Aircraft: Standard Terminology For
Aircraft: Standard Terminology For
Aircraft: Standard Terminology For
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
1 2
This terminology is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F44 on General For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
Aviation Aircraft and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F44.91 on contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
Terminology. Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
Current edition approved Nov. 1, 2016. Published November 2016. Originally the ASTM website.
approved in 2014. Last previous edition approved in 2016 as F3060 – 16. DOI: The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced on
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
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F3060 − 16a
F2449 Specification for Manufacturer Quality Assurance GAMA Specification 1 Specification for Pilot’s Operating
Program for Light Sport Gyroplane Aircraft (Withdrawn Handbook6
2014)3 International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Interna-
F2457 Specification for Required Product Information to be tional Standards and Recommended Practices, Annex 8 to
Provided withWeight-Shift-Control Aircraft the Convention on International Civil Aviation, “Airwor-
F2483 Practice for Maintenance and the Development of thiness of Aircraft: Part 1, Definitions,” eleventh edition,
Maintenance Manuals for Light Sport Aircraft July 20107
F2490 Guide for Aircraft Electrical Load and Power Source NIST SP 330 The International System of Units8
Capacity Analysis TCCA Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs) 2012-1, Sub-
F2506 Specification for Design and Testing of Light Sport part 1, “Interpretation,” revised December 1, 20119
Aircraft Propellers
F2507 Specification for Recreational Airpark Design 3. Terminology
F2512 Practice for Quality Assurance in the Manufacture of 3.1 Terms and Definitions:
Light Unmanned Aircraft System (Withdrawn 2016)3 100-hour inspection, n—inspection used when the aircraft is
F2563 Practice for Kit Assembly Instructions of Aircraft carrying any person for hire including flight instruction.
Intended Primarily for Recreation (F2483)
F2564 Specification for Design and Performance of a Light DISCUSSION—Same as an annual condition inspection, except the
Sport Glider interval of inspection is 100 hours of operation instead of twelve
F2584 Practice for Maintenance and Development of Main- calendar months. “Annual condition inspection” is a term used for U.S.
tenance Manuals for Light Unmanned Aircraft System experimental aircraft. The term “annual airworthiness inspection” is
used when considering certified aircraft. While similar, the two
(UAS) (Withdrawn 2015)3
inspections differ by who is authorized to do the inspections and make
F2626 Terminology for Light Sport Aircraft log book entries.
F2639 Practice for Design, Alteration, and Certification of
Aircraft Electrical Wiring Systems abnormal electrical power operation, n—occurs when a
F2745 Specification for Required Product Information to be malfunction or failure in the electric system has taken place
Provided with an Airplane and the protective devices of the system are operating to
F2746 Specification for Pilot’s Operating Handbook (POH) remove the malfunction or failure from the remainder of the
system before the limits of abnormal electrical power
for Light Sport Airplane
operation are exceeded. (F2490)
F2799 Practice for Maintenance of Aircraft Electrical Wiring
Systems accelerate-go distance, n—horizontal distance from the start
F2930 Guide for Compliance with Light Sport Aircraft of the takeoff to the point where the airplane reaches the
Standards prescribed screen height above the takeoff surface with the
F2972 Specification for Light Sport Aircraft Manufacturer’s critical engine having failed at the designated speed. (AC
Quality Assurance System 120-62)
F3035 Practice for Production Acceptance in the Manufac- accelerate-stop distance, n—horizontal distance from takeoff
ture of a Fixed Wing Light Sport Aircraft to the point where the airplane is stopped in the runway or
F3061 Specification for Systems and Equipment in Small runway and stopway, when the stop is initiated at VI, and
Aircraft completed using the approved procedures and specified
F3062 Specification for Installation of Powerplant Systems conditions. (AC 120-62)
F3082 Specification for Weights and Centers of Gravity of
Aircraft acceptable means of compliance, AMC, n—method deter-
F3093 Specification for Aeroelasticity Requirements mined to be acceptable by a Civil Aviation Authority (CAA)
F3116 Specification for Design Loads and Conditions as a means to establish compliance with a regulation. (F44)
DISCUSSION—The acceptable means is usually defined in CAA
F3117 Specification for Crew Interface in Aircraft guidance or industry standards or both. There may be multiple means
2.2 Other Standards: to determine compliance with any regulation accepted by the CAA.
CFR, Title 14 Aeronautics and Space4 aerobatic maneuver, n—intentional maneuver involving an
European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) “Definitions and abrupt change in an aircraft’s attitude, an abnormal attitude,
abbreviations used in Certification Specifications for
products, parts and appliances; CS-Definitions,” Annex to
ED Decision 2007/016/R, Amendment 2, December 23, 6
Available from the General Aviation Manufacturers Association, 1400 K St.
20105 NW, Suite 801, Washington, DC 20005-2485.
Available from the International Civil Aviation Organization, http://
4 8
Available from the U.S. Government Printing Office, Superintendent of Available from National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 100
Documents, 732 N. Capital St. NW, Washington, DC 20402-0001. Bureau Dr., Stop 1070, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-1070,
5 9
Available from the European Aviation Safety Agency, Ottoplatz, 1, D-50679 Available from Transport Canada, 330 Sparks St., Ottawa, ON Canada K1A
Cologne, Germany. 0N5.
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F3060 − 16a
or abnormal acceleration, not necessary for normal flight. national military or armed force to distinguish a particular
(14 CFR Part 91.303) aircraft model or series or both. (CICTT)
DISCUSSION—An aircraft model or series or both may have more than
Aeronautical Radio, Incorporated, ARINC, n—aeronautical one popular name. It is normally not the legal identification of the
standards body made up of Airlines Electronic Engineering aircraft and, when found on the type certificate or type certificate data
Committee, (AEEC), Avionics Maintenance Conference sheet, it is supplementary information. Examples would be the Cessna
(AMC), and Flight Simulation, Engineering, and Mainte- Skyhawk or Sovereign, which are popular names but not the legal
nance Committee, (FSEMC) and organized by ARINC to identification. Popular names can be changed without affecting the type
data of the aircraft.
establish cooperatively consensus-based, voluntary aviation
technical standards that no one organization could develop airplane configuration, n—particular combination of the fixed
independently. components including wing(s), fuselage, empennage, pro-
pulsion system, and landing gear along with the positions of
Agência Nacional de Aviação Civil, ANAC, n—national civil
the moveable elements, such as wing flaps, cowl flaps,
aviation authority of Brazil. (ANAC)
landing gear, and equipment, software configuration, and so
aircraft make, n—name assigned to the aircraft by the aircraft forth that affects the aerodynamic or operational character-
manufacturer when each aircraft was produced (F2930, istics of the airplane. (F44)
airplane positive gust limit load factor, n3, n—airplane
DISCUSSION—In most cases, aircraft make is the name of the aircraft
positive gust limit load factor at VC. (14 CFR 23, App A,
manufacturer, such as Cub Crafters, Quest, Piper, and so forth.
