Experimental Study On Suitability of Using Redmud and Ggbs in The Production of Geoplymer Masonry Bricks
Experimental Study On Suitability of Using Redmud and Ggbs in The Production of Geoplymer Masonry Bricks
Experimental Study On Suitability of Using Redmud and Ggbs in The Production of Geoplymer Masonry Bricks
The wastes which posses alumina and silicate and which can readily react with
alkaline solution lead us to the new green technological process named as geo
polymerization. India is the second largest producer of bricks in the world
The huge demand from housing industry due to population explosion has entailed
the need for sustainable building materials especially bricks. Researchers have tried
to incorporate fly ash, Ground Granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS), lime stone
dust, rice husk ash, welding flux slag and other waste products into bricks so as to
improve its sustainability .
The term Geopolymer was first termed and research related to Geopolymer was
initially done by Joseph Davidoivits. It is a new innovative method. These are
formed by alkaline activation of alumina silicate materials. They are formed when
source material is activated with alkaline solution develops high mechanical strength
initial stages only.
Liquids such as sodium or potassium hydroxide and sodium or potassium silicate
solution (aqueous solution) are referred as alkaline liquids in which raw materials
which contain alumina silicate undergo reaction.
It leads to utilization of construction materials such as bricks, blocks which uses materials
such as cement, clay, sand etc. These traditional materials are being utilized necessary
measures should be considered to replace these traditional materials so that they are available
in future. Industrial wastes such as fly ash, ggbs, gbs etc are used as alternative material for
these traditional materials. For the present investigation fly ash, red mud and micro silica are
being used as binder material in production of bricks.
Claude Boutterin and Joseph Davidovits (1982). They have given the presentation of the chemical
principle governing the low temperature Geopolymeric setting Geopolymeric cross-linking with the main
mineralogical components of soil, earths and clays for rational use of lateritic materials. Several tests were
carried out with African soils of various original, but the standardization of the process was made by using a
material extracted in province, France . The result of this experiment indicated that, the compressive
strength after 4 days immersion in water losses approximately 30% of compressive strength to dry value.
Davidovits J (1999): He presented the study that the polymers during its formation releases water as by-
product. The water thus released during the chemical reaction helps in increasing the workability of the
mix and therefore plays no role in the chemical reaction that takes place.
Paloma A (1999): They have reported that during curing and drying period of the geopolymer, the
discontinuous Nano pores are formed which are responsible for better performance of material.
Hamid Bahlooli(2012): They studied the compressive strength of polymer specimens which
depends on the particle size distribution pattern of the ashes, time of oven curing and the time of
room condition curing. The finer the ashes particle size results in the denser and hence the stronger
specimen. On the other hand, oven curing of the specimen at 80 c was found to be the optimum
temperature of curing in geopolymeric specimens.
To check suitability of using GGBS & Red mud in Geopolymer masonry production blocks.
To find the optimum proportion of GGBS & Red mud in Geopolymer masonry blocks production.
To Determine the strength property of Geopolymer Masonry Block made Using GGBS & Red mud
Compare Red Mud with GGBS masonry bricks with normal bricks.
The huge demand from housing industry due to population explosion has entailed the need for
sustainable building materials especially bricks. We have tried to incorporate ground granulated blast
furnace slag (GGBS), lime stone dust, rice husk ash, welding flux slag and other waste products into
bricks so as to improve its sustainability . An interesting area of research which has attracted interest of
many scholars is Geopolymer binder which utilizes industrial waste products to form sustainable green
binders. As per TERI (2001) report, India produces more than 1400 billion bricks per year using 350
million tons of top soil by burning 24 million tons of coal thereby emitting 42 million tons of CO2.
Therefore using waste products in bricks production not only solves the problem of disposing this waste
products but also preserve natural resources.
Red mud :
Selecting different mix proportions raw material to produce geopolymer masonry blocks.
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