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Assessment Exam 03

Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics






A. 0.955 C. 0.928
1. The jet of a horizontal nozzle strikes a B. 0.898 D. 0.865
vertical plate with a force equal to 7000N. If 5. A pipe 2000 m in length with a flow rate of
the discharge flowing at the nozzle is 0.12 2 m^3/s. At the end of the 600 mm pipe, a
m^3/s. Compute the diameter of the jet. valve is provided. If the water in the
A. 41 mm C. 61 mm supplied tank before it flows into the pipe is
B. 51 mm D. 71 mm compressed at 2 Mpa with a volume of 2
2. Water is issued vertically at the rate of 30 m^3 and a volume of 1.99 m^3 at a
liters per second through a 50mm diameter pressure of 4 Mpa. Find the pressure if the
nozzle. Neglecting losses, how high above valve is closed in 20 seconds. 
the nozzle tip can the water jet support a A. 3712 kPa C. 4474 kPa
load of 250N? B. 2678 kPa D. 1415 kPa
A. 8.36 C. 7.52 6. An open rectangular tank mounted on a
B. 9.32 D. 6.25 truck is 4 m long, 2 m wide and 3 m high is
3. Assuming hydrostatic pressure filled with water to a depth of 2.5 m. If it is
distributions, uniform velocity profiles, and accelerated at 8 m/s^2, determine the
negligible viscous effects, find the volume of water spilled.
horizontal force needed to hold the sluice A. 8.96 cu. m C. 8.69 cu. m
gate in the position shown in figure. B. 6.98 cu. m D. 9.86 cu. m
7. Compute the speed in rpm of a 1 m
diameter and 3 m high cylinder full of water
which is rotated about its vertical axis until
75% of its volume is spilled out.
A. 207.22 rpm C. 210.34
B. 231.14 rpm D. 209.56
8. A 75mm diameter pipe, 2m long is just
filled with oil (sp. gr. = 0.822) and then
capped and placed on a horizontal
position. It is rotated at 27.5 rad/sec about
A. 585 kN C. 670 kN a vertical axis 0.5m from one end. What is
the pressure in kPa at the far end of the
B. 618 kN D. 749 kN
4. From the figure shown, determine the
specific gravity of the log if the length is 6
A. 1865 C. 1381
m and the radius is 0.60 m.  B. 1995 D. 2049
9. An open, 0.75-m-diameter tank contains
water to a depth of 1.05 m when at rest. If
the tank is rotated about its vertical axis
with an angular velocity of 180 rev/min
what is the minimum height of the tank
walls to prevent water from spilling over the
A. 2.10 m C. 2.55 m 14.  Water flows through commercial steel
B. 2.31 m D. 2.23 m annulus 50 m long as shown in the figure.
10. An open vessel 18inches in diameter and Neglecting minor losses, estimate the
filled with water is rotated about its vertical reservoir level h needed to maintain a flow
axis at such a velocity that the water of 10 lit/sec. Assume f = 0.0232
surface 4in from the axis makes an angle
of 40 degrees with the horizontal. Compute
the speed of rotation
A. 9 rad/sec C. 7 rad/sec
B. 8 rad/sec D. 6 rad/sec
11. A uniform wooden beam (SG =0.65) is 10
cm by 10 cm by 3 m and hinged at A. At
what angle will the beam float in water? 

