Occena VS COMELEC-Case Digest
Occena VS COMELEC-Case Digest
Occena VS COMELEC-Case Digest
April 2, 1981
Samuel C. Occena, petitioner, V.S Commission on Election
Petitioners Samuel Occena and Ramon A. Gonzales, both members of the Philippine Bar
and former delegates to the 1971 Constitutional Convention that framed the present Constitution
were challenging the validity of three Batasang Pambanasa Resolutions as follows: Resolution 1-
proposing an amendment allowing a natural- born citizen of the Philippines naturalized in a
foreign country to own a limited area of land for residential purposes; Resolution 2- dealing
with the Presidency, the Prime Minister and the Cabinet, and the National Assembly; and
Resolution 3 on the amendment to the Article on the Commission on Elections. The suit for
prohibition was filed on March 6, 1981. On March 10, 1981, respondent was required to answer
within 10 days from notice. The case was set for hearing and was duly argued on March 26, 1981
by the petitioners and Solicitor General Estelito P. Mendoza for respondents.
1. Yes, the 1973 Constitution in its Transitory Provisions vested the Interim National
Assembly with the power to propose amendments upon special call by the Prime Minister
by a vote of the majority of its members to be ratified in accordance with the Article on
Amendments. When, therefore, the Interim Batasang Pambansa, upon the call of the
President and Prime Minister Ferdinand E. Marcos, met as a constituent body it acted by
virtue of such impotence its authority to do so is clearly beyond doubt.
2. Yes, As for the people being adequately informed, it cannot be denied that this time the
proposed amendments have "been intensively and extensively discussed at
the Interim Batasang Pambansa, as well as through the mass media, so that it cannot,
therefore, be said that our people are unaware of the advantages and disadvantages of the
proposed amendments.
3. No, And whether the Constitutional Convention will only propose amendments to the
Constitution or entirely overhaul the present Constitution and propose an entirely new
Constitution based on an Ideology foreign to the democratic system, is of no moment;
because the same will be submitted to the people for ratification. Once ratified by the
sovereign people, there can be no debate about the validity of the new Constitution. The
fact that the present Constitution may be revised and replaced with a new one ... is no
argument against the validity of the law because 'amendment' includes the 'revision' or
total overhaul of the entire Constitution. At any rate, whether the Constitution is merely
amended in part or revised or totally changed would become immaterial the moment the
same is ratified by the sovereign people."