Par. A23.3)
aircraft manufacturer, n—organization that has been recog-
airship, n—power-driven lighter-than-air aircraft that can be
nized by its certifying authority as having manufactured the
steered. (F2354, F2355, F2356, F2427)
aircraft, at the time of completion. (CICTT)
airworthiness design standards, ADS, n—standards that
aircraft master model, n—grouping of similar aircraft models
identify acceptable means of compliance to the regulatory
for analytical purposes and to identify aircraft models that
requirements for aircraft design for certified aircraft or the
share airworthiness properties; the master model is the first
consensus standards such as ASTM F37, F38, or F39 for
model in a series of that aircraft make. (CICTT)
non-certified aircraft.
aircraft mechanic, n—person who performs maintenance on
airworthiness directive, AD, n—regulation issued by the
aircraft, engines, propellers, appliances, and other aircraft
CAA that applies to aircraft, aircraft engines, propellers, or
components within the scope of their authorization by the
appliances when an unsafe condition exists and that condi-
applicable authority or regulation.
tion is likely to exist or develop in other products of the same
DISCUSSION—An aircraft mechanic may go by different titles under
design. (F2639)
different authorities. The common name for an aircraft mechanic in
some countries is Licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engineer and in DISCUSSION—Airworthiness Directives (ADs) are legally enforceable
others it may be Airframe and Powerplant (A&P) mechanic. For some regulations issued by the CAA to correct an unsafe condition in a
authorizations a mechanic’s license or certificate issued by an authority product. Each CAA will have its own guidance on ADs. For FAA-
is required while for LSA aircraft authorization by the manufacturer issued Ads, this follows the guidance in 14 CFR 39.
may be required.
airworthiness limitation, n—limitation applicable to an air-
aircraft model, n—aircraft manufacturer’s designation for an craft or article installed on an aircraft in the form of a life
aircraft. (F2930, CICTT) limit or a maintenance task that is mandatory to maintain the
DISCUSSION—The aircraft model is: (1) listed in the aircraft type aircraft in airworthy condition. (F44)
certificate, (2) the designation used by the aircraft manufacturer to
legally distinguish a particular aircraft, or (3) the designation used by a
alteration, n—modification of a product to establish a new
national military or armed force to distinguish a particular aircraft. It is airworthy configuration. (F44)
usually a model number that may be part of a series of similar models.
If an aircraft manufacturer is amateur construction, in most cases, the
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, AIAA,
aircraft model would be the name designated by the organization n—world’s largest technical society dedicated to the global
responsible for design. aerospace profession. (F44)
aircraft operating instructions, AOI, n—provide methods American Society ASTM International, ASTM, n—globally
and procedures to operate the aircraft safely (F2243, F2427, recognized leader in the development and delivery of inter-
F2457, F2564, F2746) national voluntary consensus standards. (F44)
DISCUSSION—For LSA, the AOI specify those parameters (for
example, weight, stall speed, and maximum speed) that show the
annual condition inspection, n—detailed inspection accom-
aircraft make and model meets the LSA definition. The AOI may also plished once a year on an aircraft in accordance with the
be referred to as a POH. applicable instructions for continued airworthiness. (F2483,
aircraft popular name, n—name used by the aircraft manu- DISCUSSION—The purpose of the inspection is to look for any wear,
facturer to market or otherwise distinguish a particular corrosion, or damage that would cause an aircraft to not be in a
aircraft model or series or both or the name used by a condition for safe operation.
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F3060 − 16a
appliance, n—any instrument, mechanism, equipment, part, chord, c, n—straight line distance joining the leading and
apparatus, appurtenance, or accessory, including communi- trailing edges of an airfoil. (F2245)
cations equipment, that is used or intended to be used in civil aviation authority, CAA, n—governmental agency re-
operating or controlling an aircraft in flight; is installed in or sponsible for regulation of civil-aviation-related activities in
permanently attached to the aircraft; and is not part of an a country or jurisdiction, such as Agência Nacional de
airframe, engine, or propeller. (F2639, 14 CFR Part 1) Aviação Civil (ANAC) of Brazil, or Transport Canada Civil
arc fault circuit breaker, n—circuit breaker specifically de- Aviation (TCCA). (F2425, F2563, F2507)
signed to open when arcing faults are detected. (F2639) DISCUSSION—In some countries, only certain parts of the aviation
activities are the responsibility of the CAA. For the purposes of this
aspect ratio, AR, n—wing span (b) squared divided by the terminology, the activities are those related to aircraft, engine, and
propeller certification and continued operational safety.
wing area (S), b2/S. (F2245, F2564)
commercial part, n—part that is listed on an approved
auxiliary power unit, APU, n—any power unit delivering commercial parts list included in a design approval holder’s
rotating shaft power, compressed air, or both, that is not instructions for continued airworthiness and for which:
intended for direct propulsion of an aircraft. (F44) (1) The failure of the commercial part, as installed in the
average design surface load, w, n—load divided by area. product, would not degrade the level of safety of the product;
(F2564) and
(2) The part is produced only under the commercial part
balanced field length, BFL, n—for airplanes with more than manufacturer’s specification and marked only with the com-
one engine, it is the minimum allowable runway length for a mercial part manufacturer’s markings. (14 CFR 21.1(b)(3),
given airplane weight, configuration and atmospheric con- 21.50(c)(2))
ditions as per field limitations. (FAA AC 120-62)
compliance package, n—set of documents that provides
DISCUSSION—It corresponds to the point where the accelerate-go
performance required is equal to (“balances”) the accelerate-stop objective, verifiable evidence for compliance to CAA regu-
performance required. lations using CAA accepted means of compliance which
may be industry consensus standards or applicant developed
balloon, n—lighter-than-air aircraft that is not engine-driven means of compliance. (F44)
and sustains flight through the use of either gas buoyancy or
an airborne heater or both. (F2354, F2355, F2356, F2427) compliance program, n—set of activities planned for,
executed, and for which results are reviewed against CAA
best angle of climb, n—climb angle which produces the most accepted industry consensus standards or applicant devel-
altitude gain with least distance traveled horizontally (F44) oped means of compliance for the purpose of declaring
compliance to a particular standard. (F2930, F44)
best angle of climb speed, Vx, n—the speed at which the
aircraft will obtain the highest altitude in a given horizontal consensus standard, n—for the purpose of certificating
distance. (F2317/F2317M) aircraft, an industry developed standard that applies to
DISCUSSION—This best angle-of-climb speed normally increases
aircraft design, production, and airworthiness. (14 CFR Part
slightly with altitude. 1.1)
DISCUSSION—It includes, but is not limited to, standards for aircraft
best rate of climb, n—climb rate that produces the most design and performance, required equipment, manufacturer quality
altitude gain in the least amount of time. (F44) assurance systems, production acceptance test procedures, operating
instructions, maintenance and inspection procedures, identification and
best rate of climb speed, Vy, n—speed at which the aircraft recording of major repairs and major alterations, and continued
will obtain the maximum increase in altitude per unit of airworthiness.
