Maduagwu, Chukwuemeka Chibueze PDF
Maduagwu, Chukwuemeka Chibueze PDF
Maduagwu, Chukwuemeka Chibueze PDF
Faculty of Engineering
O= University of Nigeri
Nigeria, Nsukka
OU = Innovation Centre
AUGUST, 2014
This work has been presented and approved by the department of Civil
_________________________ _______________________
Date Engr. (Prof) O. O. Ugwu
Project Supervisor
_________________________ _______________________
Date Engr. (Prof) O. O. Ugwu
Head of Department
To our able Secretary and colleague, Angela Akubuike and Uche Alioke
rehabilitation options. Further, this is to allow for appropriate decisions about the best
arterial roads taking into consideration various factors, least of which are the type and
extent of distress present and the benefit cost analysis. The outcome of this work will
assist sub-Saharan Africa, but principally Nigeria, in their goal of fostering economic
how to simplify input factors necessary for Nigeria to initiate a database and prepare
more regionally specific designs have been made, including traffic, climatic and sub-
grade classifications. Economic analysis included present worth of costs (PWC) that
were derived from condition rating curves specific to intervention pavement life and
specific rehabilitation strategy for low volume federal roads is more cost effective
over the 20-year analysis period and 1-lift Asphalt Concrete (AC) is more cost
effective over the 20-year analysis period for high volume federal roads.
Figure 1.1: Generally, paved roads in Africa are poorly maintained creating a
fragmented system with significant potholing, shoulder deterioration
and unsafe driving
conditions…………………………………….…………….. 8
Figure 2.1: Nigeria is located in western Africa and borders Benin to the West Niger
to the North, Cameroon to the East and Chad to the Northeast
(CIA, 2008):…………..…………………………………………….………
Figure 2.2: Through the initiatives of FERMA and its approach to rehabilitating failed
Federal Roads, progress has been made in four years:………………
Figure 3.1: The paved Federal Road Network in Nigeria according to traffic
classification (Section 3.3):……………..………………………………….
Figure 3.2: Average daily traffic (ADT) and the percentage of heavy vehicles on
Federal Roads in
Nigeria:………………………………………………..……. 50
Figure 3.3: Designated Nigerian Federal Road traffic distribution for MR&R
Figure 3.5: A visual condition rating from utilized by Arumala and Akpokodje (1987)
to evaluate pavement sin the Niger Delta. The form is not specific to
Figure 4.1: The prioritization process based on Overall Condition Rating (OCR)
and Roughness Condition Rating (RCR)
…………………………………….. 81
Figure 4.2: Condition rating curves for maintenance and rehabilitation interventions
for flexible pavements in Nigeria (adapted from Oguara and Iriakuma,
1987 and SATCC,
2001)………………………………………………….……. 91
Figure 4.3: Performance curves for chip seal rehabilitation of Federal Roads in
Figure 4.4: Performance curves for double surface seal rehabilitation of Federal
Roads in Nigeria …………………………………………………..……
Figure 4.7: Performance curves for a chip seal with and without a stabilized base.
A condition rating shift has been applied to account of the improved
overall pavement condition, resulting in an improved longevity of the
intervention by 1
year…………………………………………………………….…..…. 94
Figure 4.8: Performance curves for a chip seal with a stabilized base for Federal
Roads in Nigeria…………………………………..…………………………..
Figure 4.9: Performance curves for a double surface seal with a stabilized base for
Federal Roads in Nigeria………………………………………………..
Figure 4.10: Performance curves for a 1-lift asphalt concrete with a stabilized base
for Federal Roads in
Nigeria……………………………………………….….. 95
Figure 4.11: Performance curves for a 1-lift asphalt concrete with a stabilized base
for Federal Roads in
Nigeria………………………………………….……….. 96
Table 3.2: Traffic data for the major Federal Roads in Nigeria
(FERMA, 2007)……………………………………………….………………
Table 3.3: Truck factors utilized for determining pavement loading where data is
unavailable (SATCC, 2001)……………………………………….………
Table 3.4: Typically flexible pavement designs that should be applied to Nigerian
Federal Roads according to ORN 31 (TRL, 1993)…………………….…
Table 3.5: Road Costs Knowledge System (ROCKS) data for Africa (median cost
per two-lane km except Routine maintenance, which is per lane
Table 3.7: Data from RONET (World Bank, 2007b) on MR&R interventions for
asphalt roads in Nigeria…………………………………………….…….
Table 4.1: RONET Optimal Work Strategy output for Nigeria’s Federal Road
Table 4.4: A guide to classifying condition rating according to observed or
recorded distress (MTO, 1989)…………………………………..
…………….. 82
Table 4.6: Input variables used for PWC and LCCA analyses……………….
Table 4.7: PWC for Low Volume Nigeria Federal Roads at a 12% discount
Table 4.8: PWC for Low Volume Nigeria Federal Roads at a 6% discount
Table 4.9: PWC for high traffic Federal roads in Nigeria at a 12% discount
Table 4.10: PWC results for high traffic Federal Roads in Nigeria at a 6% discount
Table 4.11: Rank of rehabilitation strategy according to PWC for low volume
federal roads…………………………………………..……………
…………….. 104
Table 4.12: Rank of rehabilitation strategy according to PWC for high traffic federal
Title Page:- - - - - - - - - - - i
Certification: - - - - - - - - - - ii
Dedication: - - - - - - - -- - iv
Abstract: - - - - - - - - - - v
Definitions: - - - - - - - - - - vi
List of tables: - - - - - - - - - - ix
Table of contents: - - - - - - - - - xi
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION: - - - - - - 1
1.1 Introduction : - - - - - - - 1
1.2 Objectives: - - - - - - - - - 5
2.2 Nigeria: - - - - - - - - - 16
2.3.2 FERMA: - - - - - - - - 27
2.4 Transparency: - - - - - - - - 30
2.8 Summary: - - - - - - - - - 42
3.2 Subgrades: - - - - - - - - - 47
3.3 Traffic: - - - - -- - - - - 49
3.4 Environment: - - - - - - - - - 53
3.5 Conditions: - - - - - - - - - 54
3.9 Summary: - - - - - - - - - 70
4.1 RONET: - - - - - - - - - 73
4.1.1 RONET Analysis: - - - - - - - 75
REFERENCES: - - - - - - - - - 114
As the curtains drew on the last decade, there was a paradigm shift
by International donor agencies involved in Sub Saharan Africa away
from funding of infrastructure projects toward those relating to health
and education (social projects). Between 1980 – 1984 the share of total
donor funding to infrastructure projects was close to 25%, whereas it
had decreased to less than 10% by the 21st century (AFDB working
group, 2006). Much of this has been due to the higher prevalence and
understanding of the impact of HIV/AIDS scourge, not to mention
malaria, on the economic development of the developing world.
