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FSMS-stage 02

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TNV Certification Pvt.

FSMS Stage 2 Report
Client Ref. No.
Organization Name M. Madhavaraya Prabhu
Address 4- 174, Jeevottam, Muduperar, Karnataka 574151
Site Address (If any) 4- 174, Jeevottam, Muduperar, Karnataka 574151
No. of Employees 222
E mail id mmpcashew27@gmail.com
Contact Person Tukaram Prabhu
Scope Processing and Exports of Cashew Kernels
Food Chain
Audit Team
Audit Man-days
Brief about the M. Madhavaraya Prabhu is a proprietary concern that was established in the year
organization 1983 by Late Sri. D.M. Madhavaraya Prabhu. The raw cashew nuts are processed
into edible cashew kernels and sold in the domestic and international market. The
factory unit is set up in a space of 25,000 sq. ft., with a capacity of processing 30
tonnes per day.
Audit Objective
The purpose of the stage two audit is to evaluate the effective implementation of the client’s management
system. Your report must show clear audit evidence against these requirements.

Audit evidence is documents and records that you have seen, staff/employees that you have spoken to,
product and batch numbers that you looked at, equipment serial numbers, activities that you observed, or
any other evidence that you verify during the audit. As a minimum your notes must verify the following:

a) information and evidence about conformity to all requirements of ISO 22000;

b) performance monitoring, measuring, reporting and reviewing against key performance objectives
and targets (consistent with the expectations in the applicable management system standard or other
normative document);
c) the client's management system and performance as regards legal compliance;
d) operational control of the client's processes;
e) internal auditing and management review;
f) management responsibility for the client's policies;
g) links between the normative requirements, policy, performance objectives and targets
(consistent with the expectations in the applicable management system standard or other normative
document), any applicable legal requirements, responsibilities, competence of personnel, operations,
performance data and internal audit findings and conclusions.


Non Conformities Raised

Prerequisite Non conformance identified
of Recommendation in the decision:
of the Auditor Stage 2 audit, details of Non Conformance in AFAR
Sl. Please
Confirmation respond by using your own corrective action form and include the root cause
1analysis with systemic corrective action or AFAR can be used.
Specific information on the products was verified or not? Failure to include
Yes root cause analysis
with systemic corrective action will result in your responses being rejected by Lead Auditor.

HO: 537-B/187-B, Amber Bihar, Nr. CBI, Keshav Nagar, Sitapur Road, Lucknow-20, (U.P), India,
TNV-F-015-F FSMS Stage 2 Audit Report Issue 01 01-11-12 Rev 03 30-11-18
TNV Certification Pvt. Ltd
FSMS Stage 2 Report
2 Information on the raw material was verified or not? Yes

3 Process verified or not? Yes

4 CCP Verification carried out or not? Yes

5 Validation Method was verified or not? Yes

6 Calibration was verified or not? Yes

Note: Audit Team Leader shall not recommend its decision unless all above parameter are mandatorily
verified and evidence of the same are given in the report.

Opening Meeting
Sl. Topics Particular Complet
1 Thanks Give an expression of thanks to the auditee for Choosing Organization
2 Attendance Request attendees to record their attendance
3 Introduction  Remind timeline to close opening meeting in 15-30 minutes.
 Request to give brief introduction with brief roles
(participants, observers, guides & Translators)
4 Scope / Confirmation of the audit objectives (Assessment for ISO 22000:2005),
Summery scope and criteria;
5 Changes Changes in documents/Fact to the Application/Stage-1 Audit.
6 Plan Confirmation of the audit plan and other relevant arrangements with
the auditee, such as the date and time for the closing meeting, any
interim meetings between the audit team and the auditee’s
management, and any late changes;
7 Method Methods of Audit: Review of Documents & Records, Interview, Physical
8 Sampling Advise auditee that the audit is sample basis and findings will be based
on a sample of the information selected;
9 Communication Confirmation of formal communication channels between the audit team
Channel and the auditee; identify the facilitators.
10 Language Confirmation of the language to be used during the audit;
11 Development Confirmation that, during the audit, the auditee will be kept informed of
audit progress;
12 Resource Confirmation that the resources and facilities needed by the audit
team are available; like Guide, Interpreters, Facility etc..
13 Confidentiality Confirmation of matters relating to confidentiality and information
14 Safeguard Confirmation of relevant health and safety, emergency and security
procedures for the
audit team;
Reporting  NC may be against a clause of the standard i.e. ISO 22000,
15 of it’s not against any person or department.
Findings  Method of reporting audit findings & grading (Major, Minor &
 Time-span for corrective action (Minor-15 Days, Major-30 Days)
 Report time: Finding will be discussed at closing meeting and
report will be given within 2 working days.
16 Termination Information about conditions under which the audit may be terminated;
17 Audit verify that all members of the organization know what is happening;

