No Answer Eval Hydraulics Nov 2018 Set A
No Answer Eval Hydraulics Nov 2018 Set A
No Answer Eval Hydraulics Nov 2018 Set A
3. If the container is reinforced with two (2) steel hoops one at the
top and one at the bottom, determine the tension at the bottom
hoop, in N.
A. 1,300 B. 1,400 C. 1,600 D. 1,500
4. If an orifice (C=0.60, and Ao=0.005 m²) is installed at the A. 19.5 ft B. 20.5 ft C. 21.5 ft D. 22.5 ft
bottommost part of the container, determine the total time it takes
for the container to be empty. 9. Three reservoirs A, B and C are connected respectively with
A. 112 s B. 103 s C. 83 s D. 94 s pipes 1, 2 and 3 joining at a common junction P whose elevation
is 366 m. Reservoir A is at elevation 933 m and reservoir B is at
5. A spillway of a dam is shown in figure. Compute the total elevation 844 m. The properties of each pipe are as follows: L1 =
discharge. Assume steady flow, neglect end contractions, and use 1500 m, D1 = 600 mm, f1 = 0.02; L2 = 1000 m, D2 = 450 mm, f2
0.60 for coefficient of discharge and CW = 1.84. = 0.025; L3 = 900 m, D3 = 500 mm, f3 = 0.018. A pressure gage
at junction P reads 4950 kPa. What is the elevation of reservoir C
(in meters)?
A. 357 m B. 533 m C. 725 m D. 835 m
15. For the figure below, determine the discharge through the 22. Compute the factor of safety against sliding.
100mm diameter orifice in m3/s if the coefficient of velocity is 0.97 A. 1.16 B. 1.22 C. 1.36 D. 1.45
and the coefficient of discharge is 0.67.
23. Compute the factor of safety against overturning.
A. 2.20 B. 2.08 C. 2.13 D. 2.31
18. The pressure of air inside a tank containing air and water is 20 28. The total pressure force on a plane area is equal to the area
KPa absolute. Determine the gage pressure in kPa at point 1.5 m multiplied by the intensity of pressure at its centroid, if:
below the water surface. Assume standard atmospheric pressure.
A. Area is vertical C. Area is inclined
A. 34.72 B. -66.61 C. 136.04 D. 66.61
B. Area is horizontal D. All of the above
29. The pipe system shown in Fig. F serves two towns C and D.
The highest building in town C is at EL 21m and that in town D at
EL 18m. If f = 0.020 for all pipes and the per capita consumption
in the two towns is 0.0035 liters/s, how many persons could be
served in each town?
39. From the figure shown, what pump power is required if the
pump is 70% efficient in kilo watts?
33. Calculate the pressure increase that must be applied to water A. 353.43 B. 391.76 C. 420.74 D. 465.25
to reduce its volume by 2%.
A. 46 MPa B. 44 MPa C. 48 MPa D. 50 MPa 41. Assuming hydrostatic pressure distributions, uniform velocity
profiles, and negligible viscous effects, find the horizontal force
34. A particular body has a mass of 27kg on earth. Calculate its needed to hold the sluice gate in the position shown in figure.
mass on the moon, where g = 5868 m/min2.
A. 44 B. 158436 C. 27 D. 5868
56. The elasticity and dimensions of a pipe are such that the
celerity of pressure wave is 975m/s. The pipe diameter is 1.20m
and a valve is located 600m downstream. Water is flowing initially
at 0.85m3/s. What is the water hammer if the valve is manipulated
so that the flow rate drops almost instantly from 0.85 to 0.28m 3/s?
A. 385 N/m2 C. 468 N/m2
B. 422 N/m2 D. 491 N/m2
46. The absolute pressure of the fluid at the inlet side of the pump.
A. Vacuum Pressure C. Pump Pressure A. 11.701 kN C. 7.578 kN
B. Inlet Pressure D. Suction Pressure B. 19.279 kN D. 7.285 kN
47. The measure of resistance of a fluid to flow. 59. When a 2-mm-diameter tube is inserted into a liquid in an open
A. Surface Tension C. Friction tank, the liquid is observed to rise 10 mm above the free surface
B. Cohesion D. Viscosity of the liquid. The contact angle between the liquid and the tube is
zero, and the specific weight of the liquid is 1.2 x 104 N/m3.
48. The wetted perimeter of a most efficient rectangular channel is Determine the value of the surface tension for this liquid.
3.8m. If the channel has a value of n = 0.012, and slope of 1 in A. 0.0300 N/m C. 0.0900 N/m
2000, determine the Froude number. B. 0.0600 N/m D. 0.1200 N/m
A. 120 B. 135 C. 0.37 D. 130
49. A circular pipe, for which n = 0.014, is laid on a slope of 0.00023 60. The buoyant force, BF, which is equal to the weight of the
and is to carry 2.56 m3/s when the pipe flows at 80% of full depth. displaced fluid is acting at the.
Determine the required diameter of pipe. A. At the center of gravity of the body or an object
A. 1.94 m B. 2.05 m C. 2.16 m D. 2.28 m B. Center of pressure
C. Bottom of the body
50. In a wide rectangular channel, if the normal depth is increased D. Centroid of the displaced volume of fluid
by 25%, find the increase in discharge.
A. 45 % B. 50 % C. 40 % D. 55 %