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Design of Rectangular Beams and One-Way Slabs

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Design of Rectangular Beams

and One-way Slabs

Rectangular Beams – Design

Beam Proportions

Beams 20 to 25 ft long – d/b approximately

1-1/2 to 2
Longer beams – d/b approximately 3 to 4
Shallower beams result in reduced floor
Overall beam dimensions are usually in whole
Beam widths are usually in multiples of 2 or 3 in
Deflections may be calculated
Short-term and long-term deflections
ACI Code provides minimum depth – deflection
calculation not required (Table 4.1)
If deflections are calculated, ACI minimum
values are not mandatory

ACI Minimum Thickness
Minimum Thickness, h
Member Simply One end Both ends Cantilever
supported continuous continuous
Solid one- L / 20 L / 24 L / 28 L / 10
way slabs
Beams or L / 16 L / 18.5 L / 21 L/8
ribbed one-
way slabs Table 4.1 (text)
For normal weight concrete and Grade 60 reinforcing. See footnotes
for lightweight concrete and other grades of reinforcement

Member Weight
The weight of a member is a load which must
be supported by the members
Member weight is not known until the member
is designed
Estimate the member weight– design the
beam – refine estimate of member weight
Redesign the member – refine weight
estimate if necessary
Reinforcing Bar Selection
Bar diameter is bar size in eighths of an inch
through #8. Larger bars are slightly
Diameter of a No 6 bar is approximately 6/8
= 3/4 in
Bar areas – text Appendix Table A.4 (or next

Don’t mix bar sizes (tension steel,

compression steel, stirrups)
Reinforcing Bar Diameter Area

Bar Properties
(No) (in) (in2)
3 0.375 0.11
4 0.500 0.20
5 0.625 0.31
6 0.750 0.44
7 0.875 0.60
8 1.00 0.79
9 1.13 1.0
10 1.27 1.27
11 1.41 1.56
14 1.69 2.25
18 2.26 4.00
Cover and Stirrups
Stirrups are used for shear reinforcement
Minimum stirrup size for No 10 and smaller
longitudinal bars is 3/8 in (#3 bars)
Minimum stirrup size for No 11 and larger
longitudinal bars is 1/2 in (#4 bars)
Minimum inside radius of a 90 degree bent
stirrup is twice the stirrup diameter

Reinforcing Bar Cover
Cover is distance from surface of bar to
closest concrete surface

Section 7.7 of ACI Code specifies cover


Special exposure requirements in Chapter 4

of ACI Code


Figure 4.1
Minimum Spacing of Bars
ACI Section 7.6 – minimum clear distance
between bars is the larger of the bar
diameter or 1 in
If layers of bars are used, bars in the upper
layer are required to be placed directly
over those in the lower layer
ACI Code Section 3.3.2 limits maximum
aggregate size, based on bar spacing – for
¾ in. max agg size, max. bar spacing = 1 in.
Aggregate Size and Bar Spacing
Aggregate size is limited to:

(a) one-fifth narrowest dimension between

side forms
(b) one-third slab depth
(c) three-fourths minimum clear spacing of

Development Length and Bar
Development length varies with cover and bar

Larger values of cover and / or bar spacing

result in smaller development length

It may be economical to increase cover and /

or bar spacing in order to reduce
development length

Minimum Beam Width, bmin
Except for #11 and larger longitudinal bars,
assumes 3/8 in stirrups, 1½ in cover
bmin = 5 ¼ + (n-1)db + (n-1)(larger of db or 1 in),
where n = no. of bars in one layer and
db = bar diameter
For #11 and larger longitudinal bars, assumes
1/2 in stirrups, 1½ in cover
bmin = 6 + (n-1)db + (n-1)(larger of db or 1 in),
where n = no. of bars in one layer and
db = bar diameter
See text Table A.5 for minimum beam widths15
Design Aids

