LP - Chemistry 2 - Week 1
LP - Chemistry 2 - Week 1
LP - Chemistry 2 - Week 1
II. MOTIVATION-Directions: Explain in your own words how the Heisenberg’s uncertainty
principle and Schrodinger equation give way to understanding the structure of electrons and
obtaining the knowledge of quantum numbers.
General Chemistry 2
Quantum Numbers
1. Principal quantum Number—designates the energy level (also called electron shell) of
an orbital, represented by n=1,2,3…
Value of ℓ 0 1 2 3
Shape/ name s p d f
of orbital
2. Angular quantum number—defines the shape of the orbital (also called as subshells);
represented by ℓ=n-1 (value depends on n)
thus, if ℓ=0, we have an s orbital, if ℓ=1 then p orbital, etc.
Electronic configuration
● Principal electronic level or electronic shell- region in space near the nucleus
where the electrons are most likely to be found; like floors in a hotel
● Orbitals- 2 electrons per orbital
● Shell-a collection of orbitals with the same value of n
● Subshell/sublevel-one or more orbitals with the same value of n and ℓ, designates
maximum number of electrons; like types of suite in a hotel; e.g. the shell with n=2
is composed of 2 subshells, ℓ=0 and 1 (allowed values for n=2), these subshells are
2s and 2p
General Chemistry 2
Rules for Assigning Electrons to Orbitals
1. Pauli’s exclusion principle: no 2 electrons may have all four quantum numbers alike’
an orbital can only have 2 electrons and the 2 must have opposing spins
Quantum numbers:
n=3, ℓ=0, mℓ=0, and ms=
• Copper and chromium are
exceptions to the Aufbau
General Chemistry 2
Task 1: Directions: Rearrange the letters of the correct term that is described by the
corresponding statement. Write your answer on the space provided.
a LAPNICRIP—quantum number that represents the energy level the electron is
b LASTOBRI—representation of the wave function of a hydrogen-like atom
c ALGANUR MUTMENMO—quantum number that represents shape of orbitals
d NOTRECLE—particle that can be described by 4 quantum numbers
e MEGATINC—quantum number that describes the orientation of an orbital
F NEREGY EVELL—represented by n
Task 2: Directions: Answer the following questions on the space provided
1. Give the n and ℓ values for the following orbitals
a. 1s
b. 3p
c. 5f
d. 4d
2. What are the mℓ values for the following orbitals?
a. s
b. p
c. d
d. f
General Chemistry 2
1.State the number of possible electrons describe by the following quantum
a. n=3, l=0
b. n=3, l=1
c. n=3, l=2, ml= -1
d. n=5, l=0, ml=-2, ms= -1/2
2. In the space provided, write the electron figurations of the following elements.
Use a periodic table to know the atomic number of the elements.
1. Sodium
2. Iron
3. Bromine
4. Barium
5. Chlorine
Directions: In the space below, write the orbital notations of the following elements:
1) manganese
2) gallium
3) nitrogen
4) sulfur
5) argon
Directions: Answer the following questions
6) Which has higher energy, an electron in the 3s or 2p sublevel?
7) What is the highest energy sublevel in the principal energy level for which n is
(choices: s, p, d and f)?
a. 1
b. 3
c. 5
8) What is the total capacity for electrons in:
a. An orbital?
b. A d sublevel?
c. The third (3rd) principal energy level?
General Chemistry 2
A. Directions: Define the keywords below:
1. Periodic table
2. Electron affinity
3. Electronegativity
4. Ionization energy
5. Atomic radius/size
6. Chemical formula
7. Molecular formula
8. Empirical formula
● Chang R. & Goldbsby K (2015) Chemistry 12th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill.
● Petrucci, Herring, Madura, and Bissonnette (2011). General Chemistry and Modern
Applications, 10th Ed. Pearson Canada, Inc.
● Zumdahl, S.S. and Zumdahl, S. A (2013). Chemistry, 8th ed. Cengage Learning
General Chemistry 2