However, this shift away from infrastructure projects has come at a cost,
as there has been an under appreciation of social and economical
impacts, that transportation infrastructure, irrespective of functional
classification can have on the economic growth of a country. It would
appear that the line has only just been drawn to connect the dots
between the appreciation for roads and basic access being directly
related to health and education. Clearly, there is a balance between
funding of road infrastructure and funding of health and social projects,
given the interconnection of these sectors.
develop road infrastructure systems are now discovering that the
standards and methods from neighbouring or western countries which
they have been relying upon are not altogether applicable to their
circumstances (Arumala and Akpokodje, 1987). This inapplicability stems
from differing climatic circumstances (heavy rain events) complex and
deep stratography of soils, highly plastic and highly decomposed
materials, and increasing transport distances of materials to the
construction site. There is also a difference in terms of need that is not
addressed in the standard manuals and application guidelines of other
The period between 1970 and 1982 played the most part in
Nigerian road development efforts. Most of the roads were constructed
with a life span of between ten and fifteen years. While there was
nothing wrong with this design life span, it was the neglect of a follow-
up maintenance regime that did worst damage to the road network. So,
by 1982, therefore, the roads built in 1970 had completed their
functional lifespan with their optimal performance life cycle between
1992 and 1995.
In other words, most of the roads constructed during the oil boom
years had collapsed by 1995. (FERMA 2008).
Looking back with hindsight now, the travesty that occurred was
instead of developing a programme of back rolling the terrible situation
in which we found ourselves we embarked on an unending journey of
rehabilitation of road network. In a country that is so rich in potential,
pavement infrastructure is critical. The enactment of FERMA ACT on
30th November, 2002 gave Nigeria, a singular platform for structured
and institutional mechanisms to address road maintenance.
history. Unfortunately, the years of negligent spending and misdirected
national policy have left a national transportation infrastructure system
in need of desperate rehabilitation and modernisation, especially if the
millennium development goals are to be realised, and the 20-2020 plan
of becoming the 20th largest economy in the world by 2020 is to be
realised (FERMA 2008). Much of the road network requires some form or
other of maintenance, rehabilitation and reconstruction (MR&R).
However, this must be done with historical data and funding. What are
abundant is desire and seeming commitment to improvement.
with 12km and 18km respectively per 100 sq km (World bank, 2007).
The significant difference is partly due to diverse levels of development
in general but it also reflects the basic geographic fact that Africa is a
large continent, often with vast distances between main population and
production centres. The large size of the continent and the wide spread
of population only raises the significance of transport in almost all
development decisions. This lack of adequate transportation impacts on
the level of business activity by lowering productivity and limiting the
entry of new business enterprises. Business as in Africa either supply to
fragmented regional markets, or restrict themselves to market
opportunities with profits large enough to cover the high transport costs
(Ramachandran, 2008).
Fig. 1.1 Generally paved roads in Africa are poorly maintained causing
potholing and shoulder deterioration. (e.g Enugu – Onitsha Road).
The relative sparse road network does not imply lack of
importance of road transport. Rather, road transport is the most
important mode. Decades of under capitalization, poor management and
general neglect of the railways have propelled road transport to the
most important means of transport in Africa. Road transport accounts
for over 80% of all freight and passenger movements in Africa and there
are no signs that the position will change in the foreseeable future
(AFDB, 2003).
One of the such project was the East-West Mombasa –Lagos Trans
– African Highway as a means to encourage inter – African trade and
development. This project, however, provides valuable insight into why
international donour aid into Africa has largely failed in the past. As early
as 1969, the Japanese Government proposed extending the Mombasa
Highway to Lagos, Nigeria on the Atlantic Ocean into a four lane, 6,260
kilometres paved highway. By 1971 the deal had the support of all six
nations through which the route would pass (Kenya, Uganda, Zaire now
the Democratic Republic of Congo), Central African Republic, Cameroon
and Nigeria) and six International aid Agencies.
They hoped to have at least two lanes open by 1978. It did not
take long for problems to emerge. Dictator Idi Amin took control of
Uganda and threatened Kenya, which then closed the highway. The
fight reflected a constant plague for foreign aid to Africa – corrupt
dictators, and donors who gave them money to protect political and
economic interest. Nowhere was this exchange clearer than in Zaire,
now known as the Democratic Republic of Congo. Zaire needed to build
roads from scratch, however the country was ruled by Mobutu Sese
Seko, one of the most brutal dictators on African history. Mobutu took
power during the cold war, at a time when the United State and the
Soviet Union were scrambling for influence in Africa. Billions of dollars
powered into Zaire to keep him happy, and to maintain the flow of
Zairian gold, diamonds and coppers to the West. Mobutu stopped plans
for the highway in 1974. Despite Mobutu in Zaire, the road in Kenya
remained in good condition and by 1970’s Kenya’s economy was
booming. A further underlying problem which soon came to bare was
the lack of a maintenance plan to keep the critical asset in a functioning
reconstructed each year, while 3% of surfaced dressed roads were
either re-surfaced or rehabilitated. At the end of the survey period, more
than 50% of asphalted roads and 20% to 30% of surface dressed roads
required rehabilitation. The increase in the poor state of both rural and
arterial roads further stagnated economic growth and produced a
discontinuous, inefficient road network. Worsening these issues was the
disproportionately high cost of transportation, where families were
spending as much as 45% of their income on transportation, not to
mention expenditure of time that was required to do so, due to the poor
state of the roads.
The high cost of transport in Africa seriously undermines growth
prospects on the continent (Henderson et-al 2001). A United Nations
Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) study on African
transport infrastructure (UNCTAD, 1990) highlighted the comparative
disadvantage of Africa in relation to other continents. On average,
freight cost are 5 percentage points higher in Sub-saharan Africa than
the average for all developing countries (11.41% for Africa versus 7.08
for America and 7.97 in Asia). In land locked African countries, the
situation is even worse, as costs are typically 10 percent higher
(18.79%). If Northern Africa is removed from the equation and only
Sub-saharan African economics are considered, the estimated total
freight costs on imports is 15.36% (UNCTAD 1999). In a study of
transport cost and trade, Limao and Venables (2000) found that poor
infrastructure accounted for 60% of transport cost for landlocked
countries, opposed to 40% for coastal countries. It is no wonder that
Africa ‘s Land locked countries are some of the poorest in the World (e.g
Chad). Whereas, Amjadi and Yeats (1995) found that the relatively low
level of sub-saharan African export is essentially due to high transport
With a GDP of approximately US$ 40 billion, Nigeria is currently African’s
largest economy, yet about two thirds of the population live below the
national poverty line. The average annual per Capita income stands at a
level of US$ 320.
However, little has changed when we look at today’s outlook and
priorities for change.
The Bureau of Public Enterprises (2008) outlined four key issues
with road transport in Nigeria that are obstacles for progress and for
engaging private sector participation. They include;
Lastly, there appears to be little or no appreciation for
maintenance, and when decisions are made, in most cases they are
influenced by politics and not the actual maintenance needs.
the utilization of inappropriate materials, or inappropriate design given
the marginal material available. (Akpokodje, 1986).
