Helicopter Safety Foundation - Crashworthiness - 1989 PDF
Helicopter Safety Foundation - Crashworthiness - 1989 PDF
Helicopter Safety Foundation - Crashworthiness - 1989 PDF
Vol. 15 No. 6 For Everyone Concerned with the Safety of Flight November/December 1989
Roy G. Fox
Bell Helicopter Textron
Perceived occupant safety is an important part of the tively, occurred in accidents resulting from material fail-
public acceptance of helicopter transportation. There are ures.
three levels of design effort involved in aviation safety:
(1) preventing the occurrence of an emergency, (2) mini- Airframe and engine manufacturers will certainly con-
mizing the effect of an emergency, and (3) minimizing tinue to try to eliminate material failures completely as
injuries in a crash. This paper discusses the present accident causes. Yet, even if they were to succeed,
status of civil helicopter crashworthiness activities in the occupants would still be injured by accidents resulting
United States for the third level crash survival. It from other causes; 74.2 and 65.5 percent of the occu-
combines information from References 1, 2, and 3 with pants involved in crashes of single and twin-turbine heli-
later unpublished information. copters, respectively, would still be seriously or fatally
injured. Obviously, there is good reason for continuing
to improve crash survival features of helicopters.
Why Improve Crash Survival?
Why should one consider improvements in crash sur- The Rotorcraft Airworthiness Requirement Committee
vival? The answer is that some accidents will continue to (RARC) of the Aerospace Industries Association of
occur regardless of aircraft design features. How do America (AIAA) established a Crashworthiness Project
these accidents affect the occupants? In the United States, Group (CPG) to develop and recommend realistic crash-
the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) and worthiness criteria for future civil helicopters. The
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) collect data on members of the CPG represented Bell Helicopter Tex-
accidents. These data for U.S.-registered helicopters from tron Inc., Boeing Helicopters (formerly Boeing-Vertol
1982 through 1986 were analyzed in an evaluation of Helicopters), McDonnell Douglas Helicopters (formerly
configuration effects on occupant injuries. Hughes Helicopters), and Sikorsky Aircraft. The re-
sulting recommendations (2) were for energy-attenu-
Serious (major/fatal) injuries were categorized by the ating seats with shoulder harnesses and crash-resistant
initiating accident cause factor for helicopters with single fuel systems.
turbine engine and twin-turbine engines and it was found
that between 25.8 and 34.4 percent of the known serious The CPG limited its consideration to future civil helicop-
injuries in single and twin-turbine helicopters, respec- ters for which a type certificate application has not yet
been made. This allows the designer to plan on larger ter that meets or exceeds the requirements in the FARs as
engines and any other changes needed to accommodate interpreted by the FAA. Having done so, the manufac-
the weight penalty of safety features. Thus, a balanced turer must then sell the helicopter in a competitive mar-
design is maintained if the safety improvements are in- ket to an operator who in most cases must make a profit
cluded in the initial concept. A large weight increase on in an even more competitive market. Thus, it is RARCs
a current helicopter can degrade the safety it already has position that safety requirements for future civil helicop-
by reducing hover and climb performance. ters should be improved to realistic and beneficial levels,
not to a mandated, overly severe level based on specific
military requirements.
The historic regulatory approach has been to ensure that The crash conditions for civilian helicopters differ from
an aircraft is safe to fly by requiring a minimum static those for military helicopters, and therefore the criteria
strength level. U.S. Code of Federal Aviation Regula- for crash safety features also differ. The vertical heli-
tions (FARs) 14, Parts 27 and 29 specify these for heli- copter crash condition is the most important criterion
copters with gross weights under 6,000 pounds (2,722 that affects helicopter design. Figure 1 (4) shows the
kg) and over 6,000 pounds (2,722 kg), respectively. Heli- vertical velocity component of U.S. Army light fixed-
copters are designed to meet or exceed these minimum wing and rotary-wing aircraft involved in survivable ac-
static strength standards. The present FARs (27.561 and cidents. It indicates that 95 percent of those accidents
29.561) have only one specific crash requirement: that occurred with a vertical velocity component of 42 feet
the helicopter be able to endure a five-feet-per-second per second (12.8 m/s) or less. A more recent study
(1.5 m/s) drop impact without causing serious injury to limited to U.S. Army helicopters (5) indicated that the
occupants using safety equipment. helicopters involved in 95 percent of survivable acci-
dents had a vertical velocity component of 30 feet per
The present helicopter seat has a static strength require- second (9.1 meters per second m/s) or less (Figure 1).
