Fourth Year Engineering College
4 Dr.Abbas Oda Dawood Civil Department 4
Beams are the most common members found in a typical steel structure. Beams are
structural members that support transverse loads and are therefore subjected primarily to
flexure, or bending. Beams with axial loads are called beam-columns. Beams are usually
thought of as being oriented horizontally and subjected to vertical loads, but that is not
necessarily the case. A structural member is considered to be a beam if it is loaded so as to
cause bending.
Beams can be further classified by the function that they serve. A girder is a member that is
generally larger in section and supports other beams or framing members. Joists are the
closely spaced beams supporting the floors and roofs of buildings and it typically a lighter
section than a beam—such as an open-web steel joist. Stringer are the beams in bridge
floors running parallel to the roadway, whereas floor beams are the larger beams used to
transfer the floor loads from the stringers to the supporting girders or trusses, also stringer
in building is a diagonal member that is the main support beam for a stair. Lintels (or loose
lintels) are beams over openings in masonry walls, such as windows and doors and it is
usually a smaller section. A girt is a horizontal member that supports exterior cladding or
siding for lateral wind loads. Spandrel beams supports the exterior walls of building and
perhaps part of the floor loads.
For girders covering large spans and/or carrying heavy loads, the available standard rolled
sections may be inadequate. In this case, the designer may use a plate or box girder made of steel
plates. These girders may be homogeneous, made of a single grade of steel, or hybrid, made of
high-strength flanges.
Where: Mu= required moment strength = maximum moment caused by the external loads
b = resistance factor for bending (flexure) = 0.90
Mn = nominal moment strength
If the moment in a ductile steel beam is increased beyond the yield moment, the outermost fibers that
had previously been stressed to their yield stress will continue to have the same stress, but will yield,
and the duty of providing the necessary additional resisting moment will fall on the fibers nearer to the
neutral axis. This process will continue with more and more parts of the beam cross section stressed
to the yield stress as shown in parts d and e of the figure above, until finally a full plastic distribution is
approached as shown in part f.
If the steel stress-strain curve is approximated as a bilinear elasto-plastic curve with yield stress equal
to σy , then the section Moment - Curvature (M-ø) response for monotonically increasing moment is
given by Figure below, where curvature ø= 2ε/d.
A plastic hinge is said to have formed at the center of the beam, and this hinge along with the actual
hinges at the ends of the beam constitute an unstable mechanism. During plastic collapse, the
mechanism motion will be as shown in Figure. Structural analysis based on a consideration of collapse
mechanisms is called plastic analysis.
The plastic moment capacity, which is the moment required to form the plastic hinge, can easily be
computed from a consideration of the corresponding stress distribution. In Figure below, the
compressive and tensile stress resultants are shown, where Ac is the cross-sectional area subjected to
compression, and At is the area in tension. These are the areas above and below the plastic neutral
axis, which is not necessarily the same as the elastic neutral axis. From equilibrium of forces,
Thus the plastic neutral axis divides the cross section into two equal areas. For shapes that are
symmetrical about the axis of bending, the elastic and plastic neutral axes are the same. The plastic
moment, M , is the resisting couple formed by the two equal and opposite forces, or
M p Fy (A c ) a Fy (A t ) a Fy ( ) a Fy Z
A = total cross-sectional area
a ( y t yc ) =distance between the centroids of the two half-areas
Z ( ) a = plastic section modulus
Values for the plastic section modulus of the cross-section.Z are tabulated for various cross-sections
in the properties section of the LRFD manual.
The plastic centroid for a general cross-section corresponds to the axis about which the total
area is equally divided, i.e., Ac = At = A/2. The plastic centroid is not the same as the elastic centroid
or center of gravity (c.g.) of the cross-section. As shown below, the c.g. is defined as the axis about
which A1y1 = A2y2.