HO: 537-B/187-B, Amber Bihar, Nr. CBI, Keshav Nagar, Sitapur Road, Lucknow-20, (U.P), India,
TNV-F-015-F FSMS Stage 2 Audit Report Issue 01 01-11-12 Rev 03 30-11-18
TNV Certification Pvt. Ltd
FSMS Stage 2 Report
18 Union/Problem Ascertain union relations or any potential problems;
19 Confidentiality Remind the auditees that the audit is confidential.
20 Closing Meeting Timing of closing meeting; Participation of the Top Management &
where appropriate, those responsible for the functions or processes
which have been audited in the closing meeting.
21 Appeals / information about any system for feedback from the auditee on the
Complaint findings or conclusions of the audit, including complaints or appeals


(C- Conformity, NC-Non Conformity, O-Observation)

Cl. Subject C Statement of Conformity (provide reference

No. N doc or procedure)
TM-FSMS & Quality Manager (Application Reviewer)
4.1 Understanding the organization and its  MMP has identified its external and
context (identify, review and update internal issues.
information related to these external and
internal issues.)
4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations  MMP has identified interested parties and
of interested parties (identify, review and its statutory, regulatory and customer
update information related to the interested
parties and their requirements.)
4.3 Determining the scope of the food safety  MMP has determined the scope of FSMS.
management system (specify the products  Processing and Exports of Cashew
and services, processes and production sites
that are addressed)
4.4 Food safety management system (identify  MMP has a working food safety
establish, implement, maintain, update and management system in place.
continually improve a food safety
management system, including the processes
needed and their interactions)
5 Leadership
5.1 Leadership and commitment (Confirm via  Top Management has approved the scope,
interview with Top management for policies, and objectives of the food safety
commitment towards management system management system and ensured its
requirements ) integration through MRM and Internal
5.2 Food Safety Policy (ensure via interview  Food safety policy has been established
with different personnel for awareness of and displayed on notice boards.
policy & available to relevant interested
parties )

HO: 537-B/187-B, Amber Bihar, Nr. CBI, Keshav Nagar, Sitapur Road, Lucknow-20, (U.P), India,
TNV-F-015-F FSMS Stage 2 Audit Report Issue 01 01-11-12 Rev 03 30-11-18
TNV Certification Pvt. Ltd
FSMS Stage 2 Report
Cl. Subject C Statement of Conformity (provide reference
No. N doc or procedure)
5.3 Organizational roles, responsibilities and  Organizational chart has been
authorities (Confirm the responsibilities and established.
authorities are assigned, communicated and  Food safety team has been established
understood within the organization) with roles and responsibilities
(Confirm the responsibilities and authorities assigned.
of the food safety team leader)
6 Planning
6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities  Risk analysis has been completed.
(provide evidence for avoiding risk, taking  Actions to address risks and
risk in order to pursue an opportunity, opportunities have been defined.
eliminating the risk source, changing the
likelihood or consequences, sharing the risk,
or accepting the presence of risk by informed
decision )
6.2 6.2.1 Objectives of the food safety  Objectives are being monitored by the
management system and planning to food safety team.
achieve them
provide evidence that objectives are consistent
with the food safety policy, measurable,
monitored , verified , communicated &
included statutory, regulatory and customer
Confirm how to achieve these objectives
6.3 Planning of changes (provide evidence for 
who the changes carried out and
communicated in a planned manner in FSMS,
including personnel changes.)
7 Support
7.1 7.1.1 General (Confirm existing internal  Existing resources have been verified.
resources & need for external resources.)  Requirement for external resources has
been documented.
7.1.2People- (provide evidence of  Verified contracts and competency,
agreement or contracts defining the responsibility and authority records.
competency, responsibility and authority of
7.1.3 Infrastructure-( Provide details of the  Plant is located in a non-polluted,
land, vessels, buildings and associated environmentally clean area. Water
utilities, equipment, including hardware and supply, drainage and waste disposal,
software, transportation and information and changing rooms and toilets are
communication technology provided. Equipment are adequately
maintained and clean.