ment of 4G forward, 4G downward, 2G lateral, and 1.5G The recent FAA civil helicopter crash scenario study (3)
upward for a 170-pound (77 kg) occupant. The manufac- indicates that 95 percent of survivable civil helicopters
turer must verify that a seat meets the static strength involved in accidents impact at 26 feet per second (7.9
requirements by analysis and by performing a static pull m/s) or less, as shown in Figure 1. Thus a realistic civil
test on a test seat for each of the specified directions. helicopter criterion for vertical impact is 26 feet per
second (7.9 m/s), and not the 42-foot-per-second (12.8
m/s) military requirement. It should be noted that at 26
Civil vs. Military feet per second (7.9 m/s) the kinetic energy that must be
The U.S. Army and others have analyzed accidents in- attenuated is 27 times that which must be attenuated at
volving Army helicopter and light fixed-wing aircraft to the present five-feet-per-second (1.5 m/s) impact stan-
determine occupant crash survivability factors and what dard of the FARs.
improvements should be investigated. The culmination
of these research activities was the Crash Survival De-
sign Guide, the latest revision of which is TR 79-22 (4).
The first major use of this military research was the
development, production, and installation of the crash-
resistant fuel system (CRFS) to prevent massive post-
crash fires in survivable army helicopter accidents.
F L I G H T S A F E T Y F O U N D A T I O N H E L I C O P T E R SA F E T Y N OV E M B E R / D E C E M BE R 1 9 8 9 3
shoulder harness cannot function properly. Seat strength accident data of Reference 3. Table 3 shows the use of
is important, but increasing the vertical seat strength restraints by occupants of front and rear seats in civil
without ensuring that a shoulder harness is used is a helicopter accidents.
meaningless waste of time, money, and weight. The
tolerance of the human, with lap belt only, to vertical Severity of Injury With Upper Torso Without Upper Torso
Restraint (%) Restraint (%)
impact is 4Gs, above which body flailing is expected.
Thus, a 20G seat with only a lap belt would be a weight Moderate 84.6 60.0
AIS = 1 or 2
penalty that made no improvement in injury prevention.
Severe 9.6 34.3
AIS = 3 or 4
Comparing major and fatal injuries in survivable acci- Life Threatening 5.8 5.7
AIS = 5 or 6
dents for civil and military helicopters. Note that the
injury percentages are fairly similar for the different type
aircraft, except for the spine injuries. This indicates that
more than 30 percent of the major and fatal injuries in
survivable civil helicopter accidents were related to the Table 3
spine. This is nearly twice as high as for the military The severity of injuries sustained by occupants of civil
occupants. One of the differences is believed to be the helicopter accidents given in Reference 3 data shows the
difference in age of the occupants. Reference 3 indicates effectiveness of the shoulder harness. Table 4 shows the
that the average age of the military pilots was 26 years, percentage of occupant injury grouped by moderate, se-
whereas the average age of general aviation pilots was 38. vere, and life-threatening injury severity by Abbreviated
Injury Index (AIS) codes.
The effect of age on the spinal injury tolerances indi-
cated that the amount of load to cause spinal compres- This shows that only 9.6 percent of those wearing a
sion fracture (on cadavers) decreased dramatically as shoulder harness had severe injuries, compared with 34.3
the persons age increased (7). Civil helicopter occu- percent of those using lap belt only.
pants, being older, have less tolerance to impact than
military occupants. Although each accident is unique and shoulder harness
effectiveness may vary for a particular impact condi-
The RARC Crashworthiness Project Group recommended tion, the shoulder harness can significantly reduce in-
to the FAA that a shoulder harness be required for all juries for the helicopter fleet. It should be noted that
occupants for future helicopter designs. They also rec- even with a shoulder harness, some injuries still occur.
