FAA Accepted ASTM Consensus Standards
FAA Accepted ASTM Consensus Standards
FAA Accepted ASTM Consensus Standards
The following standards are to be used when required by the aircraft design standard
Pilot's Operating Handbook (POH) F2746-14 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Compliance Audits to ASTM Standards F2839-11 F2839-11 F2839-11 F2839-11 F2839-11 F2839-11
The following standards are for reference only (not to be listed on FAA Form 8130-15 Statement of Compliance)
Standard Terminology for Light Sport
F2626-12 F2626-12 F2626-12 F2626-12 F2626-12 F2626-12
Guide for Compliance with Light Sport
F2930-14a F2930-14a F2930-14a F2930-14a F2930-14a F2930-14a
Aircraft Standards
Original effective date: April 16, 2015 (NOA #13) Revision date: 15-October-2016
NOTE 1: Numbered topics are specified by the preamble to the rule.
NOTE 2: Gyroplanes are not eligible for a special category light-sport aircraft airworthiness certificate by the rule.
NOTE 3: Standards published with a number in parentheses indicate the year of last reapproval.
~ reapproval indicates a review cycle completed with no technical changes.
~ reapproved standards are considered accepted by the FAA without need for a Notice of Availability (NOA).
~ there is no need to identify the parenthetical year of reapproval on FAA Form 8130-15, SOC.
NOTE 4: Standards published with a superscript epsilon (ε) indicate an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
~ standards with a superscript epsilon (ε) are considered accepted by the FAA without need for a NOA.
~ there is no need to identify the superscript epsilon (ε) on FAA Form 8130-15, SOC.
NOTE 5: An entry of "N/A" indicates there is no applicable required standard for the subject topic.
NOTE 6: Electric propulsion units (EPU) are not eligible for installation on light-sport aircraft by the rule.
Original effective date: April 16, 2015 (NOA #13) Revision date: 15-October-2016