Nenavath Srinu KDDR
Nenavath Srinu KDDR
Nenavath Srinu KDDR
1. District Suryapet P.S. Kodad (R) Year 2021 FIR No. 134/2021 Date 16/07/2021
2. Acts & Section(s) : 11(A),11(E) PCAA r/w 49 r/w 50 r/w 51 r/w 52 r/w 53 r/w 54 r/w 55 r/w 56 TAR
3. a) Occurrence of Offence : Day Friday Date & Time From 16/07/2021 19:00
Date & Time To Prior To Time Period 0
b) Information Received at P.S.: Date & Time 16/07/2021 21:00
c) General Diary Reference: Entry No 25 Date & Time 16/07/2021 21:00
4. Type of Information: Written
5. Place of Occurrence:
a) Distance and Direction From P.S. 1East Beat No. Beat_Kodad (R)_01
b) Address Place Area/Mandal Street/Village
Ramapuram X road Kodad NH 65
Date/Year of Height Identification
S. No. Sex Build Complexion
Birth (cms) Marks(s)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Deformalities/ Dress
Teeth Hair Eyes Habbit(s) Languages/ Dialect
Peculiarities Habit(s)
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Place Of
Burn Mark Leucoderma Mole Scar Tattoo
15 16 17 18 19
Honoured Madam,
Facts of the case are that today i.e., on 16.07.2021 at 21:00 hours the complainant S.
Kranthi Kumar, SI of Police, P.S Kodad Town came to the P.S Kodad Rural and lodged a written
Telugu complaint stating that on 16.07.2021 at evening hours while he along with PCs 3559,
3219, 3547 were performing interstate boarder check post duty at Ramapuram cross road,
Nallabandagudem village of Kodad Rural P.S Limits to prevent the illegal transportation of cattle
in view of Bakrid festival-2021, evening at about 20:00 hours they stopped one DCM van bearing
No. TS-07-UG-9912 while it was coming from Vijayawada side, on checking found 38 male calves
by tying one by one without taking precautionary measures. On enquiry the driver Keethavath
Pathya S/o Kamla, age 39 yrs., ST-Lambada by caste, Occ: Driver of DCM van bearing No. TS-07-
UG-9912, R/o Ankethanda H/o Chandalagadda (V), Chandampeta (M), Nalgonda District reveals
that they got loaded them at Srikakulam shandy and transporting the same to unload at
Hyderabad. As per the instructions of his owner M.Srinu of Kalvakurthi, he along with 1) Buddela
Govind and Putta Rajaram were transporting the male calves 38 numbers from Srikakulam to
Hyderabad for handing over them at slaughter house of Moise at Hyderabad in view of bakrid
festival. Immediately they brought the DCM van containing 38 male calves to the P.S and
handed over with a request to take legal action against them as per law.
Animal rules Act-1978 and took up the investigation.
Station House Officer,
P.S Kodad Rural.
Rank Head Constable No 30_36_0910231
15. Date and time of dispatch to the court : 16/07/2021 21:30