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net ISSN (ONLINE): 2250-0758, ISSN (PRINT): 2394-6962

Volume-6, Issue-5, September-October 2016

International Journal of Engineering and Management Research
Page Number: 214-217

A Review on Geopolymer Concrete

M.Tech Student, Department of Civil Engineering, Prist University, Trichy-Thanjavur Highway,Vallam, Thanjavur, INDIA

ABSTRACT conditions on silicon-aluminum minerals that results in a

Concrete is the world’s most versatile, durable and three-dimensional polymeric chain and ring structure” 4
reliable construction material. Next to water, concrete is the The ultimate structure of the geopolymer depends largely
most used material, which required large quantities of on the ratio of Si to Al (Si:Al), with the materials most
Portland cement. Ordinary Portland cement production is often considered for use in transportation infrastructure
the second only to the automobile as the major generator of
typically having an Si:Al between 2 and 3.5 5 &6 . The
carbon di oxide, which polluted the atmosphere. In addition
to that large amount energy was also consumed for the reaction of Fly Ash with an aqueous solution containing
cement production. Hence, it is inevitable to find an Sodium Hydroxide and Sodium Silicate in their mass ratio,
alternative material to the existing most expensive, most results in a material with three dimensional polymeric
resource consuming Portland cement. Geopolymer concrete chain and ring structure consisting of Si-O-Al-O bonds7.
is an innovative construction material which shall be
produced by the chemical action of inorganic molecules. Fly II. APPLICATIONS
Ash, a by- product of coal obtained from the thermal power
plant is plenty available worldwide. Flyash is rich in silica
and alumina reacted with alkaline solution produced In the short term, there is large potential for
aluminosilicate gel that acted as the binding material for the geopolymer concrete applications for bridges, such as
concrete. It is an excellent alternative construction material precast structural elements and decks as well as structural
to the existing plain cement concrete. Geopolymer concrete retrofits using geopolymer-fiber composites. Geopolymer
shall be produced without using any amount of ordinary technology is most advanced in precast applications due to
Portland cement. This paper briefly reviews the constituents the relative ease in handling sensitive materials (e.g., high-
of geopolymer concrete, its strength and potential alkali activating solutions) and the need for a controlled
applications. high-temperature curing environment required for many
current geopolymer. Other potential near- term
Keywords--- Geopolymer Concrete, Fly Ash, Strength, applications are precast pavers & slabs for paving, bricks
Curing, Applications and precast pipes.

The followings are the limitations
The name geopolymer was formed by a French Bringing the base material fly ash to the required
Professor Davidovits in 1978 to represent a broad range of location. High cost for the alkaline solution. Safety risk
materials characterized by networks of inorganic associated with the high alkalinity of the activating
molecules (Geopolymer Institute 2010)1, 2 &3. The solution.Practical difficulties in applying Steam curing /
geopolymers depend on thermally activated natural high temperature curing process Considerable research is
materials like Meta kaolinite or industrial byproducts like ongoing to develop geopolymer systems that address these
fly ash or slag to provide a source of silicon (Si) and technical hurdles.
aluminum (Al). These Silicon and Aluminium is dissolved
in an alkaline activating solution and subsequently
polymerizes into molecular chains and become the binder. IV. LITERATURE REVIEW
Professor B. Vijaya Rangan (2008), Curtin University,
Australia, stated that, “the polymerization process involves Abhishek Bisarya et al., [1] analyzed that the
a substantially fast chemical reaction under alkaline most research worked gave higher the strength lesser the