For a cross-section with at-least one axis of symmetry, the neutral axis corresponds to the centroidal
axis in the elastic range. However, at Mp, the neutral axis will correspond to the plastic centroidal axis.
For a doubly symmetric cross-section, the elastic and the plastic centroid lie at the same point.
I x 1430
Sx 152.45 in 3 d
c 9.38 y1 y 2 0.884 4.216 in
M yx Fy Sx 50 * 152.45 7622.5 635.2 k.ft
Zx ( y1 y 2 ) 8.85* 2 * 4.216 74.62 in 3
2- Distance of plastic centroid from top = y p 2
Zx ( y1 y 2 ) 15.5625* (10.5746 1.5866 ) 189.26 in 3
M px Z x Fy 189.26 *50 9462.93 788.58 k.ft
b M p 0.9 Fy Z 1.5 M y
The classification of a beam is necessary since the design strength of the beam is a function
of its classification. The classification of shapes is found in Section B4 of the Specification,
"Member Properties,” in Table B4.1.
Note that compression members have different criteria than flexural members, so a shape
could be compact for flexure but slender for compression.
The compression flange of a beam behaves like an axially loaded column. Thus, in beams
covering long spans the compression flange may tend to buckle. Unlike a column, however,
the compression portion of the cross section is restrained by the tension portion, and the
outward deflection (flexural buckling) is accompanied by twisting (torsion). This form of
instability is called lateral-torsional buckling (LTB).
Lateral–torsional buckling occurs when the distance between lateral brace points is large
enough that the beam fails by lateral, outward movement in combination with a twisting
action (Δ and θ, respectively, in Figure below).
Torsional bracing prevents twist directly; it can be either nodal or continuous, and it can
take the form of either cross frames or diaphragms.
A beam can fail by reaching Mp and becoming fully plastic, or it can fail by:
1. lateral-torsional buckling (LTB), either elastically or inelastically;
2. flange local buckling (FLB), elastically or inelastically; or
3. web local buckling (WLB), elastically or inelastically.
If the maximum bending stress is less than the proportional limit when buckling occurs, the
failure is said to be elastic. Otherwise, it is inelastic.
For convenience, first categorize beams as compact, noncompact, or slender, and then
determine the moment resistance based on the degree of lateral support.
The compact shapes, defined as those whose webs are continuously connected to the
flanges and that satisfy the following width-to-thickness ratio requirements for the flange
The web criterion is met by all standard I and C shapes listed in the Manual for Fy≤ 65 ksi;
therefore, in most cases only the flange ratio needs to be checked (note that built-up welded
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Lec Steel Design Misan University
Fourth Year Engineering College
4 Dr.Abbas Oda Dawood Civil Department 4
I shapes can have noncompact or slender webs). Most shapes will also satisfy the flange
requirement and will therefore be classified as compact. The noncompact shapes are
identified in the dimensions and properties table with a footnote (footnote f).
The moment strength of compact shapes is a function of the unbraced length, L b, defined as
the distance between points of lateral support, or bracing indicated as “×”. The relationship
between the nominal strength, Mn , and the unbraced length is shown in Figure. If the
unbraced length is no greater than Lp , the beam is considered to have full lateral support,
and Mn = Mp . If Lb is greater than Lp but less than or equal to Lr, the strength is based on
inelastic LTB. If Lb is greater than Lr, the strength is based on elastic LTB.
