Unit No I MCQ Energy Engineering
Unit No I MCQ Energy Engineering
Unit No I MCQ Energy Engineering
Ans :d
4. When coal is being burnt how much % of ash is formed compared to the whole
a) 10-20%
b) 40-50%
c) 25-35%
d) 4-10% Ans: a
8. Which system consumes less power out of all ash handling systems?
a) Mechanical ash handling system
b) Pneumatic ash handling system
c) Hydraulic ash handling system
d) Steam jet ash handling system ans: a
10. Which medium is used to carry ash in the pneumatic ash handling system?
a) Conveyor belt
b) Water trough
c) Air
d) Chain belt ans :c
11. Which system is noisy out of all the following ash handling systems?
a) Steam jet ash handling system
b) Mechanical ash handling system
c) Pneumatic ash handling system
d) Hydraulic ash handling system ans : c
13. Which of the following ash handling system is more suitable for large thermal
a) Steam jet ash handling system
b) Mechanical ash handling system
c) Pneumatic ash handling system
d) Hydraulic ash handling system ans :d
14. ___________ and __________ are the common problems on pipeline inner
walls when the slurry contains calcium, magnesium and sulphate ashes.
a) Clogs and Corrosion
b) Scaling and Cracks
c) Pores and Contamination
d) Scaling and Cementation ans:d
15. In what form does the total ash produced in the furnace escapes through the
a) Fines
b) Aerosols
c) Gas
d) Cinder Ans: a
16. What type of draught fan is used to draw air from air heater?
a) Balanced draught fan
b) Induced draught fan
c) Forced draught fan
d) Artificial draught fan Ans: C
17. In what form are the products of combustion in steam powered plant?
a) Air products
b) Flue gas
c) Slurry
d) Hot water Ans : b
22. What type of system is it, when the water is directly is used to condense the
a) Closed system
b) Open system
c) Closed loop system
d) Open loop system Ans : b
24. What is the alternative cooling method for the thermal plant?
a) Wet cooling
b) Evaporation cooling
c) Dry cooling
d) Central air damping Ans :c
26. Feed water from the hot well is supplied to steam generator by using the
a) Sewers
b) Cistern
c) Water trough
d) Feed pump Ans: D
28. What does steam power plant mainly use to generate steam?
a) Boiled water
b) Fresh steam
c) Flue gas
d) Condensed water Ans: C
29. What type of steam is produced in the steam boiler?
a) Low pressure steam
b) High pressure steam
c) Saturated steam
d) Unsaturated steam Ans: C
35. Which system was used before direct firing system in pulverized fuel firing?
a) Unit system
b) Burner and pulverizer system
c) Bin system
d) Pulverizer Ans : C
36. Which separator is used to separate the pulverized coal in pulverized fuel firing?
a) Central inlet separator
b) Magnetics separator
c) Cyclone separator
d) Inertial separator Ans : C
37. What is used to remove moisture air after cyclone separation in the pulverized
fuel system?
a) Sponge pad
b) Dry filters
c) Fabric bag
d) Hot air Ans :C
41. Which type of transportation system is ideal for transporting coal directly to the
point of consumption?
a) Road transportation
b) Sea or river transportation
c) Transportation by rail
d) Transportation by air Ans: A
52. Out of all conveyors which type of conveyor has a greater capacity to convey
large amount of coal?
a) Belt conveyor
b) Chain conveyor
c) Screw conveyor
d) Scraper conveyor Ans: a
55. What happens when high voltage is applied to the electrodes in electric dust
a) Forms uniform electric field
b) Corona is formed
c) The whole system gets charged
d) Ions move from emitting electrode to collecting electrode Ans: B
58. Which type of weighers is used in place where the electronic weighers are not
a) Pneumatic weighers
b) Mechanical weighers
c) Nuclear weighers
d) Electronic weighers Ans : a
74. Which boiler is most successful boiler in the gas turbine industries?
a) Because it has greater flexibility
b) It is easy to control, it’s fully automatic
c) It has higher thermal efficiency of all
d) Can increase heat transfer without changing its size Ans:d
75. What is done to increase the rate of heat transfer in the Velox boiler?
a) The boiler is heated upto very high range of temperature
b) The size of the boiler is changed as it is flexible
c) High grade fuel is made use for the combustion
d) Combustion gases are circulated through tubes with supersonic speed
Ans: d
80. Which is the most recent economical method of power generation from boilers?
a) Natural circulation boiler
b) Fire tube boiler
c) Forced circulation
d) Super critical boiler ans : d
81. Which of the following boilers has the highest heat transfer capacity?
a) Subcritical boiler
b) Critical boiler
c) Forced circulation boiler
d) Supercritical boiler Ans: d
84. How much percent of fly ash is, mixed with Portland cement?
a) 10 to 25%
b) 5 to 10%
c) 30 to 50%
d) 50% Ans: a
87. What type of cooling system is used in the large power plants?
a) Cooling ponds
b) Natural flow system
c) Cooling towers
d) Single deck system Ans :C
88. Why is induced draught considered better than the forced draught?
a) Because power requirement is high for forced draught
b) Maintenance of induced draught fan is costlier
c) Forced draught is less efficient
d) Forced draught produces less amount of speed of air Ans :a
89. What is the critical average pressure at which the single boiler unit per turbines is
designed to handle?
a) 150 bar
b) 220 bar
c) 740 bar
d) 575 bar Ans: b
90. What is the temperature at which the steam boilers are capable to withstand?
a) 200oC
b) 280oC
c) 540oC
d) 358oC Ans: c