 1  fy 
M u   As f y d 1  ' 
 1.7 f c 

As   bd
 1  fy 
M u   bdf y d 1  ' 
 1.7 f c 

Mu  1  fy 
  f y 1  ' 
 Rn
 bd 2
 1.7 f c 
See text Table A.8 – A.13 for Rn vs. 
Lateral Support for Beams
Concrete beams of normal proportions don’t
buckle laterally, unless significant torsion
is applied
ACI Code Section 10.4.1 states that lateral
support is not required at intervals less
than 50 times b (least width of
compression flange or face)
If significant torsion is present, situation
must be evaluated to determine placement
of lateral support
Skin Reinforcement for Beams

Skin Reinforcement for Beams
Beams with web depths exceeding 3 ft tend
to develop excessively wide cracks in the
upper part of the tension zone

Adding additional longitudinal reinforcement

in the tension zone reduces these cracks

ACI Code Section 10.6.7 states that “skin”

reinforcement must be provided for beams
deeper than 36 in ( h > 36 in.)
Skin Reinforcement for Beams
Skin reinforcement must be uniformly
distributed along both faces of the beam

Skin reinforcement must be provided for a

distance of h/2 from the tension face

Beam Sizes
Only a few beam sizes should be used in a
particular floor system

Beam subject to largest moment should be

sized to be as small as practical

Size other beams in the floor system similarly

and use less steel for those beams that
support smaller moment
Cantilever Beams
Cantilever beams are subject to negative
moment throughout the length

For cantilever beams, the largest moment

occurs at the face of the support

For cantilever beams, the largest steel

requirement occurs at the face of the

Cantilever Beams

Continuous Beams
Continuous beams are statically indeterminate
Both positive and negative moment occurs in
continuous beams
The largest negative moment occurs over the
The largest positive moment occurs near
Both positive and negative moment steel is
Continuous Beams

Beam Design Examples

Example 4.2

Design a rectangular beam for a 22-ft long

simple span to carry a dead load of 1 k/ft
(not including beam weight) and a live load
of 2 k/ft. Use a concrete strength of
4,000 psi and Grade 60 reinforcement.

Example 4.2

a) Estimate the beam dimensions and weight

Assume h  0.10  22 ft   2.2 ft  27 in

Assume d  24.5 in
1 1
Assume b  h   27 in   14 in
2 2
 27 in   14 in 
Beam weight 
144 in ft 2 2  150 lb ft 3
  394 lb ft

Example 4.2

(b) Compute wu and Mu

wu  1.2  1  0.394  k ft  1.6  2  k ft  4.873k ft

wu L  4.873k ft   22 ft 
2 2

Mu    294.8 k-ft
8 8

Example 4.2

(c) Select the 0.85 f c'  2 Rn 

reinforcing  reqd  1  1  
fy  0.85 f c' 
Rn 

 12 in ft   294.8 k-ft   1000 lb k   467.7
 bd 0.9  14 in   24.5 in 
2 2

0.85  4000  2  467.7  

 reqd
 1  1    0.00842*
60, 000 
 0.85  4000  
As   bd   0.00842   14 in   24.5 in   2.89 in 2
Try 3 No 9 bars As  3 in 2
* Or from Table A.13, for Rn = 471.6, read  = 0.0084
Example 4.2
(d) Check the 
3 in 2
 0.00875   min  0.0033
solution using  14 in   24.5 in 
the selected   0.00875   max  0.0181
steel Section is ductile and  =0.90

As f y

 3 in   60 ksi 

 3.78 in
0.85 f b
c 0.85  4 ksi   14 in 
 a
 M n   As f y  d   
 2
 3.78 in 
0.90  3 in 2   60 ksi   24.5 in  
 2 
3662 k-in  305.2 k-ft  294.8 k-ft
Example 4.2 – final beam design

Example 4.3

Design a rectangular beam for  = 0.0120

(approximately) and Mu = 600 k-ft. Use a
concrete strength of 4,000 psi and Grade
60 reinforcement. Assume Mu includes
beam self-weight.