HO: 537-B/187-B, Amber Bihar, Nr. CBI, Keshav Nagar, Sitapur Road, Lucknow-20, (U.P), India,
TNV-F-015-F FSMS Stage 2 Audit Report Issue 01 01-11-12 Rev 03 30-11-18
TNV Certification Pvt. Ltd
FSMS Stage 2 Report
Cl. Subject C Statement of Conformity (provide reference
No. N doc or procedure)
7.1.4 Work environment – ( Confirm a  The work environment is suitable to
suitable environment provided to achieve achieve a FSMS.
FSMS -combination of human and physical)
7.1.5 Externally developed elements of  Hazard Analysis using Decision tree
the food safety management system( (CODEX) , PRPs (ISO/TS 22002-1),
Provide evidence of Externally developed HACCP Plan (CODEX) has been
elements applicable to the sites, processes verified.
products of the organization and
implemented, maintained and updated)
7.1.6 Control of externally provided  Records of packaging materials and
processes, products or services( Confirm pest control agency are verified.
establish and apply criteria for the
evaluation, selection, monitoring of
performance and reevaluation of external
providers of processes, products and/or
services, communication of requirements to
the external provider and externally
processes, products or services do not
adversely affect)
7.2 Competence(confirm necessary  Competence of food safety team in
competence of person(s) , including external regards to education, training,
providers and the food safety team and experience has been verified.
those responsible for the operation of the
hazard control plan, are competent on the
basis of appropriate education, training
and/or experience)
the provision of training to, the mentoring
of, or the reassignment of currently
employed persons; or the hiring or
contracting of
competent persons.
7.3 Awareness (ensure that all relevant persons  The awareness of the food safety
doing work are aware of the food safety policy, objectives of the FSMS has
policy, the objectives of the FSMS relevant to been verified.
their task(s), individual contribution to the
effectiveness of the FSMS and the
implications of not conforming with the
FSMS requirements)
7.4 Communication  Food safety team has a effective
7.4.1 General (ensure that the requirement communication system in place.
for effective communication is understood
by all persons whose activities have an
impact on food safety )
HO: 537-B/187-B, Amber Bihar, Nr. CBI, Keshav Nagar, Sitapur Road, Lucknow-20, (U.P), India,
TNV-F-015-F FSMS Stage 2 Audit Report Issue 01 01-11-12 Rev 03 30-11-18
TNV Certification Pvt. Ltd
FSMS Stage 2 Report
Cl. Subject C Statement of Conformity (provide reference
No. N doc or procedure)
7.4.2 External communication(Confirm  Internal and External communication
that sufficient information is methods include email, training,
communicated(handling, display, storage, display boards and meetings.
preparation, distribution and use of the
product, identified foods safety hazards,
contractual arrangements, enquiries and
orders, including their amendments,
consumer feedback, including complaints)
externally and is available
for interested parties of the food chain &
statutory and regulatory authorities)
Confirm via interview that Designated
persons aware about their responsibility
and authority for the external

7.4.3 Internal communication(provide  Verified means of communications are

evidence that the food safety team is in place for effective implementation
informed in a timely manner of changes in of food safety management system.
7.5 Documented information  Legal documents pertaining to
7.5.1 General- ( Confirm that documented regulatory and statutory requirements
information and food safety requirements have been verified.
required by statutory, regulatory authorities
and customers are documented & by
competent person and the complexity of
processes and their interactions defined )
7.5.2 Creating and updating(provide evidence 
of creating and updating documented
 Document control SOPs and related
7.5.3 Control of documented information records have been verified. evidence of document control  Records for retention, permission and
and protection ) issuance, authority to view and change
have been verified. (provide evidence of Documented
information of external origin, retained
period and permission and authority to view
and change the documented information.)

