A Semi Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 10: at The End of The Session, 80% of The Students Will Be Able To
A Semi Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 10: at The End of The Session, 80% of The Students Will Be Able To
A Semi Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 10: at The End of The Session, 80% of The Students Will Be Able To
I. Objectives
At the end of the session, 80% of the students will be able to:
A. Preparatory Activities
The teacher will start the class by asking the students to arrange their
chairs, pick up pieces of papers and trash, sit properly, and checking of
B. Review
The teacher will ask the following questions to recall the past lesson
on Complement of an event:
x What is complement of an event?
x What is the formula of getting the complement of an event?
C. Developmental Activities
Direction: Make a Venn diagram out of the following events and solve
the probability of the following.
D. Concluding Activities
Values Integration:
IV. Agreement