Assessment Exam 03: Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics
Assessment Exam 03: Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics
Assessment Exam 03: Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics
A. 6.05 m C. 3.92 m
B. 23.60 m D. 8.45 m
Water flows through commercial
15. Water flows freely from a water supply
A. 34.3 C. 36.4 system through a 50mm diameter pipe at
B. 35.2 D. 33.4 the rate of 6.31lit/sec. If the head lost in the
12. A uniform block of steel (SG =7.85) will system is 11.58Joules/N, determine the
“float” at a mercury-water interface as in the elevation of the water surface in the system
figure. What is the ratioof the distances a if the discharge end is at elevation of 4m.
and b for this condition? A. 16.11 m C. 15.58 m
B. 20.11 m D. 8.08 m
16. During a flow of 500 liters/sec, the gage
pressure is +68 kPa in the horizontal 300
mm supply line of a water turbine and a - 41
kPa at a 450 mm section of the draft tube 2
m. below. Estimate the horsepower output
of the turbine under such conditions
assuming efficiency of 85%. Compute the
total head extracted by the turbine
A. 13.24 C. 14.43
B. 13.96 D. 15.16
17. During a flow of 500 liters/sec, the gage
pressure is +68 kPa in the horizontal 300
mm supply line of a water turbine and a - 41
A. 0.843 C. 0.834
kPa at a 450 mm section of the draft tube 2
B. 0.845 D. 0.854
m. below. Estimate the horsepower output
13. A barge is 15 ft wide and floats with a draft of the turbine under such conditions
of 4 ft. It is piled so high with gravel that its assuming efficiency of 85%. Compute the
center of gravity is 3 ft above the waterline, output horsepower of the turbine.
as shown. What is the length of MG? Is it A. 84.7 C. 74.4
stable? B. 99.7 D. 63.2
A. -0.31 ft, No C. 0.31 ft, No
18. During a flow of 500 liters/sec, the gage
B. -0.31 ft, Yes D. 0.31 ft, Yes
pressure is +68 kPa in the horizontal 300
14. Water flows through commercial steel mm supply line of a water turbine and a - 41
annulus 50 m long as shown in the figure. kPa at a 450 mm section of the draft tube 2
Neglecting minor losses, estimate the m. below. Estimate the horsepower output
reservoir level h needed to maintain a flow of the turbine under such conditions
of 10 lit/sec. Assume f = 0.0232 assuming efficiency of 85%. Compute the
horsepower input of the turbine.
A. 84.7 C. 74.4
C. 99.7 D. 93.2
A. 0.96 C. 0.90
B. 0.94 D. 0.98
20. An orifice 150 mm in diameter, having a
coefficient of contraction of 0.62 discharges A. 1.39m^3/s C. 0.69m^3/s
oil ( = 0.80) under a head of 7.50 m. B. 2.39m^3/s D. 3.19m^3/s
The average actual velocity of the jet is 25. A hydraulic jump occurs in a 4m-wide
11.65 m/s. Compute the head loss of the rectangular channel carrying 5m^3/s on a
orifice slope of 0.004. The depth after the jump is
A. 0.52 C. 0.55 1.2m. Find the power loss in the jump. Unit
B. 0.59 D. 0.63 weight of water = 9.79kN/m^3
21. A 500-mm diameter concrete pipe on a A. 58.5 kW C. 84.5 kW
1/500 slope is to carry water at a flow rate of B. 54.8 kW D. 45.8 kW
0.05m^3/s. Find the depth of flow. n=0.014 26. A trapezoidal channel with a bottom width
A. 0.147 C. 0.194 of 10m and side slopes of 2 horizontal to 1
B. 0.125 D. 0.475 vertical has a horizontal curve with radius of
22. Given an open channel with a parabolic 100m without superelevation. If the
cross-section (x=1.0m and y=1.0m) on a discharge is 8m3/s and the water surface at
slope of 0.02 with n=0.015, find the critical the inside curve is 2.5 above the channel
depth for a flow rate of 2.0m^3/s. bottom, find the water-surface elevation at
the outside of the curve. Assume the flow is
A. 3.085 m C. 8.35 m
B. 5.83 m D. 5.035 m
27. SITUATION: From the given three
reservoirs shown. The elevation A is 346 m.,
B is at elevation 301 m and C is at elevation
241 m. Rate of flow at 1 is 200 liters/sec.
Determine the head loss of pipeline 2.
A. 0.875 C. 1.1532
B. 0.756 D. 1.75
23. If 1.4m^3/s of water flows uniformly in a
channel of width 1.8m at a depth of 0.75m,
what is the change in water-surface
elevation at a section contracted to a 1.2m
width with a 6-cm depression in the bottom?
A. 0.073 m C. 0.067 m
B. 0.037 m D. 0.076 m
24. A triangular duct flows partly full as shown
in the figure. If the critical depth is 0.60m
and n=0.016, compute the critical flow rate.
A. 40.54 m C. 43.69 m
B. 42.73 m D. 44.11 m
28. SITUATION: From the given three the base and the foundation is 0.8.
reservoirs shown. The elevation A is 346 m., Determine the maximum unit pressure on
B is at elevation 301 m and C is at elevation the foundation
241 m. Rate of flow at 1 is 200 liters/sec.
Determine the discharge of pipeline 3. A. -139 kPa C. -151.45 kPa
B. -48.88 kPa D. -65.45 kPa
32. A dam is triangular in cross-section with the
upstream face vertical. Water is flushed with
the top. The dam is 8m high and 6m wide at
the base and weighs 2.4 tons per cubic
meter. The coefficient of friction between
the base and the foundation is 0.8.
Determine the minimum unit pressure on
the foundation