Long-Term Effects: Authorities and individuals Long-Term Effects: The cursed individual’s
begin to mistrust the victim, as evidence of their interactions become strained as their confidence
supposed actions accumulates without their actual wanes, and rumors of their <true form= spread,
involvement. isolating them socially.
Range: No physical presence of the target is Range: The physical presence of the target is not
needed, but the curse’s effects are stronger based needed.
on the significance of the location where the Duration: The curse persists until the victim
ingredients are placed in relation to the victim. confronts and accepts their perceived flaws or until
Duration: Until removed. removed by other means.
Removal: An elaborate ritual that involves retracing Removal: A genuine act of self-acceptance in front
all the false footsteps and gathering testimonials of of a reflective surface that does not distort,
the victim’s alibi can dispel the curse. witnessed by close friends and familiars, can lift the
Curse of the Bound Tongue
This curse afflicts the victim with an inability to
speak truths, forcing their words to twist into lies or
silence them when honesty is most needed.

Ingredients: The tongue of a liar, the silence from a

secret’s grave, and the breath of accusation.
Casting Process: In a quiet place, the caster lights a
candle with the liar’s tongue and places the other
ingredients around it. Then they speak the victim’s
name backward, binding the curse to them.
Immediate Effects: Attempts by the victim to speak
the truth result in their silence or involuntary lies.
Long-Term Effects: Relationships and trust begin to
erode as the victim becomes completely unable to
communicate honestly.
Range: The physical presence of the target is not
Duration: Until removed.
Removal: Confessing a secret truth that costs the
victim dearly can dispel the curse.

Curse of the Wandering Mind Removal: To break the curse, the victim must plant
and nurture a seed in a land that has been touched
A curse that afflicts the victim with scattered by darkness, ensuring it blooms into a beacon of
thoughts and difficulty focusing, making life. This act of revitalizing a place devoid of light
concentration and memory recall challenging. with their own vitality serves as the key to lifting
the curse, restoring their strength in the light.
Ingredients: A feather of a forgetful bird, ink made
from the essence of distraction, and a page from a Curse of the Withering Heart
book that was never finished.
Casting Process: The caster writes the victim’s This curse drains an individual’s vitality, causing
their health to deteriorate and energy to fade as if
name on the unfinished page with the distracted
ink, burning it along with the feather to scatter its life itself is being siphoned away.
ashes to the winds. Ingredients: A thorn plucked from a rose that has
Immediate Effects: The victim finds their thoughts withered away to nothing, a single drop of the
drifting at crucial moments, unable to focus or victim’s own blood symbolizing their life force, and
remember details. a candle dyed with the deepest shades of night.
Long-Term Effects: Academic, professional, and Casting Process: The components are meticulously
personal tasks become nearly impossible to bound together in a sinister rite, performed as the
complete, as the victim’s mind wanders clock strikes midnight, enveloping the victim in an
uncontrollably. The target becomes unable to aura of unseen decay. The ritual chants, spoken in
concentrate on spells. the presence of the victim, call upon ancient
Range: The physical presence of the target is not energies that feed on vitality and essence.
needed. Immediate Effects: The victim senses a profound
Duration: Until removed. weakness taking hold, their heartbeat becomes
Removal: Engaging in a meditative task that irregular and faint, and their energy begins to
rebuilds the fragmented focus, such as assembling diminish, leaving them feeling drained and listless.
a complex puzzle or completing a difficult Long-Term Effects: The target suffers a gradual
challenge without interruptions, can lift the curse. loss of vitality with each day that passes, can’t
Curse of the Leeching Light benefit from resting, and their constitution is
weakened over time.
This curse turns light into a source of weakness, Range: The curse requires the sight of the victim to
sapping the victim’s vitality in illuminated be effectively cast.
environments. Duration: Until removed.
Ingredients: The last ray of sunlight before an Removal: To lift the curse, a ritual must be
eclipse, the essence of a light-draining leech, and conducted under the light of a full moon, involving
the shadow of a dying plant. the heart of a creature that has passed away
Casting Process: The ingredients are combined naturally blessed by a cleric.
and exposed to the first light of dawn following an
eclipse, binding the curse to the victim by speaking
their name through a ritual that must be performed
in a place where darkness prevails.
Immediate Effects: As soon as the victim
encounters bright light, they feel an unnatural
fatigue and weakness.
Long-Term Effects: The victim becomes
increasingly vulnerable to radiant damage and
experiences significantly reduced healing from
potions, spells, and abilities. This vulnerability
manifests as a draining sensation, with light
seemingly pulling the life force from their body.
Range: No physical presence of the victim is
needed to cast the curse.
Duration: Until removed.

Curse of the Beast’s Shadow
This nefarious enchantment bestows the victim’s
shadow with a malevolent life of its own, causing it
to mimic the actions of predators and, in terrifying
instances, lash out at its owner.

Ingredients: Captured shadow of a fierce

predatory beast, essence extracted
from deadly nightshade, and an
article of clothing the victim has
adorned under the silvery
glow of moonlight.
Casting Process: Under the
watchful eyes of the moon,
the shadow is bound to the victim,
intertwining their fates in a dance
of darkness and fear.
Immediate Effects: The victim’s shadow begins to
move with unsettling independence, often acting
out of sync, casting an eerie pall of dread.
Long-Term Effects: The victim falls prey to
mounting paranoia as their shadow seems
to stalk them, suffering disadvantages
in mental acuity and enduring minor
necrotic wounds inflicted by their
own silhouette turned traitor.
Range: Requires direct line of sight
under the moon’s gaze for the curse
to take hold.
Duration: Until removed.
Removal: To sever the dark bond,
the victim must venture into darkness
alone, confronting their deepest fears
with the aid of a creature aligned
with goodness, lighting the way
to redemption.

Art by Kim Holm

Edited by DMSlash (CC BY 4.0)
Curse of the Endless Lament Curse of the Phantom Chains
This curse engulfs the victim’s psyche with Invisible, ethereal chains bind the victim, impeding
ceaseless sorrow and despair, erasing their their movements as if ensnared by the heavy
capacity for joy and plunging them into an abyss of burden of unseen forces, draining their vitality and
perpetual grief. freedom.

