This document provides details for a presentation on factors to consider when evaluating the basic design, capital expenditures, and operational efficiency of waste heat recovery generators (WHRGs) in cement plants. Specifically, it discusses Semen Indonesia's experience with installing WHRGs at their Tuban plant in 2018. The presentation will cover 13 key factors to consider in the basic design of WHRGs, including available waste gas sources, turbine selection, equipment layout, and heat loss analysis. It aims to help other cement companies evaluate the economic feasibility of WHRG projects.
This document provides details for a presentation on factors to consider when evaluating the basic design, capital expenditures, and operational efficiency of waste heat recovery generators (WHRGs) in cement plants. Specifically, it discusses Semen Indonesia's experience with installing WHRGs at their Tuban plant in 2018. The presentation will cover 13 key factors to consider in the basic design of WHRGs, including available waste gas sources, turbine selection, equipment layout, and heat loss analysis. It aims to help other cement companies evaluate the economic feasibility of WHRG projects.
This document provides details for a presentation on factors to consider when evaluating the basic design, capital expenditures, and operational efficiency of waste heat recovery generators (WHRGs) in cement plants. Specifically, it discusses Semen Indonesia's experience with installing WHRGs at their Tuban plant in 2018. The presentation will cover 13 key factors to consider in the basic design of WHRGs, including available waste gas sources, turbine selection, equipment layout, and heat loss analysis. It aims to help other cement companies evaluate the economic feasibility of WHRG projects.
This document provides details for a presentation on factors to consider when evaluating the basic design, capital expenditures, and operational efficiency of waste heat recovery generators (WHRGs) in cement plants. Specifically, it discusses Semen Indonesia's experience with installing WHRGs at their Tuban plant in 2018. The presentation will cover 13 key factors to consider in the basic design of WHRGs, including available waste gas sources, turbine selection, equipment layout, and heat loss analysis. It aims to help other cement companies evaluate the economic feasibility of WHRG projects.
Tel +44 (0)1252 718999 15 South Street, Farnham, Fax +44 (0)1252 718992 Surrey, GU9 7QU Pg. 01 WCT 2020
Please complete the following document
Presentation title Factors that should be considerate while evaluating Basic
Design, CAPEX and Operation Efficiency of WHRG in Cement Plant. Case of Semen Indonesia's Tuban WHRG Plant Short description On 2018 Waste Heat Recovery Generator (WHRG) are (Maximum 200 words) installed in Tuban Plants, Tuban plant consist of 4 Clinker lines which equipped with 8 boilers (SP & AQC Boiler) and the superheated steam are transferred to 1 unit of Steam Turbin Generator. Generated power are synchronized to The grid in order to stabilize the fluctuation. Annual average targeted power in Feasibility Study are 19.6 MW considering operation days of 4 Clinker lines and wet/dry season condition in Tuban, East Java.This article discuss about what should we consider when developing a basic design of WHRG and what are the risk to Economic Feasibility. This paper will also stretch on evaluating the available waste gas from more than 1 clinker line to be used by WHRG Main description Some of key factors that significantly needs to be considerate (Maximum 1000 words) during development of WHRG Basic Design in Tuban Plant are discussed in this paper as follow : 1. Determine available waste gas on each clinker line with the parameter such us Gas Flow, Inlet Temperature, Outlet Temperature, Pressure Drop on each Equipments, Dust Content on gas flow, Material Abrasiveness, etc. Please also consider seasonal kiln operation requirements and supply gas for vertical cement mill on each line 2. Decide the best system for Turbine Generator whether it use Steam Turbin or organic rankine cycle or kalina cycle. Each system have advantage and disadvantage we need to evaluate what is the best option to be installed in our plant. In Tuban steam turbine is selected. 3. Decide the optimum position of input/output Gas flow of Boilers in Process Flow Diagram (PFD) which not reduce The Kiln Capacity and must be able to be controlled when there are any changing of kiln operation condition. 4. Review and evaluated condition of existing Clinker line equipments and utility condition in case of Boilers on/off such as ID Fans, ESP, Main Filter, etc. Including consider how we can control WHRG if Pg. 02 WCT 2020
there are any changes on raw material moisture, raw