HO: 537-B/187-B, Amber Bihar, Nr. CBI, Keshav Nagar, Sitapur Road, Lucknow-20, (U.P), India,
TNV-F-015-F FSMS Stage 2 Audit Report Issue 01 01-11-12 Rev 03 30-11-18
TNV Certification Pvt. Ltd
FSMS Stage 2 Report
Cl. Subject C Statement of Conformity (provide reference
No. doc or procedure)

8 Operation
8.1 Operational planning and control  Food safety team is responsible for
(confirm that the processes are plan, planning, implementation, control,
implement, control, maintain and maintenance and updating of
update ) (ensure that outsourced processes.
processes are  Pest control, waste management,
controlled) calibration and Chemical and
microbiological tests are outsourced
8.2 Prerequisite programmes (PRPs)  ISO/TS 22001-1 is adopted for
8.2.1( Provide evidence that PRP(s) implementation of PRPs.
establish, implement, maintain and update )
8.2.2( Confirm that PRP(s) are appropriate to  Food safety team is responsible for
the organization and its context, approved by implementation of PRPs.
the food safety team and implemented  Verified that PRPs are appropriate to
across the organization and its context.
the entire production system)
8.2.3(Confirm applicable part of the ISO/TS  ISO/TS 22002-1 for implementation of
22002 series and standards, codes of practice PRPs, including Layout of premises,
and guidelines) building and workspace, supplies of
air, water, employee facilities,
equipment, waste management, pest
control, storage, purchase, rework,
cleaning and sanitization, cross
contamination, allergen control,
personnel hygiene and warehousing.
8.2.4( provide evidence of applicable  Food safety team is responsible for
monitoring and verification of the monitoring and verification of PRPs.
PRP(s))  Records for monitoring and
verification of PRPs have been
8.3 Traceability system  Traceability records are maintained
Provide Evidence of traceability from the receiving of raw cashew nuts,
system( incoming material from the suppliers through processing till dispatch of
and the first stage of the distribution route of cashew kernels.
the end product ) and applicable statutory,  Production records are up-to-date and
regulatory and customer requirements maintained till the shelf-life of the
verify the effectiveness of the product i.e. 6 months
traceability system.
8.4 Emergency preparedness and response  SOPs for emergency preparedness and
8.4.1 General(ensure procedures are in place to response are verified.
respond to potential emergency situations
or incidents)
HO: 537-B/187-B, Amber Bihar, Nr. CBI, Keshav Nagar, Sitapur Road, Lucknow-20, (U.P), India,
TNV-F-015-F FSMS Stage 2 Audit Report Issue 01 01-11-12 Rev 03 30-11-18
8.4.2 Handling of emergencies and  Emergency situation recognized by the
incidents(evidence of mock company is fire.
emergency  Records for fire drill have been
situation and the result and actions ) verified.
8.5 Hazard control
8.5.1 Preliminary steps to enable hazard analysis  Food safety team has carried out and General ( verify evidence when hazard documented the hazard analysis.
analysis carry out )