History has shown that roads, even if the proper design has been
prepared it is unlikely that the road will be constructed to this standard
due to poor quality control resulting in inadequate compaction,
thicknesses and pavement quality (Pollit, 1950). There is little surprise
that the majority of studies on the cause of failures of road pavement
have revolved around the Southern part of Nigerian as this is where the
majority of roads have been constructed and where some of the more
complex environmental constraints are imposed (high water table,
rainfall, etc). Several examples of key projects that have had widespread
failure and the reasons for these failures are presented in Table 2.1
Table 2.1: Projects In Nigeria That Have Exhibited Failure
(source: consolidate of various literature)
Project Location Reason for failure Author
Port – Harcourt – Enugu Dual South – East Poor field compaction Akpokodje 1986
Carriageway Inferior pavement materials
Particle size distribution and
plasticity of the majority of the
soils indicate that they are
unsuitable for base materials
were used.
Port Harcourt – Patani – Warri South – East Due to sub surface flow, the Abam et al, 2000
Road road acted like a dam
Poor quality aggregate
Changes in pavement condition
due to interaction of local road
aggregates with water caused
severing, stripping and
Ado – Ekiti South-West Cohesive soils have an Jedege, 2000
excessively high fraction (20%)
High liquid limit of soils greater
than 30
Low CBR of soils
Lagos – Ibadan South-West Twelve geotechnical properties Adeyemi, G. O.
were investigated and Oyeyemi, F.
Statistically, differences 1998
indicated failures in areas of
higher fines content (<75
Ife – Akure South-West Limited pre-engineering of Mesida, E. A.
various types of fill course 1986
Fine grained micacous clayey
and silty soils used extensively
as base course materials
Nine Major Roads Niger Delta Very poor pavement Arumala, J. O.
performance in seasonal and Akpokodje, E.
flooded area. Caused by use of G (1987)
highly substandard soil
Poor design, high water table
and failure to adhere to design
No in-situ soils of the Niger
Delta meet standard
specifications of acceptable
base course materials.
During the wet season (average precipitation of 2,500mm/year),
under cemented ditches between the dual carriageway and on both
sides of the carriageway, are permanently water logged, resulting in the
ingress of water into the sub-grade and base courses.
(Ajayi 1987) noted that road failure often occurs where the
pavement is founded on saprolite rather than the strong lateritic
horizons. Adeyemi (1992) investigated some geotechnical properties of
the residential lateritic soil adjacent to some sections of the Lagos –
Ibadan expressway and concluded that the degree of stability of the
flexible road pavement increased with both the amount of Kaolinite
present in the sub-grade soils their (California bearing ratio (CBR) and
unconfined compressive strength.
(UCS). Ayangade (1992) could not establish a clear relationship
between the index properties of the sub-grade and the stability of the
road pavement, but noted that there was a positive correlation between
the strength characteristics of the foundation soils and the stability of
the pavement along some sections.
is put into action to incorporate Nigerian roads into a comprehensive
pavement management system.
One of the earliest challenges that FERMA faced was how to fix
the horrible state of federal highways stemming from decades of
Very good 5%
Good 20%
Poor 35%
The principal goal of FERMA following the rehabilitation of the road
failures that plagued the federal system is to produce a program that
will enhance and upgrade the quality of the road infrastructure. This will
be accomplished by adopting two initiatives: which are;
spot improvements and emergency repairs were undertaken. In 2007,
an amount of NGN 13.5 billion (USD 106 million) was allocated to
FERMA, compared to the assessed needs of NGN 22 billion (USD 173
million) this represents only 61% of requirements (AFDB 2007).
Despite all the uphill battles that are facing FERMA, its primary
mandate is to produce a federal roads system that is in a good, safe and
confortable condition, FERMA anticipates having approximately 85% of
roads in the system at “very good” state by 2020.
Politics will always play some role in resource allocation. This is the
case for even the most advanced economics of the world. However,
what is important is that a mechanism exists to limit external influences
that make certain that correct assets are being maintained, rehabilitated
or reconstructed. This is particularly important when we look at Africa,
where transparency is one of the lowest of the World’s continents.
This is certainly the case for Nigeria.
Empirical based pavement design has been the primary pavement
design theory used in North America since 1970s. The principal reason
for this was the creation of the American Association of State Highway
and Transportation officials (AASHTO), guide for Design of Pavement
Structures, 1972, 1986 and 1993 which was created as a result of
testing conducted in the 1950’s by the American Association of State
Highway officials (AASHO) and the Western Association of State
Highway Officials (WASHO). The principal objective of the AASHO Road
test was to determine the significant relationship between the number of
repetitions of specific axle loads of different magnitude and arrangement
the performance of different thickness of uniformly designed and
constructed asphaltic concrete surface on different thickness of base and
sub-base when loaded an a basement of known characteristics (AASHO,
1962). Presently, pavement designs often exceed the data limits and
conditions used in the AASHO road test. Pavements with expected traffic
as much as 30 tons greater are being designed using empirical
procedures based upon the AASHO Road test. The disadvantage of an
empirical method is that it can be applied only to a given set of
environmental, material and loading conditions (Huang, 2007). If these
conditions are changed, the design is no longer valid and a need method
must be developed through trial and error to be conformant to the new
for designing the in-common features of flexible rigid and composite
pavement. The use of these approaches can enable the Engineer create
more reliable pavement designs. The new method offers procedures for
evaluating existing pavement and recommendations for rehabilitation
treatment, drainage, and foundation improvement. In addition, the new
guide incorporates procedures for performing traffic analysis, including
opinions for calibrating to local conditions and incorporates measures for
design reliability (NCHRP, 2004).
The principal issue surrounding the adoption of the TRRL Road
Note 31 as the Nigerian road design standard is the generality in which
it was intended. Due to the area of influence that the document was
written, it was not intended to be directly applied to a country as diverse
as Nigeria without making modifications for different soils,
environmental conditions and road building materials.
The model simulates total life cycle conditions and the cost of a
single road, a group of road with similar characteristics, or a pavement
network. The simulation can be done for a series of road Agency
construction or maintenance strategies and provides the economic
design criteria for evaluating the strategies being analyzed. The HDM
can be used to establish (Kerali, 2008).
The most updated version of the HDM IV Road User Effects (RUE)
model (compared to the 1995 HDM. III version). While the HDM. III
version has been applied widely in the developing world, developed
countries were just starting to apply the program. It was under these
circumstances, along with the time elapsed since a comprehensive
update, that the model was inappropriate and an updated version that
took into account traffic congestion effects, cold climate effects, a wider
range of pavement types, road safety, and environmental effects was
Nigeria’s major soil zones conform to geographical location: Loose
sandy soils are found in the Northern regions. In Southern Kano we
have mixed soils which contain locally derived granite and loess (Wind
born deposits). The middle two – thirds of the country, the Savannah
regions, contain reddish, laterite soils. The forest soils represent the
third zone. Sandy material occur principally at the most Southern
regions of the country, along the various deltas.