Ingredients: The tears of a widow who has known Ingredients: Chains exhumed from a desecrated
boundless sorrow, a shard of pure obsidian to grave, dust from a location haunted by restless
anchor the darkness, and strands of hair from spirits, and the sweat of the victim, symbolizing
someone who perished from heartbreak, their physical exertion and vulnerability.
embodying the essence of eternal sorrow. Casting Process: The curse is tethered to an item
Casting Process: An intimate belonging of the frequently carried by the victim, binding them with
victim becomes the conduit for the curse, around spectral chains that sap their strength and freedom.
which the other components are placed during the Immediate Effects: The sensation of being bound
casting of a dark ritual of sorrow. by non-existent chains grips the victim, instilling a
Immediate Effects: The victim is immediately pervasive sense of restraint and encumbrance.
besieged by an overwhelming sense of sorrow. Long-Term Effects: The afflicted’s movements grow
Long-Term Effects: The target starts manifesting a increasingly hindered, suffering disadvantages in
profound difficulty in interactions requiring agility and requiring herculean effort for physical
charisma, as their despair becomes visible to tasks, as if burdened by an immense weight.
everyone. Range: Linked to an object of personal significance
Range: No physical presence or direct sight of the to the victim, amplifying the curse’s effect through
victim is needed to cast the curse. emotional and physical proximity.
Duration: Lasts until the next full moon. Duration: Until removed.
Removal: A genuinely joyful event that pierces the Removal: Forgiveness must be sought in a
veil of despair, experienced in the company of a symbolic act of unburdening, engaging in a ritual
loved one, can gradually lift the curse. that metaphorically lifts the weights from their
shoulders, breaking the chains of guilt and regret.
Curse of the Echoing Words
This curse manipulates the victim’s voice to betray
them, turning their every spoken word into a
reverberating echo that involuntarily exposes
secrets and hidden truths.

Ingredients: A scrap of parchment inscribed with

rumors by an anonymous tongue, a crystal that has
captured the natural reverberation of a cavern, and
a written oath penned by the victim.
Casting Process: The caster must initiate a ritual at
the hour of twilight by whispering the victim’s
name into the crystal, ensnaring it with the essence
of rumor and the victim’s own sworn words.
Immediate Effects: The victim’s speech begins to
echo, even in the absence of physical conditions for
an echo.
Long-Term Effects: Secrets and private
conversations are inadvertently revealed.
Range: The curse affects the victim regardless of
their location.
Duration: Until removed.
Removal: A vow of silence kept for an entire lunar
cycle can lift the curse.

Curse of Perpetual Desolation Curse of Fractured Reflections
This curse makes the victim feel perpetually alone, This curse distorts the image of the victim in
even when in the company of others, dampening reflections, turning into horrifying versions of
their ability to feel connected or loved. themselves.

Ingredients: The tear from a solitary wolf, ashes Ingredients: A broken mirror touched by the moon,
from a burnt letter of farewell, and a fragment of an a drop of ink from a document used to lie to
abandoned home. someone or hide a truth, a lock of hair from the
Casting Process: The ingredients are buried under victim.
the light of a new moon, together with a Casting Process: At midnight, the ingredients are
representation of the victim, near the target’s combined in a dark pool of water, and the victim’s
house, while the caster intones a chant of solitude name is whispered while chanting an ancient
and separation. prayer.
Immediate Effects: An immediate sense of isolation Immediate Effects: The victim’s reflection becomes
envelops the victim, feeling detached from those twisted, showing as monstrous or decayed.
around them. Long-Term Effects: The victim experiences
Long-Term Effects: The victim struggles to form or isolation and a gradual erosion of self-esteem and
maintain relationships more each day that passes, identity, often leading to withdrawal and despair.
as an unseen force seems to push people away. Range: No physical presence or sight is needed.
Range: No physical presence is needed. Duration: Until removed.
Duration: Until removed. Removal: An act of bravery or self-acceptance
Removal: A heartfelt reunion with a long-lost friend performed in the absence of any reflective surface,
or family member and the sharing of a secret kept witnessed by someone that was once pushed away.
from everyone else can lift the curse.
Curse of the Ashen Wake
This curse leaves a trail of withering and decay in
the victim’s wake, affecting nearby plants, food, and
small animals.

Ingredients: The ashes from a home destroyed by

fire, dust from a dead man’s pocket, a footprint in
dried mud.
Casting Process: Mixed at dusk, the ingredients are
cast into a fire along with the victim’s name written
in ash. The smoke must be directed towards the
victim’s abode.
Immediate Effects: Plants and food begin to spoil
rapidly in the victim’s presence.
Long-Term Effects: A visible path of decay follows
the victim, affecting the surrounding environment
and inflicting damage to plants, food, and small
Range: Immediate proximity to the victim or direct
sight of it is needed to cast the curse.
Duration: Until removed.
Removal: Planting a garden in desolate soil and
nurturing it to full bloom without revealing its
location to others is needed to lift the curse.

Curse of the Endless Echoes Curse of the Night’s Plight
This curse causes the victim’s thoughts and words A curse that wraps the victim in shadows that
to repeat endlessly, trapping them in a loop of their whisper of their deepest fears, visible only to them.
own making.
Ingredients: The shadow of a creature that died
Ingredients: Echoes from a desolate canyon, a afraid, the whisper of a secret fear, and a black
fragment of a broken hourglass, and the breath of feather fallen at midnight.
someone who has been betrayed. Casting Process: In utter darkness, the caster binds
Casting Process: The ingredients are whispered the shadow and whisper around the black feather,
into the wind in a desert place, and the victim’s releasing it to find the victim as they sleep,
name is then repeated ten times in rapid enveloping them in fear.
succession. Immediate Effects: The victim experiences a vivid
Immediate Effects: The victim hears their own and frightful nightmare. When waking up, they are
thoughts and last spoken words echoing in their assaulted by overwhelming fear at the sight of their
mind, disrupting concentration and own shadow, haunted by whispers only they can
communication. hear.
Long-Term Effects: The resounding echoes keep Long-Term Effects: Paranoia and terror start
increasing, rendering conversations impossible and dominating the victim’s life, as shadows become a
disrupting the victim’s sense of reality. constant source of dread and unease. The victim
Range: No physical presence or sight of the target may suffer from sleepless nights and anxiety,
is needed to cast the curse. impacting their daily life and interactions with
Duration: Until removed. others.
Removal: To lift the curse, the victim must learn to Range: The curse must be cast near the target for
truly listen and understand the words of others, the feather to find it, but no physical presence or
breaking the cycle of their own echoed thoughts. direct sight of the victim is needed.
Duration: Until removed.
Curse of the Stone Heart Removal: A courageous confrontation of the fear
This curse gradually turns the victim’s heart to embodied by the shadow, often requiring the victim
stone, making it impossible for them to feel to undertake a journey that tests their resolve and
empathy or love. bravery, can successfully lift the curse.