Coal moisture. 5. Evaluate and determine Boiler Heat Exchanger type (Vertical or Horizontal type) and Boiler Dust Treatment type. It will be depend on Δ temperature, pinch point temperature, dust load, abrasiveness of dust. 6. Evaluate and determine effectiveness of Boiler’s Tubing type such as bare or fin type. Need to consider the available and required area for Boilers and it will drive the Capex cost 7. Evaluate and determine quantity of Steam turbine and review turbine generator efficiency 8. Evaluate and determine plot plan and location of each Boilers, Pump House, Turbine Generator building, Condensers, Utility equipments Piping layouts in each line. Also need to consider accessibility & maintenance access for WHRG equipments and existing equipments. 9. Evaluate and determine the use of Boiler Collected Dust and type of Dust transport system will be used 10. Evaluate and determine configuration of Boilers, Boiler feed Pumps, Steam Turbine, Economizer and type of steam turbine condensate condenser (air cooled or water cooled) and plotted in the available area. Define the Instrumentation and control schematic Diagram. This decision will significantly drive Capex and Opex of WHRG Facilities. 11. Review heat loss in Boilers, Superheated Steam Piping system and system overall heat loss. This information can be useful to prepare sensitivity analysis during feasibility study 12. Evaluate and determine power generation scheme whether synchronized or not synchronized with National Grid. Electricity utilization and cost of synchronization with national grid need to be considerate 13. Finally Estimated total Capex Cost and run the Feasibility analysis to get Go/ Not Go decision from Board of Management Company logo Minimum size: 200px X 100px Please attached to email titled “CompanyLogo” Pg. 03 WCT 2020
First name Irfan
Last name Zuchrufudin
Job title Sr. Process Design & Engineer Image name Email address (internal use only) Short Bio
Please provide an image of each speaker (minimum size 250px x 250px)
Pg. 04 WCT 2020
Specification for the MP4 video file.
File type MP4
Maximum file size 500 MB
Recommended length 25 – 30 minutes
Maximum presentation length 40 minutes
Frame rate 30 frames/second
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Slide No Slide Title Narration
- Hi everyone I am Irfan Zuchrufudin
from Semen Indonesia, It have been a honor to be here with you today, you are the executives, experts in Global cement industry, every member of reputable and big players of cement and building materials industry. And 1 Presentation Title before I start I would like to thank you World Cement (Mr. David Bizley) for giving me the opportunity to share with you in this great occasion our experience while developing Basic Design of whrg plant in Tuban, East Java Indonesia.
- Ok let me start with Semen Indonesia
at glance, Semen Indonesia is a public listed company in Indonesian stock exchange. 51.01% of its share are belongs to government of Indonesia and the rest of its share are public. - Semen Indonesia is operate integrated cement plant in 7 location in Indonesia and we have a lot of packing plants and some grinding 2 Semen Indonesia at Glance plants. And to support the export import activities we also have ports - We also operate 1 integrated cement plant in Vietnam and 1 grinding plant in Ho Chi Minh city in south of vietnam - In 2019 we achieve over 50% of cement market share in Indonesia as you can see in presentation slide. - It make Semen Indonesia as market leader in national cement industry.
- Semen Indonesia have 2 plant of
whrg, 1st plant is in Indarung and 2nd Brief Introduction of Waste Heat plant is in Tuban 3 - As you can see in slide, typical Recovery Generator (WHRG) WHRG that use steam Turbine will get the waste heat from preheater gas and exhaust gas of the cooler. Pg. 06 WCT 2020
Those waste gas will convert
circulated water to superheated steam and turn on turbine generator to produce electricity. And then cooled again to water to be pumped to boilers as circulated water.
- First in order to determine how many
power you can produce from your waste gas you need to define : Available waste gas, utility availability Key factors to be considerate on including power distribution load 4 basic design of whrg …1 scheme and also site condition of the plant. - And as design criteria you need to define codes and standart which be applied in whrg the plant
- Second step is evaluate & decide the
best system for turbine generator, in practical there are two different system in whrg plant : Steam rankine cycle (SRC) and organic rankine cycle (ORC). - Different between two system is SRC is directly using superheated steam Key factors to be considerate on 5 as fluid to turn on the generator but in basic design of whrg …2 ORC system, waste gas will heat up the thermal oil first and the thermal oil will heat up the organic fluid to turn on generator. - In Tuban case the SRC system is chosen due to we consider the efficiency, running cost and investment cost index.