Lateritic soils are common in tropical latitudes and are often used
in road construction due to their abundance. However, they frequently
do not meet specification requirements, commonly having too high a
fines content and plasticity (PI). Osinubu (1998) indicated that lateritic
soil is conventional material routinely used in most tropical countries for
road pavement construction even though most lateritic soils and gravels
are at best suitable mainly for sub-base course material. Therefore,
stabilization is a viable option to improve these soils to make them
appropriate to be incorporated into pavement layers. This is where soil
stabilization and the contemporary Nanotechnology comes into play.
Akpokadje (1986) indicated that the poor grading and high fines
content of the concretionary laterite gravels, in addition, the slightly
strong nature of the coarse particles render the material as troublesome
base materials. Teme (1991) indicated that pavements of Nigeria are
constructed with aggregates of very poor quality, due to the
unavailability of durable igneous or metamorphic rocks. Quarried or
borrow-pit materials are not generally used in Nigeria due to this reason
and when sound aggregates are used for pavement construction, the
haulage costs are often excessive. What is not appreciated is the
abundance of sedimentary rocks and limestone that are predominant
throughout the country (Ola, 1977). Yet laterities are typically relied
upon for pavement layers rather than quarried rocks or aggregates.
In Nigeria, there are only two grading envelopes for binder and
wearing courses. The mix design for both may account for some of the
poor pavement performance encountered in Nigeria. It is likely that
Nigeria specifications will not account for skid resistance and ride quality
of pavement structure and will blanket – cover the road with the same
asphalt mix design (TRL, 1993). Two striking parameters are the
bitumen content (0%) and the percent air voids. The FMWH
specification outlines a bitumen content range of 45% to 6.5% for
binder course and 5.0% to 8.0% content for wearing courses. Both
these values are too high and will cause instability of the produced
asphalt concrete. The percent air void specification for a binder or
surface course ranges between 3% and 8%. The Marshal Method mix
design specifies that a percentage air voids in a total mix should fall
between 3% and 5%. The Marshal method mix design specifies that a
percentage air voids in total mix should fall between 3% and 5%. The
high air void content of the Nigerian asphalt will increase permeability,
allowing for water and air to pass into the pavement and underlying
layers. This decreases the durability of the asphalt concrete mix and
weakens the underlying pavement layer (Esenwa, 2008).
light traffic designation are used. No quantification of what constitutes
these designations is provided. The overseas Road Note: 31 (TRL, 1993)
provides for 8 different traffic classes based on equivalent standard axle
loads, but whether this designation is utilized in Nigeria is unknown.
Very little published data exists for traffic loads, and all of the research
conducted on road failures attributed the cause to aspects other than
load – related failures. Assuming Nigeria follows other African nations,
vehicles are typically over loaded, poorly maintained and tires are likely
either too hard or under inflated.
individuals and agencies (Haas, 2001). A pavement management system
(PMS) helps in making informed decisions, enabling maintenances of the
network in a serviceable condition at a minimum cost to both the road
agency and the road users. For this well documented information is
essential to make and create a system that is not only locally assembled,
but also one that is sound from an engineering and management
standpoint. The elements of a PMS should include (Haas et al, 1994).
A PMS can be used to not only preserve the existing assets, but also
to increase the assets value of the system overtime. To find a cost
effective strategy for providing, evaluating and maintaining
pavements in serviceable conditions, the utilization of a pavement
management system is well positioned to streamline these factors
and produce a road map for the improvement of the future condition
to the economic sustainability of Nigeria.
Different types of data are used for road management and the
needs vary depending on which infrastructure element is evaluated.
There are two types of data collected for use in pavement
management. Firstly, inventory data describes the physical elements
of the road system and, secondly, condition data that describes the
condition of elements that can be expected to change over time.
When considering the developing world. Bennett et al, (2007)
outlined the challenges the developing world faces when confronted
with the cost of collecting pavement data. Many transportation
agencies in developing countries are grappling with a
cost/performance dilemma: on one hand they recognise the need to
improve data collection accuracy and increase the extent of surveys
on their networks, but on the other hand, funding is often a major
obstacle which limits their activities. As such, Bennett et al, (2007)
outlined that careful consideration needs to be paid to the initial cost,
ongoing costs and the ability of the agency to sustain the technology
when choosing the appropriate data collection method or methods.
System wide failures of pavements both newly constructed and those
built 20 years ago, are well documented and are at the root of a
decayed, inefficient and stagnated road infrastructure system that needs
to be upgraded if progress is to be made on any front within the
there are no clear cut explanations on how these designations were
arrived at by the Road Maintenance Management Service Department
(RMMS) of the Agency. Data about the designs that were applied in
building of the roads are significantly lacking. Where designs are
available, literature has pointed to the fact that it is likely that they have
not been applied to the specifications and therefore, data about them
are rendered inadequate. Also, the “as constructed”
information/drawing are not often available. It is obvious that there is a
need to utilize data that can be supported. It also important that where
assumptions have been made, they have been done with logic and
regards to regional context. As such, where possible, data will be taken
from the literature on Nigerian roads and road related issues. Further,
since the project also deals with Sub-saharan African Nations, data from
Neighbouring countries will be used as appropriate. Furthermore, data
from World Bank or other international financial institutions (IFIS) and
donor groups will be utilized (where available), both on Nigeria and the
region as a whole.
The reasons for Federal Road failures are well defined. Chapter
Two reviewed and discussed the central issues. These include
inadequate and inappropriate designs, poor construction materials,
traffic overloading and most principally poor construction and quality
control measures. There is a great deal of rehabilitation interventions
required, as outlined by FERMA (2007). However, there is lack of data
on factors required to undertake a thorough analysis. There is therefore,
a need to compile regional data, such as road designs, traffic volumes,
truck factors and costs of interventions and format them into a useable
way that road Engineers can utilize. The format will follow outlines that
are well documented in African and International guides.
The only traffic data that is available and easily accessible, is from FERMA
(2007) where each major section of Federal road is assigned an average daily
traffic (ADT) (Figure 3.2 and Table 3.2).
In Nigeria 90% of all trade travels are done over the roads due to lack of
an established rail system. A persistent lack of weight restriction and
enforcement on trucks is pandemic all over Africa, and thus severe overloading of
Trucks in Nigeria is prevalent. The Southern African Transport and
Communication Commission (2001) outlines that where axle loading and traffic
data is unavailable, the likelihood of overloading is high and that this should be
accounted for in the road design or rehabilitation intervention (Table 3.3).