time. (F2317/F2317M) continuing airworthiness, n—set of processes by which an
DISCUSSION—This best rate-of-climb speed normally decreases aircraft, engine, propeller, or part complies with the appli-
slightly with altitude. cable airworthiness requirements and remains in a condition
calibrated airspeed, CAS, n—indicated airspeed of an aircraft for safe operation throughout its operating life. (ICAO)
corrected for position and instrument error. (FAA Part1, conventional fixed pitch propeller, n—one-piece fixed pitch
EASA CS1) propeller that is constructed of material such as wood or
DISCUSSION—Calibrated airspeed is equal to true airspeed in standard metal that has no abrupt changes in material properties as the
atmosphere at sea level. blades transition through the hub area. (F2506)
center of gravity, CG, n—point at which the entire weight of creepage, n—conduction of electrical current along a surface
a body may be considered as concentrated so that if between two points at different potentials. (F2639)
supported at this point the body would remain in equilibrium critical engine failure takeoff speed, VEF, n—speed at which
in any position. (TCCA, F2245, F2352, F2564) the critical engine is assumed to fail during takeoff.
certificate of airworthiness, CofA, n—a CAA document cruise, n—condition during which the aircraft is in level flight
which grants authorization to operate an aircraft in flight. or making altitude changes between the take-off and climb
(F44) phase and the descent to landing phase. (F2490)
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F3060 − 16a
demonstrated flight dive speed, VDF/MDF, n—maximum the purpose of transmitting electrical energy between two or
speed at which it has been demonstrated there is an absence more intended termination points. (F2799)
of excessive buffet, vibration, or controllability problems
electronic engine control system, EECS, n—engine control
(VDF ≤ VD). (14 CFR Part 1, F2317/F2317M, F2245,
system in which the primary functions are provided using
electronics. (EASA CS1)
design and performance specification, n—used herein to DISCUSSION—It includes all the components (for example, digital,
refer to Specifications F2245 and F2564. (F3035) electrical, electronic, hydro-mechanical, and pneumatic) necessary for
the control of the engine and may incorporate other control functions
design cruising speed, VC, n—maximum speed for which the where desired.
aircraft has been designed for cruise flight. (14 CFR Part 1, emergency electrical power operation, n—condition that
F2245, F2564) occurs following a loss of all normal electrical generating
design dive speed, VD/MD, n—maximum speed for which the power sources or another malfunction that results in opera-
structure has been designed. (FAA Part 1, F2245, F2564) tion on an alternate electrical power source only or both.
design flap speed, VF, n—maximum speed at which the
aircraft can be flown at the selected flap deflection. (F2245, empty weight, n—the empty weight of the aircraft includes the
F2564) combined weight of the airframe, propulsion system, re-
quired equipment, installed optional or special equipment,
design maneuvering speed, VA, n—speed below which you fixed ballast, unusable fuel, and full operating fluids, includ-
can move a single flight control, one time, to its full ing oil, hydraulic fluid, and other fluids required for normal
deflection, for one axis of airplane rotation only (pitch, roll operation of aircraft systems, except potable water, lavatory
or yaw), in smooth air, without risk of damage to the precharge water, and water intended for injection in the
airplane. (F2245, F2564, F2317/F2317M, F44) engines. (F3082, F3116, F3117)
design maximum aircraft weight, WMAX, n—aircraft design equivalent airspeed, EAS, n—calibrated airspeed of an air-
maximum weight for LSA aircraft shall be the maximum craft corrected for adiabatic compressible flow for the
weight for which the aircraft is designed. (F2317/F2317M) particular altitude. (14 CFR Part 1, EASA CS1)
DISCUSSION—This is acceptable for LSA aircraft but is inadequate DISCUSSION—Equivalent airspeed is equal to calibrated airspeed in
definition for many of today’s Part 23 aircraft that have a maximum taxi standard atmosphere at sea level.
weight, maximum takeoff weight, maximum landing weight, and
maximum zero fuel weight that are all different. European Aviation Safety Agency, EASA, n—agency of the
European Union that serves as the CAA for contracting
design maximum trike carriage weight, Wsusp, n—highest states. (EASA)
trike carriage weight at which compliance with each appli-
cable structural loading condition and each applicable flight European Organization for Civil Aviation Equipment,
requirement is shown. (F2317/F2317M) EUROCAE, n—(1) nonprofit organization that was formed
at Lucerne, Switzerland in 1963 to provide a European
design speed for maximum gust intensity, VB, n—the speed forum for resolving technical problems with electronic
at which particular gust intensities apply in the determina- equipment for air transport; (2) deals exclusively with
tion of structural loads. (F44) aviation standardization (airborne and ground systems and
design stall speed, VS, n—stalling speed or the minimum equipment) and related documents as required to use in the
steady flight speed at which the airplane is controllable. regulation of aviation equipment and systems; and (3)
(F2245, F2564, F44) association composed of members who are all specialized in
one or several technical fields of aeronautics and many of
design useful load, n—load (other than structure, engine, them are considered to be among world’s leaders in their
enclosure, and systems) that an aircraft can carry while domain. (F44)
achieving the design defining performance requirements.
exhaust gas temperature, EGT, n—temperature of the ex-
(F2355, F44)
haust gas exiting an engine. (F44)
drag coefficient, CD, n—nondimensional number whose value factor of safety, FOS, n—design factor (multiplier) used to
represents a relative magnitude of the resistance force of a provide for the possibility of loads greater than those
body against a moving fluid environment, for example, to the assumed and uncertainties in design and fabrication. (ICAO,
free stream air flow in the case of an aircraft. (F2245, F2564, F2352)
F44) DISCUSSION—Refer to ultimate load definition for relationship be-
dynamic pressure, Q or q, n—pressure that would be exerted tween factor of safety and ultimate load.
by a moving air flow against a body if it were brought to rest. final takeoff speed, VFTO, n—speed of the airplane that exists
(F2245, F2564, F44) at the end of the takeoff path in the en-route configuration
with one engine inoperative. (14 CFR Part 1, EASA CS1)
electrical wiring interconnection system, EWIS, n—any
wire, wiring device, or combination of these, including fireproof, adj—(1) With respect to materials and parts used to
termination devices, installed in any area of the aircraft for confine fire in a designated fire zone, means the capacity to
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F3060 − 16a
withstand at least as well as steel in dimensions appropriate controller (EEC) or engine control unit (ECU), and its
for the purpose for which they are used, the heat produced related accessories that control all aspects of aircraft engine
when there is a severe fire of extended duration in that zone; performance. (F44)
and (2) with respect to other materials and parts, means the
General Aviation Manufacturers Association, GAMA,
capacity to withstand the heat associated with fire at least as
n—international trade association representing over 80 of the
well as steel in dimensions appropriate for the purpose for
world’s leading manufacturers of general aviation airplanes
which they are used. (F2352, 14 CFR Part 1)
and rotorcraft, engines, avionics, components and related
DISCUSSION—For materials, this is considered to be equivalent to the
capability of withstanding a fire at least as well as steel or titanium in services. (F44)
dimensions appropriate for the purposes for which they are used. DISCUSSION—GAMA’s members also operate repair stations, fixed-
based operations, pilot and maintenance training facilities, and they
fire resistant, adj—(1) With respect to sheet or structural manage fleets of aircraft.