HO: 537-B/187-B, Amber Bihar, Nr. CBI, Keshav Nagar, Sitapur Road, Lucknow-20, (U.P), India,
TNV-F-015-F FSMS Stage 2 Audit Report Issue 01 01-11-12 Rev 03 30-11-18
TNV Certification Pvt. Ltd
FSMS Stage 2 Report
Cl. Subject C Statement of Conformity (provide reference
No. N doc or procedure)
O Characteristics of raw materials,  The documents pertaining to regulatory
ingredients and product contact and statutory requirements for food
materials(ensure that all applicable statutory safety have been verified.
and regulatory food safety requirements are
identified for all raw materials, ingredients and
product contact materials. and maintained
documented information concerning all raw
materials, ingredients and product contact
materials Characteristics of end products(ensure  Documents for specifications of end
that all applicable statutory and regulatory food product has been verified in
safety requirements are identified for all the end accordance to the applicable statutory
products intended to be produced) and regulatory food safety
confirm that documented information requirements.
concerning the characteristics of end
Products (product name, composition, intended
shelf life and storage conditions packaging,
labeling and method(s) of distribution and
delivery.) Intended use(provide objective evidence  Document containing intended use has
for document that defines handling, mishandling, been verified.
users group and how it is maintained up to date
for the product) Flow diagrams and description of  Flow diagram has been established,
processes maintained and up-to-date. Preparation of the flow diagrams-  On-site confirmation of flow diagram
provide evidence that flow diagrams are has been done by the food safety team.
established, maintained and updated by the food  Documents pertaining to layout of
safety team premises, equipment and flow of On-site confirmation of flow materials have been verified.
diagrams(confirm on-site the accuracy of the
flow diagrams by the food safety team ) Description of processes and process
environment(Confirm the layout of premises,
including food and non-food handling areas,
processing equipment and contact materials,
processing aids and flow of materials, The
variations resulting from expected seasonal
changes or shift patterns are Documented )

HO: 537-B/187-B, Amber Bihar, Nr. CBI, Keshav Nagar, Sitapur Road, Lucknow-20, (U.P), India,
TNV-F-015-F FSMS Stage 2 Audit Report Issue 01 01-11-12 Rev 03 30-11-18
TNV Certification Pvt. Ltd
FSMS Stage 2 Report
Cl. Subject C Statement of Conformity (provide reference
No. N doc or procedure)
8.5.2 Hazard analysis  All hazards have been identified and General-provide objective evidence that documented by the food safety team.
food safety team conduct a hazard analysis  Control measures capable of Hazard identification and eliminating or reducing the hazard to
determination of acceptable levels acceptable levels. ( Procedure Ref, Confirm that  Documents pertaining to control
sufficient detail provided to enable hazard measures are verified.
assessment and the selection of appropriate  Flow diagram of the process has been
control measures) . established and verified. Objective evidence that Food safety
team identify step(s) (e.g. receiving raw
materials, processing, distribution and delivery) confirm acceptable level in the end
product of each food safety hazard identified Hazard assessment- provide evidence
Hazard prevention or reduction to an acceptable
level Selection and categorization of control
measure(s) are control measures capable of
preventing or reducing the identified significant
food safety hazards to defined acceptable levels. Confirm decision-making process and
results of the selection and categorization of the
control measures
8.5.3 Validation of control measure(s) and  Verified records for validation of
combinations of control measures -provide control measures.
evidence that the selected control measures are
capable of achieving the intended control of the
significant food safety hazard(s)

HO: 537-B/187-B, Amber Bihar, Nr. CBI, Keshav Nagar, Sitapur Road, Lucknow-20, (U.P), India,
TNV-F-015-F FSMS Stage 2 Audit Report Issue 01 01-11-12 Rev 03 30-11-18
TNV Certification Pvt. Ltd
FSMS Stage 2 Report
Cl. Subject C Statement of Conformity (provide reference
No. N doc or procedure)
8.5.4 Hazard control plan (HACCP/OPRP plan)  HACCP plan has been verified. General(Verify hazard control plan  OPRPs have been verified.
& include the relevant information for  CLs and CCPs have been verified.
each control measure at each CCP or OPRP)  Procedures for corrections and Determination of critical limits and corrective actions have been verified.
action criteria(specified Critical limits &
 Records of implementation of HACCP
acceptable level at CCPs and action criteria for
Plan have been verified.
OPRPs ) Monitoring systems at CCPs and for
OPRPs( Verify established monitoring system
for each control measure with monitoring
method and frequency) Actions when critical limits or
action criteria are not met( objective
evidence of corrections and corrective actions
to be taken when critical limits or action
criterion are not met) Implementation of the hazard
control plan( objective evidence of implement
and maintain the hazard control plan)

