Defensor-Santiago v. COMELEC Case Digest
Defensor-Santiago v. COMELEC Case Digest
Defensor-Santiago v. COMELEC Case Digest
(G.R. No. 127325 - March 19, 1997) (1) Whether or not Sec. 2, Art. XVII of However, considering the Court’s decision in the
the 1987 Constitution is a self-executing above Issue, the issue of whether or not the
provision. petition is a revision or amendment has become
Facts: academic.
Private respondent Atty. Jesus Delfin, (2) Whether or not COMELEC
president of People’s Initiative for Reforms, Resolution No. 2300 regarding the conduct of
Modernization and Action (PIRMA), filed with initiative on amendments to the Constitution is
COMELEC a petition to amend the constitution valid, considering the absence in the law of
to lift the term limits of elective officials, through specific provisions on the conduct of such
People’s Initiative. He based this petition on initiative.
Article XVII, Sec. 2 of the 1987 Constitution,
which provides for the right of the people to (3) Whether the lifting of term limits of
exercise the power to directly propose elective officials would constitute a revision or an
amendments to the Constitution. Subsequently amendment of the Constitution.
the COMELEC issued an order directing the
publication of the petition and of the notice of
hearing and thereafter set the case for hearing. At Held:
the hearing, Senator Roco, the IBP, Demokrasya- Sec. 2, Art XVII of the Constitution is not
Ipagtanggol ang Konstitusyon, Public Interest self executory, thus, without implementing
Law Center, and Laban ng Demokratikong legislation the same cannot operate. Although the
Pilipino appeared as intervenors-oppositors. Constitution has recognized or granted the right,
Senator Roco filed a motion to dismiss the Delfin the people cannot exercise it if Congress does not
petition on the ground that one which is provide for its implementation.
cognizable by the COMELEC. The petitioners
herein Senator Santiago, Alexander Padilla, and The portion of COMELEC Resolution
Isabel Ongpin filed this civil action for No. 2300 which prescribes rules and regulations
prohibition under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court on the conduct of initiative on amendments to the
against COMELEC and the Delfin petition rising Constitution, is void. It has been an established
the several arguments, such as the following: (1) rule that what has been delegated, cannot be
The constitutional provision on people’s delegated (potestas delegata non delegari potest).
initiative to amend the constitution can only be The delegation of the power to the COMELEC
implemented by law to be passed by Congress. being invalid, the latter cannot validly
No such law has been passed; (2) The people’s promulgate rules and regulations to implement
initiative is limited to amendments to the the exercise of the right to people’s initiative.
Constitution, not to revision thereof. Lifting of
the term limits constitutes a revision, therefore it The lifting of the term limits was held to
is outside the power of people’s initiative. The be that of a revision, as it would affect other
Supreme Court granted the Motions for provisions of the Constitution such as the
Intervention. synchronization of elections, the constitutional
guarantee of equal access to opportunities for
public service, and prohibiting political