members, means the capacity to withstand the heat associ- ground adjustable propeller, n—propeller whose pitch setting
ated with fire at least as well as aluminum alloy in dimen- is adjustable only when the aircraft is on the ground and the
sions appropriate for the purpose for which they are used; propeller is not rotating. (F2506)
and (2) with respect to fluid-carrying lines, fluid system
parts, wiring, air ducts, fittings, and powerplant controls, heavy maintenance, n—any maintenance, inspection, repair,
means the capacity to perform the intended functions under or alteration a manufacturer has designated that requires
the heat and other conditions likely to occur when there is a specialized training, equipment, or facilities. (F2483,
fire at the place concerned. (14 CFR Part 1) F2584)
DISCUSSION—For materials, this may be considered to be equivalent high-intensity radiated field, HIRF, n—radio frequency en-
to the capability of withstanding a fire at least as well as aluminum
ergy of a strength sufficient to adversely affect either a living
alloy in dimensions appropriate for the purposes for which they are
used. organism or the performance of a device subjected to it.
fixed pitch propeller, n—propeller, the pitch of which cannot
be changed, except by processes constituting a workshop illustrated parts breakdown, IPB, n—technical publications
operation. (EASA CS1, F2506, F44) identifying the parts making up assemblies and products and
relation to each other through the use of illustrations. Also
flame resistant, adj—not susceptible to combustion to the referred to as an illustrated parts catalog (IPC). (F44)
point of propagating a flame, beyond safe limits, after the
instrument flight rules, IFR, n—rules and regulations gov-
ignition source is removed. (14 CFR, Part 1, EASA CS1)
erning flight by relying on instrument readings instead of
flaps, n—trailing or leading edge devices to increase lift and visual reference to the ground. (14 CFR Part 1)
drag. (F2245, F2564, F44) indicated airspeed, IAS, n—speed of an aircraft as shown on
DISCUSSION—Although most flaps are on the trailing edge, some flaps
such as Krueger flaps are on the leading edge.
its pitot static airspeed indicator calibrated to reflect standard
atmosphere adiabatic compressible flow at sea level uncor-
flight data recorder, FDR, n—device used to record specific rected for airspeed system errors. (14 CFR Part 1)
aircraft parameters. (F44)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, IEEE,
flight management system, FMS, n—specialized computer n—leading authority on areas ranging from aerospace
system that automates a wide variety of in-flight tasks, systems, computers, and telecommunications to biomedical
reducing the workload on the flight crew. (F44) engineering, electric power, and consumer electronics. (F44)
DISCUSSION—A primary function is in-flight management of the flight
instructions for continued airworthiness, ICA, n—provide
documentation of recommended methods, inspections,
flight manual, FM, n—manual describing the operation of the processes, and procedures to keep products airworthy. The
aircraft and includes any limitations; normal, abnormal, and ICA must contain information on each item or part, as
emergency procedures; and provides specific facts, appropriate, installed on the product. (F2799)
information, and/or instructions about a particular aircraft
instrument meteorological conditions, IMC, n—weather
and the operation of that aircraft. (F44)
DISCUSSION—For airplanes, this is identified as an airplane flight
conditions below the minimum for flight under visual flight
manual (AFM). rules, also referred to as IFR conditions. (14 CFR Part 1,
flight manual supplement, FMS, n—document that provides
supplemental information, usually for equipment such as International Civil Aviation Organization, ICAO,
options or STCs that are not part of the basic aircraft and n—agency of the that codifies the principles and techniques
included in the main flight manual. (F44) of international air navigation and fosters the planning and
development of international air transport to ensure safe and
flight training supplement, FTS, n—document providing orderly growth. (F44)
guidance for training for LSA aircraft. (F2457, F2745)
International Electrotechnical Commission, IEC,
full authority digital engine control, FADEC, n—system n—international standards and conformity assessment body
consisting of digital computer, called an electronic engine for all fields of electrotechnology. (F44)
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F3060 − 16a
Joint Electron Device Engineering Council, JEDEC, manufacturer to maintain the aircraft in an airworthy
n—independent semiconductor engineering trade organiza- condition. (F2483, F2930)
tion and standardization body associated with the Electronic
major alteration, n—alteration not listed in the aircraft,
Industries Alliance (EIA), a trade association that represents
aircraft engine, or propeller specifications: (1) that might
all areas of the electronics industry in the United States.
appreciably affect weight, balance, structural strength,
performance, powerplant operation, flight characteristics, or
kit assembly instructions, KAI, n—instructions for assem- other qualities affecting airworthiness or (2) that is not done
bling an LSA aircraft kit. (F2563, F2745) according to accepted practices or cannot be done by
elementary operations. (F2483, 14 CFR Part 43)
life-limited part, n—part that, as a condition of the type DISCUSSION—For LSA, a major alteration is any alteration for which
certificate, may not exceed a specified time, or number of instructions to complete the task are excluded from the maintenance
operating cycles, in service. (TCCA) manual(s) supplied to the consumer. For certified aircraft refer to the
applicable CAA guidance for additional definition and examples.
light-sport aircraft, LSA, n—an aircraft designed and built to
comply with light sport aircraft consensus standards. major repair, n—repair: (1) that, if improperly done, might
DISCUSSION—National airworthiness authorities may have additional appreciably affect weight, balance, structural strength,
certification requirements that supplement the ASTM consensus stan- performance, powerplant operation, flight characteristics, or
dards for LSA’s certified by them. other qualities affecting airworthiness or (2) that is not done
light-sport aircraft kit, LSA kit, n—aircraft designed in according to applicable CAA guidance or cannot be done by
accordance with Specifications F2245 or F2564 that is elementary operations. (F2483, 14 CFR Part 43)
manufactured and delivered as a kit. (F3035) DISCUSSION—For LSA, a major repair is any repair for which
instructions to complete the task are excluded from the maintenance
lighter-than-air aircraft, n—aircraft that can rise and remain manual(s) supplied to the consumer. For certified aircraft it is taken to
suspended by using contained gas weighting less than the air mean changes to the empty weight or empty balance which increase in
the maximum certificated weight or center of gravity limits of the
that is displaced by the gas. (F2354, F2355, F2356, F2427)
aircraft. See applicable CAA guidance for more specific examples of
DISCUSSION—Airships may include dynamic lift that derives as much
major repair.
as 30 % lift from other than buoyancy.
manufacturer, n—any entity engaged in the production of an
limit load, n—maximum loads assumed to occur in the
aircraft or component used on an aircraft. (F44, F2295,
anticipated operating conditions. (ICAO, F2352)
DISCUSSION—Refer to ultimate load for relationship of limit load to
F2415, F2483)
ultimate load. DISCUSSION—For LSA, the manufacturer is also responsible for
completing all compliance related paperwork and assertions of com-
line maintenance, n—any repair, maintenance, scheduled pliance.