Ingredients: The heart of a petrified creature, tears

shed during a moment of heartbreak, and a stone
from a long-forgotten grave.
Casting Process: The heart of the petrified creature
is wrapped in the tear-soaked stone and buried
under the victim’s window during a heartless night.
Immediate Effects: The target experiences a
growing coldness towards others, together with a
difficulty in expressing or feeling emotions.
Long-Term Effects: The victim emotionally
detaches from any dear one, as their relationships
crumble and they become increasingly isolated in
their indifference.
Range: Requires to be cast near the target’s
domain or household, but doesn’t require any
physical presence or sight of the victim.
Duration: Until removed.
Removal: An act of pure love or sacrifice, where the
victim renounces to something of great personal
value, can lift the curse by proving that a heart of
stone can still be moved by genuine compassion.

Forbidden Curses Curse of the Sundered Seas
Within the pages of this grim tome lies the This forbidden curse has the power to disrupt the
knowledge of forbidden curses, potent and dark natural balance of the world’s oceans, causing
magics capable of afflicting vast regions or altering them to rage and split, creating destructive waves,
the essence of reality. These curses are extremely floods, and tsunamis.
powerful, wielded only by the most daring of
spellcasters. Far beyond the scope of common Ingredients: Trident of a fallen sea god, the last
hexes, forbidden curses require an array of rare breath of a drowned sailor, tears of a mermaid
components often dangerous to acquire, as well as queen.
a mastery of dark energies that few possess. Casting Process: At the heart of a maelstrom, the
The casting of these afflictions demands not only trident is anchored to the ocean floor. The sailor’s
profound knowledge and power but also a last breath and mermaid queen’s tears are sealed
willingness to delve into magics that many consider in an ancient urn, which is then shattered against
too perilous or morally reprehensible to touch. the trident, all while a dirge of the deep is sung by a
These curses can transform fertile lands into choir of sirens.
desolate wastes, turn allies into enemies, or even Immediate Effects: The nearby seas begin to churn
tear open the veil between life and death. Their unnaturally, forming whirlpools and fissures that
effects are dramatic and far-reaching, making them swallow ships whole. Storms rage across the
central elements around which entire campaign waters, making navigation and travel by sea nearly
arcs or stories might revolve. Adventurers might impossible in the surrounding area.
find themselves racing against time to prevent a Long-Term Effects: Coastal regions in a wide radius
villain from gathering the necessary components to suffer devastating floods, while isolated islands
unleash a curse, or perhaps seeking to lift a curse become completely cut off. Sea beasts and
that has laid waste to an entire kingdom. creatures face extinction or are forced to flee their
The mechanics of these forbidden curses involve homes, leading to further ecological imbalance.
complex rituals, often requiring specific celestial Range: The curse initially targets a specific area
alignments and unique ingredients. Their range but gradually extends its influence to all connected
and duration of these curses often extend far bodies of water.
beyond those of lesser hexes, affecting entire Duration: The curse lasts until the world’s end,
regions or populations for generations. Their reshaping wide coastlines and submerging entire
removal, if possible at all, often involves quests of civilizations.
epic proportions to find the counteragents or fulfill Counteraction: The curse may be reversed by
conditions that are as challenging as they are rare. reactivating the trident’s powers using the fire from
Incorporating forbidden curses into a campaign a phoenix’s heart, and wielding it to calm the seas.
offers Game Masters a powerful narrative tool. Only a good-hearted and brave hero can wield the
They can serve as the driving force behind a quest, trident, which must be taken to the point where the
the ultimate goal of a villain’s plot, or a dire threat curse was initially cast, and then raised to the sky
that the party must avert to save the world. The to reverse the curse.
presence of a forbidden curse can introduce unique Campaign Hook: The adventurers are drawn into a
elements to any campaign, challenging adventurers conflict that spans the high seas and the realms
to weigh the costs of their pursuit of power or their beneath the waves. They must navigate
efforts to undo the dark will of another. treacherous waters, ally with sea creatures, and
As you explore the following pages, remember that uncover lost magic to restore balance to the oceans
with great power comes great responsibility - and before the world is completely torn asunder.
often, great peril. Forbidden curses are not to be
taken lightly, for their casting can change the
course of history, often for the worse.

Curse of Eternal Night
This forbidden curse is powerful enough to shroud hold over the populace. Many attempts to escape
an entire region in perpetual darkness, blocking out the darkness by migrating, encountering great
the sun and disrupting the natural order. perils in their travel.
Range: The curse initially affects a specific region
Ingredients: The heart of a shadow dragon, the but then start spreading, threatening to envelop the
tears of a solar deity, and the essence extracted entire world in darkness.
from the darkest abyss of the world. Duration: The curse is permanent until removed.
Casting Process: The heart must be placed at the Counteraction: Reversing the curse requires a
zenith of a solar eclipse within a circle of ancient quest of epic proportions, involving the gathering of
stones known only to exist in realms touched by the artifacts imbued with pure sunlight, the blessings of
void. The deity’s tears and abyssal essence are then celestial beings, and a confrontation with the
poured over the dragon’s heart, while a chant of shadow mages responsible. The heart of the
oblivion is recited by thirteen shadow mages. shadow dragon must be destroyed, using a weapon
Immediate Effects: The sun’s light begins to fade forged from the essence of stars and wielded by a
over the course of seven days in the surrounding champion chosen by the forces of light.
area, each day growing progressively darker until Campaign Hook: Adventurers may be called upon
no light remains, plunging the region into an to prevent the gathering of the curse’s ingredients,
eternal night. a task that takes them across the realms to face
Long-Term Effects: The absence of sunlight causes foes both mortal and divine. Alternatively, they
temperatures to plummet, crops to fail, and might embark on a quest to reverse the curse,
creatures of darkness to emerge and thrive in the uniting fractured societies and delving into
area. Societies begin to crumble under the strain of forgotten lore to save their world from eternal
unending darkness, with fear and despair taking darkness.

