Semifinal Examination Science 8
Semifinal Examination Science 8
Semifinal Examination Science 8
1. It is the system is made up of digestive tract and other organs that help the body break down and
absorb food points: 1
A. Digestive system
B. Respiratory system
C. Circulatory system
2. It is a muscular organ that digests food. It is part or your gastrointestinal tract. points: 1
A. Small intestine
B. Esophagus
C. Stomach
3. It's primary function is to carry food and liquid from your mouth to your stomach. points: 1
A. Small intestine
B. Esophagus
C. Stomach
6. Its job is to receive stool from the colon and to hold the stool until evacuation (poopout) happens.
points: 1
A. Rectum
B. Anus
C. Large intestine
7. It's a long tube that continues from the small intestine as food nears the end of its journey through
your digestive system. points: 1
A. Rectum
B. Anus
C. Large Intestine
8. It absorb nutrients( vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, Fats protein) and water from food points: 1
A. Small intestine
B. Mouth
C. Stomach
9. Intestine includes the colon, rectum and anus. points: 1
A. Small intestine
B. Large intestine
C. All of the above
12. Saliva contains the enzyme salivary amylase. Which food type does salivary amylase begin to
break down? points: 1
A. Proteins
B. Starches
C. Fats
14. Which of the following is Not an accessory organ of the digestive system points: 1
A. Tounge
B. Teeth
C. Intestine
18. They Arranged the elements in order of increasing atomic mass while putting group those with
similar properties points: 1
A. Lothar Meyer and Dimitri Mendeleev
B. John Newlands
C. Johann Doberene
19. The tendency of a substance to undergo chemical reaction points: 1
A. Ductile
B. Reactivity
C. Malleable
20. Ability to be hammered, shaped and rolled into a very tin sheet. points: 1
A. Dull
B. Ductile
C. Malleable
29. These are the elements from groups 3-12 that constituents one block points: 1
A. Lanthanides
B. Transition metals
C. Actinides
30. They are also called the "INNER TRANSITION METALS" points: 1
A. Lanthanides
B. actinides
C. Both A and B
33. Periodic table shows all known element found In the universe. points: 1
true false
34. Metalloids behave like metals and non-metals in certain instances. points: 1
true false
36. The small intestine have 2 parts: the jejunum and ileum. points: 1
true false
37. The large intestine I Clyde's the colon, rectum and anus. points: 1
true false
38. The rectum is a straight, 8-inch chamber that connects the colon to the anus. points: 1
true false
41. Matching type: match column A to column B Column A. points: 10