Layer Business Proposal
Layer Business Proposal
Layer Business Proposal
The size of Nepal’s poultry market has grown by 30 percent in the last five years
toRs.20 billion now, and the GDP contribution of the sector stands at around 4 percent,
according to the latest data compiled by poultry entrepreneurs. The per capita poultry meat
consumption, however, is still low in Nepal, compared to other Asian countries, according to
the Global Poultry Trends (GPT, 2010). The size of poultry population has significantly
increased in the recent years and the present population of the laying hens is 7290875
(statistical data from MOAC, 2009/2010), the meat production from poultry 17551 metric
tonnes (MOAC, 2009/2010), the net egg production from laying hens 6, 34, 60,000 (MOAC,
2009/2010). According to the Nepal egg producers’ association, poultry farming contributes
around 4 percent to the GDP of the national economy.
Considering the important contribution of poultry sector in the national economy APP has
given it third important priority in livestock development programme. There is a growing
trend of poultry keeping in the highway sides and other roadside area. Currently there are 5
hatcheries in government sector and 75 hatcheries in private sector. Similarly there are 178
feed industries in private sector and 1 in government sector. There is a tremendous
potential for poultry development in future. The future strategy may include steps and
policy to marketing level. Poultry farmers have better economic opportunity. It also gives
employment opportunity to women and rural people.
Traditionally, poultry farming is considered as a lower call business. However, in the recent
years the commercial poultry farming is emerging as a viable economical enterprise. It is
estimated that over 1594,400 households are rearing poultry birds (CBS, 2010). Since last
decades, commercial poultry farming for meat and eggs is being quite popular especially
around the urban centres. The poultry population is growing by 5% each year and estimated
production of egg for local is 40 and 280 for pure bred hen. There are about 82 hatcheries
producing broiler and layers chicken to the commercial poultry farmers. The major
commercial breeds are Cobb 100, Cobb 500, Vencobb 100, Kashila, Lohmann, H & N, Hyline,
Marshall, and Rose 308.
Poultry egg and meant are important sources of high quality of proteins, minerals and
vitamins to balance the human diet. Commercial Layer strains are now available with traits
of high egg production and high feed conversion efficiency. Superior germplasm of chicken
have been developed by both public and private sectors, which met the requirement of
Nepal Poultry Industry. Depending upon the farm size, commercial layer farming can be
main source of industrial income and develop gainful employment to local resources
throughout the year. Simultaneously poultry manure has high manure value and can be used
for increasing yield of all crops.
Considering this prospective nature of business and Government initiative to promote Agri-
Industry in Nepal has motivated us to get indulged in this business.
Project Snapshot:
3. Project Details:
3.1.Project Site:
Total 2.5 Bigha land has been taken on lease of which 1.5 bigha will be used for layers
farming. The lease period is of 5 years. Site is located at Dhalkebar ward no -4, 500m inwards
from Mahendra Highway. The Site is far from dense settlement area with rivers flowing from
two sides. There are 2 Gravel roads reaching to the farm. One side of farm has only
agriculture lands with no settlement.
The site selection has been done after consultation with senior officers of Veterinary
department of Dhanusha district. The approval from local authority has been received to
operate poultry farm in that area whereas there is no any such objections from local
residents. Our consultants have highly appreciated site location.
3.3.Physical Infrastructure:
a. 2 Brooder sheds with 2000 sq.ft each ( First 8 weeks)
b. 3 Grower Sheds with 3000 sq.ft each ( 8-20 weeks)
The whole premises will be fenced with barbed wire and pillars to prevent unwanted
materials coming in to the farm and maintain health and safety standards within the
Simultaneously feeding is one most important and cost aspect of the Layer farming. The
brooder, growth and layer mash suppliers are already identified based on the market review
and prices. Following suppliers are selected based on first hand:
The details of breed types and price with feed price required at different level are
mentioned below in techno economic parameter table.
