Indicators APA MLA CSW: Alignment
Indicators APA MLA CSW: Alignment
Indicators APA MLA CSW: Alignment
Section: Our Lady of Sorrow
2Q L3. Learning Exercise 3. (Team work) Differentiate the three styles of writing
by completing the table. (54 pts) Team A
APA Style calls for a 12- MLA Style calls for a 12-
Turabian recommends
point font size, along point font size, along
using a font that is both
with an easily readable with an easily readable
readable and readily
font such as Times New font such as Times New
available to most
Roman. Roman. people such as Times
New Roman or Arial.
Times New Roman font
size should be no
smaller than 12-point
and Arial no smaller
than 10-point.
Indent paragraphs You will need to indent Each new paragraph
within the primary text the first line of any uses a 1/2" indent for
of the paper one-half paragraph by one-half paragraphs, block
inch if using a word inch from the left quotes and hanging
processing program or margin. If you are not (bibliography) indents.
indent five to seven using word processing
spaces in if typing on a software, indent by five
typewriter. However, spaces.
do not indent in these
unique circumstances:
the abstract, block
quotations, figure
captions, notes,
reference list entries,
table titles, and titles or
Use 1-inch margins on All four sides of the Use the standard 1-inch
all four sides of the MLA paper--- top, margin on all four sides
Margins paper: top, bottom, bottom, right, and left-- of your paper.
right and left. Old rules - require a margin of 1 However, if you are
required 1.5-inch inch. The only items going to bind your
margins, but these that should appear paper on the left side,
rules are now obsolete. outside the margin are then you can use a
the page numbers. wider left margin.
Use regular white, 20- Use standard, 20- Use standard 20-pound
pound bond paper that pound white paper that regular white bond
Page type
has measurements of measures 8.5 by 11 paper that is 8.5 by 11
8.5 by 11 inches. If inches. inches.
printing from a
computer, use an inkjet
or laser printer to print
the paper; if you must
use a tractor-feed
printer, make sure to
tear off the pinhole
borders from the sides
of the paper.
Center the title on the MLA Style does not Center all text on the
title page, creating a require a separate title title page, using both
combination of page. You can include horizontal and vertical
uppercase and the information used alignment. Uppercase
lowercase letters. If the for the title on the first all text and double-
title is long enough to page of the paper, and space too.
warrant a second line, begin the paper’s main
double space between text on the same page.
the lines. After the title, All text should be
include your name, double-spaced on the
followed by the college first page. You can
that you attend. If you place the page number
do not belong to a in the upper right
college, you can corner. In the upper left
substitute the city and corner, flush left, and
state. Double space beginning at the
between each line on margins, include your
the title page. Put the name, the instructor’s
number “1” in the name, the course, and
upper right corner of the date. Then, center
the title page. the text for the title,
mixing uppercase and
lowercase letters. If you
choose to skip the
separate title page, you
can begin the main text
immediately after the
title text.
Number nearly every Place the page number Use Arabic numerals to
page in the paper, in the upper right number every page in
Page numbering including the title page. corner of every page. your paper, except for
Put the number in the Use Arabic numerals pages that introduce
upper-right corner of for the page numbers. the body text, such as
the page, and use only The page number (1) the copyright page;
Arabic numbers. Put should appear one-half (2) the dedication page;
the number “1” on the inch from the top of the and (3) the table of
title page and the paper and even with contents page. Chicago
number “2” on the the right margin ( 1 inch Style dubs these pages
abstract page. Begin from the edge of the as “display” pages, and
the main body of the paper). If you choose to you must number these
text on page number use an optional title pages with lowercase
“3”. Do not number page, you should not Roman numerals. Do
pages that consist of number it. If you not put a number on
only statistics or choose not to create a the title page, but you
illustrations. separate tittle page, MUST count the title
instead of including the page as part of the
title and other relevant “display” pages. The
information on the first next page is left blank
page of the main text, unless you use a
you must use “1” as the copyright page. You do
number of that page. not number the
copyright page (or the
blank page) either.
Number the next page
(after the copyright or
blank page) “iii” in
Roman numerals,
centered at the bottom
of the page. When you
begin the main (body)
text, change from
Roman numerals to
Arabic numbers. Put
the number “1” in the
upper-right corner of
the page. If your page
has a chapter heading
or a main heading, you
can center the Arabic
numeral at the bottom
of the page. Number all
blank pages, including
any pages. Your page
number must run
consecutively. Position
all page numbers about
three-quarters of an
inch from the side of
the paper.