Therefore, as the objective of evaluating the traffic parameters in Nigeria with
the intention of deriving suitable traffic classes, rather than more accurately
define the loads occurring on the roads, standards utilized within Sub-saharan
Africa are referred to. Attention will be paid, however, when undertaking analysis
that requires equivalent standard axles loads (ESALS).
The South African standard (TRH-4) utilizes ten pavement classes for
design purposes based on equivalent standard axle (ESA). The first five
designations are for very highly trafficked roads with very few heavy vehicles.
However, these classifications do not suit the Federal roads in Nigeria. The
remaining five designations include;
T1: Lightly trafficked roads, mainly cars, light delivery and agricultural
vehicles, approximate ADT per lane than 700.
T2: Medium volume of Traffic with few heavy vehicles, approximate ADT per
lane = 700 to 1500.
T3: High volume of traffic and/or many heavy vehicles; approximate ADT per
lane = 700 to 1500 with 20% heavy trucks.
T4: Very high volume of Traffic and/or a high proportion of fully laden heavy
vehicles; approximate ADT per lane = 1500 to 2200 and
T5: Excessively
cessively high volume of traffic and/or a high proportion of fully laden
heavy vehicles; approximates ADT per lane = >2200.
Figure 3.2: Average Daily Traffic (ADT) and the percentage of heavy vehicles on Federal
Roads in Nigeria.(FERMA,
(FERMA, 2007)
Figure 3.3: Average Daily Traffic (ADT) and the percentage of heavy vehicles on Federal
Roads in Nigeria.(FERMA
(FERMA 2007).
Table 3.2 Traffic data for the major Federal Roads in Nigeria
(FERMA 2007)
Major Federal Road ADT Heavy Vehicles (%) ESAL*
Sokoto - Illela 3000 3.33% 111.6
Kano – Kastina 5600 3.57% 221.6
Akwanga – Jos 4000 5.50% 235.1
Abuja – Akwanga 5700 4.39% 271.8
Bida – Abuja 2100 14.29% 307.2
Kano – Potiskum 4000 7.50% 314.8
Benin City – Lokoja 7300 4.38% 347.9
Benin City – Warri Port Harcourt 5000 7.00% 368.6
Bauchi – Yola 4200 8.81% 385.3
Jos – Bauchi 7000 5.43% 406.5
Aba – Calabar 4400 9.09% 416.0
Makurdi – Akwamga 6200 6.45% 423.2
Zaria – Sokoto 5100 8.24% 438.7
Enugu – Mfom 4000 12.50% 514.0
Onitsha – Enugu 18000 2.50% 520.2
Enugu – Makurdi 3600 14.44% 583.7
Mokwa - Bida 4000 14.25% 687.3
Potisku – Maiduguri 5000 13.40% 694.2
Aba – Engu 9200 7.17% 706.4
Maiduguri – Ngala 2300 30.43% 737.2
Zaria – Kano 10000 7.00% 828.8
Abuja - Kaduna 8000 10.00% 922.5
Benin City – Onitsha 11500 7.65% 932.4
Lokoja – Abuja 9000 10.00% 932.3
Kaduna – Zaria 11000 8.36% 960.3
Port Harcourt – Aba 10000 9.90%% 1026.0
Ilorin – Jebba 5000 32.00% 1613.6
Ibadan – Ilorin 8900 21.35% 1928.0
Shagamu – Ibadan 8900 21.35% 1928.0
Shagamu – Benin City 22000 14.09% 3175.6
Lagos – Shagamu 40000 10.00% 4144.0
TC1; Low volume: ADT < 700: limited heavy vehicle (ADTT<35)
TC2; Moderate with few trucks; ADT 700 to 1500: few heavy
vehicles ADTT < 75
Nigerian climate can be divided into three climate zones for the
purpose of pavement design. (Figure 3.4).
While the three climate zones reflect the macro-climate of Nigeria,
it is recognised that there may be localized areas with different moisture
conditions. To simplify the zones in Nigeria, a dry (North), moderate
(central) and wet (South) designation is used in this study.
Figure 3.4; The three major climatic zones in Nigeria (CIA, 1989)
have been based. However, it would appear as though the four class
system, as it is set up for Nigeria, leads to a skewed result towards the
road network being in an adequate condition. Having two good
conditions of the road (Good and Very Good) and only one bad condition
(Bad) will always skew the perception that there are more roads of good
quality. In an odd number class designation, for example five
(Very Good, Good, Fair, Poor and Very Poor), there is less room for
having skewed results as there is balance between two dipoles. In an
evaluation of soil properties and pavement performance in Niger Delta,
Arumala and Akpododje (1987) utilized a visual condition survey data
collections from based on a slight, moderate, severe or No distress
evaluation (Figure 3.5).
Poor: Roads in Poor condition require rehabilitation
(strengthening or partial reconstruction); and,
hold serviceability level on a semi-annual basis or sooner
when necessary. May be a candidate for major corrective
maintenance as holding strategy depending on performance
level and history. Candidate for rehabilitation program in 3 to
5 years;
The SATCC (2001) and the South African TRH12 (1997) guides
utilize five degrees of severity to classify distress. These include:
Between Slight and Warning: Easily discernable distress but of little
immediate consequence;
(NCR) that follows the TRH12 should be adopted and will be utilized in
this study.
The designs outlined in ORN 31, which was the basis for the
original Nigerian method, is similar to the TRH-4 method used in South
Africa. Similarly, the Tanzanian Pavement and Materials Design Manual
(1999) utilizes a similar system that provides example designs based on
the type of base course, traffic loads, climatic zone and sub-grade
constructed with inferior material to those that have been specified,
layers are constructed thinner than specified, or both. Arumala and
Akpokodje (1987) indicate that the majority of federal roads fall into the
following range.
Figure 3.5: A visual condition rating form utilized by Arumala and Akpokodje (1987) to evaluate pavements
in the Niger Delta. The form is not specific in Nigeria.
Figure 3.6: A flexible pavement condition rating evaluation form utilized by Ontario’s Ministry of
Transportation ( MTO, 1989)
Figure 3.7: A surface - treated pavement condition evaluation form for distress manifestations (MTO, 1989)
The sheer lack of data in Nigeria on all fronts further drives home
the urgent need for simple tools that the Federal Roads Maintenance
Agency can use to preserve the remaining pavement assets we have.
One of the most important data sources to accomplish this is the cost of
applying a given maintenance or rehabilitation intervention in the
Nigerian context.
Table 3.5: Road Costs Knowledge System (ROCKS) data for Africa (median cost per two lane km except Routine
Maintenance, which is per two-lane km).
