ASSESSMENT OF SKIN, HAIR, NAILS cell division and contains melanin and keratin
forming cell.
§ The major determinant of skin color is melanin.
STRUCTURE and FUNCTION § Other significant determinants include
capillary blood flow, chromophores and
§ The integumentary system consists of the skin, collagen.
hair, and nails which are the external structures Dermis
that serve a variety of specialized functions. § The inner layer of the skin is the dermis.
§ The sebaceous and sweat glands originating § Dermal papillae connect the dermis to the
within the skin also have many vital functions. epidermis. They are visible in the hands and
SKIN feet and create the unique pattern of the friction
§ The skin is the largest organ in the body. ridges commonly called as fingerprints.
§ It is a physical barrier that protects the § The dermis is a well vascularized, connective
underlying tissues and organs from tissue layer containing collagen and elastic
microorganisms, physical trauma, ultraviolet fibers, nerve endings, and lymph vessels.
radiation, and dehydration. § It is also the origin of sebaceous glands, sweat
§ It plays a vital role in temperature glands, and hair follicles.
maintenance, fluid and electrolyte balance, Sebaceous glands
absorption, excretion, sensation, immunity, § The sebaceous glands are attached to hair
and vitamin D synthesis. follicles and are present over most of the body,
§ It also provides an individual identity to a excluding the soles and palms.
person’s appearance. § They secrete an oily substance called sebum
§ The skin is thicker on the palms of the hands that waterproofs the hair and skin.
and soles of the feet and is continuous with the § There are two types of sweat glands:
mucous membranes at the orifices of the body. A. Eccrine glands B. Apocrine glands
§ It is composed of three layers: Sweat glands
o A. Epidermis § The eccrine glands are located over the entire
o B. Dermis skin.
o C. Subcutaneous Tissue - Their primary function is secretion of sweat
Epidermis and thermoregulation, which is
§ Epidermis – the outer layer of the skin. accomplished by evaporation of sweat from
§ Composed of four distinct layers: the skin surface.
A. Stratum Corneum § The apocrine glands are associated with hair
B. Stratum Lucidum follicles in the axillae, perineum, and areolae of
C. Stratum Granulosum the breasts.
D. Stratum Germinativum - Apocrine glands are small and non-
§ The outermost layer consists of dead, functional until puberty, at which time they
keratinized cells that render the skin are activated and secrete a milky sweat.
waterproof. - The interaction of sweat with skin bacteria
§ The epidermal layer is almost completely produces a characteristic body odor. In
replaced every 3 to 4 weeks. women, apocrine secretions are linked with
§ The innermost layer of the epidermis (stratum the menstrual cycle.
germinativum) is the only layer that undergoes