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workability and vice versa. Hence there is need of the day Mohd Mustafa Al Bakri et al., [13] investigate
to investigate the remedies of the problem of workability that the fly ash-based geopolymer was better than normal
in Geopolymer Concrete. concrete in compressive strength, exposure to aggressive
Ammar Motorwala et al., [2] proved that environment, workability and exposure to high
increased in the compressive strength with increased in the temperature.
molarity was seen. Monique Tohoué Tognonvi et al., [14] analyzed
Anuar K.A et al., [3] inspect that the higher that the tubes of Geopolymer reinforced with sand show
concentration of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution good resistance when they are subjected to acid, neutral or
increased the higher compressive strength of geopolymer humid environment. The mechanical properties of those
concrete will produced and also the higher concentration materials are not changed after durability tests. The
of NaOH will made the good bonding between aggregate presence of soluble species on the surface which would be
and paste of the concrete. hydroxide or carbonate potassium due to the increase of
Bapugouda Patil et al., [4] analyzed that M30 the pH value is found using SEM observation. The
strength can be achieved without curing. Addition of presence of potassium ions in the solution evidenced par
GGPS gave good compression strength for the concrete. In ICP-AES analysis. The surface of samples appears not to
HCl test changes are occurred. For saturated water be attacked which shows the stability of these materials.
absorption test at 28 days is about 10.90% less than the Monu Malviya et al., [15] said that OPC Concrete
normal concrete. Fire resistance test it with stand up to had suffered more deterioration in acidic as well as
300ºC and 600ºC for both water and air cooling. sulphate solution as compare to Geopolymer Concrete
Bennet Jose Mathew et al., [5] determined that Ammar Motorwala1thus Geopolymer Concrete is more
the curing at elevated and ambient temperature will form durable than OPC Concrete.
fly ash-GGBS based concrete of comparable strengths. Prof.More Pratap Kishanrao [16] said that the
Geopolymer concrete can be prepared at comparable cost mixture of fly ash and ground granulated blast furnace slag
with OPC based concrete provided transportation system in equal proportions is used as binding material in
for raw materials is well established. complete replacement of conventional Portland cement to
Bharat Bhushan Jindal et al., [6] recommended prepare geopolymer concrete mixes.
that the Geopolymer concrete show high early compressive Muhd Fadhil Nuruddin et al.,[17] recommended
strength on heat curing which made it suitable for useful in that cast in-situ application in Geopoymer concrete is a
pre casting industry and the compressive strength at 7 days viable one.
equivalent or higher than the ordinary Portland cement in Neetu Singh et al., [18] proved that Fly ash based
28 days. Geopolymer concrete has excellent compressive strength
Bondar.D et al., [7] indicated that the strength of and is suitable for structural applications. Fly ash based
geopolymer concrete decreased as the ratio of water to Geopolymer concrete had no surface deterioration,
geopolymer solids by mass increased. formation of pores on the surface and spalling of concrete
Douglas et al., [8] successfully used Geopolymer after immersion in aggressive solution for 30,60 and 90
Concrete in waste stabilization. Geopolymer Concrete days of exposure. The weight of the specimen is loosed.
immobilized chemical toxins and reduced leach ate level Fly ash based Geopolymer concrete had good resistance in
concentrations. sulfate attack. There are no changes the compressive
IRobina Kouser Tabassum [9] said that the strength of test specimens after an exposure period of 90
reduced CO2 emissions of Geopolymer cements built them days. Heat cured Geopolymer concrete has an excellent
a good alternative to Ordinary Portland Cement. resistance to chloride attack. Geopolymer concrete can be
Geopolymer concrete had excellent properties within both used in sea water area.
acid and salt environments. Raijiwala et al., [19] noticed that the Compressive
Jaydeep .S et al., [10] examined that the strength of GPC increased over controlled concrete by 1.5
compared to hot air oven curing and curing by direct sun times (M-25 achieves M-45), Split Tensile Strength of
light, oven cured specimens gave the higher compressive GPC increased over controlled concrete by 1.45 times and
strength but sun light curing is convenient for practical Flexural Strength of GPC increased over controlled
conditions. He also said that the compression strength is concrete by 1.6 times.
increased by increasing of molarities of sodium hydroxide. Shankar H. Sanni et al., [20] proved that the
Krishnan.L et al., [11] proved that the strength of compressive strength loss for the specimens exposed in
geopolymer concrete was increased with increase in sulphuric acid were in the range of 10 to 40% in normal
percentage of GGBS in a mixture. concrete and it was about 7 to 23% in Geopolymer. The
Kumaravel.S [12] recommended that the fly ash Geopolymer concrete and normal mixes indicated minor
based concrete gave better result that the normal concrete changes in weight and strength when the specimens were
and it can be used in structural applications. exposed to sulphuric acid and magnesium sulphate.

215 Copyright © 2016. Vandana Publications. All Rights Reserved.

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