Curse of the Withering Woods the spread of deserts. The natural balance is
This curse targets the heart of nature itself, causing shattered, and with it, the cycle of life and death.
forests and jungles across the world to wither and Range: Starts in forests near to the point where the
die, turning lush landscapes into barren curse is cast but rapidly spreads, threatening all
wastelands. plant life on the planet.
Duration: The curse lasts indefinitely, erasing the
Ingredients: The seed from the world tree, the flora from the world.
blood of an ancient dryad, and the ashes from a Counteraction: To counteract the curse, a new
phoenix’s pyre. world tree must be germinated from the ashes of
Casting Process: Within the oldest grove of the the old, nurtured by the tears of an unicorn and the
world, under a blood moon, the seed is planted in blood of a willing dryad sacrifice. The adventurers
soil mixed with the dryad’s blood and phoenix ash. must seek out the hidden ingredients, protect the
A ritual of desolation is performed, invoking the new seedling from the forces of corruption, and
names of forgotten deities of decay and destruction. ultimately restore life to the world’s forests.
Immediate Effects: Plants and trees begin to wither Campaign Hook: The adventurers are called upon
at an alarming rate, their life force drained away. to solve the mystery of the dying forests, facing off
Animals flee the dying forests, and the air becomes against agents of decay and corruption. Their
thick with the scent of decay. journey will take them into the heart of nature,
Long-Term Effects: The death of the world’s forests where they must uncover ancient secrets and forge
leads to catastrophic climate changes, famine, and alliances with mythical beings to save their world.

Curse of the Eternal Storm
A forbidden curse that envelops the world in an
unending storm, obscuring the sky with dark
clouds and unleashing devastating winds, rain, and
lightning across the lands.

Ingredients: The eye of a storm giant king, the

essence of a wind elemental lord, and the heart of
the first primordial embodying the power of storms.
Casting Process: Atop the highest peak of the
world, during the fiercest storm of the century, the
ingredients are cast into the tempest’s heart. The
caster chants an invocation that binds the storm’s
fury to the world, amplifying its power
Immediate Effects: Storms intensify and merge in
the surrounding area, forming a superstorm that
starts encircling the globe. Lightning scorches the
earth, and floods wash away towns and cities.
Long-Term Effects: The sun is blotted out, leading
to a drop in global temperatures and the failure of
crops. Societies crumble under the relentless
assault of the weather, and the landscape is
irrevocably altered.
Range: Global, affecting every corner of the world
with its wrath.
Duration: The curse rages until the end of days.
Counteraction: The storm can only be quelled by
harnessing the power of the sun itself, requiring the
adventurers to embark on a quest to retrieve a
shard of sunlight from the celestial plane. They
must then confront the heart of the storm, braving
its fury to bring the shard at the point the exact
curse was cast.
Campaign Hook: The adventurers must venture
through a world ravaged by the storm, seeking
allies and knowledge lost to the ages. Their quest
will test their resolve against nature’s unleashed
fury and challenge them to bring light back to a
darkened world.
Curse of the Blighted Sky Curse of the Drowned World
This curse corrupts the sky itself, turning it into a This formidable curse threatens to submerge entire
vessel of pestilence that rains down sickness upon continents, turning lands into seas and drowning
the land. civilizations in the process.

Ingredients: The wings of a plague-bringer demon Ingredients: The heart of a leviathan, a tear from a
lord, the breath of a dying sky god, and the blood of storm god, and a vessel of sand from the ocean’s
an innocent cursed with a powerful disease. deepest trench.
Casting Process: The ingredients are combined Casting Process: At the confluence of three great
atop a peak that touches the heavens in a ritual that rivers, during the peak of a raging tempest, the
lasts for an entire day. As the moon’s shadow heart and tear are submerged within a vessel of the
envelops the land, a sacrificial rite is performed, deepest ocean sand. The ritual requires the
releasing the curse to ascend into the heavens. harmonized chants of twelve sea hags, calling upon
Immediate Effects: The sky darkens with unnatural the wrath of the ocean.
colors, and rains that fall are tainted, spreading Immediate Effects: The waters of the world rise
disease and decay across flora, fauna, and uncontrollably, swallowing shorelines, flooding
civilizations alike. cities, and reshaping whole continents anew.
Long-Term Effects: The spread of untreatable Long-Term Effects: Entire ecosystems are
diseases, crop failures, and the mutation of destroyed or irrevocably changed, ancient secrets
creatures into monstrous forms. Societies collapse and places are lost beneath the waves, and
under the weight of widespread sickness and civilizations must either adapt to a water-bound
despair. existence or perish.
Range: Initially affects a single region but gradually Range: Begins at the ritual site but expands,
expands to spread around the entire world. eventually engulfing the world.
Duration: The curse is permanent. Duration: The curse is irreversible, permanently
Counteraction: Lifting the curse requires a altering the world’s geography.
pilgrimage to three celestial temples to gather the Counteraction: The only hope to revert this
Tears of the Sky, the Breath of the Wind, and the forbidden curse lies in a legendary artifact, known
Light of the Sun. These elements, combined in a as the <Neptune’s Compass=, capable of reversing
ritual performed by the pure of heart beneath the the flow of the world’s tides.
same eclipsed moon, can cleanse the sky and heal Campaign Hook: Adventurers are called upon to
the land. seek out the legendary <Neptune’s Compass=, the
Campaign Hook: As the sky weeps sickness upon only artifact capable of reversing the tide of
the land, adventurers are tasked with a quest to destruction. Their journey will plunge them into the
cleanse it, embarking on a pilgrimage to three depths of the ocean, through ancient, submerged
celestial temples. The lands they must traverse cities, and against terrifying sea creatures. Along
have been ravaged by plague, with societies the way, they’ll need to uncover lost lore, forge
teetering on the brink of collapse and creatures alliances with beings of the deep, and navigate the
twisted into forms most foul. The journey promises politics of surface survivors striving to survive. The
no easy path, demanding sacrifices and pitting the fate of the world hangs in the balance, and only a
adventurers against the very essence of decay. crew brave enough to face the abyss can save it
Through their trials, they must gather the Tears of from being drowned forever.
the Sky, the Breath of the Wind, and the Light of
the Sun, and bring them together in a ritual that
will challenge their resolve. Only then can the sky
be healed, offering a glimmer of hope in a world
smothered by pestilence.