8.6 Updating the information specifying the  HACCP Plan and PRPs are up-to-date.
PRPs and the hazard control plan(provide
objective evidence that the hazard control plan
and/or the PRP(s) are up to date)
8.7 Control of monitoring and measuring  Calibration is outsourced by the
(provide evidence that the specified monitoring company.
and measuring methods and equipment in use  Calibration records are verified.
are adequate(calibrated, adjusted or re-adjusted
as necessary , identified & protected from
damage and deterioration for the monitoring and
measuring activities related to the PRP(s) and
the hazard control plan.)
Objective evidence of Validation of Software
used in monitoring and measuring
8.8 Verification related to PRPs and the hazard  Testing of end product samples is
control plan outsourced by the company.
8.8.1 Verification( objective evidence of 
verification plan its purpose, methods,
frequencies and responsibilities and provide
details of testing of end product samples or
direct process samples)
Confirm that verification activities are not
carried out by the person responsible for
monitoring the same activities

HO: 537-B/187-B, Amber Bihar, Nr. CBI, Keshav Nagar, Sitapur Road, Lucknow-20, (U.P), India,
TNV-F-015-F FSMS Stage 2 Audit Report Issue 01 01-11-12 Rev 03 30-11-18
TNV Certification Pvt. Ltd
FSMS Stage 2 Report
Cl. Subject C Statement of Conformity (provide reference
No. N doc or procedure)
8.8.2 Analysis of results of verification  Verified records of verification by the
activities( Objective Evidence of analysis of the food safety team.
results of verification by Food Safety Team)
8.9 Control of product and process  Procedures for product and process
nonconformities non-conformities have been verified.
8.9.1 General(objective evidence of the
competence of designated persons to initiate
corrections and corrective actions in OPRPs
and CCPs data )
8.9.2 Corrections documentation when critical
limits at CCP(s) and/or action criteria for OPRPs
are not met) evidence of critical limits at
CCPs are not met, affected products identified
and handled as potentially unsafe products) evidence of action criteria for
an OPRP are not met) (objective evidence of document
retained to describe corrections made on
nonconforming products and processes)
8.9.3 Corrective actions( objective evidence of 
evacuation of corrective actions when critical
limits at CCP(s) and/or action criteria
for OPRPs are not met.)
8.9.4 Handling of potentially unsafe products  Documents and records pertaining to General(objective evidence of action(s) handling of potentially unsafe products
to prevent potentially unsafe products) have been verified. Evaluation for release(Confirm Results  Records for evaluation of release and
of evaluation for release of products shall be disposition have been verified.
retained as documented information.) Disposition of nonconforming
products(Confirm the disposition of
nonconforming products, including the
identification of the person(s) with approving
authority )
8.9.5 Withdrawal/recall(objective evidence of  Procedure for withdrawal/recall has
timely withdrawal/recall of lots of end products been verified.
that have been identified as potentially unsafe  Mock withdrawal/ recall records have
and competent person(s) having the authority to been verified.
initiate and carry out the withdrawal/recall)
verify the implementation and effectiveness of
withdrawals/recalls(mock withdrawal)
9 Performance evaluation

HO: 537-B/187-B, Amber Bihar, Nr. CBI, Keshav Nagar, Sitapur Road, Lucknow-20, (U.P), India,
TNV-F-015-F FSMS Stage 2 Audit Report Issue 01 01-11-12 Rev 03 30-11-18
TNV Certification Pvt. Ltd
FSMS Stage 2 Report
Cl. Subject C Statement of Conformity (provide reference
No. N doc or procedure)
9.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis and  Verification activities pertaining to
evaluation PRPs and HACCP plan are verified.
9.1.1 General(Procedure Ref, evaluate the
performance and the effectiveness of the FSMS)
9.1.2 Analysis and evaluation(Confirm analyse
and evaluate appropriate data -results of
verification activities related to PRPs and the
hazard control plan , the internal audits and
external audits.)
9.2 Internal audit  Internal audit conducted as per
9.2.1 Confirm internal audits planned intervals schedule.
and effectively implemented  Results of the audit discussed by the
9.2.2 Confirm procedure, plan, audit Food Safety Team.
programme(s) methods, responsibilities, and
Follow-up activities by the organization
9.3 Management review  Management review meetings are
9.3.1 General Confirm its planned intervals conducted every 6 months.
and effectiveness.  All the standard review inputs and
9.3.2 Management review input( Confirm all outputs are covered in MRM.
the point addressed and data presented in a
manner that enables top management to relate
the information to stated objectives of the
9.3.3 Management review output(Confirm all
the point addressed & retain documented
information as evidence of the results of
management reviews.)

