Poultry Calculator v2.1
Poultry Calculator v2.1
Poultry Calculator v2.1
Instructions Assumptions
General Instructions
Areas with yellow highlighting are for your inputs. Areas with grey highlighting are calculated output values that you m
Before you begin editing, we recommend that you first save a copy of the sheet as it is defined now, in case you need
2. Edit expense categories: Expenses are divided into sections for acquiring birds, raising the bir
processing. For processing expenses, there are separate sections for on-farm slaughter with the M
cost categories that you would like to track, delete categories that are not applicable to you. To ad
Display the Row and Column headers (see above). Your expenses should fall into either the per
subsections. For items that are purchased once and used for several years, such as brooder supp
that you want to charge to this year's poultry operation in the annual expenses section. It is proba
( per bird / per batch / per year) in each expense section, because the subtotals are used in formu
3. Edit expenses: Enter your estimated, or actual costs in the column indicated (column E). Norm
gradually enter your actual expenses as they occur. If you would like the worksheet formatting to in
Format -> Style, and choose either 'actuals' or 'estimates'.
Your total revenue per bird, and per year will be automatically calculated using your cost and reven
Sheet 2: Assumptions
Some basic calculations and ratios have been created for you on the assumptions sheet. This dat
calculations on the main Costs and Profit worksheet, but has been moved here to try to reduce clu
the number of pounds of feed that a bird will eat to reach slaughter weight are estimated here for y
panel of farmers participating in focus groups at the New England Small Farms Institute. Feel free
accurate data from your own operation, and to add new assumptions that you might need. We rec
Insert menu) for any additional fields you add to this list, so that you can use the name rather than
Sheet 2: Assumptions
Some basic calculations and ratios have been created for you on the assumptions sheet. This dat
calculations on the main Costs and Profit worksheet, but has been moved here to try to reduce clu
the number of pounds of feed that a bird will eat to reach slaughter weight are estimated here for y
panel of farmers participating in focus groups at the New England Small Farms Institute. Feel free
accurate data from your own operation, and to add new assumptions that you might need. We rec
Insert menu) for any additional fields you add to this list, so that you can use the name rather than
ned now, in case you need to see the original formulas later.
s easier to read than if they used cell references like "A4". If you need
e its value, use the Name Box. The name box is located at the top, left
n using the formulas section of the toolbox. Use the dropdown control
to its location in the workbook.
s or Gridlines.
column headers and for Gridlines are both in the Page Setup section.
cquire per batch, and the number of batches you will raise
ated (column E). Normally, you will start with estimates and
rksheet formatting to indicate which entries are which, go to
Acquire Birds
Per bird expenses Annual total
Purchase price $1.75 $700.00
Vaccination $0.50 $200.00
Per batch expenses
Shipping/transportation $20.00 $80.00
Annual or one-time expenses
$0.00 $0.00
Total Bird Acquisition Expenses: $980.00
Raise Birds
Per bird expenses
Feed costs $9.64 $3,857.14
(Auto-calculated based on expected feed per chick and cost of feed) $0.00
Per batch expenses
Hired Labor $0.00 $0.00
Veterinary/breeding/medicine $50.00 $200.00
Supplements (incl. grit, calcium) $40.00 $160.00
Electricity for brooders $30.00 $120.00
Bedding $10.00 $40.00
Annual or one-time expenses
Small equipment/tools (brooder lamps, waterers, etc.) $150.00 $150.00
Additional Labor Costs $0.00 $0.00
Utilities $30.00 $30.00
Water $10.00 $10.00
New Structures or Capitalization of existing structures $200.00 $200.00
Shipping costs for poultry supplies $0.00 $0.00
Pasture enhancement: fertilizers and lime $30.00 $30.00
Equipment rental $0.00 $0.00
Repair/maintenance for coops/brooders $30.00 $30.00
Seeds/plants (for pasture) $50.00 $50.00
Total Bird Raising Expenses: $4,877.14
Per bird expenses
