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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 51 2011

Effect of Superplasticizer and NaOH Molarity on

Workability, Compressive Strength and
Microstructure Properties of Self-Compacting
Geopolymer Concrete
M. Fadhil Nuruddin, Samuel Demie, M. Fareed Ahmed, and Nasir Shafiq

may lead to deplete at one point of time. Manufacture of one

Abstract—The research investigates the effects of super ton of Portland cement (PC) generates about one ton of CO2 to
plasticizer and molarity of sodium hydroxide alkaline solution on the the atmosphere which constitutes 5% global CO2 emission [1].
workability, microstructure and compressive strength of self It is reported that the global production of PC contributes
compacting geopolymer concrete (SCGC). SCGC is an improved
about 1.35 billion tons greenhouse gas emissions annually [2],
way of concreting execution that does not require compaction and is
made by complete elimination of ordinary Portland cement content. [3]. Due to the manufacture of PC, the CO2 emission is likely
The parameters studied were superplasticizer (SP) dosage and to rise by about 50% from the current levels in 2020 [4].
molarity of NaOH solution. SCGC were synthesized from low Recently, to reduce the environmental impact due to cement
calcium fly ash, activated by combinations of sodium hydroxide and production, a type of binder is produced from an alumino-
sodium silicate solutions, and by incorporation of superplasticizer for silicate precursor activated in high alkali solution. This
self compactability. The workability properties such as filling ability,
cementitious binder is known as geopolymer cement.
passing ability and resistance to segregation were assessed using
slump flow, T-50, V-funnel, L-Box and J-ring test methods. It was Many efforts have been done to minimize the use of cement
found that the essential workability requirements for self as a binder in concrete production. One of the pozzolanic
compactability according to EFNARC were satisfied. Results showed materials that has been introduced in the construction industry
that the workability and compressive strength improved with the is the fly ash (FA) [2], which is a by-product from coal-fired
increase in superplasticizer dosage. An increase in strength and a electric and steam generating plants. References [5] and [6]
decrease in workability of these concrete samples were observed with
developed a geopolymer concrete (GC) using the FA as the
the increase in molarity of NaOH solution from 8M to 14M.
Improvement of interfacial transition zone (ITZ) and micro structure base material. Prior the introduction of FA as a source
with the increase of SP and increase of concentration from 8M to material, metakaolin was used as the base material in many
12M were also identified. studies [7]-[9], however since last decade, much research has
been done using FA because it contains high amount of
Keywords—Compressive strength, Fly ash, Geopolymer alumina and silica content. The works done on geopolymer
concrete, Workability technology [5], [7], [10], [11] shows a significant potential for
its utilization in concrete industry, particularly low-calcium
I. INTRODUCTION FA. Consequently, the use of geopolymer as binder in

C ONCRETE is one of the vital materials for infrastructure

development due to its versatile application, globally its
concrete production not only resulted to reduce the CO2
emission because of elimination of cement, but also utilizes
usage is second to water. For last many years, there are many the industrial by-products of alumino-silicate materials to
concerns raised for the continuous increase of cement use produce environmental friendly construction material [1]-[10].
because of the reasons that the production of cement causes Placement of fresh concrete in the form-work requires
large amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) emission and it also compaction efforts and also involves skilled labor. This
consume significant amount of natural rock and minerals that compaction primarily aims to minimize the entrapped air in
fresh concrete in order to obtain homogeneous mix with no
cavities (honey-comb) [11]. While the concrete is placed and
M. Fadhil Nuruddin is with Civil Engineering Department, Universiti compacted at the construction site, normal vibrating concrete
Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia (email: fadhilnuruddin@petronas.com.my)
Samuel Demie is with Department of Civil and Urban Engineering, may unable to exhibit the required fresh and hardened
Haramaya University, Institute of Technology, Haramaya, Ethiopia, and is properties. To obtain adequate compaction in freshly mixed
presently MSc Research Student in Civil Department, Universiti Teknologi concrete, skilled labor is required. One solution to overcome
PETRONAS, Malaysia (Corresponding author phone: +60125512909; email:
samnta21@yahoo.com or samidew52@gmail.com). this problem is the employment of self compacting concrete
M. Fareed Ahmed i is with Civil Engineering Department, Universiti (SCC) [12]. SCC transforms the concreting operation by
Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia complete elimination of vibration during compaction and
(email: engrfam@gmail.com)
Nasir Shafiq is with Civil Engineering Department, Universiti Teknologi
allows the concrete to flow through sections with congested
PETRONAS, Malaysia (email: nasirshafiq@petronas.com.my) reinforcement under its own weight alone, filling the

