5 Integumentary System PDF
5 Integumentary System PDF
5 Integumentary System PDF
Skin Color Scalp hairs – grow for 3 years; rest for 1 – 2 years
Melanin – pigments responsible for skin, hair, eye color
Arrector Pili – smooth muscles; contraction = hair to
Melanin pigments – yellow (Caucasian), brown stand on end; produces goose bumps
(Asians), black (African)
M o r a n o , M . A .
I. Sebaceous Glands 3. Vitamin D Production
§ Simple, branched acinar glands § Skin exposed to UV light produces
§ Connected by a duct to the superficial part of cholecalciferol (modified in the liver, then in the
the hair follicle kidneys to produce active vitamin D)
§ Sebum – oily, white substance rich in lipids; § Best sources of Vit. D = fatty fish, vit. D
released by holocrine secretion; lubricates the fortified milk
hair/surface of the skin (prevents drying and § Small amounts of Vit D = eggs, butter, liver
protects against bacteria) § Active Vit. D stimulates the small intestine to
absorb calcium and phosphate (normal bone
II. Sweat Glands growth, normal muscle function)
a. Eccrine Sweat Glands
Ø Simple, coiled, tubular glands 4. Temperature Regulation
Ø Release sweat by melocrine § Normal body temp. = 37oC (98.6 oF)
secretion § Rate of chemical rxns within the body can
Ø Numerous in the palms and soles increased of decreased based on the body temp.
b. Apocrine Sweat Glands § Factors that raise body temperature
Ø Simple, coiled, tubular glands Ø Exercise
Ø Produce a think secretion rich in Ø Fever
organic substances Ø Increase in environmental
Ø Released primary by melocrine temperature
secretion; some glands demonstrate § The skin controls heat loss from the body
holocrine secretion through dilation and constriction of blood
Ø Open into hair follicles, in armpits vessels
and genitalia § Sweat glands produce sweat, which evaporates
Ø Become active at puberty and lowers body temperature
§ Heat is lost by radiation (infrared energy),
III. Other Glands convection (air movement), conduction (direct
a. Ceruminous glands – cerumen (earwax) contact)
b. Mammary glands – milk
5. Excretion
Nails § Skin glands remove water and salt
§ Dead stratum corneum cells § Also removes small amounts of urea, uric acid,
§ Contain a very hard type of keratin ammonia
M o r a n o , M . A .
a. First-degree burns II. Squamous cell carcinoma
Ø Epidermis § Immediately superficial to the s. basale
Ø Red and painful § Cells continue to divide as they produce keratin
Ø Slight edema (swelling) = nodular, keratinized tumor confined to the
b. Second-degree burns § Can invade the dermis, metastasize, and cause
Ø Epidermis, dermis death
Ø Epidermis regenerates from the
epithelial tissue III. Malignant melanoma
Ø Dermal damage is minimal; § Rare form of skin cancer that arises from
v Redness, pain, edema, blisters melanocytes; usually from a pre-existing mole
v Healing = 2 weeks § Mole – an aggregation or nest of melanocytes
v No scarring § Large, flat, spreading lesion or deeply
Ø Deep into the dermis pigmented nodule
v Red, tan, or white § Metastasis is common
v Takes several months to heal § Often fatal
v Might scar
FX of Aging on the Integumentary S.
II. Full-thickness Burns § Epidermis thins
a. Third-degree burns § Amount of collagen in the dermis decreases
Ø Epidermis, dermis, and underlying § Skin infections are most likely
tissues are completely destroyed § Repair of skin occurs slower
Ø Recovery occurs from the edges of § Decrease no. of elastic fibers in the dermis and
the burn wound loss of fat (sagging of skin, wrinkles)
Ø Region of the 3rd degree burn is § Decrease of activity of sweat glands = reduced
painless (sensory receptors have ability to regulate body temp.
been destroyed) § Decrease sebaceous gland activity = skin
Ø White, tan, brown, black, deep becomes drier
cherry red § Decrease no. of melanocytes
Ø Take a long time to heal § Some areas, the no. of melanocytes increase =
Ø Form scar tissue age spots
Ø Skin grafts are used to prevent § Increased melanin production = freckles; also,
complications and to speed healing gray/white hair
§ Skin that is exposed to sunlight = shows signs of
Skin Cancer aging more rapidly
§ Most common type of cancer
§ Exposure to UV light from the sun
§ Usually on face, neck, hands
§ Most like to have skin cancer = fair skinned or
older than 50
§ Limiting exposure to sun, using sunscreen;
reduces the likelihood of developing skin cancer
§ Ultraviolet light
v Longer wavelength
v Causes most tanning of the skin
v Development of malignant
v Most burning of the skin
v Development of basal cell and
squamous cell carcinoma
M o r a n o , M . A .