E Jc 0.7 Fy Sx h o
L r 1.95 rts 1 1 6.76
0.7 Fy Sx h o E J c
1/ 2
I y Cw
J = Torsional constant,
Cw = Warping constant, and
ho = Distance between flange centroids = d -tf
In the above equation, the term 0.7Fy Sx is also referred to as Mr, which corresponds to the
limiting buckling moment and is the transition point between inelastic and elastic lateral–
torsional buckling, namely the moment corresponding to first yield is:
M r 0.7 Fy Sx
The nominal bending strength for compact I and C-shaped sections can be summarized
as follows:
1 For L b L p M n M p
Lb Lp
2 For L p L b L r M n C b M p (M p 0.7 Fy Sx ) M p
r p
C 2 E Jc Lb
3 For L b L r M n Fcr Sx M p where Fcr b 2
1 0.078
(L b / rts ) Sx h o rts
Mmax= absolute value of the maximum moment within the unbraced length (including the
end points of the unbraced length)
From AISC Manual, for W16*31: bf =5.53 in M n M p Fy Z x 50 *115 5750 479.2 kips.ft
tf =0.44 in , bf /2 tf = 6.28, Zx =54 in3 Design strength = b M n 0.9 * 479.2 431kips.ft
L p 8.692 L b 20 L r 29.28
Lb Lp
M n C b M p (M p 0.7 Fy S x ) M p
Lr Lp
20 8.692
M n 1.0 5750 (5750 0.7 * 50 * 103)
29.28 8.692 w L2
M B M max
4572 381.0 k.ft M p 479.2 OK
Also because of symmetry, the moment at the
Design strength = b M n 0.9 *381 343 kips.ft quarter point equals the moment at the three-
quarter point. MA= MC
c- An unbraced length of 30 ft with Cb= 1.0.
L b 30 ft , C b 1.0
L r 29.28ft
L b L r M n Fcr S x M p
Cb 2 E Jc Lb
where Fcr 1 0.078
(L b / rts ) 2 r
Sx h o ts
2 tf
p 0.38
r 1.0
If the shape is noncompact because of the flange, the nominal strength will be the smaller of
the strengths corresponding to flange local buckling FLB and lateral-torsional buckling LTB.
If p there is no FLB M n M p
If p r the flange is non compact M n M p (M p 0.7 Fy Sx )
r p
b. Lateral-Torsional Buckling LTB:
Note: For non-compact shapes, the value of Lp, must be computed from the equation :
L p 1.76 ry
Example 7: A simply supported beam with a span b. Lateral-Torsional Buckling Capacity LTB:
length of 45 feet is laterally supported at its ends and L b 45 ft
is subjected to the following service loads:
From AISC Zx Table for W14*68:
Dead load = 400 lb/ft (including the weight of the beam) Lp = 15.1 ft
Live load = 1000 lb/ft Lr = 42.5 ft
bf /2 tf = 10.2, Zx =157 in3 , Sx =143 in3 For simply supported beam with uniformly
9.15 10.2 Flange noncompact distributed load
Fy 50 C b 1.14
b 2
f 10.2 1.14 * 2 * 29000 4.06 *1.0 45 *12
2tf Fcr 1 0.078
(45 *12 / 4.11) 2 143 *13.3 4.11
E 37.2 ksi
p 0.38 9.15
Fy M n Fcr S x 37.2 *143 443.33 k.ft
E 29000 M p 7850 OK
r 1.0 1.0 24.1
Fy 50
M n (FLB) 637.5 M n (LTB) 443.33
p r the shape is non compact
a- Flange Local Buckling Capacity, FLB: M n 443.33 kips.ft
Design strength = b M n 0.9 * 443.33 399 kips.ft
M p Fy Z x 50 *157 7850
b M n 399 M u 527 NG
M n M p (M p 0.7 Fy S x ) Thus the beam does not have adequate moment
r p
10.2 9.15
M n 7850 (7850 0.7 50 *143)
24.1 9.15
7650 637.5 kips.ft
Vu = maximum shear based on the controlling combination of factored loads
v = resistance factor for shear
Aw = area of the web = d * t
d = overall depth of the beam
Cv= ratio of critical web stress to shear yield stress
The value of Cv depends on whether the limit state is web yielding, web inelastic buckling, or
web elastic buckling.