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 51 2011

formwork without segregation of its constituent materials. activator alkaline solution was prepared at least one hour prior
Such concrete needs a high slump flow [13] that can easily be to its use. The different concentration NaOH solution was 8M,
obtained by superplasticizer addition to a concrete mix and 10M,12M & 14M and in order to make 1 Kg of solution,
carefully controlled mix proportion. SCC was developed in 29.4%, 36.7%, 44.1% and 51.4% of pellets were added to the
Japan in the late 1980s because of shortage of skilled labor water respectively.
and emergence of heavily reinforced structure [12]. Super plasticizer (Sika Visco Crete-3430) was used to
References [14] and [15] studied the properties of SCC made increase the workability to the extent required for self
with low calcium fly ash (Class F). They made experimental compactability of Geopolymer Concrete. The utilization of
investigation on workability, structural and durability Viscosity Modifying Admixture (VMA) gives more
properties of self compacting concrete by replacing PC with possibilities of controlling segregation (stability) and
fly ash up to 35% and 80% respectively. The results showed homogeneity of the mix [20]. The amount of SP used was in
that SCC made with fly ash increased the workability and accordance with EFNARC 2002 [20]. The water used in the
enhanced the hardened properties. Adequate compaction of mix was tap water in accordance with B.S. EN 1008:1997.
fresh concrete is essential to achieve good consolidation, TABLE I
uniform properties, better quality and durability [16], strong
bond with reinforcement [17] and improved interface between Compounds Mass Requirement as per
the aggregate and hardened paste [18], and enhanced (%) BS EN 450-1:2005
microstructure of concrete. This paper presents the test results SiO2 51.3 min. 25%
of behavior of SCGC in fresh and hardened states containing Al2O3 30.1 -
Class F fly ash to identify the optimized mix proportion and Fe2O3 4.57 -
the main objective of this study is to investigate the effects of SiO2+Al2O3+ Fe2O3 85.9 min. 70%
CaO 8.73 max. 10%
superplasticizer dosage and molarity of alkaline solution on
P2O5 1.6 -
workability and compressive strength and microstructure
SO3 1.4 max. 3%
properties of SCGC.
K2O 1.56 -
TiO2 - -

A. Material Selection
B. Mixing Method
1. Fly Ash
In the experimental work, materials were selected The concrete mixing procedure consists of dry and wet
according to the specifications that meet the requirements of mixings. The solids components of SCGC, i.e. the fly ash and
British Standards and EFNARC guidelines [11]. the fine and coarse aggregates, were dry mixed in the pan
Dry low-calcium fly ash obtained from thermo electric mixer for about 2.5 minutes. The liquid part of the mixture,
power station was used as the base material. American i.e. the sodium silicate solution, the sodium hydroxide
Standard Testing and Material (ASTM C618) classify fly ash solution, extra water and the super plasticizer, were premixed
into Class F and C depending mainly on CaO content and the thoroughly and then added to the dry mixture. The wet mixing
fly ash used in the research was Class F with chemical was done for 3 minutes. It was believed that the chemical
composition, as determined by X-Ray Florescence (XRF) reaction between alkaline solution, super plasticizer and water
analysis, given in Table I. took place and the reaction played an important role in giving
2. Aggregates the required workability for SCC and compressive strength of
Coarse aggregate used in this research was crushed granite hardened concrete. The fresh SCGC had a flowing
stone with maximum size of 14 mm (BS 812-103.2 1989). consistency and with high tendency of filling ability, passing
The specific gravity of coarse aggregate is 2.66 with SSD ability and resistance to segregation.
condition while the fine aggregate used is dry clean natural C. Casting and Curing
Malaysian sand with the fineness modulus of 2.76, maximum
The fresh concrete was filled in 100mmx100mmx100mm
size of 5mm and a specific gravity of 2.61.
steel moulds and allowed to fill all the spaces of the moulds
3. Alkaline Solution
by its self weight (no need to vibrate for compaction). After
Alkaline solution plays an important role in geopolymer
casting the specimens including the moulds were kept in an
synthesis for the dissolution of silica and alumina as well as
oven at a temperature of 70°C for 48 hours duration. The
for the catalysis of polymerization reaction [19]. In this
specimens were placed outside the room but protected from
experiment, a combination of sodium silicate and sodium
direct sunlight and rain and then the specimens were
hydroxide was chosen as the alkaline liquid.
Na2SiO3 (Grade A53) used with a composition of 55.52%
water, 29.75% SiO2 and 14.73% Na2O. NaOH (99% purity, in
the form of pellets) was dissolved in distilled water to avoid
the effect of unknown contaminants in the mixing water. The

