Djwantoro Hardjito, Steenie E. Wallah, Dody M.J. Sumajouw, and B.V. Rangan
Faculty of Engineering and Computing, Curtin University of Technology
GPO Box U 1987, Perth 6845, Australia
e-mail: hardjitd@vesta.curtin.edu.au
This paper describes the effects of several factors on the properties of fly ash based geopolymer
concrete, especially the compressive strength. The test variables included were the age of concrete,
curing time, curing temperature, quantity of superplasticizer, the rest period prior to curing, and the
water content of the mix.
The test results show that the compressive strength of geopolymer concrete does not vary with age,
and curing the concrete specimens at higher temperature and longer curing period will result in
higher compressive strength. Furthermore, the commercially available Naphthalene-based
superplasticizer improves the workability of fresh geopolymer concrete. The start of curing of
geopolymer concrete at elevated temperatures can be delayed at least up to 60 minutes without
significant effect on the compressive strength. The test data also show that the water content in the
concrete mix plays an important role.
several parameters on the compressive strength Table 1. Composition of fly ash as determined
of geopolymer concrete. by XRF (mass %)
SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO Na2O K2O TiO2 MgO P2O5 SO3 LOI*)
53.36 26.49 10.86 1.34 0.37 0.80 1.47 0.77 1.43 1.70 1.39
*) Loss on ignition
Analytical grade sodium hydroxide in flake form
The chemical composition of geopolymer is (NaOH with 98% purity), and sodium silicate
similar to zeolite, but amorphous in micro- solution (Na2O = 14.7%, SiO2 = 29.4% and water
structure [4]. The silicon and the aluminium = 55.9% by mass), were used as the alkaline
atoms in the source materials are induced by activators. In order to avoid the effect of
alkaline solutions to dissolve and form a gel. unknown contaminants in the mixing water, the
The polymerisation process may be assisted by sodium hydroxide flake was dissolved in
applied heat, and followed by drying. The distilled water and the activator liquid was
geopolymer gel binds the loose coarse aggre- prepared at least one day prior to its use. To
gates, fine aggregates and other un-reacted improve the workability of fresh concrete, a
materials together to form the geopolymer commercially available naphthalene-based
concrete. The chemical reaction period is superplasticizer was used. Four types of locally
substantially fast. available aggregates, i.e. 20 mm aggregate, 14
mm aggregate, 7 mm aggregate, and fine sand,
Davidovits [9,10] claims that the Egyptian in saturated surface dry condition were mixed
Pyramids were built by casting geopolymer on together. The grading of this combined
site. He also reported that this material has aggregate had a fineness modulus (FM) of 5.0.
excellent mechanical properties, does not
Manufacture and Test of Specimens
dissolve in acidic solutions, and does not
generate any deleterious alkali-aggregate The aggregates and the fly ash were mixed dry
reaction even in the presence of high alkalinity in a pan mixer for 3 minutes. The alkaline
[4]. Some of the immediate applications of solutions and the superplasticizer were mixed
geopolymer concrete are marine structures, pre- together, then added to the solid particles in the
cast concrete products such as railway sleepers, mixer, and mixed for another 3 to 5 minutes.
sewer pipes, pre-fabricated units for the housing The fresh concrete had a stiff consistency and
market etc., as well as waste containment or was glossy in appearance. The mixture was cast
encapsulation. in 100x200 mm cylinder steel moulds in three
layers. Each layer received 60 manual strokes
Only limited research data on geopolymer and vibrated for 10 seconds on a vibrating table.
concrete are available in the literature. Earlier Five cylinders were prepared for each test
work by the authors [11,12] reported the variable.
