CIA To Workforce - Drop Dead - by John Schindler
CIA To Workforce - Drop Dead - by John Schindler
CIA To Workforce - Drop Dead - by John Schindler
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Last week I came out as a “Deep State Dissident” in this newsletter, over several
troubling issues, but above all the Intelligence Community’s continuing cowardice
regarding the origins of the mysterious malady that has harmed hundreds of spooks,
even killing some of them. Its victims include friends and colleagues of mine. During
President Joe Biden’s term in o�ce, the IC has twice made public statements on the
misnamed “Havana Syndrome” (formally termed anomalous health incidents or AHIs).
Both were disappointing. In early 2022, CIA formally concluded, a�er reviewing over a
thousand possible cases, that AHIs were not the result of hostile foreign action, without
entirely ruling out such a possibility in a few cases. Following up, the O�ce of the
Director of National Intelligence in March 2023 announced that most IC agencies
concluded it was “very unlikely” that AHIs were caused by a foreign adversary, without
explaining the analysis leading to such a conclusion. That information was kept
classi�ed, out of public view. “Trust us, we know” was the ODNI message, which didn’t
go down well with many intelligence personnel who have had their lives and careers
damaged, o�en ruined, by whatever is causing AHIs.
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CIA to Workforce: Drop Dead - by John Schindler
under them by the recent one-two punch by CBS News’ 60 Minutes and a deep-dive by
The Insider, which together made a compelling case that Russia is behind Havana
Syndrome, and has been for decades. This tracked with the spook rumor mill, which for
years had �ngered Moscow, in particular its Main Intelligence Directorate of the
General Sta�, known as GRU. This new reporting convincingly concluded that GRU’s
sinister Unit 29155, its nasty wetwork shop, was behind AHIs, attacking in dozens of
locations worldwide, including inside the United States.
In that memo, Burns a�rmed the agency’s support for its prior assessment on Havana syndrome,
or what the intelligence community refers to as “Anomalous Health Incidents.” Namely, that
Havana syndrome is highly unlikely to be the result of a foreign actor. This matters because
Havana syndrome has seen hundreds of U.S. military and government o�cials complain of
strange, unexplained ailments while serving at home and abroad. Symptoms include dizziness,
extreme pressure in the head, and unsteady gait. Some suspected victims now su�er serious,
lifelong ailments. Others have even died prematurely.
Denial continues to be not just a river in Egypt, per the wag, rather Langley’s o�cial
policy towards Havana Syndrome. Important new investigative journalism has appeared
about AHIs, o�ering a compelling theory about the cause of this crisis, which has
impacted many U.S. and Allied diplomats and spies. Here was a chance for CIA to set
the record straight, to explain what was really going on with this scandal – at least
internally, to its own workforce.
Instead, Burns tripled down, insisting that the Russians aren’t behind AHIs, contrary to
substantial open-source reporting pointing to GRU’s nefarious role here. As I asked a
week ago:
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CIA to Workforce: Drop Dead - by John Schindler
Moreover, the detailed evidence these reports provide is something which American intelligence,
among others, must know about. And presumably has for years. If journalists can access such
sensitive Kremlin records, including travel analysis, are we really expected to believe that CIA,
NSA, and all their spy-partners, with their vast global intelligence collection capabilities,
Director Burns indeed expects us to believe that the vast IC, with its eyes and ears all
over the globe, knows less about what’s going on with AHIs than CBS News does.
Neither does IC leadership seem to be in any hurry to unmask the truth. As Tom Rogan
points out, “While three sources have told me that the CIA has attempted to secure a
Havana syndrome device, two sources say that this e�ort has been hamstrung by
unwillingness on the part of the Biden administration and Burns to authorize a
su�ciently aggressive physical posture against Russian intelligence operatives who,
intelligence suggests, might be in possession of such devices.”
IC sources have told me the same. It’s not that Biden’s intel bosses don’t know the truth
about AHIs, they don’t want to know. Discovering facts would be problematic for Team
Biden, since that reality is unpleasant. However, hiding the truth even now is more
dangerous. It means Moscow will keep employing GRU thugs to harm Western
personnel. Worse, American spies know that their own leadership is still lying about
what’s going on. Serving U.S. intelligence personnel rightly will have zero con�dence in
their own leadership’s ability to protect them from enemy harm – or even to be honest
about what is happening. The impact of all this on IC morale will be ruinous and long-
This is one of the biggest scandals in the history of American intelligence. Bill Burns is
anything but a fool. We can assume that CIA leadership knows exactly what’s going on
with AHIs. NSA, my former employer, has been a tad more forthcoming about a
probable Russian role in these attacks. We should therefore conclude that orders to keep
the lid secured tightly on Havana Syndrome come from higher up than Langley. That
means the White House.
Since the Russians are showing no signs of stopping their clandestine attacks on our
people, Congress needs to ask pointed questions about the full story of AHI, starting
with the House and Senate intelligence oversight committees. Lives are at risk.
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CIA to Workforce: Drop Dead - by John Schindler
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