Idt MCQ - Questions
Idt MCQ - Questions
Idt MCQ - Questions
1.Incase the business is transferred, liability of GST demand raised by the GST department for period
preceding to the date of transfer of business?
3. Tax liabilities for the supplies during the month till the date of transfer of business
5.Consignment value for the purpose of E-way bill for invoice having taxable goods of Rs.40,000 &
exempted Rs.8,000
Ans: 47,200
7. On the grounds of Supression of facts, SCN were issued by the GST department for RS. 1,00,000.
Taxable person made the payment within 30 days of issue of SCN. Amount of penalty under GST
8. An E-Commerce operator failed to deduct TCS amounting to Rs. 9,000. Penality under GST law?
9. After delay of how many days of refund under GST interest will be provided by the department?
Ans: 60 days
10.Date of issue of SCN in the case of other than fraud from the date of filing of Annual Return?
What is the amount of Pre-Tax deposit which shall be made to make an appeal?
Ans: 3,90,000
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12. IEC is issued by?
14. Validity of import from the date of Authorization under EPCG scheme shall be?
Ans: 18 months
15.What would be the nature of Supply and rate of tax in case of advance received not
17. What is the distance of Exclusive Economic Zone from the baseline?
Ans: 200 NM
Comprehension Question:
18. What is the amount of Output tax payable where the recipient takes registration in the state
where the service of organisation are taking place
19. What is the eligible ITC to the entity Supplying the training and appraisal service out of
-Hotel accommodation (Ans: ITC not available GST paid in another state)
20. What would be the Output GST payable by the person? (supplier was registered in different
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Visit for Books & Video lectures on Indirect tax laws