manufacturing process and the effect of various
Immediately after casting, the samples were
parameters such as curing temperature, curing
covered by a film, and left in room temperature
time, sodium silicate-to-sodium hydroxide ratio,
for 30-60 minutes. The specimens were then
sodium hydroxide-to-free water ratio and the
cured in an oven at a specified temperature for a
age of concrete on the compressive strength of period of time in accordance with the test
geopolymer concrete. variables selected. The aim of covering the
samples was to reduce the loss of water due to
evaporation during curing at an elevated
D. Hardjito, et al. / Factors Influencing The Compressive Strength / CED, Vol. 6, No. 2, 88–93, September 2004
Table 2. Detail of Solutions and Curing of 20
Concentration of NaOH solution (Molarity) 8M
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Sodium silicate/NaOH solution by mass 2.5
Curing time 24 hours Curing time (hrs)
Curing temperature 60oC
Figure 2. Influence of Curing Time on Compressive
In this paper, the effects of various parameters Strength
on the compressive strength of geopolymer
concrete are reported. Each of the test data Effect of Curing Time
points plotted in various graphs corresponds to
the mean value of the compressive strengths of Figure 2 shows the influence of curing time on
five test cylinders in a series. The standard the compressive strength. Longer curing time
deviations were plotted on the test data points improves the polymerisation process resulting in
as the error bar. higher compressive strength. Davidovits [4]
noted that when geopolymer is made using
The details of the solutions used in the mix, and geological materials such as special metakaolin
the curing condition are given in Table 2, called KANDOXI as the source material, curing
otherwise it will be stated specifically. The at a lower temperature for a shorter period of
activator liquids-to-fly ash ratio by mass was time is sufficient to achieve satisfactory results.
kept constant approximately at 0.35. The coarse The results shown in Figure 2 indicate that
and fine aggregates constituted about 77 longer curing time does not produce weaker
percent by mass in the mixes. material as claimed by van Jaarsveld et al [13].
However, the increase in strength after curing
Compressive Strength at Different Ages for 48 hours is not significant.
Figure 1 shows the effect of age of concrete on
Effect of Superplasticizer
the compressive strength. Because the chemical
reaction of the geopolymer gel is due to In order to study the effect of superplasticizer,
substantially fast polymerisation process, the the other test parameters such as mix
compressive strength does not vary with the age composition, curing period, curing time etc. were
of concrete. This observation is in contrast to the kept constant. The superplasticizer was added
well-known behaviour of OPC concrete, which in proportion to the fly ash in the mix by mass.
undergoes hydration process and hence gains The cylinders were tested in compression on the
strength over the time. 7th-day after casting.
D. Hardjito, et al. / Factors Influencing The Compressive Strength / CED, Vol. 6, No. 2, 88–93, September 2004
70 Series Tests
Concentration of NaOH solution (Molarity) 14 M
Sodium silicate/NaOH solution by mass 2.5
D. Hardjito, et al. / Factors Influencing The Compressive Strength / CED, Vol. 6, No. 2, 88–93, September 2004
90oC (Figure 3) up to 2% of this admixture by
75oC mass of fly ash.
45oC d. There is very little difference in compressive
40 30oC strengths of specimens cured immediately
after casting and those sent to curing 60
minutes after casting (Figure 3).
10 e. Water content plays an important role in
0 determining the compressive strength of
0.150 0.170 0.190 0.210 0.230 geopolymer concrete as well as the worka-
Water/Geopolymer Solids (by mass)
bility of the fresh concrete (Figsure 4 & 5).
f. An increase in the curing temperature
increases the concrete compressive strength,
Figure 5. Effect of the Water-to-Geopolymer Solids ratio especially up to 75oC (Figs. 4 and 5).
on Compressive Strength
The test data shown in Figure 5 demonstrate 1. Malhotra, V.M., Introduction: Sustainable
that the compressive strength of geopolymer Development and Concrete Technology, ACI
concrete decreases as the ratio of water-to- Concrete International, 2002. 24(7): pp. 22.
geopolymer solids by mass increases. The test
trends shown in Figure 5 are somewhat 2. McCaffrey, R., Climate Change and the
analogous to the well-known effect of water-to- Cement Industry, Global Cement and Lime
cement ratio on the compressive strength of Magazine, (Environmental Special Issue),
OPC concrete, although the chemical processes 2002, pp. 15-19.
involved in the formation of the binders of both
these types of concretes are entirely different. 3. Mehta, P.K., Greening of the Concrete
Industry for Sustainable Development, ACI
Concrete International, 2002. 24(7): pp. 23-
D. Hardjito, et al. / Factors Influencing The Compressive Strength / CED, Vol. 6, No. 2, 88–93, September 2004