Advocacy Lesson
Advocacy Lesson
Advocacy Lesson
- Determine their own definition of self- DATE:_______________________________
advocacy and explain how this concept PERIOD:_______________________________
can impact current school dropout rates. SUBJECT: Reading
Day 3
Do Now
MVP: Look at the group of words below. Three of the words are alike or related in some way. One
word does not belong in the group. Find the word that does not fit and circle it, Silently &
Independently at your assigned seat.
MVP: Circle the letter of the correct answer to each question below. Circle one letter only,
silently & Independently at your assigned seat.
I. Graphic Organizer
MVP: Silently & independently complete the graphic organizer for the three
vocabulary terms listed below.
▪ It is an important social skill.
▪ Because it’s a skill, it can be _____________ and _______________.
Self-Advocacy Promotes:
▪ __________________.
▪ __________________: Meaning it allows you to be in more control over your life.
▪ Success in _______________, in the _________________, and with relationships.
According to several studies, success in school, the workplace, and with relationships are
highly influenced by a person´s self-advocacy skills.
III. Reading
MVP: Listen and follow along with Ms. Wieseman at a voice level 0, as we learn about self-
advocacy and why it is important for high school students.
[2] Today I want to look at the underlying causes of the dropout mentality
and how every student who does not earn a high school diploma hurts
society as a whole. My hope is that in understanding common traits among
dropouts, we can achieve higher high school graduation rates as a nation.
[3] One unchanging factor when it comes to the dropout rate is -In paragraph 2,
what does the
socioeconomic background. Since the National Center for Education author say that
Statistics first started tracking different groups of high school students in the he hopes to
late 1960s, the socioeconomic status of each pupil has impacted the achieve?
graduation rate. Students from low-income families are 2.4 times more likely
to drop out than middle-income kids, and over 10 times more likely than high-
income peers to drop out.
[4] Household income is the not the only disadvantage many dropouts have,
though. Students with learning or physical disabilities drop out at a rate of 36
percent. Some behaviors that are often characteristic in dropouts include
being retained from advancing a grade level with peers, relocating during
the high school years and the general feeling of being left out or alienated by
peers or adults at the school. Overall, a student who does not fit the traditional
classroom mold, or who falls behind for some reason, is more likely to lose
motivation when it comes to high school and decide to give up altogether.
-According to
the author, why
Why should I care? are students
dropping out?
[5] The financial ramifications of dropping out of high school hurt more than
the individual. It’s estimated that half of all Americans on public assistance
are dropouts. If all of the dropouts from the class of 2011 had earned
diplomas, the nation would benefit from an estimated $154 billion in income
over their working lifetimes. Potentially feeding that number is the fact that
young women who give up on high school are nine times more likely to be,
or become, young single mothers. A study out of Northeastern University
found that high school dropouts cost taxpayers $292,000 over the course of
their lives.
[6] It’s not just about the money though. Over 80 percent of the incarcerated
population is high school dropouts – making this an issue that truly impacts -According to
every member of the community. Numbers are higher for dropouts of color; the author,
what are some
22 percent of people jailed in the U.S. are black males who are high school potential
dropouts. As a society, we are not just paying into public assistance programs outcomes of
for dropouts, but we are paying to protect ourselves against them through students
incarceration. dropping out of
[7] I wonder what these numbers would look like if we took the nearly $300K
that taxpayers put in over the course of a dropout’s lifetime and deposited it
into their K-12 learning upfront. If we invested that money, or even half of it,
into efforts to enhance the learning experience and programs to prevent
dropping out, what would that do to dropout, poverty and incarceration
rates? Right now, the process seems to be reactionary. What would it look like
if more preventative actions were put in place?
Why do you
think that
students decide
to drop out of
Using the In paragraph [ ], the author says that students drop out of school
author’s words because…
from the article,
why do students
drop out of
In your own
words, what is
Who is “at risk”
for dropping out
of school?
How could self-
advocacy help
students who
are “at risk” of
dropping out of
How does this
relate to you?
As a young
scholar, what
could you do to
prevent falling
behind in school
and being “at
risk” for
dropping out?
According to
the author, what
can our school
or school district
do to prevent
this from