Case 1: For Hot-rolled I shapes, the limit state is shear yielding if
h E
2.24 C v 1.0 and v 1.0
tw Fy
h kv E
a If 1.10 No web instabilit y
tw Fy
C v 1.0
kv E h kv E
b If 1.10 1.37 Limite state is inelastic web bucklinng
Fy tw Fy
kv E
h / tw
Shear is rarely a problem in rolled steel beams; the usual practice is to design a beam for
flexure and then to check it for shear.
Values of v Vn are given in several tables in Part 3 of the Manual, including the Zx table, so
5 w L4
384 E I
Deflection formulas for a variety of beams and loading conditions can be found in Part 3, of
the AISC Manual. For more unusual situations, standard analytical methods such as the
method of virtual work may be used.
2- AISCM, Table 3-6 provides a useful summary of the beam design parameters for W-
shapes. The lower part of the table provides values for M p , M r Vn , Lp , and Lr for
any given shape. The upper portion of the table provides the maximum possible load that a
beam may support based on either shear or bending strength. When the unbraced length is
between Lp and Lr, the design bending strength is
b M n b M p BF (L b L p )
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Lec Steel Design Misan University
Fourth Year Engineering College
4 Dr.Abbas Oda Dawood Civil Department 4
3- AISCM, Tables 3-10 and 3-11 gives the design bending strength b M n for sections
normally used as beams are given in AISC (W-shapes and C-shapes) and plotted for wide
range of unbraced length in the plastic and inelastic and elastic ranges. They are cover
almost all of the unbraced lengths encountered in practice and they are plotted for a
moment gradient factor of Cb = 1.0, which is conservative for all cases, and yield strengths of
Fy= 50 ksi for W-shapes and Fy= 36 ksi for C-shapes.
For beams with Cb greater than 1.0, multiply the moment capacity calculated using these
tables by the Cb value to obtain the actual design moment capacity of the beam for design
moment. Note that Cb M p must always be less than M p .
If Cb 1.0 effective b M n Cb * b M n
from chart
effective M u
greater unbraced length and a greater design moment capacity. When moving up and to the
right (↗), if dash lines faced, the dashed lines indicate that the sections will provide the
necessary moment capacities, but are in an uneconomical range, thus proceed further up
and to the right (↗), the first solid line encountered will represent the lightest satisfactory
Beam design entails the selection of a cross-sectional shape that will have enough strength
in bending and adequate stiffness for serviceability. Shear typically does not control, but it
should be checked as well.
The design process can be outlined as follows.
1. Determine the service and factored loads on the beam. Service loads are used for
deflection calculations and factored loads are used for strength design. The weight of the
beam would be unknown at this stage, but the self-weight can be initially estimated and is
usually comparatively small enough not to affect the design.
3. Select a shape that satisfies this strength requirement. This can be done in one of two
a. For shapes listed in the AISC beam design tables, select the most economical beam to
support the factored moment. Then check deflection and shear for the selected shape.
b. For shapes not listed in the AISC beam design tables, assume a shape, compute the
available strength, and compare it with the required strength. Revise if necessary.
4. Check the deflection, if deflection exceed limits redesign the section and select new
section based on Ix Tables. Firstly find required Ix from deflection formula, then enter to Ix
Tables and select Ix > Ix required.
5. Check the shear strength.
w u 1.2 w D 1.6 w L 1.2 * 0.1 1.6 * 4.5 7.32 k / ft Assume selfweight of beam = 0.1 kips/ft
w u L2 7.32 * 30 2 w u 1.2 w D 1.6 w L 1.2 * (0.1 0.45) 1.6 * 0.55 1.54 k / ft
Mu 823.5 k.ft
8 8 w u L2 1.54 * 30 2
Mu 173.25 k.ft
8 8
continuous lateral support L b 0 continuous lateral support L b 0
Assume compact section Assume compact section
For Compact shape and L b L p M n M p
For Compact shape and L b L p M n M p Z x Fy
b M b M u
b M n M u b Z x Fy M u
Enter to Zx table with b M b 173.25 and select
Mu 823.5 *12 section W 14*30 of b M b 177 173.25 OK
Zx 219.6 in 3
b Fy 0.9 * 50
Enter to Zx table and select section W 24*84 of Selfweight of beam 0.030 < 0.1 assumed OK, no
Zx=224 > 219.5 OK need recalculation of b M b .
