How Old Is The Man Who Wrote The Letter?
How Old Is The Man Who Wrote The Letter?
How Old Is The Man Who Wrote The Letter?
The person who wrote the letter turns 50 but appears to be an 85-year-old
severe kidney problems because you do not drink enough water and fear that you do not
When he was 5 years old, everything was very different; there were many trees in the
forests, the houses had beautiful gardens, and they could take long baths and shower for
a whole hour.
Before women prided themselves on their beautiful hair, now they have to shave their
rivers, lakes and underground networks are irretrievably polluted or completely dry.
6.What kind of landscape is there?
the land that surrounds the area has become a complete desert.
1. The main causes of death are _______ gastrointestinal, skin or urinary diseases
4.After wearing your clothes, you just __ they take it out in the sun._.
__________, people are exposed to the harmful effects of the ultraviolet _ rays
9.Scientists aren’t able _ o fix all this and not even produce water.
C. True or False?
1. The quality of oxygen is not good, which affects the intellectual capacities of the young people. _
2. Many children are born with insufficiencies, mutations and deformations because the sperm of
many men was changed. __TRUE________
3. Only the air they breathe is for free.__FALSE_________
4. The average age of humans is 55 years old. __FALSE___________
5. In 2070 water is more valuable than gold. _____TRUE___________
6. Where the man lives, there are some trees and it sometimes rains. ___FALSE________
7. There are no longer different seasons of the year. ___TRUE_____________
8. He usually tells his daughter about the time when the Earth collapsed. ___TRUE_________
9. The man doesn’t feel guilty. ________FALSE____________
10. He thinks life on Earth won’t last much longer. ___TRUE______________
D. Reflect upon.
1. What’s the aim of this “letter”?
The author wants us to:
The author tries to suggest a possible future if we do not act to improve the environment and gives
2. Write a comment about the video. How do you feel after watching it? What’s your opinion about
the problem described? What do you do against it? Do you fear the future? Write 5 reasons why
do you agree or disagree about the aim of the author, support your ideas base on the facts. Is
this far away of our reality and if is not, write at least 10 daily routines that as Salvadorans we
do against the Natural resources. (30%)
After watching the video I feel very useless since I am not doing anything to improve the
environment so as not to reach that future, if I am afraid of such a future and live in a time
that you have to pay for oxygen, I think that It is a reality and that if we do not act we could
regret later,
I agree with the author 1. because I don't want to live in such a reality, 2. I want to see my
children grow, 3. we have to act taking care of the environment, 4. we can still avoid it, 5. I
routines we do against the environment; burning tires, garbage dumps, water pollution,
hunting animals, a lot of fuel use, we are practically destroying our own planet