Example 4.3
Assume   0.90
Mu  1  fy 
  f y 1  ' 
 bd 2
 1.7 f c 

 12 in ft   600 k-ft  (1000 lb / k )  0.0120 60, 000 psi 1  1  0.0120   60, 000 psi  
2    
0.9bd  1.7 4000 psi 
12  32.18
bd 2  12, 427 in3 The r.h.s of this eqn. can be read
14  29.79
directly from Table A.13 (=643.5 psi)
16  27.87
Try a beam with b  14 in and h  33 in  d  30 in 

Example 4.3
As   0.0120   14 in   30 in   5.04 in 2
Try 4 No 10  As  5.06 in 2 
5.06 in 2
  0.01205   min
 14 in   30 in 
  0.01205   max  0.0181  0.9

 5.06 in   60 ksi 

 6.378 in
0.85  4 ksi   14 in 
a 6.378 in
d   30 in   26.81 in
2 2
Example 4.3
 M u   As f y (d  ) 
0.90  5.06 in 2   60 ksi   26.81 in  
7,326 lb-in  610.5 k-ft  600 k-ft

Table A.5, bmin = 12.9 in OK

Example 4.4

Select a rectangular beam for a 25 ft simple

span and a dead load of 2 k/ft (not
including beam weight) and a live load of 3
k/ft. Use a concrete strength of 3,000 psi
and Grade 60 reinforcement. Use:

f  3 ksi 
  0.18  0.18 
  0.009
fy  60 ksi 

Example 4.4
wu  1.2  2  0.4   1.6  3  7.680 k ft
Assume a beam
weight of 400 lb/ft  7.680 k ft   25 ft 

Mu   600 k-ft
 482.6 (text Appendix Table A.12)
 bd 2

bd 
2 Mu

 12 in ft   600 k-ft  (1000 lb / k )
 482.6 0.90  482.6 
16  32.19
bd 2  16,577
18  30.35
20  28.79
Example 4.4
Try b  18 in and h  33 in  d  30.50 in 
 18 in   33 in 
Beam weight 
144in 2 ft 2
 150 lb ft   618.8lb ft  400 plf assumed

wu  1.2  2  0.65   1.6  3  7.98 k ft

 7.98 k ft   25 ft 

Mu   623.4 k-ft

bd 2 

 12 in ft   623.4 k-ft   1000 lb ft 
 482.6 0.90  482.6 
b d
16  32.81
bd 2  17, 223 in3
18  30.93
20  29.35
Example 4.4
Try b  18 in and h  34 in  d  31.0 in 
 18 in   34 in 
Beam weight 
144in ft 2 2  150 lb ft   637.5lb ft

As   bd   0.009   18 in   31 in   5.02 in 2
Try 5 No 9 - As  5.00 in 2

 5.00 in   60 ksi 

 6.54 in
0.85  3 ksi   18 in 
a 6.54 in
d   31.0 in   27.73 in
2 2

Example 4.4
 M u   As f y (d  )  0.90  5.0 in 2   60 ksi   27.73 in  
7,488 lb-in  623.9 k-ft > 623.4 k-ft OK

Example 4.5

Select the reinforcing steel for the

rectangular cross-section shown. Mu = 160
k-ft. Use a concrete strength of 3,000 psi
and Grade 60 reinforcement. Note beam
dimensions are given. Only As need be

Example 4.5 - worked 3 ways

Example 4.5 (using Appendix)

 160, 000 ft-lb   12 in/ft 
 302.3 psi
 bd 2
0.9  16 in  (21 in) 2

Appendix Table A.12

  0.0054
A s   bd  (0.0054)(16)(21)  1.81 in 2
Three # 7 bars have slightly less area than theoretically required .

Example 4.5 (using Text Eq. 3.3)

0.85 f c'  2 Rn 
 1  1  
fy  0.85 f c' 
Mu (12)(160, 000)
Rn    302.3
 bd 2
(0.9)(16)(21) 2

(0.85)(3000)  (2)(302.3) 
= 1  1   =0.0054
60, 000  (0.85)(3000) 