Africa World
Number of
Work Type Activity Region Low High Data
Asphalt Mix Asphalt Overlay < 40mm 41,241 30228 55403 10 37,911
Resurfacing Asphalt Overlay 40mm to 59mm 51,332 46661 67898 24 68,183
Table 3.6: Nigerian projects contained in the ROCKS database with costing
A complementary program to ROCKS that was developed by the
World Bank solely for Sub-saharan Africa is the Road Network Evaluation
Tools (RONET). The RONET program was specifically created to assist
decision makers to accomplish the following tasks (World Bank, 2007).
difference between the two data sets. As such, the ROCKS data for
Africa is utilized in this study. The median, minimum and maximum
costs associated with each intervention are utilized to generate a range
of values.
an asphalt concrete mix design. This is a very significant short coming of
current practice, as it stifles innovations in the contest of construction
materials and process improvements. A site survey conducted by
Esenwa (2008) outlined the following common problems observed on
working paving sites in Nigeria.
Given the above observations and taking into account the range of
typical surface life, the lower value of surface life seems overstated with
respect to Nigeria. Given the complications with production and
application, the life of the applied wearing course is likely to be
significantly lower than that stated in the literature.
and sound starting point with which to develop and further validate as
more data is collected.
This chapter identified the various input factors that are required
to calculate the life cycle cost analysis and those that are required to
streamline maintenance and rehabilitation interventions. These variables
included traffic volumes and loads, environmental factors such as
climatic zones, typical designs applied to roads in Nigeria, sub-grade
types and strengths, condition rating, and reasonable surface life of the
various wearing course options. The next chapter discusses flow
diagrams, decision trees and life cycle costing, as well as the associated
processes in pavement design, construction operation and maintenance.
Table 3.7: Data from RONET (World Bank, 2007b) on MR&R interventions for asphalt roads in Nigeria
Capital Road Works Unit Costs
Two-Lane Unit Costs of Road Works (USD
Surface Current Condition Road Work Primary Secondary Tertiary Unclassified Urban
This chapter uses utilized the data and information acquired in the
preceding chapter to discuss tools that can be utilized by Road
Maintenance Agencies such as the Federal Roads Maintenance Agency
of Nigeria to streamline their maintenance and rehabilitation
interventions. It is intended that these tools provide an easy reference
by which a Road Maintenance site engineer can have access to
maintenance or rehabilitation interventions that suit the distress being
observed at the project level. Such tools include flow diagrams and
decision trees. It is also important that these streamlined maintenance
and rehabilitation intervention decisions are supported by life cycle
costing so that decision makers can have assurance that the correct
implementation has been applied, or will be applied.
Table 4.1 RONET Optimal Work Strategy output for Nigeria’s Federal Road Network. * IRI in m/km
Optimal Work Program
Periodic Recurrent Road Road Net Average
Rehabilitation Maintenance Maintenance Agency Users Society Benefits Roughness
Year M US$) (M US$) (M US$) (M US$) (M US$) (M US$) (M US$) (IRI)
1 3,494.8 29.0 62.6 3,586.3 3,618.1 7,204.5 -2,752.2 4.25
2 0.0 0.0 62.6 62.6 3,745.8 3,808.4 846.2 4.44
3 0.0 0.0 64.8 64.8 3,880.1 3,944.9 927.1 4.65
4 434. 9 00. 68.8 503.7 3,999.3 4,503.0 3,204.7 4.33
5 0.0 58.0 69.0 127.0 4,140.3 4,267.3 380.5 4.51
6 0.0 94. 2 69.9 164.1 4,278. 3 4,442. 4 163.6 4.70
7 0.0 0. 0 73.7 73.7 4,436.3 4,510.0 282.0 4.94
8 0.0 0.0 74.3 74.3 4,603.0 4,677.3 312.4 5.19
9 1,957.1 137.7 76.6 2,171.4 4,504.7 6,676.1 -1,475.8 3.37
10 0.0 0.0 78.6 78.6 4,659.4 4,738.0 691.3 3.54
11 0.0 94. 2 72. 4 166.6 4,803.2 4,969. 9 692.0 3.70
12 0.0 43.5 72. 6 116.1 4,963.9 5,080.0 832.9 3.87
13 0.0 101.5 72. 9 174.4 5,123.9 5,298.3 2,612.6 4.01
14 372.8 0.0 77.4 450.1 5,276.8 5,726.9 426.8 3.73
15 0.0 58.0 80.2 138.2 5,455.4 5,593.6 247.6 3.90
16 0.0 87.0 79.6 166.6 5,644.4 5,811.0 65.6 4.09
17 0.0 145.0 73.6 218.6 5,815.7 6,034.3 78.0 4.26
18 0.0 0.0 72.7 72.7 6,025.7 6,098.4 265.7 4.50
19 0.0 0.0 74.1 74.1 6,247.2 6,321.2 319.1 4.74
20 0.0 0.0 75.4 75.4 6,480.9 6,556.3 377.0 5.01
Years 1-5 Total (M$) 3,929.7 87.0 327.8 4,344.5 19,383.6 23,728.0 2,606.3
Years 6-20 Total (M$) 2,329.8 761.1 1,123.9 4,214.9 78,318.8 82,533.7 5,890.9
Years 1-20 Total (M$) 6,259.5 848.1 1,451.8 8,559.3 97,702.4 106,261.7 8,497.2
Years 1-5 Total per Year (M$/year) 785.9 17.4 65.6 868.9 3,876.7 4,745.6 521.3
Years 6-20 Total per Year (M$/year) 155.3 50.7 74.9 281.0 5,221.3 5,502.2 392.7
Years 1-20 Total per Year (M$/year) 313.0 42.4 72.6 428.0 4,885.1 5,313.1 424.9
Present Value at 12% (M$) 4,680.2 295.2 585.4 5,560.8 36,827.2 42,388.0 2,725.5
Average (IRI) 4.29
required for routine and general maintenance of the road network, an
additional 70 billion Naira will be required per annum to address
rehabilitation. While no background data is given on the magnitude of
FERMA’s budgetary needs, it is much larger than that of the RONET
analysis which is based on regional, Africa specific data. The difference
could be attributed to input data used for the RONET analysis, but this
would infer that the prices for basic interventions are significantly higher
in Nigeria than they are for the countries utilized to obtain a sub-
Saharan average that were used in the RONET analysis.
Given the State of the Nigeria Federal road network, and the past
tradition of maintenance and rehabilitation, the budget that FERMA has
outlined is more in line with inefficient practices, while the RONET
derived analysis relies on state - of - the - art practices and application
efficiencies. The FERMA budget assessment over the next 5 years was
likely derived with little appreciation for pavement management and
intervention streamlining, which would account for the larger budget
requirement. However, the budget FERMA has outlined includes
reconstruction of seriously failed roads within the network, but not
expansion of roads to dual-carriageways. What the two sets of network
data do provide is an estimation of the potential savings that FERMA can
achieve by implementing a pavement management strategy, as outlined
through the RONET analysis process.
provide the ground level evaluation tools and assessments that are
required to deduce the most appropriate intervention.
on Nigerian roads. Their measured values were combined to give an
overall pavement condition rating score.
priorities based on both factors allows for better allocation of needs based on
roads that are exhibiting distresses.