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 51 2011

Mix Fly Ash Coarse Fine NaOH Na-Silicate Extra SP Curing
Sample Agg. Agg. Water Time Temp.
Kg/m3 Kg/m3 Kg/m3 Kg/m3 Molarity Kg/m3 Kg/m3 % Kg/m3 % hr. 0

S1 400 950 850 57 12 143 48 12 12 3 48 70

S2 400 950 850 57 12 143 48 12 16 4 48 70
S3 400 950 850 57 12 143 48 12 20 5 48 70
S4 400 950 850 57 12 143 48 12 24 6 48 70
S5 400 950 850 57 12 143 48 12 28 7 48 70
S6 400 950 850 57 8 143 48 12 24 6 48 70
S7 400 950 850 57 10 143 48 12 24 6 48 70
S8 400 950 850 57 14 143 48 12 24 6 48 70

and tested for direct compression in a digital 2000KN in Table III. Resistance to segregation can be assessed more or
Compression testing machine. The ambient curing preceded less in all the tests based on observation through visual
by oven curing was adopted for this research to accelerate stability. The European Guidelines EFNARC has proposed
polymeric reaction at elevated temperature and to improve the different test methods to characterize an SCC mix. Table III
compressive strength performance as claimed by Nuruddin et shows the test methods and property along with their
al [21]. The reported compressive strength is the average recommended values given by EFNARC.
strength of three specimens. Analysis on ITZ and TABLE III
microstructure properties was conducted using field emission EFNARC GUIDELINES [20]
scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) on 28 days concrete S.No. Methods Property Acceptance values as
sample. per EFNARC Guide
D. Mix Proportion
Minimum Maximum
The mix design proportion adopted in the research and 1 Slump flow by Filling 650mm 800mm
details of these mixtures are shown in Table II. The ratio of Abrams cone Ability
sodium silicate to sodium hydroxide solution by mass was 2.5 2 T50cm Slump Filling 2s 5s
for all mixture proportion. The mass ratio of fine aggregate to flow Ability
fly ash was 2.125 for all mixture. Mix Samples S1, S2, S3, S4, 3 V-funnel Filling 6s 12s
and S5 were prepared to study the effects of superplasticizer
4 L-Box (H2/H1, Passing 0.8 1.0
dosage on the fresh workability and hardened compressive Ratio) Ability
strength of SCGC. The designed SP dosages were 3%, 4%, 5 J-Ring Passing 0mm 10mm
5%, 6% and 7% and all the other test parameters were held Ability
constant while the SP dosage varied. Mixes S4, S6, S7 and S8
were prepared to study the influence of molarity of alkaline In this research, the mixes underwent slump flow, T-50, V-
solution on the workability and compressive strength of funnel, L-Box & J-Ring tests to ascertain their self-
SCGC. The different molarity of NaOH solution was setted as compacting capabilities. All those tests are in accordance with
8M, 10M, 12M and 14M respectively. All the other test EFNARC guidelines. The hardened compressive strength test
parameters were kept constant while the molarity varied. was performed on one day after curing period in accordance
with BS EN 12390-3:2002 using 2000 KN Digital
Compressive Testing Machine in the Concrete Laboratory of
E. Test Procedure
Civil Engineering Department, Universiti Teknologi
A concrete mix can only be considered as SCC if the three PETRONAS. A set of three cubes for each mix were tested for
characteristics for workability are satisfied. The three fresh compressive strength measurement.
concrete characteristics mandatory for SCC are filling ability,
passing ability and resistance to segregation. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Different test methods have been developed in attempts to
measure the three properties of SCC; however, so far no In this section, the experimental results of various fresh
single standard methods is capable of determining all the properties tested by slump flow test (slump flow diameter and
relevant workability aspects at a time so each mix design T50cm), J-ring test (J-ring Blocking step (BJ)); L-box test (ratio
should be assessed by more than one test method for the of heights at the two edges of L-box (H2/H1)); V-funnel test
different workability characteristics. Filling ability and (time taken by concrete to flow through V-funnel after 10 s
passing ability can be measured by the test methods as shown T10S); for various mix compositions are discussed. The results
of the workability tests are given in Table IV.