Curse of the Sundered Veil Curse of the Withering Sun
This curse tears asunder the veil between the This apocalyptic curse saps the sun’s vitality,
mortal realm and the realms of the dead, allowing plunging the world into a perpetual twilight where
spirits, demons, and otherworldly entities free cold and darkness begin to reign supreme.
passage into the world.
Ingredients: The ember from a dragon’s final
Ingredients: The eye of a seer that witnessed the breath, a shard of a mirror that reflected a solar
end of days, the ashes from a phoenix reborn at eclipse, amd tje blood of a celestial being shed
midnight, and a spectral eclipse. during a lunar event.
Casting Process: Conducted in a graveyard Casting Process: At the zenith of the summer
untouched by sunlight, the ingredients are set solstice, the ember, shard, and blood are combined
within a ritual circle drawn with the ashes of a within the heart of an ancient ruin dedicated to the
thousand dead. As the spectral eclipse occurs, the sun god. The ritual requires the simultaneous
veil is torn further, channeling the souls of the dead eclipse of both the sun and the moon, a
to speak the curse into being. convergence that dims the sun’s light.
Immediate Effects: The air grows cold as shadows Immediate Effects: The sun’s light dims
lengthen, and spirits begin to roam freely among significantly, causing widespread panic and a
the living, followed by more malevolent entities. dramatic drop in temperature worldwide.
Long-Term Effects: The barrier between life and Long-Term Effects: As the sun continues to fade,
death weakens further, causing widespread entire ecosystems collapse, crops fail, and the
hauntings, possessions, and an imbalance in the world is thrust into an age of famine and ice.
natural order. The dead grow restless, and the Societies crumble under the relentless cold and
living are tormented by horrors from beyond. darkness, giving rise to a new era of survival and
Range: The curse radiates from the site of the conflict.
ritual, enveloping the world in a thinning veil Range: The curse affects the entire world,
between realms. disrupting the natural order and balance of life.
Duration: The curse lasts for eternity, erasing the Duration: The curse is intended to last until the sun
boundaries between the living and the dead. is completely extinguished, heralding the end of
Counteraction: Reversing this curse involves days.
restoring the Veil. This requires the <Soul of the Counteraction: Halting the curse demands the
World=, a mythical gem said to anchor the realms reignition of the sun through the <Flame of
together. The adventurers must venture into both Creation=, an artifact lost to time and legend.
the land of the living and the realms of the dead to Campaign Hook: As the sun begins to fade, casting
recover the fragments of the gem, facing challenges the world into a perpetual twilight of cold and
that test their resolve against the undead and darkness, adventurers are called to a quest unlike
negotiating with entities of immense power. Only any other: to reignite the sun itself. Their journey
this artifact is capable of reweaving the Veil, will take them across frozen landscapes, into ruins
restoring the natural order between the realms. hidden by time, and against creatures that thrive in
Campaign Hook: With the veil between the living the new darkness. Seeking the <Flame of
and the dead torn asunder, adventurers are thrust Creation=, a relic fragmented and scattered to the
into a world where the boundaries between realms corners of the world, the party must unravel
have been erased and powerful creature roam the ancient mysteries and confront guardians of
world. The adventurers must gather the fragments formidable power. The path to saving the world
of the Soul of the World and prepare for the ritual from an eternal ice age is fraught with challenges
to reweave the Veil, facing difficult choices and that will test their bravery, intellect, and spirit, and
possibly sacrificing their lives. where time itself is an enemy, as the sun must be
reignited before being fully extinguished.

Curse of the Blood Moon
This curse transforms the moon into a harbinger of
bloodshed and madness, influencing the minds and Long-Term Effects: Communities are torn apart by
hearts of people to succumb to their darkest suspicion and violence, beasts become more
desires. ferocious, and madness spreads quickly.
Range: The curse’s influence extends as far as the
Ingredients: Blood from a lone wolf that has blood moon’s light touches.
hunted under the shadow of a lunar eclipse, a Duration: Until the moon is cleansed of its crimson
crystal shard that has witnessed the tears of a stain, a task that seems almost impossible.
thousand mourners, and the final cry of a raven, Counteraction: To cleanse the moon, a ritual
heard at the moment of total darkness. known as <The Silvering= must be performed,
Casting Process: During the height of a total lunar involving the pure light of a celestial comet and the
eclipse, thirteen wielders of necrotic arts gather in tears of those who have resisted the moon’s
a circle around an ancient altar atop a peak madness.
enshrouded in the legends of forgotten miseries. Campaign Hook: As the blood moon rises, painting
The wolf’s blood is poured onto the crystal shard, the world in shades of crimson and madness,
merging solitude with sorrow. As the deepest adventurers are drawn into a struggle against their
shadow of the eclipse falls, the raven’s mournful own darkest impulses. The quest to cleanse the
cry echoes, signaling the ritual’s climax. The moon and end its malevolent influence will take
spellcasters chant, weaving the ingredients’ them through lands torn apart, where beasts roam
essence into a dark force, which is then sealed with a ferocity unseen and humanity stands on the
beneath the altar. brink of collapse. Seeking the light of a celestial
Immediate Effects: The moon takes on a perpetual comet and the tears of the untouched by madness,
crimson hue, casting a blood-red light over the land the adventurers must navigate and adapt to a world
that stirs unrest and violence. where trust is a rare commodity.

Curse of the Shattered Moon Curse of Eternal Silence
This dire curse fractures the moon, threatening to This curse mutes the world, stealing away the
disrupt the tides, wildlife, and magical energies ability to speak, to hear, or to make any sound,
reliant on its phases. casting an oppressive silence over everything.