Table 4.2: Physical Distress Rating (PDR ) Criteria (World Bank, 2007b)
Table 4.3. Roughness Distress Rating (RDR) criteria (adapted from the World Bank,
OCR > 80
OCR 60 - 80
OCR 40 - 60 No P2
No P1 No
Figure 4.1: The prioritization process based on Overall Condition Rating (OCR) and
Roughness Condition Rating (RCR) (World Bank, 2007b).
Utilizing the OCR for the Ibadan to Ilorin road, leads us through
the flow diagram in Figure 4.1 to the left of the first question: Is the
OCR greater than 80?. The second junction point is whether the OCR is
between 60 and 80, which it is. The RCR needs to be considered next,
and whether it is greater to or equal to 30, which it is. This leads to a
priority of P3.
Federal roads in Nigeria, Oguara and Iriakuma (1987) applied
adjustment factors on roads based on three traffic levels for each
functional class of road. However, they apportioned more priority
through application of their adjustment factors to roads with lower
volume and loads, which is contradictory to what should be applied in
practice. According to the traffic classification in Section 3.3, a five class
designation was used to define traffic loads and volumes on Federal
roads in Nigeria. The appropriate adjustment factors for each traffic
level are presented in Table 4.4. The adjustment factor for the specified
traffic class should be applied to the OCR to provide an adjusted OCR.
Traffic Adjustment
Level Number of vehicles
class factor
TC1 Low volume ADT < 700: Limited heavy 1.00
TC2 Moderate with no ADT 700 to 1500; limited 0.95
trucks heavy vehicles
TC3 Moderate trucks ADT 700 to 1500; heavy 0.90
TC4 High ADT 1500 to 2200; heavy 0.85
TC5 Congested heavy ADT > 2200; heavy 0.80
traffic vehicles
of classifying the condition of a pavement according to the extent of
distresses observed or recorded (Table 4.4).
Table 4.5: A guide to classifying condition rating according to observed or
recorded distress (MTO, 1989).
Condition rating Recommended
Condition rating – description
– value intervention
80-100 Pavement in excellent condition with few Routine maintenance
bumps or depressions (slight surface
deformation). No surface defects such as
streaking, potholes or cracking distresses.
Ride is very good (8 – 10).
60 – 79 Pavement in good condition with few bumps Corrective maintenance
or depressions (slight to moderate surface on an annual basis or
deformation) intermittent slight to moderate sooner when necessary.
surface defects and/or cracking distresses.
Ride is good (6 – 8)
40 – 59 Pavement in fair condition with intermittent to Corrective maintenance
frequent bumps or depressions (slight to on a semi-annual basis
moderate surface deformation). Intermittent or as necessary.
to frequent moderate surface defects and/or Possible candidate for
cracking distresses. Ride is fair (4 – 6). holding strategy
depending on
performance level and
history. Candidate for
rehabilitation program
in 3 to 5 years.
20 – 39 Pavement in poor condition with frequent Corrective maintenance
bumps or depressions (moderate surface to retard rapid
deformation). Frequent moderate to severe deterioration of
surface defects and/or cracking distresses. serviceability level.
Localized slight to moderate alligator cracking Candidate for
may be present indicating pavement rehabilitation program
structural failure. Ride is poor (2 – 4). in 1 to 3 years.
0 -19 Pavement in very poor condition with Corrective maintenance
extensive bumps or depressions form when and where
moderate to severe surface deformation. necessary to maintain
Extensive to severe surface defects and/or minimal safety and
cracking distresses. Frequent slight to serviceability level.
moderate alligator cracking may be present, Rehabilitation within 1
indicating pavement structural failures. Ride is year.
very poor (0-2).
The PWC method typically comprises both agency costs and road
user costs. Agency costs include the initial rehabilitation costs,
maintenance during the life-cycle, future capital costs and the salvage
value at the end of the analysis period. Road user costs include delay
costs due to rehabilitation activities, vehicle operating costs (VOCs),
accident costs and time costs.
The use of the present worth of cost method requires the selection
of a suitable discount rate. This rate is dependent on several factors,
including the effective rate of borrowing money and the rate of return
that money can earn if invested. The World Bank utilizes a 12% discount
rate for their RONET program (World Bank, 2008) and Nigerian projects
listed in the ROCKS database have also been applied a 12% discount
rate. The SATCC (2001) suggests a 3% to 10% discount rate, however
given the political, economic and transparency climate in Nigeria a
discount rate above 10% is not unrealistic. Therefore, a 12% discount
rate in accordance with the World Bank has been applied, in addition to
a moderate discount rate of 6% will be applied to the various life –cycle
analyses for the various FERMA schedules.
Incorporation of road user costs into L.C.C.A is complex, but when
information is unavailable, as is the case of Nigeria, the task becomes
virtually impossible. Luckily, this cost item can be disregarded in the
comparative economic analysis of rehabilitation works for a particular
road because it is usually the same for the different options. This is
because the various options tend to meet similar design requirements
over the same design period (SATCC, 2001).
shaped degradation or performance curve (Fwa, 1990). Given the
potential for a myriad of curve types, and based on the work conducted
by Oguara and Iriakuma (1987) that was specific to Nigerian pavements,
convex curves were derived for life-cycle costing for this project. For
this, curve functions were developed from the Oguara and Iriakuma
(1987) study from the performance trends outlined for the various
rehabilitation interventions. The functions were utilized to derive
performance curves in this study with a rehabilitation trigger value set at
35. As the trigger value is the key component (i.e rehabilitate when the
condition rating reaches 35) the shape of the curve prior to this point is
less of a consequence for this study.
Table 4.6: Input variables used for PWC and L.C.C.A analyses
(Fwa, T.F, 1990)
Input Variables
Discount rate 6% and 12%
Cost of cement (N $/KG) 0.33
Maximum Dry Density of aggregate 1800Kg/m3
Dosage of cement stabilization 3%
Lane width 3.5m
Analysis period 20 years
being equal, while the lower limit is representative of a more rapid
pavement deterioration as a consequence of less stringent construction
control or a higher traffic load over the lifespan of the intervention.
• Chipseal
• Double surface seal
• Asphalt concrete – 1 lift; and
• Asphalt concrete – 2 lifts.
4.3.2 PWC Calculations
For the lower traffic categories (TC1 and TC2), combinations of chip seal
(CS), double seal (DS) and stabilized base (-B) rehabilitation
interventions were applied for the 20-year analysis period. Table 4.7 and
4.8 summarize the PWC for the condition rating curves and various
intervention costs at a discount rate of 12% and 6% respectively. The
most cost effective option for each condition rating curve and
intervention cost is highlighted in light green.
Figure 4.2: Condition rating curves for maintenance and rehabilitation interventions for flexible pavement in
Nigeria (adapted from Oguara and Iriakuma, 1987 and SATCC, 2001)
Figure 4.3: Performance curve for chip seal rehabilitation of Federal Roads in Nigeria (Oguara and
Iriakuma, 1987 and SATCC, 2001).
