Bantolino vs. Coca-Cola Case Digest
Bantolino vs. Coca-Cola Case Digest
Bantolino vs. Coca-Cola Case Digest
declared regular employees since they were the only ones subjected to cross-
G.R. No. 153660 June 10, 2003 examination. Petitioners now pray for relief from the adverse Decision of the Court
of Appeals; that, instead, the favorable judgment of the NLRC be reinstated.
Procedural History: Whether or not the Court of Appeals erred in dismissing their complaints
This is a Petition for Review on Certiorari assailing the Decision of the for failure to affirm the contents thereof and to undergo cross-examination
Court of Appeals dated December 21, 2001 which affirmed with modification the
decision of the National Labor Relations Commission promulgated 30 March 2001 Answer:
wherein petitioners were denied to be reinstated because of failure to affirm the Yes. Administrative bodies like the NLRC are not bound by the technical
contents of their affidavits and to undergo cross-examination. niceties of law and procedure and the rules obtaining in courts of law.