Ingredients: The fragment of a meteorite that has Ingredients: The last breath of a dying oracle, the
never touched the earth, the tears of a lunar deity, silence from the heart of an ancient library, and the
and the blood of a creature born under a red moon. essence of a soundless void.
Casting Process: During the peak of a total lunar Casting Process: At the moment of a rare celestial
eclipse, the ingredients are cast into the sea from a alignment, when stars known for their silent omens
cliff overlooking the deepest trench. The ritual align, the ingredients are mixed in a vessel made
must be led by a sorcerer whose life began and will from a meteorite and buried beneath the ground at
end under the eclipse’s shadow. the world’s oldest ruin.
Immediate Effects: The moon cracks visibly in the Immediate Effects: Sounds begin to fade, from the
night sky, its shards beginning to drift apart, rustling of leaves to the voices of people, until all is
casting erratic shadows and light upon the world. silent.
Long-Term Effects: The tides grow chaotic, leading Long-Term Effects: Communication breaks down,
to floods and droughts, while creatures of the night societies struggle to function, and the natural world
grow bolder, and magical energies become becomes eerily still, leading to a profound sense of
unstable and unpredictable. The fracture spreads, isolation and despair among the world’s creatures
threatening to shatter the moon entirely and and inhabitants.
unravel the weave of magic itself. Range: The curse is initially localized nearby the
Range: While initially focused on the moon, the area of casting but gradually spreads to envelop the
curse’s effects ripple across the world, altering the entire world.
fundamental workings of nature and magic. Duration: Until a sound louder than any before it is
Duration: The curse culminates in the moon’s made, one that can break through the imposed
destruction, forever altering the night sky and the silence.
world below. Counteraction: The curse may be reversed by
Counteraction: To mend the moon and restore creating the <Harmony of the Spheres=, a mythical
balance, a brave hero must find the <Lunar Tears=, instrument capable of producing a sound that
ethereal gems said to contain the essence of the resonates with the fundamental frequencies of the
moon’s original creation. These tears, scattered universe. The adventurers must gather materials
across the world and beyond, must be collected and from different realms of existence, learn the
brought together in an ancient ritual performed by forgotten song of creation, and perform it at the
a powerful spellcaster blessed by a lunar deity. heart of the silence to shatter the curse and restore
Campaign Hook: The fracturing of the moon sets sound to the world.
the world on a path to chaos, with tides turning Campaign Hook: In a realm now shrouded in an
wild and magic running amok. Adventurers are oppressive silence, a group of adventurers is the
tasked with the monumental challenge of mending last beacon of hope. Their mission to create the
the moon, embarking on a journey to collect the <Harmony of the Spheres= will require venturing
<Lunar Tears=. This quest will lead them through into places swallowed by quietude, from ancient
treacherous territories, into the depths of libraries where whispers of the past linger, to the
otherworldly realms, and face-to-face with heart of a soundless void where the essence of
creatures of legends. Alongside navigating the silence reigns. Gathering materials for this
physical dangers, the party must also contend with mythical instrument and learning the forgotten
the erratic behaviors and shifts in power the curse song of creation is only half the battle; performing it
has inflicted upon the world. Gathering the tears at the core of the curse’s power to shatter the
and performing the ritual before the world ends silence will test their resolve, creativity, and unity.
present a race against time and the forces that wish In a world where the voice is lost, actions will
to see the moon shattered beyond repair. speak louder than words, and the adventurers’
journey must redefine the essence of
communication and connection.

Curse of the Rampant Growth
This curse causes nature to overrun civilization in a
rampant, unchecked growth, with plants and
wildlife reclaiming lands once dominated by
humanoids and other races.

Ingredients: The seed from the world’s most

ancient treant, the water from a spring that
predates humanity, and the petrified heart of a
druid who turned to stone while meditating.
Casting Process: In a grove that has seen the rise
and fall of empires, the seed is planted in soil
mixed with the ancient water and petrified’s druid
heart under the new moon. Druidic runes are
drawn around the site, channeling the wild’s
unbridled energy.
Immediate Effects: Plants begin to grow at an
exponential rate in the surrounding area, wildlife
becomes more aggressive and abundant, and the
wilderness starts to invade urban areas.
Long-Term Effects: Cities and towns are consumed
by forests, jungles, and swamps; roads and fields
are overrun, making travel and agriculture nearly
impossible. The boundary between civilization and
the wild blurs, forcing a new balance between
humanity and nature.
Range: The wild’s advance begins at the ritual site
but rapidly spreads, engulfing lands far beyond.
Duration: Until the wild growth consumes all.
Counteraction: The curse can only be balanced, but
not completely lifted, by planting the <Heartseed=, a
mythical seed said to contain the essence of the
world’s first garden, in the ancient grove where the
curse is cast.
Campaign Hook: With nature’s unchecked growth
threatening to swallow entire civilization,
adventurers embark on a quest to find the balance
between wild and urban life. They must seek the
mythical <Heartseed=, venturing into lands where
the ancient wilderness has awakened with a
vengeance. As cities fall under the relentless
advance of the verdant wilds, the party faces a
world where humanity is no longer the dominant
force. Negotiating with ancient spirits of nature,
understanding the forgotten language of the wild,
and performing a ritual that honors both the needs
of civilization and the sovereignty of the natural
world, the adventurers will redefine the
relationship between humanity and nature, proving
that coexistence is the key to survival.
Curse of the Blighted Harvest Curse of the Crumbling Realms
A forbidden curse that envelops the land in a blight This devastating curse fractures the threads of
that withers crops, poisons water sources, and reality, causing the land to break apart and entire
starves the wildlife, leading to famine and despair. regions to drift into the void.

Ingredients: The seed from a plant that never bore Ingredients: Dust from a collapsed dimension, the
fruit, water from a well that dried under a cursed essence of a riftwalker consumed by the void, and
sky, and the breath of a creature that died of the last stone from a ruined city that fell between
hunger. worlds.
Casting Process: In a field once fertile but now Casting Process: At the nexus of ley lines where the
barren, under a new moon, the ingredients are veil between worlds is thinnest, the ingredients are
buried at the crossroads of seven paths. The curse combined within a cauldron of obsidian. The
is sealed with a chant that invokes the names of mixture must be stirred with a rod forged from the
ancient famines and plagues that ravaged the core of a fallen star as incantations of dissolution
world. are chanted by a chosen spellcaster blessed by the
Immediate Effects: Plants wither and die overnight, god of loss and despair.
water turns bitter, and animals flee the land or Immediate Effects: The ground trembles as
perish. The air becomes thick with the scent of fissures open, swallowing rivers, forests, and
decay. towns. The sky fractures, revealing glimpses of the
Long-Term Effects: The blight spreads, making the void as pieces of the realm begin to drift apart.
land uninhabitable. People are forced to flee or Long-Term Effects: The disintegration of the land
succumb to starvation. The curse becomes a accelerates each day that passes, creating floating
harbinger of death, leaving only ghost towns in its islands in a sea of void. Gravity becomes erratic,
wake. and portals to unknown places appear randomly,
Range: The blight begins from the point of casting unleashing otherworldly creatures and phenomena.
but quickly spreads across entire continents. Range: The curse is widespread globally,
Duration: The curse lasts until the land is cleansed threatening to unmake the whole world.
or all life is extinguished. Duration: Continues until the unraveling of reality.
Counteraction: The <Heart of the Harvest=, a Counteraction: To halt the curse, the <Anchor of
legendary gem imbued with the essence of growth the Ages=, a mythical artifact said to hold the power
and life, must be found and planted in the heart of to bind worlds, must be located and activated at the
the blighted land. A ritual of renewal, invoking the heart of the disruption. This quest would lead
spirits of nature and fertility, must be performed to adventurers through collapsing realities and
reawaken the land’s life force, purging the blight against beings of pure chaos, seeking to prevent the
and restoring abundance. restoration of order.
Campaign Hook: As a blight consumes the land, Campaign Hook: Adventurers are thrust into a
leaving famine and despair in its wake, adventurers world fragmenting at its seams, tasked with
are summoned to find the <Heart of the Harvest= locating the <Anchor of the Ages= to prevent
and restore the land. The journey to reverse the reality’s unraveling. Their journey is one of high
curse will take them through lands desolate and stakes and shifting grounds, navigating through
bereft of life, to uncover ancient rites of renewal lands that may disappear beneath their feet or
and confront entities that feed on decay and transform into something wholly other. Encounters
desolation. The ritual to reawaken the land’s life with beings from the void and the chaotic essence
force is one of rebirth and reconnection, of unraveling dimensions will challenge their
demanding sacrifices and an understanding of the understanding of reality itself.
delicate balance between humanity and the natural
world. In restoring abundance, they not only
challenge the blight but also the underlying causes
that led to such devastation.