Figure 4.4: Performance curve for double seal rehabilitation of Federal Roads in Nigeria (Oguara and
Iriakuma, 1987 and SATCC, 2001).
Figure 4.11: Performance curve for 1-lift Asphalt Concrete with a stabilised based for Federal
Roads in Nigeria (Oguara and Iriakuma, 1987 and SATCC, 2001).
Heavy traffic loads are encountered in the TC4 and TC5 traffic
categories, where the later is more indicative of higher proportions of
overloaded trucks. The standard designs for these two traffic categories
differ with respect to the underlying base and sub-base layer
thicknesses. The AC wearing course is the same standard and thickness
and thus the PWC for the two traffic classes can be handled collectively.
For this, however, an average base thickness of 238mm is applied where
base stabilization is utilized as part of the life-cycle assessment.
Combinations of 1-lift of asphalt concrete (AC-1), 2-lifts of asphalt
concrete (AC-2) and stabilized base (designated with a =B’) rehabilitation
interventions were applied for the 20 years analysis period. Table 4.9
and 4.10 summarize the PWC for the condition rating curves and various
intervention costs at a discount rate of 12% and 6% respectively. The
most cost effective option for each condition rating curve and
intervention cost is highlighted and bolded.
The RONET derived figure, which used country specific data, was
approximately, USD 4.54 billion over a 5-years period for 34,000km of
roads contained under FERMA’s umbrella. The difference between the
RONET data and that which is highlighted in the literature provides for
an understanding of the great deal of uncertainty that surrounds the
enormous task of upgrading the federal roads in Nigeria to those which
are of an acceptable level for health, economic and social prosperity. It
underlines, however, the gross inefficiencies of the current rehabilitation
program and what can be achieved once these barriers have been
to undertake FERMA’S lofty goals should be somewhere between the
FERMA and RONET derived budgets.
Irrespective of the budget size, the fact that the task at hand is a
formidable one points to the urgency for a maintenance and
rehabilitation strategy that will maximize Nigeria’s investment. Nigeria
has embarked upon pavement management at the federal road network
level as a means of improving the overall condition of their most
important national asset. For this, a pavement management strategy is
required to start this journey, one that will allow them to implement
applicable rehabilitation intervention options at the right time to optimize
expenses and stabilize road infrastructure budgets. To do this, the PWC
analysis have been undertaken for various traffic classes, rehabilitation
interventions, condition rating curves and discount rates.
Low traffic volume roads (TC1 and TC2) are constructed with a
chip seal or double surface seal. For a 12% discount rate, which is not
uncommon for sub-Saharan African Nations, there is no change in
optimum strategy for both the maximum intervention cost and minimum
intervention cost. All curves and cost, other than the mean Africa cost,
highlight that a chip seal-specific strategy (CS, CS, CS) over the 20-year
analysis period is optimal in all cases. Utilizing the mean Africa cost data
alters the optimal maintenance and rehabilitation strategy from chip seal
specific to a CS-CS-DS strategy for the minimum condition rating curve
only (Figure 4.2). The drastic curve, which is likely the most indicative of
Nigeria’s state at the present time, does not alter the optimum MR&R
While the optimum strategy does not change between a 12% and
6% discount rate, the ranking of strategies for each data set does vary
for the maximum and minimum condition rating curves (Table 4.1.1).
Application of the drastic condition rating curve does not alter the
ranking of intervention strategies under all cost functions.
high cost of cement in Nigeria compared with global price is likely a key
factor in the higher relative PWC when base stabilization is incorporated
into the rehabilitation strategy. An assumption of improved pavement
performance of 1-year needs validation and may also be a contributing
factor of the results achieved. Analysis of additional stabilization
technologies, (both traditional and non-traditional) may serve as a
means to improve both pavement performance and longevity.
Table 4.11: Rank of rehabilitation strategy according to PWC for low volume Federal Roads
(SATCC 2001).
costs. It is probable, however, that through refinement or improvement
in the properties and availability of different asphalt concrete
classifications throughout the country that the discount rate will have a
greater impact on the PWC.
Table 4.12: Rank of rehabilitation strategy according to PWC for high volume Federal Roads
(SATCC 2001).
A RONET analysis utilizing World Bank data for Nigeria was
conducted. The investment required over the next ten years was found
to be considerable less than that of the requirement that is quoted in
the literature. It is interesting to note that the literature values are not
supported with any data or explanation, so their magnitude is
questionable. Certainly, the budget requirement outlined by the RONET
analysis does, at the very least, provide FERMA with a starting point
with which to budget towards. Once better data on the distribution
condition rating for the network is determined, along with more accurate
rehabilitation intervention costs, a more refined budget can be
Condition rating curves were created for the various rehabilitation
interventions for typical designs utilized for federal road in Nigeria.
Drastic condition rating curves were created to better reflect the present
state and rate of degradation of rehabilitation interventions. Other than
increasing the life cycle cost of the pavement, the application of the
drastic curve for the ranges of intervention costs did not alter the
optimum rehabilitation strategy. For low volume federal roads, utilization
of a 6% discount rate instead of the 12% discount rate which is applied
by the World Bank for many SSA nations, altered the optimum
rehabilitation strategy for the maximum condition rating curve only from
a single chip seal specific rehabilitation schedule to one incorporating a
double seal specific rehabilitation strategy. For all other cases, a single
chip seal was more cost effective than application of a double seal over
the 20 year analysis period.
influence on the optimum rehabilitation strategy. Present Worth Cost
(PWC) analysis should be applied for different stabilizers.
The work conducted in this thesis provides a good basis for a road
maintenance agency like FERMA to ascertain the condition of Nigeria’s
Federal road network. While assumptions have been made, out of
necessity, the information obtained through the PWC analyses is
immediately implementable and outlines the value of this work.
Every effort has been made to utilize the most accurate and
representative data. What is required now is validation of the results
that were achieved and this would provide an excellent starting point for
further research. More refined cost data and condition rating of the
Federal road network would be an invaluable tool. Once more data
becomes available the life-cycle costs can be fine tuned and refined to
better reflect not only the federal system, but also at regional levels
where material and climate differences may predominate.
It is noted that application of a more reasonable discount rate of
6% does not alter the optimum rehabilitation strategy under all
conditions. The PWC is much greater for all cases, which would be
expected given the lower discount rate. This highlights the importance
of identifying the most appropriate discount due to apply to economic
analysis. A more refined discount rate will assist in better budgeting as
well as the price life cycle cost for higher discount rate is much greater
than for a more reasonable rate. This further demonstrates the need to
use more refined input data as the intervention cost, as there is a
significant cost fluctuation when varying costs are applied.
Lastly, validation of the condition rating curves is essential as
slight differences in pavement longevity will have impacts on the PWC
and resultant optimum strategy to be applied.
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