A. 6.05 m C. 3.92 m
B. 23.60 m D. 8.45 m
 Water flows through commercial
A. 34.3 C. 36.4 15. Water flows freely from a water supply
B. 35.2 D. 33.4 system through a 50mm diameter pipe at
12. A uniform block of steel (SG =7.85) will the rate of 6.31lit/sec. If the head lost in the
“float” at a mercury-water interface as in system is 11.58Joules/N, determine the
the figure. What is the ratioof the distances elevation of the water surface in the system
a and b for this condition? if the discharge end is at elevation of 4m.
A. 16.11 m C. 15.58 m
B. 20.11 m D. 8.08 m
16. During a flow of 500 liters/sec, the gage
pressure is +68 kPa in the horizontal 300
mm supply line of a water turbine and a -
41 kPa at a 450 mm section of the draft
tube 2 m. below. Estimate the horsepower
output of the turbine under such conditions
assuming efficiency of 85%. Compute the
total head extracted by the turbine
A. 13.24 C. 14.43
B. 13.96 D. 15.16
17. During a flow of 500 liters/sec, the gage
pressure is +68 kPa in the horizontal 300
A. 0.843 C. 0.834 mm supply line of a water turbine and a -
B. 0.845 D. 0.854 41 kPa at a 450 mm section of the draft
13.  A barge is 15 ft wide and floats with a draft tube 2 m. below. Estimate the horsepower
of 4 ft. It is piled so high with gravel that its output of the turbine under such conditions
center of gravity is 3 ft above the waterline, assuming efficiency of 85%. Compute the
as shown. What is the length of MG? Is it output horsepower of the turbine. 
stable? A. 84.7 C. 74.4
A. -0.31 ft, No C. 0.31 ft, No B. 99.7 D. 63.2
B. -0.31 ft, Yes D. 0.31 ft, Yes
18. During a flow of 500 liters/sec, the gage width with a 6-cm depression in the
pressure is +68 kPa in the horizontal 300 bottom?
mm supply line of a water turbine and a - A. 0.073 m C. 0.067 m
41 kPa at a 450 mm section of the draft B. 0.037 m D. 0.076 m
tube 2 m. below. Estimate the horsepower 24. A triangular duct flows partly full as shown
output of the turbine under such conditions in the figure. If the critical depth is 0.60m
assuming efficiency of 85%. Compute the and n=0.016, compute the critical flow rate.
horsepower input of the turbine.
A. 84.7 C. 74.4
C. 99.7 D. 93.2

19.  An orifice 150 mm in diameter, having a

coefficient of contraction of 0.62 discharges
oil (sp.gr. = 0.80) under a head of 7.50 m.
The average actual velocity of the jet is
11.65 m/s. Compute the coefficient of

A. 0.96 C. 0.90
B. 0.94 D. 0.98
20. An orifice 150 mm in diameter, having a A. 1.39m^3/s C. 0.69m^3/s
coefficient of contraction of 0.62 discharges B. 2.39m^3/s D. 3.19m^3/s
oil (sp.gr. = 0.80) under a head of 7.50 m. 25. A hydraulic jump occurs in a 4m-wide
The average actual velocity of the jet is rectangular channel carrying 5m^3/s on a
11.65 m/s. Compute the head loss of the slope of 0.004. The depth after the jump is
orifice 1.2m. Find the power loss in the jump. Unit
A. 0.52 C. 0.55 weight of water = 9.79kN/m^3
B. 0.59 D. 0.63 A. 58.5 kW C. 84.5 kW
21. A 500-mm diameter concrete pipe on a B. 54.8 kW D. 45.8 kW
1/500 slope is to carry water at a flow rate 26. A trapezoidal channel with a bottom width
of 0.05m^3/s. Find the depth of flow. of 10m and side slopes of 2 horizontal to 1
n=0.014 vertical has a horizontal curve with radius
A. 0.147 C. 0.194 of 100m without superelevation. If the
B. 0.125 D. 0.475 discharge is 8m3/s and the water surface
22. Given an open channel with a parabolic at the inside curve is 2.5 above the channel
cross-section (x=1.0m and y=1.0m) on a bottom, find the water-surface elevation at
slope of 0.02 with n=0.015, find the critical the outside of the curve. Assume the flow
depth for a flow rate of 2.0m^3/s. is subcritical.
A. 3.085 m C. 8.35 m
B. 5.83 m D. 5.035 m
27. SITUATION: From the given three
reservoirs shown. The elevation A is 346
m., B is at elevation 301 m and C is at
elevation 241 m. Rate of flow at 1 is 200
liters/sec. Determine the head loss of
pipeline 2.