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 51 2011

A total of 8 mixtures were made to study the influence of The results indicated that SCGC with 7% SP resulted in a very
various parameters on the workability and compressive small increase in the compressive strength than SCGC with
strength. Workability is the main parameter that characterizes 6% SP. SP dosage of 6% was taken as the optimum due to the
SCC as superior workable in attaining self-consolidation and fact satisfactory performance was obtained in both fresh and
required hardened properties. All the workability tests were hardened SCGC. This phenomenon is important for the
performed as per European guide lines EFNARC 2002 for construction industry as far as economy is concerned.
SCC. The test results of the quantitative analysis and visual
observations showed that except for Mix Samples S1, S2 and
S3, all the other concrete mix samples had the desired fresh

Compressive Strength (MPa)

properties and were with in the EFNARC limits of SCC. The 3%
50 4%
mean compressive strength of the three test cubes for all mix
45 5%
composition is presented in Table IV.
40 6%
A. Supreplasticizer Dosage, Percentage by Mass 35

The first five Mixtures S1, S2, S3, S4 and S5 have identical 30
mix composition, but different superplasticizer dosages of 3%, 0 10 20 30

4%, 5%, 6% and 7% respectively. The difference is the Age (Days)

amount of superplasticizer added to the mix. The Fig. 1 Effect of SP dosage on compressive strength
concentration of sodium hydroxide solution was held constant
at 12M and 12% extra water by mass for all mix. These B. Molarity of Alkaline Solution
mixtures were prepared to study the effects of SP dosage on
Mixes S4, S6, S7 and S8 were prepared to study the influence
workability and compressive strength of SCGC. From Table
of NaOH solution concentration on workability and
IV, it can be seen that that Mix S5 with SP dosage of 7%
compressive strength of SCGC. All the other test parameters
shows highest compressive strength as compared to the other
were held constant while the concentration of NaOH varied.
mixes that have SP dosage of 3%, 4%, 5%, 6% and 7%. Mix
The workability results of slump, T 50 cm , V-funnel, L-Box and
samples S1, S2 and S3 failed to exhibit the required workability
J-Ring are presented in Table IV and the results showed that
property for SCC due to the lower percentage of
as the molarity of NaOH solution increases the workability of
superplasticizer. Fig. 1 shows that the maximum performance
geopolymer concrete decreases. The compressive strength
at 7% SP dosage for all ages. Also the maximum compressive
result for 1st, 3rd, 7th and 28th days of testing are shown in Fig.
strength achieved at 28 days of age, which is, 53.80MPa. SP is
6. For all days of testing, 12M NaOH solutions showed the
required in geopolymer concrete to improve workability and
highest compressive strength of 47.83, 48.52, 49.44 and
enhance hardened properties of SCGC such as microstructure
51.52Mpa respectively. It was observed that an increase in
and compressive strength. The condensation polymerization
compressive strength from 8M to 12M but decreased from
that takes place is endothermic in nature therefore supply of
12M to 14M for all days of testing.
heat is required. This process is different from OPC based
concrete as geopolymer concrete does not utilize water in its 55
Compressive Strength (MPa)

polymeric reaction. Water in the mix plays a vital role in 50

synthesis and acts as a medium for dissolution, condensation 8M
45 10M
and polymerization of Al and Si precursors into polymeric
structures [5]. This in turn helps the mixing and casting 40
process to increase the workability fresh concrete along with 35
superplasticizer. During the curing process at elevated 30
temperature, the water was expelled and evaporated from 0 10 20 30
hardened concrete sample. Spaces that were formerly Age (Days)
occupied by water remained as micropores within the
Fig. 2 Effect of NaOH molarity on compressive strength
concrete. These pores resulted a microcrack path which can
led to the premature failure of concrete at lower stress level
when exposed to compressive load, hence resulting in low As the concentration of NaOH solution increased from 12M
compressive strength performance. Fig. 1 shows that as the SP to 14M, it was observed that a decrease in compressive
dosage in the mix increased, the compressive strength strength due to the lower rate of polymer formation resulting
increased. This was due to the more effective action of the in the decrease of strength. The highest compressive strength
superplasticizer in increasing the workability of the was obtained using a solution of NaOH and sodium silicate as
geopolymer concrete. Fig. 1 shows that 7% SP produced the an activator.
highest compressive strength of 53.80MPa at 28 days after
curing. There is a slight increase in the compressive strength
for Mix contained 7% SP as compared to Mix with 6% SP.