- After you decide the system you
need to start with developing the PFD of the whrg plant, you can communicate with the supplier to discuss what is the best configuration Key factors to be considerate on based on their knowledge and 6 basic design of whrg …3 capability and of course you need to consider how you anticipating changing on kiln operation. - The changes such as Flow gas condition and power load need to be considerate and controlled Pg. 07 WCT 2020
- In tuban case we control Bypass
Damper at inlet SP & AQC Boiler, CV inlet steam Drum, bypass superheated steam CV, Turbine governor and speed of ACC fans
- In order to evaluate required area
and to get the optimum efficiency of heat transfer in boilers we need to contact Boilers manufacturers and provide them with the PFD then Boilers manufacturer will propose the basic design of Boilers. - In Tuban case for SP Boilers we use Key factors to be considerate on 7 vertical type tube arrangement but for basic design of whrg …4 AQC Boilers we use horizontal Tube Arrangement due to efficiency and availability of area. - In this stage we need to discuss what kind of dust removal system in Boilers, Many of boilers manufacturer develop hammering system technology as shown in the slide
- On this slide I would like to address
one of the important aspect that need to be decide in boilers specification. - There are 2 type of boiler tube : Fin & Bare tube as shown in the picture. Key factors to be considerate on Bare tube is more cheaper than 8 basic design of whrg …5 Finned tube but the its heat transfer efficiency also lower therefore we need to evaluate what is the best option for each Boiler. - This specification will drive the Capex cost.
- In 6th step we need to evaluate and
optimize our PFD in order to achieve maximum generated power and determine the control philosophy of Key factors to be considerate on system. 9 basic design of whrg …6 - If required we can perform dynamic analysis to get better understanding when there are any changing in design condition eg : Gas Flow, Power load; Pg. 08 WCT 2020
- Using process simulation software
we can perform power generation sensitivity analysis with accurately
- After PFD and Main Equipment
specification have been defined, we can plot all main equipment in the layout based on arrangements from Key factors to be considerate on equipment manufacturers. 10 basic design of whrg …7 - In this stage Heat loss analysis, accessibility of WHRG plant and confirmation of maintenance access of existing equipment need to be confirmed.
- As we all know in cement plant,
waste gas from Kiln and cooler will contain kiln dust and clinker dust, of course this dust will need to be removed from the boilers and transport to specific location. - In Tuban case dust from SP Boiler are injected again to system after kiln ID Fan due to budget consideration Key factors to be considerate on 11 but for dust from Dust Settling basic design of whrg …8 Chamber & AQC Boilers are transported directly as product Clinker. - Decision for WHRG dust transport system are depend on existing layout and quantity of dust, sometimes we found that location of cement mill is far enough from kiln as in Tuban case.
- Step 9th we come to most complex
activities in developing basic design of WHRG plant, we have to determine the configuration of Boilers, Boilers feed pumps, Steam Turbine, economizer and type of Key factors to be considerate on 12 steam turbine condensate condenser basic design of whrg …9 to be plotted in available area based on knowledge and best practice of reputable WHRG suppliers - In this stage operation control schematic and utility line schematic diagram are also determined. Pg. 09 WCT 2020
- Last but not least we need to make
decision how we distribute the power generated by WHRG, either it is synchronize with national grid or we can do it with standalone. We need to compare operating scheme and risks Key factors to be considerate on 13 of each option. basic design of whrg …10 - For Tuban case synchronized with national grid is chosen considering optimum utilization of WHRG plant and applicability to do the performance guarantee test as seen in the slide.
- Finally all the calculation, Basic
Design Data, Capex cost, Revenue / cost saving estimation and risks need to be evaluated in Economical feasibility analysis to get Final 14 Go or not Go Decision Investment Decision by the Board (Management). In my opinion this is Engineering state of art to pursue cement plant competitive advantage at once contribute to green industry.
- Herewith I enclosed pictures of
WHRG plant in Tuban to give you perspective of Tuban WHRG. You can see the SP Boiler beside the preheater, you can see the AQC 15 Project Documentation Boiler near clinker cooler, and our Steam Turbine Generator located inside Turbine House. And beside the turbine house we install air cooled condenser as another option for cooling tower.
- Okay thank you very much for having
attention to my presentation, apologized if there any inconvenient during this presentation, hopefully 16 Closing this could be useful for all of us and if there are any discussion please don’t hesitate to contact me via email or linkedin. - Terima Kasih …