Curse of Frozen Time Curse of the Ashen Winds
A forbidden curses that locks a region in an This curse summons violent, ash-filled winds that
unending moment, freezing its inhabitants and scour the lands, blighting crops, choking waters,
landscapes in time while the world outside and obscuring the sun with a perpetual pall of
continues to age. darkness.

Ingredients: A tear frozen from a moment of Ingredients: The ashes from a volcano that
profound sorrow, a clock that stopped at an destroyed a civilization, the breath of a storm
auspicious time, and an astral shard that reflected a demon lord or deity, and the feathers of a bird that
temporal anomaly. survived the most fierce tempest of the century.
Casting Process: At the stroke of midnight, within a Casting Process: At the edge of a crater where the
circle of ancient stones that have borne witness to earth’s rage once swallowed a city, the ingredients
millennia, the ingredients are placed in a silver are cast into the air as the winds rise at dusk. The
basin. The basin is then struck with a hammer ritual requires an ancient incantation to be spoken
made from meteoric iron exactly as the clock backward, invoking the names of the winds that
marks the frozen time. have ravaged the world throughout history.
Immediate Effects: Time within the affected area Immediate Effects: The sky darkens as ash-laden
halts. Birds hang motionless in the sky, leaves are winds begin to howl, spreading from the point of
suspended in the air, and people are caught in mid- the ritual across the lands.
gesture, unaware of their fate. Long-Term Effects: The sun is obscured, leading to
Long-Term Effects: The frozen region becomes a a drop in temperatures and failure of crops; rivers
paradox, untouched by time and decay. Outside, and lakes become clogged with ash, and breathing
generations pass, civilizations rise and fall, but becomes difficult for all creatures. The land
inside, no change occurs. becomes a desolate place, with survival
Range: The curse is initially contained to a specific increasingly precarious.
area, but can potentially expand if the temporal rift Range: The curse begins at the site of the ritual but
grows. eventually envelops the entire world.
Duration: Until the flow of time is mended. Duration: Permanent, until the curse is lifted or the
Counteraction: To undo the curse, adventurers winds consume all.
must not enter the time-frozen area but instead Counteraction: To quell the Ashen Winds, a heart
work from outside to locate and harness the power of fire must be quenched in the eye of the storm.
of a legendary artifact, the <Hourglass of Eons=. This requires finding the <Heart of the Phoenix=, a
This task requires the aid of a skilled spellcaster gem imbued with the essence of rebirth and fire,
who can locate and wield the power of the and delivering it into the heart of the deadliest
hourglass to carefully weave the static moment wind.
back into the ongoing flow of time. The process is Campaign Hook: As the world suffocates under the
delicate, as the slightest misstep could cause the relentless assault of the Ashen Winds, adventurers
temporal freeze to expand, risking the engulfment are called upon to find the <Heart of the Phoenix=
of the entire world in timeless stasis. and quench its fire in the storm’s eye. Their quest is
Campaign Hook: In a world where a curse has a race against the spread of desolation, through
encapsulated a region in a timeless freeze, lands where survival is a daily challenge and the air
adventurers are called upon for a critical mission. itself is an enemy. They must delve into the heart of
The quest for the <Hourglass of Eons= is fraught volcanoes, face the fury of storm demons, and
with danger and complexity, as it requires navigate the politics of a world on the brink of
navigating the politics and perils of a world that has collapse. The journey to quench the heart involves
evolved while part of it remains untouched by not just physical challenges, but also seeking allies
time’s passage. Allies and enemies may have among the elemental realms, navigating through
motivations rooted in the effects of the curse, from blighted lands and facing the wrath of the winds to
seeking to harness its power to fearing its restore balance and clear the skies.
expansion. The adventurers’ journey will take them
to gather knowledge, allies, and the components
necessary to wield the Hourglass effectively.

