1st Periodical Exam TOS GenMath
1st Periodical Exam TOS GenMath
1st Periodical Exam TOS GenMath
Name of Teacher: Ms. ELLEN MAE E. NASAYAO Subject: GENERAL MATHEMATICS Semester: 1st
Grade Level: Grade-11 School Year: 2022-2023
Number of Teaching Days: 20 Total Number of Items: 30
Learning Competencies Number of Percentage Number Easy (20%/6) Average (60%/18) Difficult (20%/6)
days of Items Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating
M11GM-Ia-1 3 15.00 % 5 1 2,4-5 3
represents real-life situations using functions,
including piece-wise functions.
M11GM-Ia-2 5 25.00 % 7 6,7 8-10,12 11
Evaluates a function
Performs addition, subtraction, multiplication,
division, and composition of functions
M11GM-Ib-2 5 25.00 % 7 13,19 15-17 14,18
Distinguishes rational function, rational equation,
and rational inequality.
Solves rational equations
M11GM-Ib-5 4 20.00 % 6 20 21-24 25
Finds the domain and range of a rational function
Determines the: (a) intercepts; (b) zeroes of
rational functions
M11GM-Id-1 3 15.00 % 5 26,28-30 27
Represents real-life situations using one-to one
TOTAL 20 100.00 % 30 6 18 6
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