checks, servicing, inspections, or alterations not considered master compliance checklist, MCCL, n—listing of all the
heavy maintenance that is specified in the manufacturer’s regulations applicable to a specific product.
maintenance manual. (F2483)
material bond, n—adhesion of one surface to another with or
line replaceable unit, LRU, n—modular component of an without the use of an adhesive as a bonding agent for the
aircraft designed to be replaced quickly at an operating purpose of making the parts act as one part. (F2639)
location. (F2799, F44)
maximum continuous power or thrust or both, n—power or
light-sport repairman inspection, LSRI, n—U.S. FAA- thrust or both identified in the performance data for use
certificated repairman (light-sport aircraft) with an inspec- during periods of unrestricted duration. (EASA CS1)
tion rating as defined by 14 CFR Part 65 authorized to
perform the annual condition inspection on experimental maximum continuous power or thrust or both rating,
light-sport aircraft or an equivalent rating issued by other n—minimum test bed acceptance power or thrust or both, as
civil aviation authorities. (F2483) stated in the engine-type certificate data sheet, of series and
DISCUSSION—Experimental LSA do not require the individual per- newly overhauled engines when running at the specified
forming maintenance to hold any FAA airman certificate in the United conditions and within the appropriate acceptance limitations.
States. (EASA CS1)
LSA repairman maintenance, LSRM, n—U.S. FAA- maximum empty weight, WE, n—largest empty weight of the
certificated repairman (light-sport aircraft) with a mainte- aircraft, including all operational equipment that is installed
nance rating as defined by 14 CFR Part 65 authorized to in the aircraft: weight of the airframe, powerplant, required
perform line maintenance on aircraft certificated as special equipment, installed optional and specific equipment, fixed
LSA aircraft and authorized to perform the annual condition/ ballast, full engine coolant and oil, hydraulic fluid, and the
100-h inspection on an LSA or an equivalent rating issued by unusable fuel. (F2564, F2245)
other civil aviation authorities. (F37, F2483) DISCUSSION—Hence, the maximum empty weight equals maximum
takeoff weight minus minimum useful load: WE = W – WU
maintenance manual(s), MM(s), n—manual provided by a
manufacturer or supplier that specifies all maintenance, maximum engine overspeed, n—maximum rotational speed
repairs, scheduled checks, and alterations authorized by the of a mechanically independent main rotating system of an
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F3060 − 16a
engine, inadvertent occurrence of which for periods agreed maximum spoiler/speed brake extended speed, VSP,
to between CAA and engine manufacturer, has been agreed n—maximum speed at which aircraft can be flown with
not to require rejection of the engine from service or spoilers or speed brakes extended. (F2245)
maintenance action (other than to correct the cause). (EASA
CS1) maximum stability characteristics speed, V FC /M FC ,
n—maximum speed/Mach number for stability
maximum engine overtorque, n—for turbo-propeller and characteristics. (14 CFR Part 1)
turbo-shaft engines incorporating free power turbines only:
maximum sustainable straight and level airspeed, VH,
the maximum torque of the free power turbine, the inadver-
n—maximum speed in level flight with maximum continu-
tent occurrence and duration of which has been established
ous power. (14 CFR Part 1)
not to require rejection of the engine from service or
maintenance action. (EASA CS1) maximum takeoff weight, MTOW, n—the maximum allow-
able weight when starting the takeoff roll. (F2244, F2245,
maximum exhaust gas over temperature, n—for turbine F2355, F2564, F3082, F3116, F3117)
engines, the maximum engine exhaust gas temperature, the DISCUSSION—This is the weight used to determine maximum flight
inadvertent occurrence, and duration has been established loads and flight requirements and it may also be the weight used to
not to require rejection of the engine from service or determine the maximum ground loads when it is the same as the Ramp
maintenance action. (EASA CS1) Weight, Landing Weight, or Towing Weight. This is sometimes referred
DISCUSSION—This is not to be confused with maximum temperatures to as Maximum Certified Takeoff Weight (MCTOW) when applied only
established for use during starting operations. to the approved weight and not the design weight. It may also be
referred to as the gross weight by some.
maximum flap extended speed, VFE, n—highest speed per-
missible with wing flaps in a prescribed extended position. maximum towing weight, n—the maximum allowable weight
(14 CFR Part 1) of the aircraft when being towed on the ground. (F3116,
F3082, F3093)
maximum governed propeller speed, n—maximum rotational
speed for variable pitch governing propellers as determined maximum zero wing fuel weight, n—the maximum weight of
by the setting of the propeller governor or control the aircraft without any usable fuel in the wing fuel tanks.
mechanism. (EASA CS1) (F3082, F3116, F3117)
DISCUSSION—Any weight added above this weight must be in the
maximum landing gear extended speed, VLE, n—maximum form of fuel added to the wing tank(s) to provide relieving inertia loads
for the wing structure. This term is also frequently referred to as just the
speed at which an aircraft can be safely flown with the
“maximum zero fuel weight” with the understanding that it applies only
landing gear extended. (14 CFR Part 1) to fuel in the wing tanks.
maximum landing gear operating speed, VLO, n—maximum mean aerodynamic chord, MAC, n—wing area divided by
speed at which the landing gear can be safely extended or the span.
retracted. (14 CFR 1.2, EASA CS1)
mean time between failure, MTBF, n—average time between
maximum landing weight, n—the maximum allowable failure of a part.
weight of the aircraft when it touches down for landing.
(F3116, F3082, F3093, F3117) minimum controllable level flight airspeed, V MIN ,
n—minimum controllable level flight airspeed, IAS. (F2352)
maximum operating speed, VO, n—given as a limitation in
the AFM and it cannot exceed VS√n. (14 CFR 23.1507) minimum useful load, WU, n—minimum flying weight (W) –
empty weight (WE). (F2245, F2564)
maximum permissible propeller speed, n—maximum propel-
ler rotational speed permitted in normal or likely emergency minor alteration, n—any alteration other than a major
operation for fixed, adjustable, or variable (non-governing) alteration, or which are identified as minor in the mainte-
propellers. (EASA CS1) nance manual(s). (F2483, 14 CFR Part 1)
DISCUSSION—For LSA, minor alterations are defined in the mainte-
maximum propeller overspeed, n—maximum propeller rota- nance manual(s).
tional speed, the inadvertent occurrence and duration of minor repair, n—any repair other than a major repair, or which
which has been established not to require rejection of the are identified as minor in the maintenance manual(s).