New Castle Disease
Brussels Disease
Infectious Bronchitis
To prevent such infections disease Outbreak Company will train its staff regularly to
maintain the bio-security measures and maintain the vaccinations chart for regular follow
a. Distributors
b. Specialised retail outlets of Company under own Brand.
c. Hotels
d. Existing Retailers
Flock Chart
Years 1 2 3 4 5
No of batches Purchased 2 2 2 2 2
No of Brooder Cum Grower weeks 40 40 40 4 40
No of Layer weeks 38 92 92 9 92
No of Batches Culled 0 2 2 1 2
Before conceiving the idea of commercial layer farming, our team made a preliminary survey
on current situation of Farming in Nepal. In due course, we visited commercial layer farm,
hatcheries of Kathmandu and Narayanghat. We were surprised to find that most of the eggs
in dhanusha and mahottari are supplied either from Narayanghat or Biratnagar. There are no
such farms from Hetauda to Kalyanpur, Saptari. Following are the details of farms in this
Supply Side:
I. Farms with 1500-2500 chicken- 9
II. Farm with 2500- 4000 chicken -3
III. Farm with more than 4000 chicken- none
IV. Farm with 10000 chickens - 1 in Kalyanpur (Saptari) - came in operation last year.
V. Total number of wholesale distributors – 10-12
VI. 90% eggs are supplied from Narayanghat and Biratnagar.
I. 40-50K eggs per day are consumed in Dhanusha and Mahottari only.
II. Due to inability to meet demand, white eggs from India are illegally imported which
are neither quarantined nor quality assured.
III. There is good scope of egg retailing at certain brand with hygienic packaging.
IV. Brown eggs are preferred over white eggs.
Based on our survey, we have concluded that there is great scope of commercial layer
farming in this area. As a matter of fact, even if we rear 30000 birds, we will not be able to
completely supply the required demand.
Constructing a model farm and practicing modern scientific method with bio measures, this
will be one of the examples on its own in this area. We as a company believe our initiation
will not only be economically beneficial to our company, local resident but will also
encourage other youths to take poultry entrepreneurship.
4. Promoter/Core Team:
5. Management Structure:
Manager (1) Veterinary Consultant
6. Major Risk
Types Risk Identified Mitigation Strategy
Biological Risk Pollution, Smell, 6 ft fencing of whole land, Placement of guard at
Encroachment, door, Periodic disinfectants used as
infection recommended, Regular Cleaning of the sheds to
prevent any pollution, Proper culling site for
disease control
Disease Prone to various Vaccines to be done with high standard medicines
Management disease as per schedule. Vaccination of chicks reared by
local residents as well.
Management Risk Lack of Monitoring, The owner shall reside at the farm to ensure all
Threat of theft and the duties of respective staffs are performed as
loss, Timely feeding per the standard. Daily work chart of individual to
and monitoring, be given and has to be signed once completed as
Proper storage of raw checklist. In second year CCTV camera will be
and finished materials installed.
Market Risk Lack of Demand, Information shall be taken with suppliers,
Fluctuation in price of distributors and retailers to be updated. Based on
Efficient Management: The common recommendations from most of our consultant were
Layers farming is not so significant about types of breed, medicine or feed but it is all about
how you efficiently manage all the factors. Hence, owners of this farm will monitor each and
every activity personally. Every single detail of the activity has been planned in well advance
and will be executed accordingly.
Scientific Farming: The farm will operate completely with scientific approach. The
consultation has been taken from day one of preparation of sheds, maintain hygiene in and
around sheds, atomise whole process rather than making labour intensive, methodology of
water sanitation, rearing and culling of birds etc. Hence, the farm is built with approach
where there will be minimal third party intervention and if there are any with standard
sanitization process.
Specialised Human Resources: From farm manager to the security guard, people selected
are either specialist of veterinary science or have prior experience of working in poultry
field. Simultaneously we will also involve the students as intern to gain experience and excel
in their career as a part of our CSR initiative. The consultants were selected based on their
years of experience in this field, practical exposure and academic background.
Long term strategy: Most of the farms operating in this area are opened with short term
profit motive. They ignore the risk involved in the business or overlook it. They do not have
long term risk mitigation strategy or back up investment plan. Thus based on the preliminary
survey, we have identified most of the foreseen risk and developed mitigation plan in
advance. Similarly, we have our investment plan for next five years planned to ensure there
is no cash crunch whenever required.
Availability of Market: As mentioned earlier the region we have selected has great potential
for layer farming mainly because of the abundant market. Even if we exceed our planned
production capacity we will not be able to fulfil the current demand. For this process
marketing and sales channel viz wholesaler, distributors and retailers are already identified
and contacted.
Y-1 Y-2 Y-3 Y-4 Y-5
Investment Activities
Project Investment (4,105,000)
Net Cash Flow from
Investment Activities (4,105,000) - - - -
Financing Activities
Equity 4,884,760
Term Loan 3,284,000
Overdraft 7,655,040
Y-1 Y-2 Y-3 Y-4 Y-5
Application of Funds
Fixed Assets 3,284,000 2,463,000 1,642,000 821,000 -