This is the same value obtained by using the Tables in

Appendix A, so the remainder of the problem is the
same as in the previous slide.
Example 4.5 (iterative method)
Mu  160 k/ft   12 in/ft 
Assume a = 2 in. As 

 2 in 
 1.78 in 2
 f y (d  ) 0.9  60 ksi   21 in- 
2  2 

 1.78 in   60 ksi 

 2.62 in
0.85  3 ksi   16 in 
a 2.62 in
d  21 in   19.69 in
2 2
As   1.81 in 2
Three # 7 bars have slightly less area than required .
 M n  0.90  1.80 in 2   60 ksi   19.69 in  
1913.9 k-in  159.5 k-ft  160 k-ft
Capacity is very close. Try 2#9 bars, Mn = 175.8 k-ft 46
One-way Slabs

One-way Slabs
Slabs are called “one-way” because bending is
primarily in one direction
One-way slabs are supported only on two
parallel and opposite sides
Two-way slabs bend in two directions and are
typically supported on four sides
One-way bending may occur in slabs supported
on four sides if L/S > 2
One-way Slabs
Slab thickness is normally rounded up to one-
quarter inch for slabs 6 in or less in

Slab thickness is normally rounded up to one-

half inch for slabs thicker than 6 in

ACI Code Section 7.12 requires shrinkage and

temperature steel transverse to span
One-way Slabs
One-way slabs are designed as rectangular

Typically, a 12 in width is designed

Poisson’s ratio is assumed to be zero
Flexural reinforcement may not be spaced
further apart than three times the slab
thickness, nor 18 in. See ACI Code
Section 7.6.5
One-way Slabs
According to ACI Section, shrinkage
and temperature may not be spaced more
than five times the slab thickness, nor 18

According to ACI Section, when

Grade 60 steel or WWF is used, the area
of the shrinkage and temperature may not
be less than 0.0018bh

One-way Slabs
If resistance to shrinkage or temperature is
present, it may be necessary to provide
more than ACI minimum steel

See text table A.6 for selecting bars for one-

way slabs

Example 4.6

Design the one-way slab shown in the figure.

The span length is 10 ft and use a concrete
strength of 4,000 psi and Grade 60
reinforcement. The live load to be
supported is 200 psf.

Example 4.6

(a) Establish the minimum slab thickness if

deflections are not computed (Table 4.1)


 12 in/ft   10 ft 
 6 in
20 20
Use a 6 in slab
3 1
d  6 in  in  cover   in  one-half estimated bar diameter   5 in
4 4
Note that in this problem we are using Grade 60 steel and
normal weight concrete. Footnotes inTable 4.1 make
adjustments for different values of fy and c.
Example 4.6

(b) Design a 12-in wide strip, i.e. b = 12 in

 6 in 
Dead load  
 12 in/ft 
  150 lb ft 3
  75 psf

wu  1.2  75 psf   1.6  200 psf   410 psf

wu L  0.410 ksf   10 ft 
2 2

Mu    5.125 k-ft
8 8

 12 in/ft   5.125 k-ft   1000 lb k 
 227.8 psi
 bd 0.90  12 in   5 in 
2 2

Example 4.6
(b) Select the steel

  0.00393 (text Appendix Table A.13)   min  0.0033

As   0.00393  12 in   5 in   0.236 in ft

try # 4 bar , calculate spacing

12 in s

0.236 in 0.20 in 2
s (12)  10.17 in
Use #4 at 10 in; As  0.240in ft2
Example 4.6 Note h, not
d, used here
(c) Shrinkage and temperature steel

As  0.0018bh   0.0018   12 in   6 in   0.1296in 2 ft

Use #3 at 10 in; As  0.13in 2 ft
Maximum spacing  18 in  ACI Section 
If #4 bars are used as T & S steel,
As = 0.0018bh
0.20 = 0.0018(s)(6)
s = 0.20/(0.0018)(6)= 18.51 in, use #4@18 in.

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