propeller from service or maintenance action. (EASA CS1) (F2483, 14 CFR Part 1)
maximum ramp weight, n—the maximum allowable weight DISCUSSION—For LSA, minor repairs are defined in the maintenance
of the aircraft while stationary or in motion on the ground
under its own power prior to beginning the takeoff roll. minor maintenance, n—any maintenance identified as minor
(F3082, F3116, F3117) in the maintenance manual(s). (F2483)
DISCUSSION—For normal operations this may be: (a) equal to the
Maximum Takeoff Weight, or (b) the Maximum Takeoff Weight plus an moment coefficient, Cm, n—nondimensional number whose
estimated fuel use from engine start up to takeoff. It is also frequently value represents the relative magnitude of the rotational
referred to as Taxi Weight. force about a body axis, for example, usually about the
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F3060 − 16a
lateral pitch axis of an airfoil/wing in the case of an airplane. motion and that aircraft has a fuselage with seats, engine,
(F2245, F2564) and wheels (or floats), such that the wing and engine cannot
be flown without the wheels (or floats) and seat(s). (F2241,
National Fire Protection Association, NFPA, n—world’s F2242, F2243, F2244, F2426, 14 CFR Part 1)
leading advocate of fire prevention and an authoritative
source on public safety, NFPA develops, publishes, and powerplant, n—all units and components necessary for pro-
disseminates more than 300 consensus codes and standards pelling the aircraft or for providing auxiliary power for the
intended to minimize the possibility and effects of fire and aircraft (APU). (F44)
other risks.
powerplant installation, n—installation of an engine or aux-
normal ambient conditions, n—typical operating conditions iliary power unit including all components that is necessary
such as temperature and pressure as defined by the manu- for propulsion or providing auxiliary power (APU); and
facturer’s technical documentation. (F2490) affects the safety of the major propulsive units. (F44)
normal electrical power operation, n—assumes that all the primary engine control mode, n—mode that is intended to be
available electrical power system is functioning correctly used for controlling the engine under normal operation.
with no failures or within the master minimum equipment (EASA CS1)
list (MMEL) limitations, if a MMEL has been approved [for DISCUSSION—This is often referred to as the “normal mode.”
example, direct current (dc) generators, transformer rectifier primary structure, n—structure that carries flight, ground, or
units, inverters, main batteries, APU, and so forth]. (F2490) pressure loads and the failure of which would endanger the
normal electrical power source, n—provides electrical power aircraft. (F44, F2352)
throughout the routine aircraft operation. (F2490) primary system, n—any system that is the primary means of
overhaul, n—restoration process that includes the disassembly, control of an operating function of the aircraft. (F44)
inspection, repair, or replacement of parts; reassembly, produce, v—making, manufacturing, assembly, and
adjustment, refinishing, and testing of an aeronautical prod- fabrication, other than the fabrication of parts as part of a
uct; and ensures that the aeronautical product is in complete repair or maintenance action, of aeronautical parts or
conformity with the service tolerances specified in the products. (TCCA)
applicable instructions for continued airworthiness. (TCCA, DISCUSSION—This includes, in the case of newly manufactured
F2483) aircraft, any work performed on an aircraft before the issuance of the
first certificate of airworthiness or export certificate of airworthiness by
overhaul facility, n—facility specifically authorized by the the manufacturer (construction).
aircraft or component manufacturer to overhaul a product
originally produced by that manufacturer. (F2483, F2584) producer, n—any person or company who produces an LSA
kit and authors the instructions covered by this practice.
permanent record, n—where specified herein, applicable (F2563)
quality assurance records shall be kept for each aircraft
produced for as long as the relative airworthiness certificate propeller, n—device that has blades on an engine-driven or
remains in effect. (F2972) motor driven shaft and that, when rotated, produces an air
flow approximately perpendicular to its plane of rotation that
pilot’s operating handbook, POH, n—manual developed by can be used for propelling an aircraft horizontally or
the aircraft manufacturer that may contain FAA-approved vertically by providing lifting either directly or indirectly.
airplane flight manual information plus other aircraft opera- (F2317/F2317M, F2506)
tional information not required by regulation. (F2245,
F2512, F2745, F2746, F2972, F2352, F3035) quality assurance manual, QAM, n—documentation of the
DISCUSSION—Refer to GAMA Specification 1—Pilot’s Operating quality assurance program that prescribes the methods of
Handbook for guidance on POH content. inspections and acceptance criteria. (F2512, F2972, F2930)
pitch setting, n—propeller blade setting as determined by the quality assurance program, QAP, n—method of inspections
blade angle measured in a manner, and at a radius, specified used by the aircraft or aircraft components manufacturer to
by the instruction manual for the propeller. (14 CFR Part 1, verify and ensure the proper production thereof. (F2512,
EASA CS1, F2506) F2930)
positive maneuvering limit load factor, n1, n—positive limit quality assurance record, QAR, n—record of quality assur-
load factor at VA. (F2245, F2564, 14 CFR 23, App A, Par ance associated with each aircraft or aircraft component
A23.3) produced. (F2512, F2972, F2930)
power off, n—for flight testing purposes, engine at idle. Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics, RTCA,
(F2352) n—U.S. volunteer organization that develops technical guid-
ance for use by government regulatory authorities and by
powered parachute, n—aircraft comprised of a flexible or industry.
semi-rigid wing connected to a fuselage in such a way that DISCUSSION—It has over 200 committees and overall acts as an
the wing is not in position for flight until the aircraft is in advisory body to the FAA.
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F3060 − 16a
reciprocating engine, n—engines with the characteristics of state of design, n—state or CAA having jurisdiction over the
non-continuous flow piston engines. (F3061, F3062) organization responsible for the type design. (ICAO)
DISCUSSION—For the purpose of this standard, the term reciprocating
engine includes rotary and free piston engines due to the similar state of manufacture, n—state or CAA having jurisdiction
ignition and combustion characteristics. over the organization responsible for the final assembly of
the aircraft. (ICAO)
records, n—documentation and other forms of recorded
information. (F2745) state of registry, n—state on whose register the aircraft is
entered. (ICAO)
repair, v—restoration of an aeronautical product to an airwor-
thy condition as defined by the appropriate airworthiness supplemental oxygen, n—additional oxygen required to pro-
requirements and the approved design. (ICAO) tect each occupant against the adverse effects of excessive
cabin altitude and to maintain acceptable physiological
reportable service difficulty, n—service difficulty that affects
conditions. (EASA CS1)
or that, if not corrected, is likely to affect the safety of an
aircraft, its occupants, or any other person and is subject to supplemental-type certificate, STC, n—document issued by
mandatory reporting under the regulations of a CAA with the CAA approving a major change in type design to a
jurisdiction over the aircraft, operator, manufacturer or product (aircraft, engine, or propeller). (F2799)
service facility. (F44)
DISCUSSION—Refer to appropriate CAA regulations for a list of takeoff and climb, n—condition starting with the takeoff run
reportable service difficulty items. and ending with the aircraft beginning cruise flight.