10 Improvement

10.1 Nonconformity and corrective action  SOP for handling of non-conformities

10.1.1Procedure Ref and corrective actions has been
10.1.2 Provide evidence of retaining verified.
documented information of NC
10.2 Continual improvement(provide objective  Management review minutes contain
evidence for continual improvement plans continual improvement plans.
10.3 Update of the food safety management  Records verified for management
system(provide objective evidence for updating review meetings, internal audits,
the food safety management system) corrective actions, analysis of results of
verification activities for continual

HO: 537-B/187-B, Amber Bihar, Nr. CBI, Keshav Nagar, Sitapur Road, Lucknow-20, (U.P), India,
TNV-F-015-F FSMS Stage 2 Audit Report Issue 01 01-11-12 Rev 03 30-11-18
TNV Certification Pvt. Ltd
FSMS Stage 2 Report
Closing Meeting
Sl. Topic Agenda Completed
1 Introduction Particularly if anybody not present at the opening meeting
2 Thank to company Thanks to your Team for cooperation during the audit and
arrangements for the Audit.
3 Reaffirmation of Reconfirm scope of activities assessed
4 Confirm Reassure the confidentiality for any information assessed during the
confidentially audit.
5 Appreciation Comment on good points within the organization

6 Disclaimer This was audit on sample basis, and it should not mean, that
other deficiencies do not exist.
7 Audit Team Summary of individual findings from each auditor (if audit team
Comment consist more then 1)
8 Decision  Significance of categories of non-compliance and summary
of findings,
 Summary of overall findings and recommendation/Decision
9 Acknowledgment Assure that client acknowledge the NCs.
10 Follow-up action Where do we go from here? emphasizing that the final decision
regarding certification will be taken by TNV System Certification

Summary of the Audit Team

A. Stage of audit:

Initial Certification
Follow Up Audit
Surveillance Cum Transfer

Upgrade From
B. Recommendation:

Issuance of Certificate
Refusal of the Certificate
Follow Up audit
modification of the current certificate (registration no. and expiration date remain unchanged)
other :
C. Reason:

The Food Safety management System complies with the requirements of the reference
standard: Congratulations, on the basis of the above summary, Lead Auditor is pleased to put
forward a recommendation for issuance of certificate.
The Food Safety management System complies with the requirements of the reference
standard with exception of minor NC: Congratulations, Lead Auditor is pleased to put
forward a recommendation for Certification upon off-site verification of closure of all issues, the
HO: 537-B/187-B, Amber Bihar, Nr. CBI, Keshav Nagar, Sitapur Road, Lucknow-20, (U.P), India,
TNV-F-015-F FSMS Stage 2 Audit Report Issue 01 01-11-12 Rev 03 30-11-18
TNV Certification Pvt. Ltd
FSMS Stage 2 Report

closure need to be submitted along with the Corrective Action Plan and objective evidence with 15
days from the stage 2 audit but not later than 60 days from the date of Stage 2 audit. If all non-
conformances are not closed within 60 days, a full reassessment may be required.
Evidence of major non conformities: Organization is not recommended for Certification. A
follow-up assessment will be scheduled to allow for on-site verification and closure of all
within 60 days from the date of Stage 2 audit. If all non-conformances are not closed within 60
days, a full reassessment may be required.
Not Recommended: Organization is not recommended for certification, a Stage 2 audit will be
required. To progress your application for registration, please respond to each non-conformances,
with a plan showing proposed actions, timescales and responsibilities for resolution. The
organization should consider the root cause of the non-conformance and the potential for related
issues in other parts of your system.
Sign Off:
TNV Report Submission Client Acceptance for Report
Name of Auditor: Name:
Signature Signature

HO: 537-B/187-B, Amber Bihar, Nr. CBI, Keshav Nagar, Sitapur Road, Lucknow-20, (U.P), India,
TNV-F-015-F FSMS Stage 2 Audit Report Issue 01 01-11-12 Rev 03 30-11-18

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