- Check service load deflection
Selfweight of beam 0.084 < 0.1 assumed OK, no need 5 w L L4 5 1.1 / 12 * (30 * 12) 4
recalculation of Zx. D L 2.296 in
384 E I 384 29000 * 301
The web is compact Enter to Ix table with I x 691.3 and select section
tw Fy
W 21*44 of I x 843 691.3 OK
Thus the section is compact as assumed ----OK 5 w L L4 5 1.1 / 12 * (30 *12) 4
384 E I 384 29000 * 843
- Check Shear L
0.82 in Ok
From Zx Table for W24*84: v Vn 340 kips
-Check for local buckling: compact as assumed
w u L 7.32 * 30 - Check Shear:From Zx Table for W21*44:
Vu 109.8 kips 340 kips OK v Vn 217 kips
2 2
w u L 1.54 * 30
Vu 23.1kips 217 kips OK
Use W24*84 2 2
Use W24*84
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Lec Steel Design Misan University
Fourth Year Engineering College
4 Dr.Abbas Oda Dawood Civil Department 4
Example 13: Design the beam shown below. The Example 14: Design the simply-supported beam
concentrated live loads acting on the beam are shown below. The uniformly distributed dead load
shown in the Figure. The beam is laterally supported is equal to 1 kips/ft. and the uniformly distributed
at the load and reaction points. Do not check live load is equal to 2 kips/ft. A concentrated live
deflection. 30 kips 30 kips load equal to 10 kips acts at the mid-span. Lateral
supports are provided at the end reactions and at
the mid-span.
Assume selfweight of beam = 0.1 kips/ft
Span Lb,ft Cb Mu, k.ft Mueffective = Mu/Cb M A Mu( x 3 ft ) 166.38 k.ft quarter po int along L b 12'
AB 12 1.67 535.2 320.48 M B Mu( x 6ft ) 292.08 half po int along L b 12'
BC 8 1.0 535.2 535.2 M A Mu( x 9 ft ) 377.1 three quarter po int along L b 12'
CD 10 1.67 514 307.78
M max Mu( x 12 ft ) 421.44 max . moment along L b 12'
Assume that span BC is the controlling span because it has
the largest Mu/Cb although the corresponding Lb is the 12.5 M max
Cb 1.37
smallest. 2.5 M max 3 M A 4 M B 3 M C
Enter AISC Table 3-10 with Lb = 8' and Mu=535.2 and Select
W21*68 which is first solid line with ɸbMn =570.
Span Lb,ft Cb Mu, k.ft Mueffective = Mu/Cb
AB 12 1.37 421.44 421.44/1.37=307.62
Check the selected section for spans AB, BC, and CD Enter AISC Table 3-10 with Lb = 12' and Mu=307.62 and
Span Lb ɸbMn Cb Cb*ɸbMn Limit
Select W21*48 which is first solid line with ɸbMn =311
,ft from chart ɸbMn
AB 12 495 1.67 826.7 600
Check the selected section
BC 8 570 1.0 570
CD 10 531 1.67 886.8 600 Span Lb ɸbMn Cb Cb*ɸbMn Limit
,ft from chart ɸbMb
AB 12 311 1.37 426.07 398
0.068 * 282
Moment due to w u M u 6.7 k.ft
8 Thus, for span AB, ɸbMn=398 <Mu=421.44 → NG
Thus, for span AB, ɸbMn=600 >Mu+6.7 → OK
for span BC, ɸbMn=570> Mu +6.7 → OK Redesign the section
For span CD, ɸbMn=600> Mu+6.7 → OK - Select the next section with greater capacity than
-Check for local buckling: Section is compact (there is W21 x 48.