required inspection, n—inspection of an aeronautical product takeoff power, n—(1) with respect to reciprocating engines, it
that is required by a maintenance schedule when identified as means the brake horsepower that is developed under stan-
a required inspection, an airworthiness limitation, regulation, dard sea level conditions and under the maximum conditions
or an airworthiness directive except when the airworthiness of crankshaft rotational speed and engine manifold pressure
directive specifies that the inspection may be performed by approved for the normal takeoff and limited in continuous
a flight crew member. (TCCA) use to the period of time shown in the approved engine
specification; and (2) with respect to turbine engines, it
reserved holding area, n—for rejected parts, materials, and means the brake horsepower that is developed under static
assemblies, an area for the containment of rejected non- conditions at a specified altitude and atmospheric tempera-
airworthy items awaiting proper disposition, where such ture and under the maximum conditions of rotor shaft
rejected items shall not be distributed for use on an aircraft. rotational speed and gas temperature approved for the
(F37, F2249, F2972, F44) normal takeoff and limited in continuous use to the period of
reversible pitch propeller, n—propeller in which blade angle time shown in the approved engine specification. (14 CFR
can be changed by the flight crew to produce reverse thrust. Part 1)
(EASA CS1) takeoff thrust, n—with respect to turbine engines jet thrust
Society of Automotive Engineers International, SAE, that is developed under static conditions at a specific altitude
n—global body of scientists, engineers, and practitioners that and atmospheric temperature under the maximum conditions
advances self-propelled vehicle and system knowledge in a of rotorshaft rotational speed and gas temperature approved
neutral forum for the benefit of society. for the normal takeoff and limited in continuous use to the
period of time shown in the approved engine specification.
stall speed, VS, n—stalling speed or the minimum steady flight
speed at which the airplane is controllable. (F2245, F2564, thermal airship, n—airship using heated air for a portion of its
14 CFR Part 1) lift incorporating design features to prevent nose collapse as
a result of dynamic pressure and exempt from specific
stall speed, VS1, n—minimum steady flight speed at which the pressurized envelope requirements. (F2427, F2355)
airplane is controllable in a specified configuration. (CFR
Part 1, EASA CS2) threshold, TH, n—beginning of that portion of the runway
available for landing. (F2507)
stall speed, VSO, n—minimum steady flight speed in the
landing configuration. (EASA CS2) time in service, n—with respect to maintenance time records,
this is the time from the moment an aircraft leaves the
standard flame, n—flame with the following characteristics: surface of the earth until it touches it at the next point of
temperature—1100 6 80°C and heat flux density—116 610 landing. (14 CFR Part 1)
KW/m2. (ICAO)
Transport Canada Civil Aviation, TCCA, n—national Civil
standard part, n—part manufactured in conformity with a Aviation Authority of Canada. (TCCA)
specification that (1) is established, published, and main-
tained by an organization setting consensus standards or a trike carriage empty weight, Wtkmt, n—all parts,
government agency and (2) includes design, manufacturing, components, and assemblies that comprise the LSA trike
test, and acceptance criteria and identification requirements. carriage assembly or that are attached to the suspended trike
(TCCA) in flight, including any wing attachment bolts.
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F3060 − 16a
true airspeed, TAS, n—airspeed of an aircraft relative to c—Chord (F2245)
undisturbed air. (14 CFR Part 1, EASA CS1, CS2)
DISCUSSION—True airspeed is equal to equivalent airspeed multiplied
C—Celsius (F2317/F2317M)
by (ρo/ρ) 1⁄2 [TAS = EAS(ρo/ρ)1⁄2]. C of A—Certificate of airworthiness (F44)
type, n—summary of products similar in design, handling, and CAA—Civil Aviation Authority (F44, F2930)
DISCUSSION—Normally listed under one type certificate. CAD/CAM—Computer-aided design/computer-aided
manufacturing (F2930)
ultimate load, n—limit load multiplied by prescribed factors
of safety. (ICAO, F2352) CAS—Calibrated airspeed, (kts) [mph] (14 CFR Part 1,
EASA CS1, F2317/F2317M, F2352, F2245, F2564)
vectored thrust balloon, n—craft that can move laterally but
is limited to lateral speed by its lack of design features to CG—Center of gravity (TCCA, F2245, F2352, F2564)
prevent collapse as a result of forward motion. (F37, F2355,
F2427) CICTT—Commercial Aviation Safety Team/International
Civil Aviation Organization Common Taxonomy Team” or
very light airplane, VLA, n—a level 1 single reciprocating “CAST/ICAO” (ICAO)
engine (spark- or compression-ignition) airplane having not
more than two seats, with a maximum certificated takeoff EAS—Equivalent airspeed (14 CFR Part 1, EASA CS1)
weight of not more than 750 kg and a stalling speed in the EASA—European Aviation Safety Agency
landing configuration of not more than 83 km/h (45 knots)
(CAS). (EASA CS VLA-1) EECS—Electronic engine control system (EASA CS1)
DISCUSSION—The VLA was envisioned as a simple conventional EGT—Exhaust gas temperature (TCCA)
layout tractor airplane without advanced or complex systems such as
deicing system, reversing system, or pressurization. ELT—Emergency locator transmitter (TCCA)
weight shift control, WSC, n—powered aircraft with a framed EMI—Electromagnetic interference (F2799)
pivoting wing and a fuselage controllable only in pitch and
roll by the pilot’s ability to change the aircraft’s center of ESD—Electrostatic discharge (F2799)
gravity with respect to the wing. (F2317/F2317M, F2457, EUROCAE—European Organization for Civil Aviation
14 CFR Part 1) Equipment
DISCUSSION—Control of the aircraft is by changing the aircraft’s
center of gravity with respect to the wing. Flight control of the aircraft EWIS—Electrical wiring interconnection system (F2799)
depends on the wing’s ability to deform flexibly rather than use of
control surfaces. FADEC—Full authority digital engine control (F44)
wing weight, Wwing, n—all parts, components, and assemblies FDR—Flight data recorder (TCCA)
that comprise the wing assembly, or that are attached to the FMS—Flight management system or flight manual
wing in flight, shall be included in the Wwing. (F37, F2317/ supplement (TCCA)
DISCUSSION—For LSA, the Wwing shall be entered in the AOI. FOS—Factor of safety (F2352)
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F3060 − 16a
ISA—International standard atmosphere (EASA CS1, F2317/ SI—International System of Units (F2317/F2317M)