ommended that the torso restraint system specification Thus another design feature is still needed for the
SAE AS-8043, developed by the Society of Automotive attenuation of energy. [See also Shoulder Harness
Engineers (SAE), be used in either the dual or diagonal Restraints Considered by Allen K. Mears in the July
shoulder belt configuration. SAE AS-8043 was compat- 1989 issue of Flight Safety Foundations Accident Pre-
ible with dynamic seat testing recommended by the Gen- vention. Ed.]
eral Aviation Safety Panel for helicopters and for light
fixed-wing aircraft. The SAE AS-8043 would double the Energy Attenuation of Crash Loads
lap belt loop strength from 3,000 pounds (13,345 new-
tons N) to 6,000 pounds (26,689 N) and provide a Impact dissipates the kinetic energy of a moving mass
2,500-pound (11,121 N) shoulder belt. The FAA later to bring it to a stop. Designs for aircraft crash protec-
created a new Technical Standard Order, TSO C114, tion aim to manage this energy dissipation and thereby
Torso Restraint System, which included SAE AS-8043. limit the load transmitted to the occupant to a tolerable
The comment, A passenger would not wear a shoulder noninjurious level. This is typically called energy
attenuation. (Some people refer to it as energy ab-
Restraint System Component Front Seats (Percent) Rear Seats (Percent) Total (Percent)
sorption.) Energy attenuation is analogous to a hy-
Lap Belt
draulic pressure regulator that takes an input of various
Availability rate 97.8 100.0 98.2
Usage rate* 100.0 98.0 99.7
high pressures from a pump but allows only an output
of a constant lower pressure. If the constant lower
Shoulder Harness
Availability rate 42.5 11.1 36.6
pressure is equivalent to a load that the spine can
Usage rate 83.6 100.0 84.6
tolerate without serious injury, the system is referred to
as an energy attenuating system. Thus an energy at-
Table 2 tenuating seat will accept the kinetic energy of the oc-
cupant and seat in a crash, but limits the vertical crash
harness if he had one, is typically voiced by people loads transmitted to the occupant. It spreads the load
opposed to shoulder harness installations. The effective- over a long period by slowing down the occupant over a
ness and use of shoulder harnesses were determined from distance (the seat stroke). The effect of stroking is
Since the fuselage is fairly rigid, the G loading on the BHTIs Models 214ST and 412 share a common energy
floor would peak out at a very high load. The standard attenuating crew seat design. Like the 222 crew seat, it
aircraft seat will fail a few Gs higher than its design uses a carbon epoxy energy attenuator, but it has more
criteria, thus allowing the occupant to free-fall until he stroking distance available. The original Model 412
F L I G H T S A F E T Y F O U N D A T I O N H E L I C O P T E R SA F E T Y N OV E M B E R / D E C E M BE R 1 9 8 9 5
passenger seat was an energy attenuating seat that used 6. A. M. Eiband, Human Tolerance to Rapidly Applied
the wire/roller concept. It was similar to the ceiling- Accelerations: A Summary of the Literature, NASA
mounted seat, except for being mounted to a frame and Memorandum 5-19-59E, (U.S. National Aeronautics and
having an antirebound feature. Like those of the 222, the Space Administration, 1959).
energy attenuators are designed for 14.5G for a 170-
pound (77 kg) occupant. These seats have the greatest 7. E. I. Stech and P. R. Payne, Dynamic Models of the
vertical energy attenuation available in a civil aircraft Human Body, AMRL -TR-66-157, (Aerospace Medical
crew and passenger seat. Research Laboratory, 1969).
Part Two of this series will be presented in the next issue. It 8. Seat System: Crashworthy, Non-Ejection, Aircrew,
will discuss crashworthiness tests and proposals to improve General Specification for, MIL-S-58095(AV), (U.S. De-
crash safety features for future rotorcraft designs. partment of Defense, Washington, 1971).
Copyright 1989 FLIGHT SAFETY FOUNDATION, INC. ISSN 0898-8145
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