Curse of the Endless Maze Curse of the Mirrorless Gaze
This curse condemns a region to become an ever- This arcane curse erases the reflections and
shifting labyrinth, with landscapes and structures shadows of all creatures in the world, rendering
constantly rearranging themselves, trapping them unseen in mirrors, water, and any reflective
inhabitants in an inescapable puzzle. surface, effectively isolating them from their own
image and casting doubt on their existence.
Ingredients: The heart of a minotaur slain in its
own labyrinth, bricks from the ruins of ancient Ingredients: A mirror that has never reflected the
mazes, and the last breath of a lost wanderer. image of a living being, the essence of a mythical
Casting Process: At the center of the chosen being of shadows, and the gaze of a creature born
region, a maze is drawn on the ground with the in total darkness.
bricks and heart, and the last breath of the Casting Process: In a room lined with obsidian,
wanderer is released into the air. The caster walks under the light of a full moon, the mirror is
the maze backward, erasing their steps and shattered with a stone carved from darkness. The
invoking the spirits of those forever lost. fragments are then mixed with the shadow essence
Immediate Effects: The geography of the area and subjected to the creature’s gaze, binding the
begins to twist and turn upon itself. Buildings, curse to the essence of invisibility.
trees, and even rivers shift positions, creating an Immediate Effects: All creatures in the world find
ever-changing maze. their reflections vanishing, along with their
Long-Term Effects: The region becomes known as shadows, causing confusion and fear. Their
a cursed place where no one enters and from which presence becomes less noticeable, as if the world
no one returns. Inside, the trapped face a life of itself is beginning to overlook them.
perpetual confusion and despair, endlessly seeking Long-Term Effects: The affected individuals
an exit that never appears. struggle with identity and existence, as their
Range: Starts from a central point but expands inability to see themselves or cast a shadow leads
outward, threatening to engulf neighboring regions. to a profound existential crisis.
Duration: Until the heart of the maze is destroyed Range: The curse affects all creatures in the world.
or the curse is lifted by solving the labyrinth’s final Duration: Indefinite, growing stronger with each
configuration. day that passes.
Counteraction: The key to breaking the curse lies Counteraction: To break the curse, the <Lens of
in constructing a <Compass of True Paths=, an Clarity=, a mythical object said to reveal all truths,
artifact capable of unerringly guiding its holder must be found. Brave heroes must confront their
through any deception or illusion. To escape the non-reflections in a ceremony held in a sacred
maze, adventurers must navigate its treacherous place, using the lens to restore their images and
paths to find and assemble the Compass, using it to shadows and lifting the curse for the entire world.
reach the heart of the labyrinth and confront the Campaign Hook: In a world where reflections and
curse directly. shadows are stolen, casting individuals into
Campaign Hook: Adventurers are drawn into a existential crises, adventurers are charged with
region that has become an ever-shifting labyrinth, a finding the <Lens of Clarity=. Their quest to restore
place where reality bends into endless identity and existence will lead them into the
configurations. Their quest to construct the depths of obscurity, facing creatures born of
<Compass of True Paths= is fraught with darkness and entities that exist beyond the normal
challenges as the landscape itself conspires against spectrum of visibility. They must navigate a society
them, with paths changing, disappearing, or leading increasingly filled with <ghosts=, individuals that
into traps. To navigate and survive this cursed start doubting of their own existence, and unravel
maze, they must uncover its secrets, learn the the curse’s source. The ceremony to restore their
patterns of its shifts, and gather the mystical reflections and shadows, held in an ancient, sacred
components necessary for the compass. The heart place, is a profound journey into what it means to
of the labyrinth hides more than the key to the be seen and acknowledged by others in the world.
curse - it guards truths about the nature of reality
and the essence of perseverance.

Curse of the Stone Heart Curse of the Vanishing Stars
This dark curse transforms the hearts of people A curse that erases the stars from the night sky, not
within its influence into stone, causing them to lose only darkening the heavens but also severing the
all capacity for emotion, empathy, and love, turning magical and spiritual connections civilizations have
them into cold, indifferent beings. with the cosmos.

Ingredients: A tear turned to stone by sorrow, the Ingredients: A voidstone from beyond the mortal
hardened core of an ancient tree that died alone, realm, the last breath of a starwatcher whose eyes
and a fragment of a gargoyle’s heart. have seen the universe’s edge, and a drop of ink
Casting Process: During a lunar eclipse, the stone from a celestial map drawn in an age forgotten.
tear, tree core, and gargoyle heart are crushed and Casting Process: At the darkest hour of the night,
mixed into a fine powder. This powder is then atop an ancient observatory abandoned by time, the
scattered into the winds from the peak of a voidstone is placed as a lens before a telescope.
mountain that has never known the touch of The starwatcher’s breath and celestial ink are then
warmth. released into the voidstone, projecting a map of
Immediate Effects: Those caught in the curse’s vanishing stars into the heavens.
wake begin to feel their emotions dull, their Immediate Effects: One by one, the stars start
connections to others fading away as their hearts blinking out of existence, leaving patches of
turn to stone. darkness where once there was light. Astral
Long-Term Effects: Society crumbles as individuals navigation becomes impossible, and the loss is felt
become incapable of compassion or cooperation. deeply, both spiritually and magically.
Communities disband, families separate, and Long-Term Effects: As the night sky grows darker,
individuals isolate themselves, leading to a world of so does the world. The loss of stars leads to a
solitude and conflicts. decline in magic tied to the cosmos, a weakening of
Range: The curse originates from the point of spiritual beliefs, and an increase in existential
casting, but is slowly carried by the winds across dread among the peoples of the world.
lands far and wide. Range: The curse affects all the stars visible from
Duration: Permanent until removed. the night sky.
Counteraction: The only method to reverse the Duration: Until the stars are rekindled.
curse involves the <Chalice of Empathy=, a mythical Counteraction: To restore the stars, the <Quill of
vessel capable of collecting and amplifying the Light=, an artifact said to draw directly from the
purest feelings of love and kindness. To restore well of creation, must be used to redraw the
humanity’s heart, the chalice must be filled with celestial map. This requires a journey to gather
acts of genuine compassion and then poured into forgotten knowledge of the stars from the corners
the land’s rivers and seas, spreading its healing of the world, and then, in a ritual conducted in the
waters to every afflicted heart. void left by the vanished stars, rewrite the night sky
Campaign Hook: The world grows cold as the and rekindle the connections lost.
hearts of people turn to stone, stripping them of Campaign Hook: As the stars vanish from the night
emotion and leaving a society of isolation in its sky, severing the ties between the cosmos and the
wake. The adventurers are tasked with finding the civilizations that gaze upon them, adventurers
<Chalice of Empathy=, a legendary artifact lost to embark on a celestial quest to restore the heavenly
time and legend. Their journey is one of rekindling bodies. Their search for the <Quill of Light= takes
warmth in a world that has forgotten the meaning them across a darkening world, into forgotten
of connection. Along the way, they must perform observatories, and through the annals of ancient
acts of compassion and empathy in a land where wisdom to gather knowledge lost to the void. In a
such gestures are viewed with indifference or profound and ancient ritual, the adventurers must
suspicion. Each act of kindness becomes a beacon use the Quill to rewrite the night sky, restoring not
of hope, lighting the way towards the ultimate only the stars but also the hope, magic, and wonder
healing. The challenge is not just to find the they inspire. This quest challenges them to look
Chalice but to fill it with the essence of humanity’s beyond the darkness and find the light needed to
capacity for love, proving that even in a world of illuminate the world once more.
stone hearts, the light of empathy can still shine


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