no footnote in the dimensions and properties Select W18*55 with ɸbMn =342 k.ft
indicate that it isnon-compact)
- Check Shear: From Table for W21*68: v Vn 273 kips Check the selected section
Vu R 2 51.4 kips 273 kips OK Span Lb ɸbMn Cb Cb*ɸbMn Limit
,ft from chart ɸbMb
Use W21*68 AB 12 342 1.37 468.54 420
Example 14: The beam shown in Figure must support - Check Shear: From Table for W12*53:
two concentrated live loads of 20 kips each at the quarter
points. The maximum live load deflection must not exceed v Vn 125 kips
L/240. Lateral support is provided at the ends of the beam. 1.2(0.053) * 24
Use A992 steel and select a W shape. Vu 32 32.8 kips 125 kips OK
Use W12*53
Pu 1.6 * 20 32 kips
w u 1.2 * 0.1 0.12 k / ft
If the weight of the beam is neglected, The bending
moment diagram:
From AISC Table 3-23
a 6'
M max P a 32* 6 192 kipd.ft
M A M B M C M max Cb 1.0
For practical purposes, N is usually a minimum of 6 in. and B is usually greater than or equal
to the beam flange width, bf. This allows for reasonable construction tolerances in placing
the bearing plate and beam. Both the plate dimension B and N should be selected in
increments of 1 in., and the plate thickness, t , is usually selected in increments of 1⁄4 in.
The basic design checks for beam bearing are web yielding and web crippling in the beam,
plate bearing and plate bending in the plate, and bearing stress in the concrete or masonry.
At the support and the points of concentrated loads, the web behaves like a short column,
and the beam must transfer compression from the wide flange to the narrow web. When
the magnitude of the reaction or concentrated load is excessive, high compressive stresses
may cause yielding at the junction of the web and the flange.
Web yielding is the crushing of a beam web subjected to compression stress due to a
concentrated load. This concentrated load could be an end reaction from a support , or it
could be a load delivered to the top flange by a column or another beam.
Yielding occurs when the compressive stress on a horizontal section through the web
reaches the yield point. When the load is transmitted through a plate, web yielding is
assumed to take place on the nearest section of width t w. In a rolled shape, this section will
be at the toe of the fillet, a distance k from the outside face of the flange.
The compression stress is assumed to be distributed on a ratio of 1:2.5 through the beam
flange and inner radius as shown below.
a- The area at the support subject to yielding is tw (2.5k + N). Multiplying this area by the
yield stress gives the nominal strength for web yielding at the support:
R n Fy t w (2.5 k N)
b- At the interior load, the length of the section subject to yielding is 2(2.5k) + N= 5k + N and
the nominal strength is
R n Fy t w (5 k N)
Web crippling is buckling of the web caused by the compressive force delivered through the
a- For an interior load, the nominal strength for web crippling is
N t E Fy t f
R n 0.80 t 2w 1 3 w
d tf tw
b- For a load at or near the support (no greater than half the beam depth from the end),
the nominal strength is
E Fy t f
If N 0.2 R n 0.40 t 2w 1 3 N t w
d d tf tw
If N 0.2 R 0.40 t 2 1 4 N 0.2 t w
E Fy t f
d n w
tf tw
The concrete support beam must resist the bearing load applied by the steel plate. The
bearing strength of the supporting concrete in crushing is:
c Pp c (0.85 f c ) A1 c 1.7 f c A1 and c 0.65
2 Ru n2 B 2k
t where n
0.9 B N Fy 2
For the limit states of web yielding and web crippling, a pair of transverse stiffeners or a web
doubler plate is added to reinforce the beam section when the design strength is less than
the applied loads.
2Ru n2 2 * 50 * 3.028 2
t 0.768
0.9 B N Fy 0.9 * 8 * 6 * 36
Say t = 1"