A. 0.875 C. 1.1532
B. 0.756 D. 1.75
23.  If 1.4m^3/s of water flows uniformly in a
channel of width 1.8m at a depth of 0.75m,
what is the change in water-surface
elevation at a section contracted to a 1.2m
B. 180 mm D. 184 mm
30. A vertical rectangular gate 2 m. wide and 3
m. high, hinged at the top, has water on
one side. What force applied at the bottom
of the gate at an angle of 45° with the
vertical is required to open the gate when
the water surface is 1.5 m. above the top of
the gate?.

A. 103.01 C. 176.58
B. 145.67 D. 124.86
A. 40.54 m C. 43.69 m 31. A dam is triangular in cross-section with
B. 42.73 m D. 44.11 m the upstream face vertical. Water is flushed
28. SITUATION: From the given three with the top. The dam is 8m high and 6m
reservoirs shown. The elevation A is 346 wide at the base and weighs 2.4 tons per
m., B is at elevation 301 m and C is at cubic meter. The coefficient of friction
elevation 241 m. Rate of flow at 1 is 200 between the base and the foundation is
liters/sec. Determine the discharge of 0.8. Determine the maximum unit pressure
pipeline 3. on the foundation

A. -139 kPa C. -151.45 kPa

B. -48.88 kPa D. -65.45 kPa
32. A dam is triangular in cross-section with
the upstream face vertical. Water is flushed
with the top. The dam is 8m high and 6m
wide at the base and weighs 2.4 tons per
cubic meter. The coefficient of friction
between the base and the foundation is
0.8. Determine the minimum unit pressure
on the foundation