$0.00 $0.00
Per batch expenses
$0.00 $0.00
Annual or one-time expenses
Farmers market stall rental $0.00 $0.00
Selling charges/commissions (i.e. charge card) $0.00 $0.00
Website development/ hosting fees $75.00 $75.00
Advertising/promotion $75.00 $75.00
Total Marketing Expenses: $150.00
Other expenses
Per bird expenses
$0.00 $0.00
Per batch expenses
$0.00 $0.00
Annual or one-time expenses
Rental fee for land/buildings $0.00 $0.00
Car and truck repair/maintenance/other expenses $20.00 $20.00
Fuel $500.00 $500.00
Bank service charges $0.00 $0.00
Travel/tolls (not processing-related) $0.00
Business licenses and permits $150.00 $150.00
Dues, memberships and subscriptions $0.00
Charitable contributions and goodwill $0.00
Office supplies $20.00 $20.00
Postage and delivery $30.00 $30.00
Books and other publications $50.00 $50.00
Telephone expenses $0.00
Legal/Administrative $0.00
Insurance $100.00 $100.00
Total Other Expenses: $870.00
Subtotal Expenses Before Processing: $6,877.14
Costs for Processing option A: on-farm slaughter with the Mobile Poultry Processing Unit
Which Mobile Processing Unit are you using? Unit 1: open air unit
Miles to transport unit to your processing site: 100
Per bird expenses
MPPU per-bird fee $2.25 $855.00
Packaging materials (bags/labels) $0.40 $152.00
Per batch expenses
In-kind contribution for helpers (lunch, etc.) $50.00 $200.00
Hourly paid labor $0.00 $0.00
Ice $100.00 $400.00
Electricity $20.00 $80.00
Propane $35.00 $140.00
MPPU transport fee (based on miles you entered above) $75.00 $300.00
Knives (replacement/sharpening) $10.00 $40.00
Aprons $10.00 $40.00
MPPU per use fee $80.00 $320.00
Annual or one-time expenses
MPPU annual fee $100.00 $100.00
State slaughter license $225.00 $225.00
Town licensing fees $75.00 $75.00
Other regulatory charges $0.00
Small equipment (e.g. bag sealer) $15.00 $15.00
Freezer for ice/processed birds $200.00 $200.00
Bird transport crates $250.00 $250.00
Total Processing Expenses with MPPU: $3,292.00
Grand Total Expenses with MPPU processing: $10,169.14
Annual total
Option A: On-farm Processing with MPPU -$1,019.14
Option B: Off-farm Processing -$964.14
% of Annual
Per bird expenses
$1.75 7%
$0.50 2%
$2.25 9%
$0.20 1%
$0.00 0%
$0.00 0%
$0.20 1%
$0.00 0%
$0.00 0%
$2.45 10%
$9.64 38%
$0.00 0%
$9.64 38%
$0.00 0%
$0.50 2%
$0.40 2%
$0.30 1%
$0.10 0%
$1.30 5%
$0.38 1%
$0.00 0%
$0.08 0%
$0.03 0%
$0.50 2%
$0.00 0%
$0.08 0%
$0.00 0%
$0.08 0%
$0.13 0%
$1.25 5%
$12.19 48%
$0.00 0%
$0.00 0%
$0.00 0%
$0.00 0%
$0.00 0%
$0.00 0%
$0.19 1%
$0.19 1%
$0.38 1%
$0.38 1%
$0.00 0%
$0.00 0%
$0.00 0%
$0.00 0%
$0.00 0%
$0.05 0%
$1.25 5%
$0.00 0%
$0.00 0%
$0.38 1%
$0.00 0%
$0.00 0%
$0.05 0%
$0.08 0%
$0.13 0%
$0.00 0%
$0.00 0%
$0.25 1%
$2.18 9%
$2.18 9%
g Unit
$2.25 8%
$0.40 1%
$2.65 10%
$0.53 2%
$0.00 0%
$1.05 4%
$0.21 1%
$0.37 1%
$0.79 3%
$0.11 0%
$0.11 0%
$0.84 3%
$4.00 15%
$0.26 1%
$0.59 2%
$0.20 1%
$0.00 0%
$0.04 0%
$0.53 2%
$0.66 2%
$2.01 8%
$8.66 32%
$0.40 2%
$5.00 19%
$5.40 20%
$1.89 7%
$1.89 7%
$0.04 0%
$0.53 2%
$0.66 2%
$1.22 5%
$8.52 32%
Per bird
Per bird
per hour
per hour
Cost and Profit
Instructions Assumptions
Massachusetts has currently fielded two mobile processing units. Due to their differing construction, the u
Unit 1: The open air unit, used primarily in the Pioneer valley
Unit 2: The enclosed unit, fielded for Eastern Mass
First, select the unit you will use the dropdown box in cell E96 of the Costs and Profit Worksheet.
The correct fees (according to the chart below) will then be incorporated into your cost analysis in the mai
You've currently selected: Unit 1: open air unit
Fee schedule:
Please refer to the web page periodically and update this fee schedule when you want the
Unit 1: open air unit Unit 2: enclosed unit
Annual fee $100.00 $0.00
Transport Cost per mile $0.75 $0.90
Use fee per use $80.00 $250.00
Use fee per bird
up to 100 $2.25 $0.00
101 - 200 $2.00 $0.00
201 - 400 $1.75 $0.00
their differing construction, the use fees are different for each unit.
schedule when you want the new rates to be reflected in your cost worksheet.
osed unit
Created for the New England Small Farm Institute and New Entry Sustainable Farming
Project, thanks to financial support from Massachusetts Department of Agricultural
Designed and Programmed by Donna Byron (www.donnakbyron.com)