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 51 2011

Workability Test Results
Mix Slump T 50 cm V-funnel L-Box J-Ring Compressive Strength
Sample Flow Slump Flow time (H2/H1) Blocking
Flow Step, BJ 1-Day 3-Days 7-Days 28-Days
(mm) (sec.) (sec) Ratio (mm) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
S1 625 6.5 15.5 0.84 13 40.85 41.77 42.84 44.69
S2 640 6.0 14 0.88 10 42.02 42.68 44.17 46.86
S3 665 5.0 12.5 0.9 8 44.74 45.28 46.19 48.90
S4 690 4.5 10 0.94 7 47.83 48.52 49.44 51.52
S5 710 4.0 7.0 0.96 5 51.03 51.98 52.26 53.08
S6 700 4.0 9.5 0.96 5 41.45 42.14 43.62 44.87
S7 690 4.0 10 0.95 6 45.19 46.02 47.32 49.28
S8 675 5.0 12 0.90 9 46.96 47.64 48.98 50.46
Acceptance criteria for SCC as per EFNARC [20]
Min. 650 2 6 0.8 0
Max. 800 5 12 1.0 10

Combination of NaOH and sodium silicate is the most suitable Nanocracks were identified when the concentration increased
as alkaline activator because sodium silicate contains partially further to 14M.
polymerized and dissolved silicon which can react easily,
incorporate into the reaction products and significantly
contribute to improve the characteristics of mortar [22] and
Geopolymer Paste
also enhances the process of geopolymerization process as
claimed by Xu and Deventer [23].
In normal geopolymer concrete as showed by [6], it was Interfacial Transition
evident that an activator with a 12 M of NaOH concentration
led to better performances than a 18 M of NaOH
concentration due to an excess of OH¯ concentration in the
system involved a strength decrease of the alkali cement. Aggregate

C. Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM)

FESEM analysis was carried out to observe the
microstructure properties of SCGC mainly on its ITZ. Fig. 3 a) 3% SP
shows that the ITZ in different SP dosage concrete sample. As
the percentage of SP increased, the ITZ thickness decreased.
The presence of the gap between the paste and aggregate was
due to insufficient dosage to made them less workable and
Geopolymer Paste
decreased concrete strength. However; when the percentage of
SP increased to 6% or 7%, refinement of ITZ was observed
and the microcrack was discontinued when entering the ITZ,
hence resulting higher compressive strength compared to 3%, Interfacial Transition
4% and 5% SP dosage.
Fig. 4 shows the ITZ in different NaOH concentration
concrete sample. As the concentration of NaOH solution Aggregate
increased, the gap thickness of ITZ decreased. The concrete
compressive strength depends on the extent of polymeric
reaction occurred during maturing. The degree of
aluminosilicate polymerization in the matrix depends on the b) 4% SP
concentration and type of alkali solution used and the source
material crystallinity and Si/Al ratio as claimed by [24].
Improved ITZ with less pore size was observed when the
concentration increased to 10M and 12M than 8M.

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 51 2011

Geopolymer Paste

Interfacial Transition Zone Interfacial Transition

Geopolymer Paste

c) 5% SP d) 6% SP

Geopolymer Paste

Well developed
microstructure at ITZ


e) 7% SP
Fig. 3 FESEM images of SCGC with different SP dosage


Interfacial Transition
Interfacial Transition Zone

Geopolymer Paste
Geopolymer Paste

a) 8M of NaOH solution b) 10M of NaOH solution

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 51 2011

Geopolymer Paste

Well developed
microstructure at Interfacial Transition
Geopolymer Paste

c) 12 M of NaOH solution d) 14M of NaOH solution

Fig. 4 FESEM images SCGC with different concentration of NaOH solution
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