A. -139 kPa C. -151.45 kPa

B. -48.88 kPa D. -65.45 kPa
A. 90 L/s C. 96 L/s 33. A dam is triangular in cross-section with
B. 94 L/s D. 102 L/s the upstream face vertical. Water is flushed
29. SITUATION: From the given three with the top. The dam is 8m high and 6m
reservoirs shown. The elevation A is 346 wide at the base and weighs 2.4 tons per
m., B is at elevation 301 m and C is at cubic meter. The coefficient of friction
elevation 241 m. Rate of flow at 1 is 200 between the base and the foundation is
liters/sec. Determine the diameter of 0.8. Determine the factor of safety against
pipeline 3. overturning.
A. 2.50 C. 1.44
B. 2.35 D. 2.70
34. A dam is triangular in cross-section with
the upstream face vertical. Water is flushed
with the top. The dam is 8m high and 6m
wide at the base and weighs 2.4 tons per
cubic meter. The coefficient of friction
between the base and the foundation is
0.8. Determine the factor of safety against
A. 2.50 C. 1.44
B. 2.35 D. 2.70
35. A tank with a frustum of a cone having its
A. 175 mm C. 177 mm bases and axis vertical is 3 m high and is
filled with water. It has a diameter of 2 m at 42.  A rectangular, sharp-crested weir with
the top and 1 m at the bottom. The bottom both ends contracted is 2 m long. How high
contains an orifice whose average should the crest be placed in a channel to
coefficient of discharge maybe taken as maintain an upstream depth of 3 for a flow
0.61. What size of orifice will empty the of 10 m³/s? Consider the velocity of
tank in 6 minutes and 29 seconds?  approach of 1.667 m/s and use C = 0.60
A. 72 mm C. 76 mm A. 0.60 m C. 0.70 m
B. 74 mm D. 78 mm B. 0.65 m D. 0.75 m
36.  SITUATION. The absolute viscosity of the 43. A cylindrical vessel 2 m. in diameter and 3
liquid is 1.8 x 10-3 Pa-sec and its sp.gr. is m. high has a rounded circular orifice 50
0.90. Compute the equivalent kinematic mm in diameter at the bottom. If the vessel
viscosity in m2/s. is filled with water, how long will it take to
A. 2x10^-3 C. 1.8x10^-6 lower the water surface by 2 m. Assume C
B. 2x10^-6 D. 0.5x10^6 = 0.60 
37.  SITUATION. The absolute viscosity of the A. 382.7 sec C. 881.4 sec
liquid is 1.8 x 10-3 Pa-sec and its sp.gr. is B. 440.7 sec D. 765.4 sec
0.90. Compute the equivalent value of 44. A spillway of a dam is shown in the figure.
kinematic viscosity in stokes. Compute the total discharge in million-liters
A. 0.02 C. 0.0002 per second, ML/s. Assume steady flow,
B. 0.2 D. D. 0.002 neglect end contractions, and use C = 0.60
38. SITUATION. At what depth of oil (sg =
0.80) will produce a pressure of 420 kPa if
above the oil is 20m of water and 5m of
glycerin (sg = 1.26)?
A. 10.64 mm C. 33.98 mm
B. 6.3 mm D. 20.64 mm
39. SITUATION. What height of water will be
added to produce the same pressure if the
glycerin was removed in the mixture?
B. 26.3 m C. 33.98 m
C. 6.3 m D. 20.64 m A. 1.26 ML/s C. 1.21 ML/s
40. A rectangular reservoir with vertical walls B. 1.12 ML/s D. 1.32 ML/s
has a plan area of 60000m2. Discharge 45. In a hydraulic press water is subjected to a
from the reservoir take place over a pressure of 10000 psi at 68°F. If the initial
rectangular weir. The flow characteristics of pressure is 15 psia, what is the percentage
the weir is Q = 0.678 H3/2 cubic meters decrease in volume considering that the
where H is the depth of water above the average bulk modulus of elasticity of water
weir crest. The sill of the weir is 3.4m is 365000 psi for this temperature range? 
above the bottom of the reservoir. Starting
with a depth of water of 4m in the reservoir A. 4.11% C. 3.12%
and no inflow, what will be the depth of B. 6.72 % D. 2.74%
water after one hour? 46. On a sea-level standard day, a pressure
A. 3.98 m C. 3.48 m gage, moored below the surface of the
B. 3.68 m D. 3.18 m ocean (SG = 1.025), reads an absolute
41.  A rectangular swimming pool is 1m deep pressure of 1.4 MPa. How deep is the
at one end and increases uniformly in instrument?
depth to 2.6m at the other end. The pool is A. 143 m C. 140 m
8m wide and 32m long and is emptied B. 133 m D. 129 m
through an orifice of area 0.224m2, at the 47. If a bubble is equivalent to an air-water
lowest point in the side of the deep end. interface with surface tension equal to
Taking Cd for the orifice as 0.6, find the 0.005lb/ft, what is the pressure difference
time to empty the pool completely.  between the inside and outside of a bubble
A. 458 sec C. 662 sec of diameter 0.003in?
B. 701 sec D. 514 sec A. 70 psf C. 7.78 psf
B. 80 psf D. 6.67 psf
48. Two clean, parallel glass plates, separated
by a distance d=1.5mm, are dipped in a
bath of water. How far does the water rise
due to capillary action if surface tension is
0.0730N/m? Use 9.81m/s2 as unit weight
of water
A. 9.92 mm C. 12.16 mm
B. 54.17 mm D. 19.84 mm
49. What is the density of air (in kg/m³) at 2
atm at 25 degrees Celsius in kg per cu.
Meter if gas constant is 4.015 kJ/(kg-K)? 

A. 0.0169 C. 0.1694
B. 0.0619 D. 169.4
50.  The absolute viscosity µ of a fluid is
primarily a function of

A. Density C. Pressure
B. Surface Tension D. Temperature

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