TAS—True airspeed (14 CFR Part 1, EASA CS1, EASA
ISO—International Organization for Standardization CS2, TCCA)
JEDEC—Joint Electron Device Engineering Council TCCA—Transport Canada Civil Aviation
KAI—Kit assembly instructions (F2563, F2745) TH—Threshold (F2507)
LRU—Line-replaceable unit (F39, F2799, F44) TO—Takeoff (TCCA)
LSA—Light-sport aircraft (F37, F2245, F2249, F2295, UM—Unit of measure (F2930)
F2352, F2415, F2564, F2745, F3035)
VFR—Visual flight rules (TCCA, F2352)
LSA kit—Light-sport aircraft kit (F2352)
VLA—Very light airplane (F44)
LSRI—Light-sport repairman inspection (F2483)
LSRM—Light-sport repairman maintenance (F2483)
WSC—Weight shift control (F37, F2317/F2317M, F2457)
M—Mach number (14 CFR Part 1, TCCA)
5. Symbols
MAC—Mean aerodynamic chord (TCCA, F2245)
b—Wing span (F2245, F2564)
MCCL—Master compliance checklist (F2930)
ρ—Air density (F44)
MCTOW—Maximum certificated takeoff weight (14 CFR
Part 1, TCCA) c—Chord (F2245)
MIP—Maintenance and inspection procedures (F2457) CD—Drag coefficient (F2245, F2564)
MM—Maintenance manual (F2483, F2930) CL—Lift coefficient (F2245, F2564)
MOC—Means of compliance (F2930) Cm—Moment coefficient (F2245, F2564)
MM—Maintenance manual (F2483, F2930) CMO—Zero lift moment coefficient (F2245, F2564)
MPRS—Minimum power required airspeed (F37, F2352) Cn—Normal coefficient (F2245, F2352, F2564)
MRB—Materials Review Board (F2512, F2972) n—Load factor (ICAO, F2245, F2564)
MTBF—Mean time between failures (F2799) n1—Aircraft positive maneuvering limit load factor (F2245)
MTOW—Maximum takeoff weight (F2244, F2355, F44) n1—positive maneuvering limit load factor at aircraft speed
(VA) (F37, F2564, 14 CFR 23, App A, Par A23.3)
MTS—Made to specification (F2930)
n2—Negative maneuvering limit load factor at aircraft speed
NFPA—National Fire Protection Association (F37, F2507) (VA) (F2245, 14 CFR 23, App A, Par A23.3)
NHA—Next higher assembly (F2930) n2—Positive maneuvering limit load factor at dive speed (VD)
OEI—One engine inoperative (14 CFR Part 1) (F37, F2564, 14 CFR 23, App A, Par A23.3)
OEM—Original equipment manufacturer (F2799, F2930, n3—Airplane positive gust limit load factor at VC (14 CFR 23,
F2745) App A, Par A23.3)
POH—Pilot’s operating handbook (F2245, F2512, F2745, n3—Load factor on wheels (F2245)
F2746, F3035) n3—Negative maneuvering limit load factor at VA (F37,
QA—Quality assurance (F2930) F2564)
QAM—Quality assurance manual (F2512, F2930) n4—Airplane negative gust limit load factor at VC (14 CFR 23,
App A, Par A23.3)
QAP—Quality assurance program (F2512, F2930)
n4—Negative maneuvering limit load factor at VD (F37,
QAR—Quality assurance record (F2512, F2930) F2564, 14 CFR 23, App A, Par A23.3)
QC—Quality control (F2930) nflap—Airplane positive limit load factor with flaps fully
RC—Rate of climb (F2245) extended at VF (14 CFR 23, App A, Par A23.3)
RF—Radio frequency (F2799) N1 or Ng—Gas generator turbine RPM (TCCA)
RTCA—Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics N2 or Np—Power turbine RPM (TCCA)
SAE—Society of Automotive Engineers Q/q—Dynamic pressure (F2245, F2564)
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F3060 − 16a
S—Wing area (F2245, F2564) VR—Ground gust speed (F2245, F2564)
V—Airspeed (F2245, F2564) VR—Rotation speed (14 CFR Part 1, EASA CS1)
V2—Takeoff safety speed (14 CFR Part 1, EASA CS1, EASA VRA—Rough air airspeed (EASA CS2)
VREF—Reference landing speed (14 CFR Part 1, EASA CS1)
V2min—Minimum takeoff safety speed (EASA CS2)
VS—Design stall speed (F44)
V3—Steady initial climb speed with all engines operating
VS1—stall speed or the minimum steady flight speed in a
specific configuration (14 CFR Part 1, EASA CS2, F2317/
VA—Design maneuvering speed (F2317/F2317M, F2245, F2317M, F2245, F2564)
VS1g—One G stall speed (EASA CS2)
VB—Design speed for maximum gust intensity
VSO—Stall speed or the minimum steady flight speed in the
VC—Design cruising speed (14 CFR Part 1, EASA CS2, landing configuration (EASA CS2, F2245)
F2317/F2317M, F2245)
VSP—Maximum spoiler/speed brake extended speed (F2245)
VD/MD—Design dive speed (14 CFR Part 1, F2245)
VSR—Reference stall speed (14 CFR Part 1, EASA CS1)
VDF/MDF—Demonstrated flight dive speed (14 CFR Part 1)
VSR 1—Reference stall speed in a specific configuration
VEF—Critical engine failure takeoff speed (EASA CS2)
VF—Design flap speed (F2245, F2564) VSR 0—Reference stall speed in the landing configuration (14
VF1—Design flap speed for procedure flight conditions (EASA CFR Part 1)
CS1) VSW—Speed at which onset of natural or artificial stall
VFC/MFC—Maximum stability characteristics speed (14 CFR warning occurs (14 CFR Part 1)
Part 1) VT—Maximum glider towing speed (F2317/F2317M, F2564)
VFE—Maximum flap extended speed (14 CFR Part 1, F2245, VT—Threshold speed (EASA CS2)
Vtmax—Maximum threshold speed (EASA CS2)
VFTO—Final takeoff speed (14 CFR Part 1, EASA CS1)
Vw—Maximum winch tow speed (F37, F2564)
VH—Straight and level airspeed at maximum continuous
power (F2352) Vx—Best angle of climb speed (F2317/F2317M, F2245)
VLE—Maximum landing gear extended speed (14 CFR Part Vy—Best rate of climb speed, IAS (F2317/F2317M, F2245,
1) F2352, F2564)
VLO—Maximum landing gear operating speed (14 CFR Part VYSE—Best rate of climb speed with the critical engine
1, EASA CS1, F2564) inoperative
VLOF—Lift-off speed (14 CFR Part 1, EASA CS1) w—Average design surface load (F2245, F2564)
VMC—Minimum control speed with the critical engine W—Maximum takeoff or maximum design weight (F2245,
inoperative (14 CFR Part 1, EASA CS2) F2564)
VMCA—Minimum control speed, takeoff climb (EASA CS2) WE—Maximum empty aircraft weight (F2245, F2564)
VMCG—Minimum control speed, on or near ground (EASA WMAX—Maximum design weight (F2245, F2564)
CS2) Wsusp—Design maximum trike carriage weight (F37, F2317/
VMCL—Minimum control speed, approach, and landing F2317M)
(EASA CS2) Wtkmt—Trike carriage empty weight (F37, F2317/F2317M)
VMIN—Minimum controllable level flight airspeed (F2352) WU—Minimum useful load (F2245, F2564)
VMO/MMO—Maximum operating limit speed (EASA CS2) Wwing—Wing weight (F37, F2317/F2317M)
VMU—Minimum unstick speed (14 CFR Part 1, EASA CS2) WZWF—Maximum zero wing fuel weight (F44, F2245)
VNE—Never exceed speed (VH ≤ VNE ≤ 0.9 VDF), IAS
(F2317/F2317M, F2245, F2564, F2352) 6. Keywords
6.1 air sport; aircraft; airworthiness; equipment; flight; gen-
VNO—Maximum structural cruising speed (14 CFR Part 1)
eral aviation; glider; gyroplane; light-sport; lighter than air;
VO—Operating maneuvering speed (F2245) power parachute; powerplant; structures; systems; weight shift
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Centro de Ingenieria y Desarrollo Industrial (Centro de Ingenieria y Desarrollo Industrial) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
F3060 − 16a
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